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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, July 1990



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    Copgregatiop Ner Tarpid The Reform Synagogue of Las Vegas 2761 Emerson Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 89121 Ruth Fite, Executive Director Jackie McRitchie, School Principal Terri Herman, Bulletin Editor July 1990 Tammuz - Av 5750 Sanford D. Akselrad, Rabbi Eileen Koilins, President SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Friday, July 6 7:00 P.M. Services Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood (Ice Cream Social) Friday, July 13 7:00 P.M. Services Conducted by Dr. Lewis Etcoff Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Friday, July 20 7:00 P.M. Services Conducted by Dr. Lewis Etcoff Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Friday, July 27 7:00 P.M. Services Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Guest Speaker - Michael Cherry Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood With sincere appreciation we wish to thank EUGENE WARNER for his donation of the magnificent new MONU?MENT which now graces our entrance. Many months ago Mr. Warner envisioned a Ner Tamid as a beacon of light illuminating the golden hopes of the Jewish people and Congregation Ner Tamid. Work?ing with an architect, he designed a monument with a Ner Tamid (eternal light) which would light the way for all who sought sanctuary. We are very pleased that Mr. Warner has shared his vision with us and that the monument is ready for the High Holidays. We will be sending you a formal an?nouncement of the dedication of this wonderful addition to our Temple. YRHRZEITS (OOPS! We made a mistake - sorry) June 29 Herbert Harris July 6 Jennie Adler Katie Reiser Sadie Stroomberg Jacob Lader William J. Barbour Steven Rifkin July 13 Charles Weintraub Rose Joffee Abraham Herman Bernard Ginsberg YettaPanken July 20 Dora Kramer James F. Stone Eugene Schramm Alex Fox Jane Gittleson Bernard Bernstein Isak Gorosch Minna Gorosch July 27 Ethel Silverman Samuel Stahl Rose Freedman Meyer Allen Bilofsky David Abrams Alex Gerstein Marvin Kohnen Louis E. CowanCongregation Ner Tamid President's Message We at Congregation Ner Tamid hope that the summer is going well for each of you and that you are able to keep cool and comfortable. Remember that Shabbat services during July and August will be held at 7:00 p.m. instead of 8:00 p.m. Also maik your calendars for our Spring Mountain Ranch Shabbat on August 24th. Mazel Tov to Dyane Kohnen and her new Sisterhood Board on their installation on June 10th. Even the heavens celebrated the event, with an ?outpouring? for the occasion. Or was it tears of laughter after the humorous roast of outgoing President Hortense Alper by our own ?Super-Roast? team of Malcolm Doctors and Kenny Schnitzer? Thanks to all who made the lovely afternoon possible, with a warm thank you to Mary Fox, Chairperson of the Day. Mary has recently had a the special recognition of having been invited to join the Board of Directors of the Southwestern Region Federation of Temple Sisterhood Boards. She brings honor to herself and to our congregation as well. During the month of July, I will be on a study mission to Poland and Israel. Marilyn Glovinsky, Administrative Vice President, will be taking care of all important matters that occurduring my absence. Wearein very good hands. My trip is for forty-five public school teachers from the United States and is sponsored by the Jewish Labor Committee and the American Gathering for Holocaust Survivors. After my return, I will share some of my impressions with you. More importantly, I will be doing some teacher training in the school district. With the urgent need of helping our brethren leave the Soviet Union, it is always imperative to remember all those, Jews and Christians alike, who perished during the Holocaust. Until August, Eileen WILNER FOUNDATION ACHIEVEMENT AWARD WINNERS We are pleased to announce that the following students were selected to receive the Wilner Foundation Achievement Award and will participate in the camp or program as noted: Brian Joseph Frankl/Camp Charles Pearlstein Jay S. Bemstein/North American Maccabi Youth Games Jeffrey Lewis/USY Far West on Wheels Rina Roselinsky/Camp Ramah Rachel Miller/US Y Far West on Wheels Jay Abbott/Camp Alonim Sandra Fleekop/USY leadership study program DO YOU LIKE TO SING? Our choir is now beginning to rehearse for the High Holidays. If you would like to join our choir, please call the Temple office at 733-6292. Better yet, why not come to a rehearsal. Rehearsals are at the Temple Monday nights at 7:00 p.m. WE WISH TO ACKNOWLEDGE AND THANK THOSE INDI-a VIDUALS WHO HAVE AL-W READY CONTRIBUTED TO OUR PRESCHOOL FUND. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUP?PORT. Harry & Clare Bycel Bruce & Linda Einhorn Joseph I. Schwartz Randall & Kathleen Schaefer Roger & Leslie Simon Bernard & Allen Nathanson Alison Ames Ron & Hyla Worth Steven & Debra Kaner Michael Cherry Arthur & Jan Cobb Harrison Sheld Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Ames Noreen & Gary Sternberg Candice Barr & Rick Carter Alan Mann Edward Hoffman Helen & David Mendelson Charles E. Cleveland Irving & Eleanor Joffe Sylvia Frank Mariane Anderson Mary & Jerry Fox Ben & Beth Sprague David & Marni Diamond Jay & Terri Herman Stanley & Jessica LDreyfuss BOARD POSITION OPEN We are happy and sad at the same time to announce that we have aposition on the Board of Directors, effective July 1, 1990. Dyane Ko?hnen will be leaving the Board as Trustee to take the position of Sis?terhood President. If you are inter?ested in getting involved and would like to serve the remainder of this term, please contact Ruth in thel Temple office - 733-6292. Page 2 Congregation Ner Tamid THANK YOU THANK YOU to Mr. Eugene Warner for his contribution of the beautiful monument that now graces our entrance. The eternal flame will bum brightly symbolizing our Temple. Thanks to Harvey & Gail Godorov for prayer books in honor of the baby naming of their daughter, Marissa Kim. Thanks to Ron & Hyla Worth for slide projector for religious school in honor of their Bar Mitzvah of son, Robbie. Thanks to Ida Aberman & Florence Weinstein for giving of their time on Sunday to get the bulletin in the mail. Thanks to Cliff, Bobbie & the entire Bemay family for their donation of an addition to our library. Thanks to Ron Adler for his donation to the Rabbi?s Discretionary Fund. TEMPLE WISH LIST 1. Books for our library 2. Incidental kitchen items or $100 3. Regular staplers or $25 4. Two hole punches or $25 5. Freezer for kitchen or $350 6. Floor scrubber (used) or $500 * DON'T FORGET!! ^ JULY & AUGUST SERV- ! ICES WILL BE HELD y______7:00 P.M.______/ WISDOM... fiT ITS FINEST It must be attended to and we know it?s inevitable, yet it?s a subject that many people choose to avoid. However, it is a fact that more thought?ful individuals today are making their own advance preparations for their final resting places than every before. Pre-need arrangements for one?s eternal home involves special thought and consideration. It should never be done in haste. Making the necessary decisions and taking care of the important details in advance of actual need, certainly relieves the family and friends of this unhappy task at a time when they are already burdened with tension and emotion. Congregation Ner Tamid has consecrated ground in Palm Memorial Park at 7600 So. Eastern. One of our members, Alan Brewster, is available for private consultations and informa?tion. He can be reached at 382-1299. fr REMINDER!!!! Summer is here and things slow down - even at the Temple. Just a little reminder to pay your dues and Kol Nidre pledges. Thank you. THANK YOU We would like to thank eve?ryone in our extended Temple family for the kindness and love you showed us all when our be?loved mother, Frieda Zabinofsky, passed away. We are comforted in knowing that so many of you care. Linda Schnitzer, Dan Zab?inofsky & Family J (f ? % NEW IN TOWN ???? Our Membership Committee would happy to hear from anyone wishing information on our Temple. Any members who know new people in town or anyone who would like information on our Temple to please feel free to call anyone on our Membership Committee Mary Fox............................... ...........................456-4452 Sheryl Kogan........................ ...........................873-7769 Jack Nitzkin.......................... ............................435-1932 Rita Moses............................. ...........................451-9412 Dyane Kohnen...................... ............................870-2204 Jeanne Schomaker............... ...........................362-4384 Janice Rounds....................... ............................896-1662 Barbara Rosen...................... ...........................454-5060 ---- Page 3 Congregation Ner Tamid RELIGIOUS SCHOOL ? ITTY BITTY NITTY NEWS Hi All Itty Bitty Nitty?s... I was BAD!!!...I didn?t get our article to the Temple on time for the June Bulletin. See what happens when you don??t listen and follow instruc?tions! So now I have to write two telling everyone what we did in May and one telling everyone what we planned in June. Our MAY event was a trip up to Spring Mountain Ranch for ?Woodsy Owl? Day. (Next year we will skip it!) It turned out to be a day of various children?s performances rather than a day of fun and games which turned out to be very disappointing but the trip up and back made up for it! I met help the group at our half-way meeting place. (The International House of Pancakes) and then met the remaining half at the B askin & Robbins at Desert Inn and Jones. Then came the BIG SURPRISE! With their brown bag lunches in hand and me with a cooler filled with drinks, cookies, and the kids favorite Reeses Pieces, and blankets, we all piled into a white stretch limousine. Thank goodness for electric windows between them and me. They had a wonderful time checking out all the various gadgets from the TV to the radio, including the electric window! Being picked up at Baskin & Robbins meant being dropped off there too and you know what that meant...ICE CREAM for ALL! Thanks to limousines and ice cream our May event turned out to be OK! Everyone seemed to be in favor of going to a movie in JUNE. We had not selected the movie or the day because I was waiting for phone call from my brother telling me he is now the new proud father of a ?baby boy? and that meant flying back East within 8 days. I felt confident that I?d be able to sneak a Sunday in before I left. Well, that brings everyone up-to-date on ?The Wonderful World of Itty Bitty Nitty?. CONGRATULATIONS...YOU ALL MADE IT THROUGH AN?OTHER YEAR...SCHOOL IS OUT...ENJOY YOUR SUMMER! Love from your ?terrific? advisors, I DO YOU CARE ABOUT I 1 JEWISH EDUCATION??? 1 Congregation Ner Tamid, a Re?form Congregation, is seeking a Religious School Principal for its Sunday School. This position is part time, with very flexible hours. We are also looking to fill a brand new position, Preschool Director to direct our new Preschool program. Both of these positions would start mid-summer and would require someone with good adminis?trative skills and a background in educa?tion. There is the possibility of combining these positions to create a full time job. If interested please call Rabbi Akselrad at 733-6292. ATTENTION: EDUCATORS!!!! WHY NOT BECOME A RELIGIOUS SCHOOL TEACHER????? CONGREGATION NER TAMID IS CURRENTLY HIR?ING HEBREW & SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS FOR FALL 1990. IF YOU ARE INTER?ESTED, PLEASE CALL RABBI AKSELRAD AT 733-6292. YOU ARE WANTED AND NEEDED!!!! Sheryl & Lynette If you have a child entering Kindergarten to 8th grade they should be enrolled in Religious School this fall. If you have not received your registration form in the mail, please call the Temple office 733-6292 and we will send you one. Please register early as classes with fill up soon. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL WISH LIST 1. Paper cutter 2. Wall clocks 3. Records or tapes of Jewish music 4. Mini blinds for classrooms 5. Children?s books for our library 6. A set of recent encyclopedias 7. Dictionaries Page 4 Congregation Ner Tamid MENASHA - A TRUE EfiST SIDE STORY (Book review by June Newmark, Editor of the Kid Talk and Focus On section of the Las Vegas Sun) The tide of this autobiography by Las Vegas author, Mortimer Menasha Bcnisch, is exactly what is hilarious. What is more, Mr. Benisch promises a second book to come soon. If it is anything like this book, it too will make a wonderful reading experience. Men and women both will be entertained. Menasha was bom and raised on the East Side of New York City and this book covers his first 18 years from 1912 in five chapters. Marvelous photographs are also in this paperback book. Life in New York is vividly described by Mr. Benisch and the reader has the pleasure of reading all about it in his autobiography. ...??Walking the three blocks to the trolley line, I started to have second thoughts about the trip, but I calmed down as the trolley ap?proached. I boarded it and sat behind the motorman, where I would have an unrestricted view of the streets. The clanging of the motorman?s warning bell was like music to my ears wile the swaying of the trolley almost made me doze. As I forced myself to stay awake, I saw a sign on a building U.S. Model Airplane Co. - which was like a revelation to me. It was on Monroe Street and Tompkins Avenue, so here would be a future hangout for me.? The story continues to describe how Menasha developed many hobbies including building the model airplanes. Mr. Benisch is certainly not exaggerating when he says that these events are hilarious?they truly are. His memory and the ability to write of absorbing events is most remarkable. It certainly must have been a delight to have him in an English class. I had the opportunity to meet Mr. and Mrs. Benisch in their home in southwest Las Vegas where I learned that not only has Mr. Benisch written two books, he also has written articles on home/organic gardening. I was able to see first hand his yard which had every available space filled with fruit trees, vegetable plants and many flowers. Although Mr. Benisch is an active writer and gardener he has time to write and contribute as a speaker to book clubs, brotherhood/ sisterhood meetings. What a wonderful life he has lived! /--------------------------------------------------------------------N THE GfiTES OF REPEN- ? TANCEHIGH HOLIDAYS PRAYER BOOK ORDER FORM Every member should purchase their own prayer books Name:____________________________________ Address:__________________________________ City/State/Zip:_____________________________ Number of copies:___________ Price per Prayer Book is $18.00 Please enclose names if you wish the book to be inscribed. My check for $____________is enclosed. Please mail to: Congregation Ner Tamid 2761 Emerson Aveue Las Vegas, Nevada 89121 NERTfiMID JUDfflCfli GIFT SHOP BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF GIFTS MENORAHS HORA DANCER?S STATUE SILVER COVERED GIFT PRAYER BOOK GOLD AND SILVER PENDANTS KIDDUSH CUPS PERSONALIZED KIDDUSH CUPS HEBREW TORAH IN LUCITE FIGURINES MEZUZAHS AND MANY MANY MORE ITEMS HOURS - FRIDAY NIGHT AFTER SERVICES, CALL ELLIE 735-2493 OR CONTACT THE TEMPLE OFFICE - 733-6292 Page 5 Congregation Ner Tamid a pre - SCRIP - tion for SUCCESS The Temple is very pleased and EXCITED to announce a new fundraising program - ?Scrip?. WHAT IS IT??? Congregation Ner Tamid purchased scrip or gift certificates at a discount from Vons and Smiths (more grocery stores to be added later) and sells them to members and non-members at face value of the gift certificate. HOW DO I USE IT??? Vons or Smiths gift certificates may be used to purchase ANYTHING at all Vons or Smiths stores in North America. SUGGESTIONS FOR USE... Buy groceries, sundry items, etc. Send gift certificates to your college students. Include a gift certificate with a shower or wedding gift to start a well-stocked pantry. Include one with a baby shower gift. Let your married children or those out on their own know you still care with a gift certificate. WHERE DO I BUY THEM??? Gift certificates will be sold through the Temple office Monday through Thursday - 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Friday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.; After services on Friday night and Sunday mornings. WHAT?S THE ADVANTAGE??? At the same time that you are buying groceries, you will be helping the Temple. YES, I WANT TO SUPPORT THE TEMPLE!!!! NAME:____________________________________PHONE:___________________ SMITHS:_____VONS:_____DENOMINATIONS: $10______$20______________ COMMENTS: Enclose your check payable to Congregation Ner Tamid, indicate your store preference and denominations. Mail or bring to: Congregation Ner Tamid, 2761 Emerson Avenue, 89121. Page 6 Congregation Ner Tamid ORGANIZATIONS SISTERHOOD SISTERHOOD TRIBUTES To Bernice May; From Barbara & Dick Rosen; In honor of new grandson To Bernice May; From Ellie & Irving Joffee; In honor of new grandson To Phyllis & Cal Lewis; From Mary and Jerry Fox; Mazel Tov on Wendy?s & David?s graduations To Bernice May; From Eileen Kollins; In honor of new grandson To Phyllis Lewis; From Eileen Kollins; In honor of children?s graduations To BarbaraRosen; From Eileen Kollins; In honor of birthday To Mr. and Mrs. Ken Schnitzer; From Lil and Don Eisner; Sympathy on loss of mother To Lois & Malcolm Doctors; From Lil and Don Eisner; Mazel Tov on marriage of children To Mr. & Mrs. Ken Schnitzer; From Jeanne & Peter Schomaker; Condolences on loss of mother To Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Newman; From Helen & Bill Zliser; Sympathy on loss of sister To Ken & Linda Schnitzer; From Linda & Harvey Eisner; Sympathy on loss of mother To Mr. & Mrs. Howard Caplan; From Lil & Don Eisner; Congratulations on Dara?s graduation as Phi Beta Kappa To Mr. & Mrs. Myron Caplan; From Lil & Don Eisner; Congratulations on Dara?s gradu?ation Phi Beta Kappa To Melissa Kaufman; From Lil & Don Eisner; Congratulations on confirmation To Jennifer Mendelson; From Lil & Don Eisner; Congratulations on confirmation To Larry Schnitzer; From Lil & Don Eisner; Congratulations on confirmation To Thelma & Frances Goldman; From Rose Dunn; In memory of sister To Rena Berman; From Rose Dunn; In memory of mother To Linda Schnitzer; From Rose Dunn; In memory of mother To Confirmation Class; From Noreen & Gary Sternberg; Congratulations to the Confir?mation Class of 1990 To Linda Schnitzer & Family; From Noreen & Gary Sternberg; Condolences on loss of mother To Linda Schnitzer; From Phyllis & Cal Lewis; In memory of mother To Larry Schnitzer; From Shirley & Louis Kravitz; In honor of confirmation To Ken & Linda Schnitzer; From Florence Weinstein; In memory of mother DON'T FORGET !!! SISTERHOOD CALENDAR IS IN THE WORKS GET YOUR ADS IN NOW !!! DEADLINE IS JULY 20TH Contact the Temple Office. For the Kinderpage, contact Rose Dunn. GOLDEN CHAI We have 83 members at this time. I have been thinking of many ways to make our membership grow. I have asked a group of dancers to perform for Golden Chai. They will be here on July 19th and are called the Golden Tappers, a group of 12 dancers. We wish to express special thanks for prizes contributed for our tournaments to the following people: 1. Mary and Jerry Fox - Gamblers Paradice 2. Gail & Harvey Godorov 3. Peter Schumaker of Econo Lube The tournaments were very special. Thanks to everyone for the special prizes and lunch treats. I hope to see each and every one of you at our meetings. Have a good summer! Dorothy Herman President Page 7 Congregation Ner Tamid JUNE TRIBUTES CHOIR FUND To Mr. & Mrs. Ken Schnitzer; From Sam & Hortense Alper; In memory of your mother Frieda Zabinofsky To Mrs. Melvin Lane & Family; From Hortense & Sam Alper; In loving memory of Mel Lane To Mrs. Alan Chenin; From Hortense & 5 am Alper; In honor of the engagement of Ellen Levine and Alan Chenin TREE CERTIFICATE To Amy & Allen Boruszak; From Ber?nice & Charles Etcoff; In honor of your baby son, Sidney To Robert Mark Worth; From Dr. Lewis 6 Marilyn Etcoff; In honor of your Bar Mitzvah To Linda & Ken Schnitzer; From Mark & Irma Wynants; In memory of Frieda Zabin?ofsky To Linda & Ken Schnitzer; From Dane & Jean Knowlton; In memory of Frieda Zabin?ofsky To Linda & Ken Schnitzer; From Salva?tore & Angela DiGiamcomo; In memory of Frieda Zabinofsky To Linda & Ken Schnitzer; From Steven & Denise Bass; In memory of Frieda Zabin?ofsky To Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Donner; From Nikos & Elayne Gousdavas; In memory of mother, Hazel Mrs. Robin Johnson; From Helen Men- delson; In memory of your father Melvin To Linda & Ken Schnitzer; From Sheila, Norman and Melissa Kaufman; In loving memory of Frieda Zabinofsky To Linda & Ken Schnitzer; From Helen Mendelson; In loving memory of Frieda Zabin?ofsky PRAYER BOOK To the Confirmation Class of1990; From Gilbert & Natalie Shaw; Congratulations! To Linda & Ken Schnitzer; From The Doctors? Family; In memory of Frieda Zabin?ofsky To Ken Schnitzer; From Roger & Leslie Simon & Family; Sorry we couldn?t be there to roast you, but here?s a toast to 3 great years as President To Linda & Ken Schnitzer; From Gilbert & Natalie Shaw; In loving memory of Frieda Zabinofsky To David Mendelson; From Gilbert & Natalie Shaw; Mazel Tov on becoming princi?pal of Sewell Elementary School RABBI?S DISCRETIONARY FUND To Linda & Ken Schnitzer; From the Bemay?s - Cliff, Bobbie, Stefanie & Lindsey; In loving memory of Frieda Zabinofsky From Seymour Deutsch and Arlene Weinman; In memory of father To Linda & Ken Schnitzer; From Na?talie & Art Berger; In memory of Frieda Zabin?ofsky To Linda & Ken Schnitzer; From Bob, LaVeme & Alan Hirsh; In memory of Frieda Zabinofsky To Linda & Ken Schnitzer; From Selma & Lou Katz; In memory of Frieda Zabinofsky BIRTHDAYS CJ. Akselrad Ronn Berger Clifford Bemay Eva Bortman William Bossak Matthew Bulavksy Rachel Cleveland Charles Cleveland David Daitch Mamie Diamond Jennifer Dias Allison Etcoff Yonata Friedman Michael Glasser Marvin Glovinsky Barry Goodman Jeffrey Gordon David Gross Jay Herman Edward Jaffe Ryan Kaner Debra Karlin Hester Katzman Eric Kessler Eileen Kollins Louis Kravitz Jessica Lehman Rita Malkin Dena Mann Katherine Meoz Marilyn Moran Amanda Mutnick Danielle Naiman Harold Naiman Bernard Nathason Bryce Ober Jeremy Poster Joan Poster Charla Rauthause Eric Ross Bella Schwartz Lillian Shapiro Irvin Sherman Paul Shlisky Leslie Simon Donna Stuart Florence Weinstein ANNIVERSARIES Bruce & Susan Einhom Edward & Luana Jaffe Harold & Carol Naiman Sheldon & Barbara Rosenberg David & Bette Stahl JUNE TRIBUTES To Linda & Ken Schnitzer; From Art Shirley Gellin; In memory of Frieda Zabinofsky^B To Linda & Ken Schnitzer; From Ida Aberman; In memory of Frieda Zabinofsky To Mr. Dave Krakawsky & Family; From Shirley & Art Gellin; Inmemory of wife, mother & grandmother, Sylvia Krakowsky To Linda & Ken Schnitzer; From Carol & Norman Sussman; In memory of Frieda Zabinofsky To Harriet Weiss; FromMarilyn & Marc Glovinsky; In memory of Leonard To Sharon Dunn; From Mom & Dad; Congratulations to our outstanding Valley High School Graduate. Onward to Wharton! To Loryn Dunn; From Mom & Dad; Congratulations to our Harvard Magna Cum Laude. Bon voyage! To Linda & Ken Schnitzer; From Leslie & Joan Dunn; Condolences on the loss of Linda?s mother Frieda To GloriaSheer; From Mr. & Mrs. Shelby Eliff; In memory of Penny Sheer To Linda & Ken Schnitzer; From Mi?chael & Rachel Cherry; In memory of Frieda Zabinofsky To Linda & Ken Schnitzer; From Roger & Leslie Simon & Family; In memory of Frieda Zabinofsky To Lois &Malcolm Doctors; From Roger & Leslie Simon & Family; Mazel Tov on your children?s wedding. To Confirmation Class of 1990; From Roger & Leslie Simon & Family; Congratula?tions to all the confirmands of the 1990 class To Larry Schnitzer; From Lois & Mal^A colm & all the Doctors; We want to congratulate^^ you on your confirmation. Best wishes always. Love To Mendelson Family; From Lois & Malcolm & all the Doctors; A hardy Mazel Tov & Congratulations to all of the Mendelsons on Jared?s graduation from High School & Jen?nifer?s confirmation. The best to all of you. Love To Jessica Ames; From Lois & Malcolm Doctors; Congratulations & best wishes upon your graduation from high school. The best to you always To Leslie Dunn Family; From the Doc?tors? Family; Mazel Tov & Congratulations to all of the Dunn family on Loryn?s graduation from Harvard and Sharon's graduation from Valley High School. Wishing you much joy and Love To Cal & Phyllis Lewis; From the Doctors? Family; Mazel Tov on the graduation of David from medical school and Wendy?s graduation from USC. We wish them the best. Love HIGH HOLIDAY PRAYER BOOK From the Raynes Family; In memory of Dora & William Weintraub; From Rita & Moses Malkin; In memory of Frieda Zabinofsky To Ruth Kandel & Family; From Mollie Shapiro and Mr. & Mrs. Sid Gelber; In loving memory of Gladys Morse CAMPERSHIP FUND t To Dy ane Kohnen; From Eileen Kollins * Congratulations on becoming Sisterhood Presi?dent. Have a good year Page 8 Congregation Ner Tamid OURSUPPORTERS Juke Boxes for Rent Co. 735-4299 CA ?Cal? Lewis ?Bar/Bat Mitzvahs ?Weddings ?Banquets ?Graduations ?Class Reunions ?21st & Sweet 16's ?Conventions ?UNLV Parties ?Synagogues ?Or Just For Fun Why have a DJ for 4 hours? When you can rent a jukebox for 24 hours with your own personalized selections! 24 Hr. Ans. Ser: 791-1448 . Boettcher & Company Investment Bankers Since 1910 Inc 1850 East Flamingo. Suite 137 Las Vegas. Nevada 89119 (702) 732-4222 Toll-free: (800) 825-6973 /instate SHEL SBARRA Senior Account Agent (D. I. & Pecos, Cinemax 8 Plaza) 3025 East Desert Inn Road, #19 Las Vegas, NV 89121-3812 Bus. 794-3600 ? Claims 456-2200 Ben Zimmerman?s STUDIO SOUTHWEST PHOTOGRAPHY portraiture-celebrations-advertising-editorial BAR & BAT MITZVAHS - WEDDINGS 3370-B Pinks Place 362-3686 Page 9 f 5750 1990 * IULY tammuz av SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY ^ 8 TAMMUZ 2 9 TAMMUZ r\ 10 TAMMUZ A 11 TAMMUZ |? 12 TAMMUZ ^ 13 TAMMUZ 1 14 TAMMUZ I CANADIAN DOMINION DAY 7:30 p.m. Board Meeting Office Closed INDEPENDENCE DAY 10:30 a.m. Sister?hood Board Meet?ing 12:00 Noon Golden Chai to 7:00 p.m. Serv- jj|^ Balak g 15TAMMUZ g 16 TAMMUZ ^ Q 17 TAMMUZ ^ 18 TAMMUZ 2 19TAMMuz *1 3 20TAMMUZ ^ 21 TAMMUZ 7:00 p.m. Mr. & Mrs. Club Meeting FAST DAY to 7:00 p.m. Serv- jj|^ j| Pinchas *d f? 22 TAMMUZ 15 U r\ 23 TAMMUZ 16 ^ 24 TAMMUZ 1 8 25 tammuz "*| 9 ^ TAMMUZ 2Q 27 TAMMUZ 21 12:00 noon Golden Chai to 7:00 p.m. Serv- jjjj || Matot/Masei 22 29tammuz 23 ,AV 24 25 3AV 20 4 AV 2j 5 av 28 AVI ROSHCHODESH to 7:00 p.m. fin Services Devarim gc SHABBAT CHAZON ? 29 30 8AV 31 9AV JUNE S M T W T F S AUGUST S M T W T F S EREV TISHA B?AV TISHA B?AV 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 B TEMPLE BOARD Eileen Kollins................ ...................President Marilyn Glovinsky........ ..V.P. Administration Mary Fox........................ .......V.P. Membership Gerald Gordon ............. ..V.P. Ways & Means Lewis Etcoff............V.P. Religious Activities Bobby Bernay............... .........V.P. Education Ira Levine....................... Jay Poster..................... Recording Secretary Cal Lewis....................... Don Eisner..................... .......................Trustee Maxine Gratz................. .......................Trustee Sandy Ewan.................. Lois Doctors.................. ........................Trustee Jeanne Schomaker....... .......................Trustee Scott Schreiber............ Dottle Gross.................. .......................Trustee Dyane Kohnen............... Darin Tiep...................... .............Brotherhood Dorothy Herman............ ..............Golden Chai Shira Lewis.................... ........NTTY President Kenneth Schnitzer....... ...........Past President Dr. David Wasserman... ..........Past President Dr. Steve Kollins.......... ..........Past President Michael Cherry............. ..........Past President Leo A. Wilner................ Gilbert Shaw................. Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Ruth L. Fite.................... ....Executive Director Cei)$regatici) Ner Tartjid topi u n9np ___________The Reform Synagogue of Lea Vegaa Affiliated with the Union of American Hebrew Congregation 2761 Emerson Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89121 733-6Z92 Non Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Las Vegas, Nevada Permit No. 682 Page 10