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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, May 26, 1988






Includes meeting agenda and minutes. CSUN Session 18 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000594. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES SENATE MEETING 18-23 THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1988 4:00PM MSU 201 I. CALL TO ORDER CSUN Senate President Jack E. Spicer Jr. called Senate Meeting 18-23 to order at 4:15pm. II. ROLL CALL PRESENT Senator Bosnia Senator Cozine Senator DaQuino Senator Donovan Senator Mangual Senator Richmond Senator Sanchez Senator Varela Senator Robertson There was no quorum at this time. IV. Announcements CSUN President Steve Evenson mentioned that the Publications Board Operating Policy should have no action taken this week. He has legal attorneys looking over the policy. He also mentioned that a motion needs to be made to enable directors to receive 1/2 stipends for the months of June and July. In August they should receive a full stipend. Senator Smith arrived late to the meeting. There was quorum at this time. CSUN President Steve Evenson mentioned that he needs two people who are interested in being on a committee which will ban smoking campus wide. He asked if anyone was interested. Dan Richmond, Mike Bosma, Sam Lieberman, and Chuck Walker were interested. He announced that the space crunch was still going on in CSUN. He will be out of town tomorrow; Vice President Jennifer McGinty will be in charge. He endorsed Ray Frankulin, Chuck Walker, Dave Dreibelebis, and Mike Reese for the vacant seats of the Business and Economics College. He endorsed Jessica Robinson for the vacant Hotel seat and for the CSUN Senate President Pro Tempore he endorsed Kari Cozine. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 ABSENT Senator Clay (unexcused) Senator Gottschalk (excused) Senator Hoffman (excused) Senator Sakahara (unexcused) There will be a meeting of the Board of Regents on June 2nd and 3rd. Motion by CSUN President Steve Evenson to move out of the order of day and into item B. of unfinished business. Seconded by Senator McGinty. There was an objection by Senator Bosma. Call for a vote. Motion failed, with four in favor, six opposed, and no abstentions. IV. Announcements CSUN President Steve Evenson announced that the Senate could talk about the Publications Board Operating Policy, but if they vote in favor of the policy he will veto it. CSUN Vice President Jennifer McGinty announced that the Nevada Student Leadership Seminar will be on August 13th and 14th. If you are interested in helping out with this program let her know. Palma and herself had lunch with the people of United Blood Service. They discussed next semester's challenge. She also introduced Ignacio Iviliz as her CSUN Vice President Pro Tempore. Ignacio Iviliz addressed the Senate. CSUN Senate President Jack Spicer apologized for the meeting starting late. He was organizing the GPA forms for the candidates for the boards, committees, and Senate seats. There are still many boards and committees that need to be filled. Anyone interested should contact him. V. Board and Committee Reports Nancy Clark, CSUN Business Manager announced that she just received the balances for all the accounts in CSUN. All the balances are credits instead of debits. Mike Bosma, Publications Board chair mentioned that he was in need of members of the Publications Board. They need to make some decisions on selecting a Video Yearbook Editor. He also mentioned that if there is a legal problem with the Publications Board Operating Policy, that no action be taken at this time. Kurt Hildebrand announced that the camera for the Yellin' Rebel has arrived. They are just waiting for someone to set it up. The Frontiers Issue will be out on June 13th. Greg Bailey, NSA director announced that he was in need of people on his board. He also mentioned that he was offering an internship for four Political Science Majors to be on the staff of NSA. The internship offers payment of three class credits. Kristi Carlson, Student Services director announced that she is working on the Freshman Yearbook. She is also in need of board members. Marco Varela, CSUN representative for the Academic Budget Committee announced that he attended a three hour meeting in which the committee decided on the budget that will be allotted for certain departments on campus. If anyone is interested in knowing what departments received money they should see him. III. Approval of Senate Minutes 18-21 Motion to approve by Senator Bosma. Seconded by Senator Varela. There was no discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried, with nine in favor, no opposed, and one abstention (Smith). VI. Executive Board Nominations A. Approval of Kari Cozine as a member to Radio Board B. Approval of Mike Bosma as a member to Radio Board C. Approval of Todd Gottschalk as a member to the Radio Board D. Approval of Felton Thomas as a member to Radio Board E. Approval of Gabriella Hatfield as a member to Radio Board F. Approval of Luchita Sanchez as a member to Radio Board G. Approval of Kendall Cummings as a member to Admissions Committee. H. Approval of David Spiller as a member to Admissions Committee. I. Approval of Tony Sanchez as a member to Financial Aid Search Committee. J. Approval of Chuck Smith as a member to Student Services. K. Approval of Chris Robertson as a member to Student Services. L. Approval of Brett Greene as a member to the Publications Board. M. Approval of Kristi Carlson as a member to the Publications Board. N. Approval of Mike Bosma as a member to Entertainment and Programming. 0. Approval of Chris Robertson as a member to the Entertainment and Programming. P. Approval of Mike Bosma as a member to Appropriations Board. Q. Approval of Ray Frankulin as a member to Appropriations Board. R. Approval of Kari Cozine as a member to Appropriations Board. S. Approval of Kari Cozine as a member to Curriculum Committee. T. Approval of Lisa Story as a member to the Publications Board. U. Approval of Dr. Cloud as a member to the Publications Board. V. Approval of Brad Chisholm as a member to the Radio Board. VII. Unfinished Business A. Discussion/Approval of Seta Policy. Motion to approve by Senator Bosma. Seconded by Senator Cozine. There was discussion. A representative from SETA addressed the Senate. There was discussion. Motion by Senator Smith to table. Seconded by Senator Bosma. Call for a vote. Motion carried, with six in favor (Smith, Varela, Robertson, Donovan, Bosma, Mangual), and four opposed (Richmond, DaQuino, Cozine, Sanchez) and no abstentions. B. Discussion/Approval of Publications Board Operating Policy. There was no action taken. C. Nominations/Approval of Business and Economics Seat (4). A. Dana Weers - withdrew B. John Fazi C. Mike Reese D. Pat Touhy E. Dave Dreibelebis F. Chuck Walker G. Kendall Cummings H. Ray Frankulin Motion by CSUN Vice President Jennifer McGinty to close nominations for the Business and Economics Seats, and to have the candidates speak for two minutes. Each senator will have four votes (one vote per individual candidate) and the top four vote getters win the election. Seconded by Senator Sanchez. Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. John Fazi was not in attendance. Mike Reese addressed the Senate. There was discussion. Pat Touhy addressed the Senate. There was discussion. Dave Dreibelebis addressed the Senate. There was discussion. Chuck Walker addressed the Senate. There was discussion. Kendall Cummings addressed the Senate. There was discussion. Ray Frankulin addressed the Senate. There was discussion. There was discussion on the candidates overall between the Senate. Call for a vote. John Fazi Senator DaQuino Senator Robertson Mike Reese Senator Bosma Senator Donovan Senator Mangual Senator Sanchez Senator Smith Senator Varela Pat Touhy Senator Cozine Senator Sanchez Dave Dreibelebis Senator Bosma Senator Cozine Senator DaQuino Senator Donovan Senator Mangual Senator Richmond Senator Smith Senator Varela Senator Robertson Ray Frankulin Senator Bosma Senator Cozine Senator DaQuino Senator Donovan Senator Mangual Senator Richmond Senator Sanchez Senator Smith Senator Varela Senator Robertson Motion carried, with Mike Reese, Dave Dreibelebis, Chuck Walker, and Ray Frankulin as the new Business and Economics College Senators. Vote tabulations: John Fazi (2), Mike Reese (6), Pat Touhy (2), Dave Dreibelebis (9), Chuck Walker (8), Kendall Cummings (3), Ray Frankulin (10). D. Nominations/Approval of Hotel Seat. (1). A. Margaret Vigano B. J.P. Wilson - withdrew C. Jessica Robinson D. Art Greene CSUN President Evenson motioned to have each speak for two minutes, after which an election will take place. The two top vote getters will have a run off election. The top vote getter of the run off election will be the appointed senator for the Hotel College. Seconded by Senator Cozine. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried, with six in favor (Cozine, Smith, Robertson Donovan, Richmond, Mangual), four opposed (DaQuino, Sanchez Bosma, Varela). Margaret Vigano addressed the Senate. Chuck Walker Senator Bosma Senator Cozine Senator DaQuino Senator Donovan Senator Mangual Senator Richmond Senator Sanchez Senator Robertson Kendall Cummings Senator Richmond Senator Smith Senator Varela There was discussion. CSUN President Steve Evenson and Vice President Jennifer McGinty spoke on behalf of Jessica Robertson. Art Greene addressed the Senate. There was discussion. There was discussion on overall of all the Hotel College candidates for senator. Call for a vote. Margaret Vigano Senator DaQuino Senator Donovan Senator Mangual Senator Richmond Senator Sanchez Senator Robertson Jessica Robinson Senator Bosma Senator Varela Art Greene Senator Cozine Senator Smith Due to a tie between Art Greene and Jessica Robinson the senators took an overall revote. Margaret Vigano Senator DaQuino Senator Donovan Senator Mangual Senator Richmond Senator Sanchez Senator Robertson Jessica Robinson Senator Cozine Senator Smith Art Greene Senator Bosma Senator Varela Due to the second tie between Jessica Greene and Art Greene, Senate President Jack Spicer broke the tie. He voted in favor of Art Greene. Call for a vote on the run off election between Margaret Vigano and Art Greene. Margaret Vigano Senator Donovan Senator DaQuino Senator Mangual Senator Richmond Senator Sanchez Senator Smith Senator Robertson Art Greene Senator Bosma Senator Cozine Senator Varela Margaret Vigano was the winner of the election and was appointed as Senator for the Hotel College. E. Nominations/Approval of CSUN Senate President Pro Tempore. A. Mike Bosma B. Kari Cozine C. Todd Gottschalk D. Chris Robertson - name withdrawn Motion by Senator Robertson to close nominations for Senate President Pro Tempore. Seconded by Senator DaQuino. There was no discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. Motion by Senator Donovan to table. Seconded by Senator Smith. Call for a vote. Motion carried with nine in favor, no opposed, and one abstention (Cozine). VIII.New Business Approval of Executive Board Nominations. Motion by Senator DaQuino to approve items A. - V. as a whole. A. Approval of Kari Cozine as a member to Radio Board. B. Approval of Mike Bosma as a member to Radio Board. C. Approval of Todd Gottschalk as a member to Radio. D. Approval of Felton Thomas as a member to Radio Board. E. Approval of Gabriella Hatfield as a member to Radio Board. F. Approval of Luchita Sanchez as a member to Radio Board. G. Approval of Kendall Cummings as a member to Admissions Committee. H. Approval of David Spiller as a member to Admissions Committee. I. Approval of Tony Sanchez as a member to Financial Aid Search Committee. J. Approval of Chuck Smith as a member to Student Services. K. Approval of Chris Robertson as a member to Student Services. L. Approval of Brett Greene as a member to the Publications Board. M. Approval of Kristi Carlson as a member to the Publications Board. N. Approval of Mike Bosma as a member to Entertainment and Programming. 0. Approval of Chris Robertson as a member to Entertainment and Programming. P. Approval of Mike Bosma as a member to Appropriations Board. Q. Approval of Ray Frankulin as a member to Appropriations Board. R. Approval of Kari Cozine as a member to Code Committee. S. Approval of Kari Cozine as a member to Curriculum Committee. T. Approval of Lisa Story as a member to the Publications Board. U. Approval of Dr. Cloud as a member to the Publications V. Approval of Brad Chisholm as a member to the Radio Board. Seconded by Senator Richmond. There was no discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. B. Nominations for vacant Engineering Seat. (1) Senator DaQuino nominated Susan Kroth. C. Nominations for vacant Arts and Letters Seat. (1) Senator Sanchez nominated Anna Montano. D. Introduction of Senate Bill #18. XI. Open Discussion Senator DaQuino apologized for being late at last week's meeting. He asked what the purpose of CSUN was, and interjected that there was a problem at the dorm the other day and maybe CSUN should help the dorm out by forming a Grievance Committee. Senator Mangual resigned from her Arts and Letters seat. Sam Lieberman announced the Burt Teh resigned from being director of the Moyer Student Union. He mentioned that construction on Moyer Student Union would begin on July 15. Construction will probably take about six months. Mr. Lieberman mentioned that he may have been incorrect in his initial perception of Jennifer McGinty!s ability to be a good CSUN Vice President and that he thinks she will do a good job. Senator Robertson congradulated the candidates who were elected to senate seats. Senate President Jack Spicer congradulated the new senators. He thanked those who did not win. He especially-thanked Kendall. He mentioned that he still needed someone to be Bylaws Chairman. He felt that this position would be good for a senator. Senator Richmond nominated himself for Bylaws Chairman. Senate President Jack Spicer said he was glad Mr. Lieberman had finally recognized what an asset Jennifer McGinty was to Student Government. He thanked everyone in the gallery for coming. X. Adj ournment CSUN Senate President Jack Spicer adjourned Senate Meeting 18-23 at 6:00pm.