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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    SUBJECT: P in al Payment on Agreement w ith Hawkins Land? & Water . Las Venae, |?evada* June £ ls t , 192jS Mr. C. C. Harry, Auditor, Union P a c ific Cystem, Loe Angeles & S a lt Lake RR, Los Angeles, Cal* Bear S ir- I attach herewith, a copy o f my l e t t e r under date o f June 15th to. M r,Calvin and h ie re p ly to the same June 3 6th, in referen ce to in te r e s t due on fin a l payment on agreement with the Hawkins Land ??, Water '-©. -Using th is as au th iiority, Hawkins has deposited in Escrow in th e F irs t S tate Bank the balance due on agreement, which is do,000.00, with in te r e s t at the ra te o f 1% fo r two months, A p r il 14th to June 14th in c lu s iv e , 9350.00, making the t o t a l o f f i n a l payment f o r secu rin g o f deed $30,350.00. This amount cannot be rem itted on our form 6 u n til d e liv e r y o f deed, which 1 assume w i l l take at le a s t two weeks to go through the regu la r channels, be executed by M r.Calvin and returned to me. As soon as th is is done rem ittance to the Treasurer w ill be made. ieu rs tru ly , LAS VPGAF lAS-h A WAVF^ €K3SfcPAJKY V ice Presiden t I Agent WHB/mcp