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I agree.Las Vegas - July 5, 1944 W 23-4-3—A Ur. Fish handed me a latter addressed to you under date June let by H. 0. Steward and other railroad employees residing In Woodland Park Addition regarding water service In that traot. We have devoted considerable study to this situation, particularly of late, and have now sorted out a plan whereby Clark County will Install Its own 8* water main from the Railroad Coapany's 24" line dlreotly south on Shadow street to the County Hospital. This Is to replace the existing 3* line also owned by the County which now extends from the stock yards, beoause this line Is too snail to adequately supply the new hospital building. The residents of woodland Part Addition have petitioned the City authorltlee to create an asseesnent district In their traot to defray cost of Installing 6" distribution mains from a oonneotlon with the County's 8" line. Hr. Steward's petition Is for permission to "couple on to the water naln that furnishes water to this new hospital." We, of course, have no authority to grant then pernlsslon to couple on to the County line; however, Z an assured by the County authorities that there will be no objection to this, and. In fact. It la Included In their plans. I have adviced both the County authorltlee and residents of Woodland traot that the Hallroad Company would