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\ E i \ « I f General Balance Sheet - Month o f September, 1919. L IA B IL IT li STOCK C a p ita l Stock 11=1 Common Stock T o ta l Stock AFFILIATED' COMPANIES l l £ . Lea Angeles & S a lt Lake B.KTOoa--Loans 50a000TOO G'OBBBMT LIABILITIES 120 Vouchers Payable UNADJUSTED CREDITS 13a Accrued D ep recia tio n 13-1 A oc’ cUDepn. Redwood P ip e Lin e Laid in 1905 11,086-. 35 13=2 Ace?:a DepA. Wrought Iron P ip e Laid in 190? 2,221,37 13=3 Ace*a Depn. Wrought Iron Pipe Laid in 1910 1,314.29 13=4 Aco’ d Depn0 Redwood P ip e Lin e Laid in 1910 513*09 13-5 A c c 'd Depn* Water S e rv ic e Connections 628.49 13-6 A c c 'd Depna Rooming House Linen 136.1? 13=7 A cc’ d Depn. Rooming House B u ild in g 3,900.73 13=8 A c c ’ d Depn. Rooming House B la n k e ts ,c o n jfo rts ,e tc . 271.45 13-9 A c c ’ d Depn. Rooming House Eruipm ontiFdinitureV^td, 2,029.39 13=10 A c c 'd Depn. Four Boom C ottages S ,776,54 13=11 A c c ’ d Depn. F ive Boom C ottages t 7,456.02 13=12 A c c ’ d D epn.H ospital B u ild in g 1,300.85 13=13 A cc’ d Depn. M iscellaneous Bq* ’ oment 318.07 T o ta l Accrued D e p re c ia tio n Other Unadjusted C re d its 14=1 Townsite 30.676.66 IS* Accrued Taxes Ratima- T o ta l Unadjusted C red its P r o f i t and Loss C re d it Balance Deo. 31, 1917 Income C re d it Balance T ran sferred from Sheet No.3 T o ta l Corporate Surplus S20.81 37,957.0 SI 30,67666 i-. 393.56 227,446.03 TOTAL LIABILITIES