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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    PIPE LIKE - LAS VEGAS COAL CHOSE - CALIENSE EAOTG HOUSE - MILFORD 488-613-764. Mr. Chas. A. Poulson. Milford, Utah. Dear Slr:- I hare your letter dated September £9th, which relates to pipe line at Las Vegas, bia for erecting coal chute at Callente and addition to eating house at Milford. I wired you to have the force employed on the pipe line at Las Vegas increased, so as to hdrry completion of that work. I believe the rate of #4.00 per day which you are pay­ing is sufficient and do not car# to increase the rate. I feel confident that if the right spirit is exercised, we will have no difficulty in obtaining help for that figure. Pass was sent to Mr. Combs at Las Vegas on the 29th and I presume &e will call here for his return transportation. I note you do not care to bid on the coal chute at Caliente, owing to the financial risk and I will therefore drop you from the list. We do not care to do work on cost plus percentage basis where we can avoid it ahd in the case of the building at Milford, I think it will be better to handle this work with our own forces. Yours truly, Chief Engineer