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Seek New District Discuss Future Plans for Water A p rogram fo r th e p resen tation of plans fo r th e fo rm atio n of a w a ter d istrict in th e L a s V egas v a lley , w as discussed a t a w a ter m eeting held F rid a y n ig h t in the W ar M em o rial building. A detailed p lan w ill b e presen ted in the n e a r fu tu re regard in g steps to b e ta k e n fo r th e developm ent o f such a proposal. A la rg e group o f in terested c itizens attend ed th e m eetin g F rid a y night, and th e in te re st displayed indicated th a t m an y persons are v ita lly con cern ed about th e fu tu re w a ter supply fo r th e area and are desirous of assuring su fficie n t w a ter to keep p ace w ith th e exp ected grow th of th e city. A. C. G ran t, ch airm an of th e ch am b er of com m erce com m ittee in charge o f th e stud y o f the w a ter conditions, presid ed a t th e m eetin g and sev era l p ertin en t suggestions w ere m ade during the evening’s discussion. I A p lan fo r b rin g in g th e city of L a s V egas in to an y d istrict fo rm ed un der th e irrig a tio n d istrict act now on th e sta tu te books of the sta te w as discussed, but it w as believed th a t th e regu lation s I now in fo rce m ig h t p rev en t such a m erger. H ow ever, th e com m ittee was urged to stud y th e m etro p olitan w ater d istrict reg u latio n s now on th e books in an e ffo rt to d eterm ine w h eth er L as V egas city could q u a lify un d er th e law . In th e event th e city could not be jo in ed in such a program under e xistin g law s, it w as suggested th a t perh ap s a p aren t county irrig a tio n d istrict' could be set up w hich w ould be ab le to sell w a ter to o th er d istricts, eith er irrig a tio n or m etro p olitan , as a m eans o f in su rin g w ater fb r these areas w hich now m ig h t b e barred from p articip a tio n un d er th e act. G ra n t rep orted th e m eeting w as h ig h ly su ccessfu l and said the com m ittee had receiv ed m uch in sp iratio n and supp ort fro m those w ho attend ed th e session F rid a y night. H e said th e com m ittee w ould m eet as soon and as o ften as possib le in order to h av e a proposal prepared fo r p resen tatio n to the le g isla tu re -if such an ev en tu ality arose. In th e m eantim e, steps w ill be taken, G ra n t said, to go forw ard w ith th e pro gram fo r fo rm ing such a d istrict in th e V eg as v a lley in order th a t w a ter m ay be assured in th e fu tu re. . i