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Correspondence, F.R. McNamee to H.E. George




1905-11 to 1905-12


This folder is from the "Correspondence" file of the Sadie and Hampton George Papers (MS-00434)

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man000266. Sadie and Hampton George Papers, 1874-1944. MS-00434. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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Las Vegas, Nevada, November. 27, 1906. Mr. || E. George, 410 North Bunker H ill S t., Los Angeles, Gala. My Dear Georpe, - I now confirm my w ire tod ay in regard to the sale of Indian Creek Ranch. Mr. Robert Hale, of Los Angeles, was the; h igh est bidder. His bid f o r $10,000 being the h igh est p ric e b id . . I t was evident to me from the beginning that he r e ­presented the R ailroad in te re s ts , as Bracken on ly bid up to $6,000. I t is p o s sib le that he would have gone higher, but there beirg no other bidders present, I f e l t th a t i t was not wise to run i t up h igh er. Mir. Syphus sold what hay there was on the Ranch today to the Clark Fordwarding Company fo r $20 per ton, and has about completed the sa le o f the household e ff e c t s to W alter Bracken, who is e v id e n tly goin g to take p ossession of the p lace. Mr. Hale paid da/m on the prqwerty $2o00, and from the le t t e r Mr. Syphus received from the Judge, we are not lik e ly to have a teim of Court u n t il the la t t e r p art of January, and as the con­firm atio n of th is sale w i l l not be u n til Court s it s , I stip u la te d with W alter Bracken that we tu m over the possession to Mr. Hal® on the 4th of December, a time e r n e able to Mr. Syphus end s u ffic ie n t fo r him to wind up h is a f f a i r s * I b e lie v e , as doe s Mr. Syphus a ls o , th at we g o t about the top f igure fo r the property. I am e n clo sin g you herewith the two c e r t if i e d checks, fo r $1600, made payable to your order, and you can retu rn my r e ­c eip t to me at De Lamar. I tru s t t h a t t h is fin d s you better, and with k in dest regard s to you a ll I am, 2 - T ruly yours, F. R. M ? N A M E E A T T O R N E Y A T L A W D E L A M A R jN E V A D A , Dec. 8th .1905 My dear George:- I have yours of the 5th and w ill say in reply that I did not intend to convey to you that I believed that you were d issa tisfie d . My dealings with you have always been congefflial and You have always been f a i r and I believe you so. In handling business for himself, and whether I am a good business man or otherwise , some one else must judge. Have never yet been accused of giving any one the worst of i t , and do not intend to. Had a le tte r from Mr. Whlttemore in which he wants possession as it is only a question of time, and i f it is a ll paia now, I doubt i f Levi would be w illin g to let go of any t i l l the Court ordered it, fo r he did not act good at the time o f the sale to me. He advised me of us owning l / s . There is such a thing as an man being so straight that he leans up h i l l and Levi is such a man. Of coiirse he is differen t when he can play to the g a lle rie s and make votes & etc., but I am from Missouri and havo to be shown. He is honest however in his personal dealings and I lik e him fo r th is t r a it , and he w ill be and is f a i r . fo r another, other than the legal part, an attty only acts as he would and states that Mr. Hale paid a l l of the consideration , namely #10,000 and he wants the sale confirmed at one© I have written him today that the Consideration only to the extent of #2500 has as yet been paid,and the we are w illin g to give Bargain and sale deed i'jH h e f u l l consideration is paid now. and that we w ill take chances of the Jtidge Confirming the sale. t You need not fe a r f o r the balance o f the mon ieing p aid that he would in sist on the deposit by us o f 25^ o f the purchase price anddid not accept my views on the proposition o f one hal^-on account o: F. R. M<? N A M E E A T T O R N E Y A T L A W D E L A M A R , N E V A D A . Glad you are improving * but I never did thinK. you were serious, as you are to b u ll beaded to die* and I HRe your net hods* Tbe old saying is that"give me aj lawyer and a surveyor and I can go through H ell" seems to apply in th is case,for I believe "give me Hampton George add I can take care of most any Rind of d iffic u lt y ." Am sincerely glad you are improving and we w ill give them what the want on Mesquite and Cold Springs. I f you wish it I w ill at some la te r date taRe our Surveyor V ail a very competent man, and go to these places , after getting such data as we w ill need and determine what we want, and it seems to me that it should be done_JlQ3L-*- I w ill advise you o f any progressin the money matters, and you can rest easy that 11 w ill be paid. With Kindest regards to you and yours I am, ( 2 ) Very truly, F. R. M ? N A M E E A T T O R N E Y A T L A W D I LA MAR, N 8 VADA. Dec, 1st 1905. Mr. H, R, George., 410 H. Bunker H ill st. Los Angelos, C al. My d e a r Si3? t — I have yours of the 38 th and note contents. Am sa tisfie d that Mr. Hale bought the place fo r J. Ross Clark,, and from what WhittemoTes stenographer remarked coming im on the train the day following the sale, that $10,000 was their lim it. The Judges written order to Levi was to exact 25^* of the Purchase price 'hence the payment of $3500,00. 1 followed your Instructions as to giving the possession i f the R. R. people got it and to shut o ff the expenses of the Receiver. Levi informs me that the place is not paying the expense of Receive^, and it would be useless to have an additional two months expense u n til the Court would confirm the sale. In face it was with reluctance that they would accept the possession now, as they re a lise that for the next two months there w ill be l i +tle doing at Indian creek. I f the deed could be given now the parties would only be to glad to pay the whole purchase price now , but the sale must be confirmed by the Court. Yes, I am sure you would lik e the money now , so would I, but we w ill have to w ait.I trust that you are sa tisfie d as I fe e l sure +h 't whatever I did was fo r the best, with kind regards,to you and vour ood w ife . I am F. R. lyl? N A M E E A T T O R N E Y A T L A W D E L A IM A R , N E V A D A . 26th 1905. Mr. ji. E. George, Cal, I have yours o f the 23rd and in reply w i ll say th4 t the Receiver w ill not be appointed t i l l the Money ia fu lly paid and the Deed ordered issued Tbp the Court and the sale approved. I I note what you say about my fees and how much you owe me to date l290,Bellview Ave. Los Angeles, | D'ear Mr. George:- arid I give y0u a statement as follow s : r ilin g notice of suit pending Costs paid to date by me to Clerk f i e ld notes Indian Creek C ertified [Telegram Telegrams Telegram To l/ s per diam taking testimony Pub. Notice Referee sale Deseret News Att.y fee # .50 15.00 3.25 .50 1. 8? .40 10.00 22.50 | 554.02 The items o f expense are Cash paid out by me, and the last item o f $22.50 was fo r publication Notice o f Sale in Deseret News, and I paid b i l l and sent same to Levi and asked him to send me a check to reimburse me but have not heard from him. i f the Court should not allow this b i l l of course you w ill have to stand it , as it was published at your request. He w ill allow sane however I fe e l su re . I wrote B elle about our judgment against her fo r #100 costs and she answered that Eracken and Whittemore promised to pay a ll costs, and I do not doubt it,b u t this does not healp us, and I am sending today to the Clerk fo r an Execution and we w ill se i f we cant make the money. getting My fee o f course includes finishing up this case fu lly and you your money, and while it is a f a i r fee I fe e l that I have earned F R. M 9 N A M E S A T T O R N E Y A T L A W D E L A M A R , N E V A D A . ( 2 ) it and trust that you w ill see it the same way. Regret to learn that you are not improving as quichly as expected , taut I fe e l sa tisfie d you w ill tae a l l righ t. Po not Know when Court w ill s it , taut it w ill tae sometime in January, 1906. I f you contemplate a trip t> your lands ataout Cold creek: and Mesquite soon write me plenty o f time ahead , and send description o f lands and fetfeld notes i f you have them so that I can get a Surveyor in time. With taest wishes to your and yours fo r the New Year, I am, very t r u ly .