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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    December 11» 1952 Board o f D irecto rs Las Vegas V a lley Water D is t r ic t l a s Vegas , Kovada Gentlemen* fha under s i goad K&ilroad Companies and »at@r Company have your l e t t e r o f December 10, 1952, o ffe r in g to purchase th e water p rod uction and water d is tr ib u tio n f a c i l i t i e s to*4* g eth er w ith the 507 a cres o f w ater-bearing lands and water r ig h ts o f th e undersigned which are more s p e c if i c a ll y de­sc rib ed in your l e t t e r . The undersigned accep t your pro­p osal su b ject t o th e fo llo w in g understanding* 1 . Tour proposal and t h i s acceptanes do not c o n s titu te a binding con tract o f purchase and s a l e , but are intended on ly t o s t a t e the b a sis upon which form al agreements w i l l be prepared fo r execu tion by you and by the undersigned* 2 . For corporate reasons i t may be d e s ir ­ab le fo r th e u ltim ate conveyance o f th e proper­t i e s above mentioned to be made t o you by one or more o f the undersigned, and i t i s under­stood th a t th e undersigned reserv e the rig h t