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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    (oc: Mr. Oliver A. fliosias - Reno Mr. Vfta. Reinhardt * Los Angeles) As you know, the Lae Vegas Land and Water Company for some time has been endeavoring to have the lav prohibiting the Installation of meters in cities of certain sis© repealed, this lav being found in Section 6112 of the Nevada Complied Lavs, 1938 poolst part. In 194? ve had introduced Senate Bill No. 93, by which we had initially Intended to repeal that portion of Subparagraph 13 of Section 6112 which prohibited the Installation of meters and the second proviso relating to municipal water companies. We Initially ran into a lot of opposition from the Reno delegation aid from various womens clubs and garden clubs and from Assemblyman Ryan himself. Also, for your information, vs got very little, if any, help from inhab­itants of Las Vegas. Finally, we ended up with a proposed bill, copy of Which X enclose. This bill was not satis­factory to us as we would have preferred an out-right repeal of prohibition but 1 finally agreed to it beoause X thought vs might be able to pass it. You will note that the bill vests in the Public Service Commission the right to permit the installation of meters after a finding that there is unnecessary waste etc* Sven this bill died on the vine. It is my understanding that the Lao Vegas Valley later District would sponsor a bill to repeal this prohib­ition and X wish you would discuss this matter with Bill Coulthard, who is Secretary of the District, and draw up a bill repealing the last two provisions of the first paragraph of Section 6112. We can start with that and then see what we have to finish with. Mr. Reinhardt is very anxious to have such a bill introduced very early in the session and in view of the opposition we had at the previous session, it mijht be that we will have to do some trading. DEC 26 1950 L. C. c.