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I agree.DIS DONE, 2 CONTINUED: want to spin like a top ?·%s~& want to kick till I drop *M ?? then begin at the top ?╟≤, ,* Dis Done Dis Done. |4_ Ah Dis Done Dis Done my heart goes ding dong ding ah Dis Done Dis Done I'm dangling on a string like a big red balloon I could fly to the moon on a spring afternoon Dis Done Dis Done. Every day is such a bore I find that I can hardly wait til I'm out here on the floor I'm like a horse that's at the gate. Ah Dis Done Dis Done Dis Done my heart begins to beat ah Dis Done Dis Done Dis Done I can't control my feet 1?╟÷%^ for I feel such a thrill when they play the quadrill I could let out a squeal Dis Done Dis Done. e ^jU^jaXc- ?√ß ?√ß ?√ß