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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, June/July 1995



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    Cop?re?atiop Ncr Tarpid TDn n: n'rtp The Reform Jewish Synagogue of Las Vegas June-JulyT995 Sivan-Tammuz-Av 5755 Bella Feldman Cantorial Soloist Jacqueline Fleekop Education Director Leah Kamer Preschool Director Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi Gerald Gordon President Monty E. Willey Administrator Rebecca Herren Editor 4 Tutting Tournament and Tkeworiu DnrLay With the arrival of summer, comes the 4th Annual Spring Putting Tournament to be held on June 10. This year as in the past, it will be at Angel Park Golf Course. We will start off with a Buffet Dinner at 6:00 pm and the Shot Gun start will be at 7:30 pm. This is an event packed with fun for men and women, no matter what your golf skills are; but sorry, no children. The fee is $25 per pcr- (Worsfiip Services Conducted by Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad & Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman June 2,1995 Shabbat Service - 7:30 pm Oneg sponsored by Michael Mehr & Susan Beddia June 3,1995 Adult B?nai Mitzvah - 10:00 am Kiddush sponsored by the Adult B?nai Mitzvah Class July 1,1995 Shabbat Service - 10:00 am Bar Mitzvah of Jeremy Poster (at Palace Station) July 7,1995 Sundae Shabbat - 7:30 pm Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Sermon: ?Where Is G-d?" son and includes 18 holes on the tourna?ment putting course, a dinner buffet, tour?nament gift and trophies. Come out for an evening of fun and food. Invite a friend. The Brotherhood looks forward to seeing you. ? Look up in the sky, it?s a bird, it?s a plane, no it?s JEWISH FIREWORKS! With the hot summer already upon us, we again have an excellent location for the Brotherhood Fireworks Booth. We?H be set up on the comer of Pecos- McCleod and Flamingo in the parking lot of Jr. Market and Car Wash on June 29 through July 4. The Fireworks booth is a very important Brotherhood event for three reasons: the money raised enables us to make a substantial financial contri?bution to the Temple; it?s a great chance for Brotherhood members and friends to get together; and thirdly, it?s a chance for continued on page 11 June 4,1995 Yiskor Service - 10:00 am June 9,1995 Shabbat Service - 7:30 pm Eleen Kollins - Reader Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood June 16,1995 Shabbat Services - 7:30 pm Sermonette by Jackie Fleekop Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood June 23,1995 Shabbat Service - 7:30 pm Oneg sponsored by Jack & Madelyn Nitzkin Rabbi to report on Israel Trip June 30,1995 Shabbat Service - 7:30 pm Bar Mitzvah of Derek Jaekle Oneg sponsored by the Jaekle Family July 8,1995 Shabbat Service - 10:00 am Bat Mitzvah of Amy Fischman (at Bally?s) July 14,1995 Shabbat Service - 7:30 pm Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood July 21,1995 Shabbat Services - 7:30 pm Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood July 22,1995 Shabbat Service - 10:00 am Bat Mitzvah of Shira Goldstein (at Golden Nugget) July 28, 1995 Shabbat Service - 7:30 pm Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Sermon: ?Loving G-d" features Rabbi?s Message.............................2 President?s Message.......................3 Notes from Our Cantorial Soloist... 4 Administrator?s Message.................4 RS/Preschool News.........................5 B?nai Mitzvah....................................6 Temple News....................................7 Yahrzeits...........................................8 Auxiliaries & Committees .... to Anniversaries & Birthdays...........12 Tributes............. ...........................13 c/i Special r()lace (Jo (Belong,message from our abbi qts and?\b[\ndmQ ^Patfi qJo Completion As I write this message, our Temple has been turned into a winding maze as bull dozers have wrecked havoc (a ?good hav?oc? I am reminded) on our premises. For anyone who doubted that our building program was ever going to become a re?alty: doubt no more! Though we may be faced with some challenges ahead as our construction pro?gram begins ? the inconveniences of go?ing through the side entrance instead of the front; or the temporary aesthetic changes, the reality is that in a very short time our construction project will be com?pleted and our goal achieved. Our current goal that is, but not our last. Building is a time of reflection. A time to recall those who started our Tem?ple. Who took the time to meet in a vari?ety of places so that Reform Judaism would have a home in Las Vegas. Building is also a time to give thanks to those who built our first phase and who set the direction for our second phase. And it is a time to give thanks for those who have worked so hard in bringing this current phase to fruition. And building is also a time to begin to look forward beyond current goals to the future, when new goals will be devel?oped and take advantage of all the hard work of those who have built our present Temple as it is today. This sense of vision is something that I will be discussing with the Congre?gation over the next few months and at High Holidays. But I mention it now in hopes that my view will not be one sid?ed, but rather a dialogue with you the Congregation. In short, once we have achieved our goal of building our new fa- cilites, what kinds of new programs and activities would you like to see? We will / ! \ Friday Evening Sermons July 7 ?Where is G-d?? July 28 ?Loving G-d? Aug. 4 ?Stories That We Tell & What They Say About Us? Aug. 18 ?Are Jews Different ^ Than Everyone Else? ? j Mark Your Calendars Don't miss oat on Congregation Kjer Tamld's "Famous fo- Fabulous Sundae Sabbath" Our first one of the summer is Friday, July 7, but don't ? if you can't make the first one, the second ? Sabbath will be Friday, August 11 See you all there/ have opportunities for many intimate kinds of services in our new Bet T?fillah (chapel); or Sunday morning adult edu?cation; B?nai Mitzvah and weddings with receptions following in our beautifully remodeled Social Hall. The list goes on and on and will be a reflection only of our imagination and our ability to commit our resources into making our dream of a vi?brant Reform Judaism and ongoing mis?sion and not merely a goal. Rabbi Tarfon said it best, ?It is not incumbent upon us to complete the task, but neither are we free to desist from it altogether. ? $ B ?shalom, Rabbi SANCTUARY FUND GOAL ? 2.2 million HELP us MEET OUR GOAL! C ongregation Ner Tamid Ju n e -Ju ly 1995 Temple Board Members Jerry Gordon President Alan Mann VP Administration Stephen Joseph VP Ways & Means Lois Doctors VP Membership David Stahl VP Ritual Philip Goldstein VP Education Debbie Levy VP Social Jack Nitzkin Treasurer Janis Rounds Recording Secretary Nadine Cracraft Trustee Jacky Rosen Trustee Jerry Polis Trustee Stacey Yahraus Trustee Bob Unger Trustee Ron Worth Trustee David Gross Trustee Debra Kaner Trustee Maxine Gratz Sisterhood Scott Dockswell Brotherhood Helen Zliser Golden Chai George Lipshaw Golden Chai Libby Goldstein NTTY Cal Lewis Past President Eileen Kollins Past President Kenneth Schnitzer Past President Dr. David Wasserman Past President Dr. Steve Kollins Past President Michael Cherry Past President Leo Wilner Advisor Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Ex Officio Come here a Middle East report as Rabbi Akselrad shares his Israel experiences with you at Sabbath services June 23 ESSAGE FROM OUR TEMPLE PRESIDENT m V Well, this is the last col?umn of my present term. Over two years ago prior to accepting the nomination for president of the Congregation, I discussed with our Rabbi and numerous Congregants the demands and responsibilities. It was difficult enough to satisfy my responsibilities to my family and my profession, in addition to the existing commitment to the Congregation. Having been on the Congregation board for approximately 8 years and having been administrative vice-president for two years prior to being president, I had a fairly good idea what to expect. As you could anticipate, everyone from whom I sought counsel stated the obvious: the individual demands of Congregants, constant telephone calls from Kenny Schnitzer, the scarcity of resources to satisfy ever-increasing demands and the general politics of Temple life. (This last item is somewhat redundant with telephone calls from Kenny Schnitzer). However, there is one obligation of the president which in the minds of many of my confidants seemed to loom above all else: THE MONTHLY BULLETIN ARTICLE. Some politely suggested that despite my education and my vocation I didn?t have the ability to write a monthly article. It was as if being an attorney was a handicap or meant that I could not write more than one paragraph without a case citation. (Please note in none of my 23 articles to date have I resorted to a case citation or statute). Others suggested that I simply accept my limitations and beg Yvonne and/or my children to write my articles?believe it or not, I have not called upon Yvonne, Jeffrey or Sara to even review any of my 23 articles before submission. Finally, one Congregant, who I hold in the highest esteem, offered to write a number of my articles. This Congregant, who will go unnamed, was the chairperson of the nominating continued on page 10 \e 0^ % ?l&iaetf To Rabbi Akselrad and all his traveling companions. They?re off to Israel from June 5 through June 15. They will be busy touring in cities such as Jerusalem, Masada, the Dead Sea, Tel Aviv and Galilee. Everyone wishes them a happy, healthy and safe trip... but most of all... have lots and lots of fun!!! See ya soon. Ju n e -Ju ly 1995 cA SfLtelnl rP h iee 9 i> On Sunday, May 7 we had a record turnout for the NTTY elections. I am pleased to announce the newly elected NTTY board for the 1995-1996 term. this year I have decided to attend the National Association of Cantor?s Conference in Houston, Texas instead. This five day convention will offer President Lisa Platt Programming VP Danny Gross Religious & Cultural VP Joel Fleekop Social Action VP Libby Goldstein Secretary Jolie Alhadeff Treasurer Abbie Spoor Member at Large Dustin Tiep NTTY?s outgoing president Libby Goldstein hosted installations and a wonderful pool party at her home in May and everyone had a great time! I would like to congratulate the outgoing officers and thank them for all their hard work last year. NTTY will take a break from their scheduled meetings during the summer and will resume their activities in the fall. For the past few years I have attended CAJE during the summer, but The Adult Choir Wants You. to come sing, harmonize and add your voice to ours. Rehearsals for High Holidays will begin Thursday evening, July 13 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Check the June and July calendars in this Bul?letin for more schedules. Call Bella at 733-6292 JOIN US!!! specific knowledge for my profession and I am very excited to be able to attend. This conference is jointly provided by the ACC (American Conference of Cantors) and GTM (Guild of Temple Musicians). I joined the GTM when I first began working full-time at the Temple and have learned so much from their programming at each conference I?ve attended. This year I was appointed to GTM?s board as a Regional Representative and will be functioning in this capacity at the Cantor?s conference as well as learning what Cantor?s are doing all over the United States. I hope to come back with new ideas, melodies for myself and our choirs and a little more insight on what it will take to one day become an ?ordained? Cantor. I wish everyone a relaxed, well-air- conditioned summer! 0 B ?shalom, Bella Feldman AND THE WALLS CAME ?V* DOWN! The last of our lobby walls fell on May 9, exposing the open area that will soon be our new Sanctuary. Over the course of the last few weeks, Meeks Construction has been hard at work. The demolition of our lobby and the back portion of our Social Hall are progressing on schedule. Luckily, no major surprises have been found. Soon we should be able to see the footprint of our facility change. The footings and concrete slab for the Sanc?tuary were in place by the end of May. Now that the majority of the OPENING of the old building is completed, the remainder of the construction should proceed without any serious problems. The demolition schedule for the current Social Hall has been modified. We will be closing the Social Hall from June 5 through June 29. This will allow us to complete the majority of the remodeling of the Social Hall quick?er than anticipated. We chose this time frame due to the sum?mer closing of the Clark County schools and our low service attendance. During this time, services will be held in the library and moderate size Onegs will be provided. Please continue to bear with us during this time. The inconveniences will only be but vague memories when the new facility is opened. We had a wonderful Goods & Services Auction on Satur?day, May 6. Mary Zone and everyone who helped her should re?ally be congratulated. We had over 200 people in attendance and the evening was a complete success. The future for us is exciting. With a new Sanctuary just around the corner, we can expect new members that can bring a wealth of experience. Thanks to our staff and volunteers who give so much of their time to the Temple; it is with their help and dedication that we are able to provide the quality of services to you. $ Monty C ongregation Ner Tamid June - July 1995 Wow! School is out and the temperature is rising, it must be sum?mer. Summer means picnics, pools, fireworks, early school reg?istration and plans for the fall. We are planning an exciting school year for 5756 (1995-1996). The M.B. Dalitz Religious School will offer your child the best Hebrew program ever of?fered at our school. Judaica will be stimulating and will defi?nitely help instill a strong sense of Jewish pride. Have you ever heard of Explorations in Jewish Culture? Well, we have it. A new program that will expose your child to the many facets of our culture. Jewish music, art, drama, dance and cooking will be taught at different times throughout the school year during regular school hours. Plan on Thursday evenings for 4th thru 7th grades and Sun?day mornings for all grades. As a parent, I am very aware of how difficult it is to schedule the activities of your family. Just to name a few, piano lessons, dance, swimming, soccer, basket?ball, baseball, doctor appointments, school, religious school and normal family time such as dinner; which leaves us limited time to breathe. We all have to prioritize our lives. Religious school is not an extra curriculum activity, it is required in order to raise a Jewish adult. Check It Out Religious School Schedule & F Help your child to gain the self-esteem needed in this diffi?cult world and protect your child from unnecessary stress. A well prepared B?nai Mitzvah need not have to learn it all in a few months. The M.B. Dalitz Religious School can take your child beyond Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Jewish living does not stop on that spe?cial day only to start again when your child becomes a parent. Jewish education offers your child life skills that can help him/ her succeed, relate and to dream. Your child needs you to show a positive example of your pride and responsibility to being Jewish or having Jewish ties. We need you to remind your child to study fifteen minutes a day and not miss the opportunity to learn by being absent. Your need to become an active part of your childs? Jewishness. Education is the greatest gift you can give your child. A Jew?ish education is not just a gift to your child, it is the most im?portant contribution you can make to the Jewish people. May the warm summer give you happy times and memo?ries for you and your family. O M. B. Dalitz Religious School Fees for the 1995 - 1996 School Year Grade Tuition Materials / Snack / Books Total K $135 $44 $179 1 135 44 179 2 135 49 184 3 135 49 184 4 175 85 260 5 175 85 260 6 175 75 250 7 175 75 250 School Hours Grades K - 3 9:15 - 12:15 Sunday Grades 4-7 9:15 - 12:15 Sunday / 4:30 - 6:30 Thursday Just a reminder: to register students for religious school, families must be current with their Temple dues. 0 The Preschool Graduating Class of 1995 rwill be honored on June 2 at 1:00 pm with family and friends in attendance. OThey will don their first mortarboards and receive their diplomas to help them e enter Kindergarten with confidence and assurance. rThe graduates Arielle, Ashley, Becky, Ben, Harrison and Michael would love to share refreshments and good wishes with all Congregants so come by and see our gradu?ates and have some refreshments. $ Ju n e -Ju ly 1995 (/l S peeia! r/)!aee ?7I? (Belong. ^azcf qJov qJo Our 3unc & 3uty ^nai tyQtzvah gtucfents Hi, my name is Derek Jaekle. I?m a 7th grader at Johnson Junior High School and a member of the National Junior Honor Society. Sports and school keep me busy. My soccer team went to the Regionals and I played on the All-Star team for baseball and was one of three 7lh graders chosen for the All-Star team in basketball. I like to read - and now I?m doing a lot of reading for my Bar Mitzvah on June 30. I am looking forward to seeing you all there. $ Amy Fischman Bat Mitzvah July 8 My name is Amy Fischman. I am in 7th grade at Greenspun Junior High School. I play soccer, listen to music and I like to sing. I will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, July 8. I am very happy that my friends and relatives will be joining me on this special occasion. $ Hi, my name is Jeremy Poster. I am a 7th grader at Walter Johnson Junior High. My hobbies are collecting baseball cards, playing the clarinet, karate and baseball. To me, a Bar Mitzvah is a sign of maturity in the Jewish religion. I am looking forward to my friends and family coming to share this special moment in my life. After my Bar Mitzvah, I plan to keep studying the Jewish religion. ? Shir a Goldstein Bat Mitzvah July 22 Hello, my name is Shira Goldstein. I am a student at Warren-Walker School in the 7th grade. Prior to my Bat Mitzvah, I will be visiting Israel to learn more about my heritage. In my spare time, I like to ski, rollerbladc and be with my friends. I look forward to sharing this special occasion with my family and friends on July 22 as I become a Bat Mitzvah. # Congregation i Ner Tamid ; Completes \ TGIS Program ? May 12 marked the celebration of ? a very important program at CNT. * Dubbed Thank G-d It?s Shabbat or ? TGIS by Rabbi Akselrad, all stu- * dents who attended Sabbath servic- ? es on a regular basis throughout the # school year were especially recog- ? nized by the Congregation and , Rabbi. Although we wish service ? attendance of our students would * last throughout the year, we offer ? the TGIS program as a simple way , of encouraging students to attend ? services. ? , Shawn Scott ? 1995 Shomer Torah Award ! My name is Shawn Scott and I?m in 7th grade at Burkholder Middle School. I was born on Halloween and I celebrated my Bar Mitzvah last October. I have attended services regularly since I was in kindergarten and I like to help out around the Temple. I?m a member of the Junior Brotherhood and also belong to TNT. This summer I?ll attend Camp JCA Sholom in Malibu, California. $ Congregation Ner Tamid June - July 1995 W ashington Trip D iscussed Summer Classes T o Begin 6 M onths of 2nd Sundays During Friday evening services on June 2 at Congregation Ner Tamid, Rabbi Sanford Akselrad will discuss the high?lights of the AIPAC Conference held in Washington, D.C. in May. He was select?ed by the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas to attend the 36th Annual Conference which helps to educate leaders from across the United States regarding key is?sues in the Middle East as they effect United States foreign policy. You?re invit?ed to attend this interesting discussion. Services are held every Friday evening at 7:30 pm. $ Adult B?nai Mitzvah Congregation Ner Tamid would like to congratulate our 1995 B?nai Mitzvah Adults: Thomas Bigham, Roger Ewan, Rita Goldstein, Dorothy Henkin, Eugene kHenkin, Rebecca Herren, Debbie Karasik, Joel Karasik, Fern Percheski, Glori Rosenberger and Lorelei Wojnicz. They coordially invite members of the Congre?gation at Ner Tamid to attend the 4th Adult B?nai Mitzvah on Saturday, June 3 at 10:00 am. Come celebrate with them as they are called to the Torah for this very special Simchah. <? Yiskor - June 4 Rabbi Akselrad will conduct Shavuot Yiskor services on Sunday morning, June 4 at 10:00 am. Yiskor candlelighting is Saturday evening, June 3 at sundown. Putting Tournament The 4th Annual Spring Fling Putting Tournament for 1995 will be June 10 at Angel Park Golf Course with a buffet din?ner at 6:00 pm. The Shot Gun start will be at 7:30 pm. Fees are $25 per person and includes 18 holes on the putting course, ?a dinner buffet, tournament gifts and tro?phies. For directions or more information, call Allan Nathanson at 796-8391. $ Beginning Hebrew and Introduction to Judaism classes will start up again on June 20 and will last through August 15. Beginning Hebrew will be held on Tuesday evening 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Introduction to Judaism will follow at 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm. The classes will be taught by Melissa Glovinsky who has taught at our Religious School for 11 years and has taught the Adult B?nai Mitzvah class for 4 years. Melissa makes learning Hebrew fun and easy. The cost of each class is $30 for members, $40 for non-members and a $10 book fee. Should you decide to take both classes, the fee is $50 for members and $70 for non-members plus the book fee. No matter what your age, this is your chance to challenge yourself and to achieve something very special. To sign up for one or both of these classes or for more information, call the Temple office at 733-6292. We encourage you to send in your check (which is your official reservation) early for the classes fill up fast. $ Israel Trip Discussion On Friday evening June 23, Rabbi Akselrad will discuss his most recent trip to Israel. This year?s trip included a group of 17 travelers. They departed Las Vegas on June 5 and toured Israel for eleven days. ? Fireworks Booth Set The Brotherhood of Congregation Ner Tamid will set up their annual fireworks display booth in the parking lot of the Jr. Market and Car Wash on the comer of Pecos-McCleod and Flamingo on June 29 through July 4. To volunteer for a 3-hour shift, call Scott Dockswell at 897-7788. Stop by and purchase your fireworks while they?re still FLC-?f! O Beginning in October, the Adult Education Committee will have a series of education programs that adults may attend while their children are in Religious School. The programs will be held on the second Sunday of each month from October through April. Among the subjects planned are Social Action and Tolerance, with the first featuring genealogy. In this class, participants will be asked to bring known details of family members and will be provided with forms and addresses to send away for more specific information. In addition to the Second Sunday Program, the Adult Education Committee hopes to bring other classes and workshops to Congregation Ner Tamid. The Meal & Spiel in April was well attended and we hope to bring it back again in the future. This summer we?re offering classes in Beginning Hebrew and Introduction to Judaism. We?ve had such a request for a Yiddish class that we are seeking an individual who can teach Yiddish. If you know someone who can teach this class, contact Katherine Scott, the AEC chair, 564-0903 or the Temple office, 733-6292. Rabbi?s Torah Study has concluded for the summer and will resume after the High Holidays. Anyone who has suggestions on classes to be offered through the Temple, call Katherine or leave a message on the CNT Event Hotline, 263-5960. $ Gates of Repentance The High Holidays will soon be upon us. Temple members are encouraged to pur?chase the IQeficHUiitce Prayer Books for the services. The price of a prayer book is $21.40 (tax included). Please stop by the Temple office to order your High Holiday Prayer Book or call the office at 733-6292. $ Ju n e -Ju ly 1995 cA S p eei/i/ rf)lnee (Belong, 2 David Eisenberg Kathe Silberstein Louis Wolf Florence Bader Harold Henkin Kitty Goldbrener Cecil Sampson Spiegel Norman Moss Leo Goldberg Adolph Kramer William Fine Louis Robin Jerry Best Betty Wexler Jeanette Rostov Abraham Buffman Frances Rostov Michael Gould Nathan Beller Aaron Harry Cohen Adolph Glanzberg Shirley Unger Michael Countess Frieda Glanzberg Morris Aronoff Samuel Freedman Bessie Chaiken Sarah Kravitz Lena Cohen Lena Akselrad Ida Grossman Alex Adler Samuel Kishner Abbey Jane Kravitz 16 Helen Brock John Lewis Bernard Nathanson Anna Levy Benjamin Stern Alfred Kempenich Herman Estrin William Weintraub Jacob Chemin Bertha Martin Paul Meltzer Jacob Dunn Dorothy Mittleman Lillian Dockswell Rachel Figelski Samuel Newman Joseph Molinsky Jennie Asch 23 Bruno Silberstein Mollie Bender Rebecca Alper Minnie Ponemon Samuel Liebert Rose Gellin Evelyn Axenfeld Louis Seltzer Dora Weintraub Clara Routtenberg 30 Lilyan Rabin Beckie Reich Sid Aberman Theresa Bossak Violet Advocate Litzie Diwald Abraham Etkin William Goldberg Jack Rivkind Roselyn Goldberg Rose Kestenbaum Herman Nass Jonas Ames Benjamen Rabinowitz Dora Salmon Meyer Benedict Herbert Harris July 7 Frances Edelson Jennie Adler Saul Bossak Ruth Finkelstein Alfred Lee Anna Kalish Sylvia Plows-Koshakow Sadie Stromberg Jacob Lader Samuel Mark Sam Foosaner Frances Bradburd Joseph Krentzman Lou Letizia Adelaide Kallick July Dora Gordon L. ?Mac? Levy Ruth Lip man Anne Schneider Abraham Herman Irving Devine David Simon David Marx Wally Cowan Samuel Schlesinger Bernard Ginsberg Rose Chernin Masha Kahn July 21 Harriet Elman Louis Fox Robert H. Levy Fanny Loeff Jenny Weinberg Julia Diwald Dora Kramer Jane Gittleson Herman ?Hank? Greenspun Charles Weintraub James Stone Irving Kirshbaum Bernard Bernstein July 2? Yetta Gratz Ruth Batchelor Kalman Lazar Alan Bilofsky Molly Lazar Alex Gerstein Bill Zliser Abraham Cavadlo David Abrams Morris Nathanson Harry Pollins George Marco Jayne Benedict Morris Tepper Harry Schwimmer Louis Reich iXci A Ifrlu+A Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized. Since there is no notification from the hospitals, please contact Judy in the Temple office at 733-6292 when a family member or friend is hospitalized. wmmmtm Israel Independence Day Celebration Update A special ?thank you? to the religious school kids, teachers and Congregants of Congregation Ner Tamid who helped and participated in the Israeli Independence Day Celebration at the Sands Convention Center on May 7. Toni Frazin led everyone in Israeli Dance, Eric Fleekop won 1st place in the Israel Art Contest and many of the kidw from our religious school participated i^f making center pieces. Todah Rabah to everyone. $ Congregation Ner Tamid June - July 1995 Yiskor services Sunday morning, June 4,10:00 am Nathan Barg Fannie Berger Helen Brock Naomi Cohain Helen Cowan Vera Cuneo Irving Devine Harriet Elman David Ewan William Fine Ethel Gerber Fannie Glasser Gay Gold George Goldstein Ian Goldstein Yetta Gratz Arthur Grutman Philip Harris Adelaide Kallick Rabbi Earl Kaplan Edward Katz Howard Kless Bert Kollins Adrienne Lazar Robert Levich Harry Levy Lee Lisabeth Pauline Livenstein Joe Mauss Dorothy McDougall Morris Michelson Nola B Milliken Bernard Nathanson Arthur Newman Elsie Newman Fay Rosin James Everett Scarbrough Leo Schneider Albert Shientag Rose Siegler Morry Stein Lillian Topol Miriam Watson Sylvia Weidenfeld "PImm call tyudy at om 7e*nfde o^cce <fou toioA t?e tuztne a loved one Ac added to tAe tyaAon. foot cA S p retiil June-July 1995 r()lnee (Belong. AUXILIARIES & Do you stand up for what you believe? We?ve all heard it said before, ?If you don t stand for something, you ?ll fall for anything. ? My questions to YOU is "What do you standfor? ? ?What do your children stand for? ? What is the message you send to your friends, business associates and children? Do you tell them that you are a vibrant, involved individual who is proud of your Jewish heritage? Or are you silent, quiet and unassuming about your deep-rooted Jewish beliefs? Are we as a congregation allowing our children to fall for any?thing ?? Research has demonstrated that those of us who have a firm belief in G-d, a higher spiritual power and demonstrate that belief through donating their time and money, are much happier and more satisfied in all aspects of their lives. You deserve that extra level of satis?faction, don?t you? Additionally, medical research has conclusive evidence that the happier and more productive someone is, the less likely they are to get sick. Once again, the Brotherhood of Con?gregation Ner Tamid comes to the rescue. At CNT and within Brotherhood, we have a multitude of programs available which provide the opportunity to demon?strate your support for Jewish causes. By participating in any Temple auxiliary, you will be building toward a brighter, more secure future for CNT, the Jewish com?munity as a whole and most importantly for your family. While we are in our ?building stage? the level of excitement is rising. People will be coming by just to see the progress. With the completion of our new sanctu?ary, our presence in the community will be elevated to a new high and as poten?tial new members examine our Temple, they will see all the Temple auxiliaries: Sisterhood, Golden Chai, NTTY, TNT, Adult Education, Social Action and Brotherhood; as outstretched arms of the Congregation hopefully welcoming new?comers into our Congregational family. What is the message you personally are sending? Brotherhood members know they are sending the right message. The Temple Brotherhood is looking for a few good men, young, old and young at heart, to be a part of our progressive and close knit team of Jewish men. We are The Boys of Brotherhood. We want to increase our financial commitment to the Temple and we can only accomplish this with greater partic?ipation from the congregation as a whole. Every time a man joins Brotherhood he knows he is doing the right thing. Along with a Brotherhood membership comes the opportunity to participate in golf tour?naments, our fireworks booth, selling en?tertainment books, helping out at the Purim Carnival, Brotherhood Bingo and if you join today, you can have the pres?tigious honor of being an usher for High Holidays in the New Brotherhood Sanc?tuary, oh, I mean the New Temple Sanc?tuary. We are very fortunate to have people of diverse backgrounds and experience within our Temple Congregation. If you know someone who would be an interest?ing speaker to Brotherhood, please con?tact myself or Roger Ewan, VP of Pro?gramming and we?ll provide a suitable environment for them to speak. Decide for yourself what message you want to send about your personal par?ticipation in the Jewish Community life in Las Vegas; I ask you to send a firm message to your children and your friends that you are Jewish and you are proud of it and you support and participate in your Temple. As members of the FOREMOST Jewish Congregation in Las Vegas, we all have the responsibility to ensure the long term existence of Congregation Ner Tamid. Remember, if we all do a little, we can accomplish a lot. Jerry's Written Word continued from page 3 committee and I suspected made this offer to bfibe cinch my acceptance of the presidency. In any event, every word of my 23 Bulletin articles has been my own. Well, by the time you read this article, to my utter disbelief, and I believe yours, I have been elected to and am planning my next term as your president. In the more immediate sense, I am accompanying the Rabbi, my son Jeff and some of our fellow Congregants on the biennial Israeli trip. Most importantly, I am reveling in the fact that this is a combined Bulletin for both June and July which means I don?t have to write a column for July! And maybe for August I will write about a topical subject such as prayer in the public schools and include several case and Constitutional citations. ? ? Jerry Gordon Congregation Ner Tamid Ju n e -Ju ly 1995 SISTERHOOD Chaos is the only word that comes to mind upon seeing the Tem?ple?s reconstruction. However, I personally couldn?t wait till that day came. We?ve all wanted a Sanctuary and boy are we going to get one. These next few months are going to be trying times for all; patience and cooperation is the key. But, we?re all very strong, energetic and verbal people and we will survive. Not only will we su