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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    V VEGAS LAM) AND WATER COHPANX ing Property Retired Subsequent to September 1952 and prior to June 30$ 1954-c deducted froa the Basic Purchase Price a in accordance with provisions of Section 10(b) of the Contract,, Work Order Date of connection across Lot 4, Block 2„ of Subdivision of Lot J of Park Place Addition, Las Vegas, Nevada $ I50a00 • Less Depreciation -22J5 8^ >26053 750 Iff of 8 east iron pipe,, on south side of Charleston Bird- be­tween 15th St, and First Alley lest 2 016,72 Less Depreciation 2 016,72 760 9«21«53 H O Iff of 6" east iron water main located on Lot 1, Block 5 of Desert Park NOo 2 293d89 Less Depreciation - 2 10 2 Total Cost Less Depreciation 126.25 — 255*2| $ 382,,01