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Hadassah-Shoshanim meeting minutes, November 1, 1995



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HADASSAH The Shoshanim Group November 1, 1995 /V The next meeting of the Shoshanim Group will be held on Monday, Nov ember 6,1995 at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Marcia Marx, 1501 Windhaven Circle. This map should help provide directions, but if you do need more assistance call Marcia at 256-4105. Our program for the evening will be Makeover Consultant, Stephanie Dias. Also joining Stephanie will be a manicurist, a nutritionist and a hairsty list to answer all your questions. The Jewish people will soon celebrate the tri-millennial of the establishment by Xing David of Jerusalem as our eternal capital. Hadassah's first presence in Jerusalem was the welfare station established in 1913. Today all of our medical facilities, the most advanced in the Middle East, our College of Technology and our Career Counseling Institute dramatically illustrate Hadassah's extraordinary and ongoing impact on the city of David and on all of Israel. We provide shelter from the ravages of disease and physical misfortune. Through our Israel Education Services we help Israelis from all walks of life find meaningful and gainful occupation as we steer them away from the hardships of unemployment. Youth Aliyah has helped hundreds of thousands of young Jews from around the world escape despair as they learr. :o become caring, committed and productive citizens. Here in our own community we face the problems of homelessness. poverty and domestic violence. Getting involved in Hadassah also gets you involved in American Affairs projects that have relevance to you as a woman, as a human being and as a member of our community. We cannot be silent observers, because that may lead to our being innocent victims. We need to act on our beliefs, validate our values, and become participants. The Chapter will be selling Entertainment Books this year. If anyone is interested in purchasing an Entertainment Book through Hadassah, contact Jeanine Rappaport at 656-8534. Get well and speedy recovery to Marcv Simon. Hope to see you up and about soon. Mazel Tov to Marcia and Dr. James Marx on the Bar Mitzvah of their son. Brsrt. Sherry DeArmas and family have finally moved into their new house. Please note Sherry's new address is 7429 Copper Crown Ct. Las Vegas, XV. 89129 and new phone number is 655-0404. Happy November birthdays to Sherry DeArmas and Judy Kaye. This year again our group will be hosting the Youth Aliyah Luncheon. It is scheduled for Sunday, February 25. 1996. We are currently forming a committee to plan the Luncheon. Last year we were very successful and raised over 54,000.00. This year we hope to do even better. We need raffle gifts, centerpieces, party favors, invitations, and your input. If you would like to volunteer for the committee or for any of the above please call Sherry DeArmas at 655-0404. In December we will have a Chcmukah celebration at the home of Harriet Smylie. This affair will be complete with Latkes and our husbands or significant others will be invited. The date will be on Sunday, December 3, 1995 at 7:00p.m. Please mark your calendars now. Tributes are still available for sale. If you need to send a personal greeting, get well, memorial, birthday or congratulations card, call Brina Drobnis at 243-7474. Prices range from S3.00 to S5.00 and Brina will even address, stamp and mail them for you. Hadassah tribute cards save you time and help our group meet its yearly quota to aid Israel and, of course, you get full donor credit. Continue to bring to the meetings those extra toiletries and samples that you receive in the mail or see in hotel rooms when you travel. We save them for the Shadetree, a shelter for battered women. They are so grateml for these items and this is one small way in which we can give back to the community Continue, also, to save Campbell Soup, Mrs. Pauls, Swanson's, Pepperidge Farm, Prego labels, and more. We've been saving them for St. Jude's Ranch for abused and neglected children but now the Clark County public schools are saving the labels. In exchange for labels the individual schools receive money to use as needed. Please designate where you would like your labels to go. For a more complete listing of which labels can be saved, call Sherry at 655-0404 or Marcia at 256-4105 Please bring with you to the next meeting 2 or 3 stamps to help defray the cost of our mailing. Because it is so costly, only currently paid and Life Members will continue to receive the bulletin. Dues are S25.00 a year. You can send your check made out to Hadassah to Marcy Simon, 8524 W. Sahara Blvd. #237, Las Vegas, NV. 89117, or bring your dues to the next meeting. Life Membership is S250.00. Your current annual dues can be applied to your Life Membership which can be paid in installments between now and May, 1996. Your membership is transferable to any Hadassah Group in the world.. Speaking of costs and trying to save money, do any of youhave access to a copy machine and willing to make copies of this bulletin each month? We make 100 copies of 2 pages (sides) each. If so please call Sherry at 655 - 0404. and thank you very much. SEE YOU AT THE NEXT MEETING!!!!! BRING A FRIEND!!!