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    ..•Reaetml^jf S2oo* of Las Vegas Pipe Line With 16s* *(04 Stave Ploaif;... V ho» s.'.K0los# Jan*3,1920 Fil® 613 'Mw* : v . Referring to correspondenoe and conversation regarding renewing : '- . :> ^\\ ?/* '. 1 if« f L Vjj&p f$ P&,> '? t |:;w : ..' ?'r" | ' j| ** n - 'T dv ?; ? ' • ? • ? ? |; ,' ?': qf ;; ? 3200* of the ha® V epis. -fife Lias with IS* wood atave pipe i Quotation from th® Pacific Taxki &Pipe Owmpmy received firm I*#Foster is #1*98 par foot* fh© Pip® Company will build the pipe ©a the P>otxad# the Eailroad Companyto haul and distribute it, also excavate the trench and do the bash filling, $ hey promise delivery Pet ween three and four month®, * : Quotation received upon the same basis from the Redwood Manufacturers Company: from Saia Francisco 3.8 $3*18 pet1 foot with possibly 90 days* delivery* they say, however, deliveries are extremely uncertain and that the priee sub­mitted is for estimate purposes only subject to revision in aocordama with subsequent fluxations, ' ;:;Wi®h you' would, let me km% 'if requisition should be placed with the. Paoif io Sank and Pipe Company for the amount - of. pipe required* ;:||Fa:''v;L«®&>HaoF; 'w -deliver? ofpipe can not be had in less then three months presume we should mate substantial repairs-to the present line.* jm/ow go- Sr* || Ross Clark- P§ 3' Hr* 0. M Miller