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    APPEN DIX A com pute the total of m onthly s e rv ic e ch arges paid b y the W ater D is tr ict to BM I during said initial p eriod or yea r. Not later than the tenth (10th) day of the secon d calendar month im m ed iately su cceedin g the end of said in itial p e rio d or yea r, BMI shall subm it a statem ent to the W ater D is tr ic t show ing the amount by which said total m onthly s e r v ic e ch a rges fo r said in itial p e rio d or year ex ceed ed or w ere le s s than the total s e r v ic e c h a r ­ges due fr o m the W ater D is tr ict fo r said in itial p e rio d or y e a r. The am ount of any e x ce s s shall be paid by BMI to the W ater D is tr ict or the am ount of any d e ficie n cy shall be paid by the W ater D is tr ic t to BM I, not la ter than the tenth (10th) day of the third (3rd) calendar m onth im m e d ­ia tely su cceed in g the end of said initial p e rio d or y e a r . (c) M onthly ch arges fo r the d e liv e ry of water shall b e the actual am ounts paid or payable by BMI to the State of N evada or the C o lo ra d o R iv er C om m ission fo r the im m ed ia tely p reced in g calendar m onth, pursuant to P aragrap h 24(b) h ereof. It is u n derstood by the p arties that the ch a rges fo r the d e liv e ry of w ater sp e cifie d in P aragrap h 24(b) are govern ed by the p ro v isio n s of other con tra cts of the C olora d o R iver C om m ission and the D epartm ent o f In te rio r, including the B ureau of R eclam ation , and th e re fo re , said ch a rg es m a y b e su bject to adjustm ent after the clo s e of the accounting p e rio d s h ereu n d er. In the event of any such adjustm ent m ade after the c lo s e o f the accounting p e rio d hereu nder, and in so far as said a d ju st­m ent shall a ffect the ch arges fo r the d e liv e ry of w ater h ereu n d er, m the m onth that said adjustm ent b e co m e s e ffe ctiv e , a corresp on d in g adjustm ent shall be m ade in the b ill of the W ater D is tr ic t fo r that m onth. Said corresp on d in g adjustm ent shall be applied as a debit or cre d it, as the ca se m a y b e , against the ch arges oth erw ise due fr o m the W ater D is tr ict fo r that m onth, and any rem ainin g debit or cre d it balan ce shall be due and payable to BMI or the W ater D is tr ic t, as the ca se m a y b e , b y the tenth (10th) day of the c a l­endar m onth next su cceedin g the p resen tation of said b ill. R E FU SA L TO D E LIV E R W ATER IN CASE OF D E F AU LT 27 BM I r e s e r v e s the right to refu se to d eliv er w ater to the W ater D is tr ic t in the event the Water D is tr ict shall Je in a r « « s £or three (3) months in the paym ent o£ any charge due BM I under this a greem en t. A - 11