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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, October 18, 1984






Includes meeting agenda and minutes with additional information about bylaws. CSUN Session 14 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000447. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA SENATE MEETING #14-45 October 18, 1984 MSU Lounge 201 4:00 p.m. I. Call to Order 3 I II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #14-44 IV. Announcement s V. Executive Board Nominations VI. Board, Committee, Director Reports A. Entertainment & Programming B. Intramurals 1. Action item - Operating Policy C. Organizations Board D. Student Services E. Appropriations Board 1. Action item - Amendments to Operating Policy F. Other VII. Old Business A. Nominations for Vacant Senate Seats 1. Academic Advisement (2) Ron Mortensen, Denise Andercen CLOSED. VIII. New Business A. Appointment of candidates to full vacant Senate Seats B. A1p.p roRvobaelr to fD iAcpkpeonisnhtemeetnsts to Radio Board 2. Martha Shaffer to Publications Board. C. Suspend rules Bylaw #1 UNIVERSITY OF ND.E VAADmAe,n dLmAeSn tV EtGoA SB/y4l5a0w5 2M2A -R YVLaArNonDa PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 E. September stipend of $125.00 for Vice Chairman of E & P. F. Approval of September stipend not to exceed $125.00 for Vice Chairman of E & P. G. Approval of Resolution #14-3. Proposition 12 H. Approval of Resolution #14-4. Withdrawl Refund. J. Approval of Senate Bill #3 Investigation Committee. K. Approval of Stipend for Organization Board Chairman not to exceed $125.00. IX. Open Discussion X. Adj ournment CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS SUPPLEMENT TO AGENDA SENATE MEETING #14-45 October 18, 1984 MSU Lounge 201 4:00 p.m. L. Approval of Contract with Roger K. Saint for E & P. M. Approval of Special Contracts. 1. Contract with "Red Hot Chili Peppers". 2. Contract with "Hoodoo Gurus". 3. Contract with "Screaming Sirens". N. Approval of appointment of Sam Lieberman to Entertainment and Programming. 0. Approval of appointment of Hoagn Van Do to Elections Board. VIII. New Business UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 AMERICAN FEDERATION OF MUSICIANS OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA (HEREIN CALLED "FEDERATION") 40 West 57th Street New Yoik, N.Y. 10019 (212) 556-5600 INTERNATIONAL CREATIVE MANAGEMENT, INC. A MEMBER OF THE ^frUJ.b.'*TALENT AGENCY GROUP 8899 Beverly Boulevard Los Angeles, Calif. 90048 (213) 550-4000 FOR TRAVELING ENGAGEMENTS AND LOCAL ENGAGEMENTS (NOT FOR USE IN CANADA) Whenever The Term "The Local Union" Is Used In This Contract, It Shall Mean The Local Union Of The Federation With Jurisdic-tion Over The Territory In Which The Engagement Covered By This Contract Is To Be Performed. THIS CONTRACT for the personal services of musicians on the engagement described below is made this 2 8TH day of P'F'PTFMBF'R , 19 3 4 . between the undersigned purchaser of music (herein called "Purchaser") and the undersigned musician or musicians. 1. Name and Address of Place of Engagement:*? • N . L . V . - 4 50 5 SO. MARYLAND PKWY-LAS VEGAS, NV. STUDENT UNION BALLROOM. ARTIST RIDER (FORTHCOMING) . ARTIST TO RECEIVE SOU17 Name of Band or Group: PKT") HOT OHTT.T PF.PPF.PS CHEC Number of Musicians: Number of Vocalists: 2. Daie(s) of Engagement; daily or weekly schedule and daily clock hours: OCTOBER 2 0 , 1 9 8 4 — S A T U R D A Y — 8 : 0 0 P M ARTIST TO RECEIVE 100% CO-HEADLINE B I L L I N SECOND P O S I T I O N . ARTIST TO PERFORM ONE COMPLETE SHOW APPROXIMATELY 4 5 - 6 0 Mil* , TE ^ r f T T T E N GT H . : " i . Type ot Engagement (speciiv whether dance, stage show, banquet, etc.): LUNLfcKl . 4. Compensation Aereed Upon: s i , 0 0 0 . 00 GUARANTEE PLUS $ 5 0 0 . 00 BONUS @ 1 5 0 0 T I X SOLD AND T I X SOLD. PURCHASER TOmcPR€SV1I''DE AND PAY FOR HIGH QUALITY 'TSTS SPFCTFTCATTDNS . PTTprHASFT! TO PROVTTTE ANn PAY FOR $ 5 0 0 . 0 0 BONUS @ 2 0 0 0 KTS TO A£I CO-HEADLINER (Hoodoo Gurus)-$2000.00 AND (Screaming Sirens)-$800. 00. 5. Purchaser Will Make Payments A< Follows* UPON DEMAND , EVENING OF ENGAGEMENT ARTIST TO BE PAID BALANCE. PURCHASER TO PROVIDE AND PAY FOR (Specify when paj-ments are to be made) ACCOMODATIONS TWO (?) DOUBLE ROOMS. GAP: 7 0 0 0 TTY:$7. SO ( d o o r ) f$f>. SO ( a n v ) P . G . : $ 1 4 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 DEPOSITS: S 100 >00 rnfieri Check, Money Order, or Bank Draft) payable to International Creative Minafern&fi, Ificf'S> us agents upon signing of contract. BALANCE To be paid in United States currency (Certified Check, Money Order, Bank Draft, or cash) to leader on or before conclusion of engagement. 6. No performance on the engagement shall be recorded, reproduced or transmitted from the place of performance, in any manner or by any means whatsoever, in the absence of a specific written agreement with the Federation relating to and permitting such recording, reproduction or transmission. This prohibition shall not be subject to the arbitration provisions set forth in 8 beiow and the Federation may enforce this prohibition in any court of competent jurisdiction. 7. This contract, and the terms and conditions contained herein, may be enforced by the Purchaser, and its agents, and by each musician who is a party to this contract or whose name appears on the contract or who has, in fact, performed the engagement contracted for (herein called "participating musieian(s)"), and by the agent or agent(s) of each participating musician, . including the Local Union. It is expressly understood by the Purchaser and the musician(s) who are parties to this contract that neither the Federation nor the Local Union are parties to this contract in any capacity except as expressly provided in 6 above and, therefore, that neither the Federation nor the Local Union shall be liable for the performance or breach of any provision hereof. 8. Resolution of controversies or claims: Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this contract, or breach thereof, shall be submitted to arbitration under one of the following procedures to be selected by the Purchaser at the time that this (Continued on reverse side) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their names and seals on the dav and year first above written. CSUN Pres. CSUN V. Pres. CSUN Bus. Mgr. Kent"Anderson, Kai Fischer, Nancy Russell MIKE BALZARY 47 ARTIST V!AS RIGHT TO (Frrm C-l) VOID C O N T R A C T . ^Hr&c*»r Tilt Term "The Locsl Union" Is Used In This Contract. It Shsll »!ein The I-ecnl Union Of The Federation With Jorisdlc-tVos Ov-ir T>.j Territory I n VTMch TXe Fnraremcnt Cortrtd By Ton Contract It To Be Performed. THIS CONTRACT for the personal services of musicians on the t n r » d e s c r i b e d below li made thi« . 1 4 t h . day of S E P T E M B E R ' S 4 t I^jtw^-n the u n d e r s i z e d p u r t h u e r of music (herein called "Purchaser") and the undenifned musician e? tauaiciasia. L. Htma .f f i « * ot C r e d e n t : UNIVERSITY OF .NEVADA - U N I V E R S I T Y BALLROOM MARYLAND PARKWAY T.AS VEGAS . NV Kwr-e of Band or Group: Nombcr of Muaieianji: HOODOO GURUS t- Det«(«), E U r t i n f end F i n i t h i n f Tinne cf Encarement: SATURDAY OCTOBER 2 0 , 1984 ONE 50-60 MINUTE SET (APPROX CAP: 1 . 5 0 0 TIX :S 6 / S 7 G R . P Q : S 9 . 0 0 0 - L Trp* of Enj-aj-e-mmt frpecify whether diner, rtsre shnw, banquet. He.): . CLUB _ 1 0 , 5 0 0 4. CoEspeisaatioa Arr**d Upon: f_ $ 1 , 5 0 0 . GUARANTEED + % OF GROSS DOOR R E C E I P T S fAmmifli am1 T«rm») TO BE ARRANGED. t p » « w win H i k e f . ^ t , A. F o l l o w : PAYMENT IN FULL TO HOODOO GURUS UPON COMPLETION OF PERFORMANCE. 'AD IN: T. He- J--JTfnrrnenc« on the ersarrment shsll he recorded. reproduced or transmitted from the place of performanrr, in i n r manner CT by m y means whatsoever. in thr absence of * specific writt'-n n c r r t m n t with the Frdf-ntinn relatinc to and permittinc sueh recordinr. reproduction nr t r m m m i n n . This prohibition shall not suhject to the arbitration provisions set forth in 7 below and the Federation m»y enforce thi» prohibition in any court of competent jurisdiction. Bre-tch of Costrert — Arbitration of Claims: ( « ) It is eapresslv Dndei-stood hy the Purchaser snd the musician f t ) " h o are parties to thin contract thut neither the Federation Rtsr the Union tre parties to this contract in anv eapaeitv except expressly provided in 1 above and, therefore, that e i t h e r the Federation nor the Local Union shall he liable for the pcrforme,nce or breach of an* provision hereof. (b) This contract. and the lerms and conditions contained herein. l<" enforred hv the Purchcser end by each musician ®ho la I party to thit contract or name appears on the eontr.-rt or * ho in fact, performed tnrJ. r r r m r n ( contracted for (herein cslled "part icips t i ne musician I a ) " ) . a nit hv t h r acrnt or act nt (st ofcarh partieipatin* musician, including the Local Union. (c) Ail claims snd disputes which mav arise l»cfwe«-n thr Purrhn-er end the pnrtieipatinc musician (?) rcrardinsr thr application ©r cf env of the term* or condition* of thin contract, inrluilinr arir dispute! between the portiei si to their respec-tive cblifztionj tnd responsibilities hereunder. j h i l l He referred eic'us'velv to binding trhitration. If a cltim or diiputc involves PSrtiripatin^ musieianis) who arr ail mnnSers of thr Local Union, then such claim or dispute shall So referred to the Executive Sosrd of the L/xsl Union. All ether claim* or disputes a r n i n z under thi* contract ^•^t^reen the Pureh^^er aiid participctinir tnasieier-ft) »hill h* referred to the International Executive Doard (herein called "1KB") of the Fcdem'.ion for arfcitrnion end detfrmimticin in New York. New York. Thr I?"-3 »hall decide i n v queition of »hether it or the Local Union ExecutiTc Board hai jorisdk-tion ovsr t particulrr claim or dinputt. (d) Thi« csntrsrt. End all arbitration pmce-cdine* conducted hereunder. >hall be corrrned by and enforerd onder the leTrj of th» State cf K t f York not^rithataniiine the forum or iuri®Hiet«oo i n which an action eoncernine thie contrrct mav bj broueht. All «rbitr«tion prccterlinrj conducted hereunder by the IFZR -hall he conducted according to the Rulea of Practice end Procedure of the I E B Khlch n i j r frern titre te time he in eiTeet. All arbitration nroceedinri conducted hv the Le<al Union ihall ^ conducted eecord- I n f U Rulea adopted hr the Local Union. A copr of the I E S P.uies of Practice and Procedure may he obtained from the Secretary T«a.rurer of the Fedemtion in New York Citv. N m York. A copy of the Rules of the Local Union.mav h« obtained from the Syvcrtliry of the Vx*\ Union. All r u l i n r ' and a«-ard» made by the I E B in arbitration hereunder shall be final and bindir.R upon the Purehoter and participating musician ( s i . (») Except swerdi of the I E B made on ippeal as provided in ( f ) Kslow, a Purcha?er or participatinf fnurieisn. nr the eeent of t i iy participstinp rnuiicUn. mav brine an action to rcnilrm or to reduce to jude-ment an arbitration a-»-erd of the I E B only in the courts cf the Slate of Ne-v YorV: and (he Pureh««cr sr.d parlieipatinr myciricnla) arree to submit to the jurisdiction of the »ppropriat« courts of the State of New York for that purpose. Should a court of competent jurisdiction in New York confirm nr cr.ter JudETTient upon award cf the IF.B. the Purchaser «nd partieipatinc musician ( t ) exprcsslv atrrre that the pre-rai'int p i r t y in the arbitration award shall be additionsllv entitle.! to ludrment for rea-onahlc tttorr.evs' fees incurred in enforcins the E«-ard in the (mount of t m percent f 10'i ) of the sward plus court costs therefor. A judrment conftrminsr an I E B arhitrttion for attorneys' fr<rs. and for costs may he enforced in the courts of any jurisdiction in which a party to this contract either I t c i d t i or r.-lir.tsini an cffice or place of business. ( O AH r3lir;r» and awards made hy the Local Union in arhitraiinn hsrennder may He appealed to the I F B by any party who sees fi fifcrtlcipaist ;hera;?i. Arpctls from such proccrdinca «hall he perfected in the manner provided in the Rules »•( Practice Rnd P r o « d u r « of the 1E3. All rulinra and swards made Sv the Ixical Union in arhifrstion which are not appealed to the I21B shall I * final j.-id t i n d i n * - j c t h e Purchaser and narticinatine musician^st. Anv nartv to an srbitrstion DriK-eedinc the Local Union or to «,e. f-.rbitration tppeti to the I K 3 mcv brinft an action to confirm or enforce a fm»l determination and i t H of the L®;a.l Union or. If appealed, of the I E B in th^ courts of the jurisdiction in which the oflie? of the Local Union is located: and the Purchsstr and psrticipntinj rausicir.nls) seree to submit to the jurisdiction of Such court.or courts for that purpose. Should court of competent junxdiction of the jurisdiction in which the office of the Local Union is located confirm cr enter judgment upon an i w t r d cf the Local Union, or of the I E B rr.sde on appeal, the Purchster tnd participatirf musician ls> expressly e^Tree that the pressilir.i perty in the arbitration award shell b< sdditionally entitled to judgment for reesonable attorneya' feet iBcurrtd in enforsir.s the award in the amount of t t n percent 110"; ) of the ewsrd plus court costs therefor. (p) Notice*, materials, papers or proceta which may be required to notify a Purchaser or participatinJ rriusicianfs) cf the of a claim or cispute or to initiate ft court action to confirm, enter judement upon, or enforce an arbitration award rtudercj by tl»e I EB cr the L<xaJ Ursi^n Eircutive Board, shall be served on the Purchaser snd'or participating musicisn(s) by Cirtifitd mail, return receipt recjJftted. without necessity of personal service or other form of notice. All other notices, r-.atemls, pepen cr prccei-s which ciay be required to conduct arbitrstion proctedicj-s under this contract may b« M r r « l by rcfTiIar firat el&as ena:L IM V7ITNESS TvREP.EOF. tha parties hereto have Vsreunto srt their names and teals oa Cu day and,year first tboee writtta. K e n t A n d e r s o n , K a i F i s c h e r . N a n c v Rtisr^T. I Hnnnnn n i m n s >UND CHK. CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA SENATE MEETING #14-45 October 18, 1984 MSU Lounge 201 4:00 p.m. I. Call to Order 3 ! II. Roll Call ~ III. Approval of Minutes #14-44 IV. Announcement s V. Executive Board Nominations VI. Board, Committee, Director Reports A. Entertainment & Programming B. Intr amur als 1. Action item - Operating Policy C. Organizations Board D. Student Services E. Appropriations Board 1. Action item - Amendments to Operating Policy F. Other VII. Old Business A. Nominations for Vacant Senate Seats 1. Academic Advisement (2) Ron Mortensen, Denise Andercen CLOSED. VIII. New Business A. Appointment of candidates to full vacant Senate Seats B. A1p.p roRovbaelr to fD iAcpkpeonisnhtemeetnst s to Radio Board 2. Martha Shaffer to Publications Board. C. Suspend rules Bylaw #1 UNIVERSITY OF ND.E VAADmAe,n dLmAeSn tV EtGoA SB/y4l5a0w5 2M2A -R YVLaArNonDa PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 E. September stipend of $125.00 for Vice Chairman of E & P. F. Approval of September stipend not to exceed $125.00 for Vice Chairman of E & P. G. Approval of Resolution #14-3. Proposition 12 H. Approval of Resolution #14-4. Withdrawl Refund. J. Approval of Senate Bill #3 Investigation Committee. K. Approval of Stipend for Organization Board Chairman not to exceed $125.00. IX. Open Discussion X. Adj ournment typ cpy p s t ^ / y CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES SENATE MEETING #14-45 October 18, 1984 MSU Lounge 201 4:00 p.m. I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 4:05 p.m. II. Roll Call Present Absent Senator Acker Senator Colquitt (unexcused) Senator Ashley Senator Van Do (unexcused) Senator Bacon Senator Champagne Senator Doubrava Senator Harrington Senator Holm Senator Larson Senator Maestas Senator Nellis Senator Nichols Senator Ohriner Senator Smith Senator Varona Senator Whipple Senator Woodford III. Approval of Minutes #14-44 The minutes were approved with corrections. IV. Announcements Senate President Haldeman announced that the Faculty Senate was in opposition of Question 12. CSUN President Anderson announced that the Board of Regents is having a meeting here at 9:00 am. He also announced that the Executive Board is in contact with the Art Dept. with the making of the CSUN Ad. Senate President Haldeman announced that an emergency item under New Business was needed for discussion of Elections Board. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 SENATE MEETING #14-45 -2- V. Executive Board Nominations Hogan Van Do withdrew his name from Elections Board member. VI. Board, Committee, Director Reports A. Entertainment & Programming Jim Rathner addressed the Senate on the Oktoberfest and discussed upcoming events and the possibility of having a country band for homecoming. Senate Pres. Haldeman jubilantly applauded. B. Intramurals 1. Action/Item Operating Policy John Fazi addressed the Senate. He discussed his operating policy. Senator Acker moved to approve the Operating Policy. Senator Holm seconded. The motion passed with 15 in favor, 0 opposed, and 1 abstaining. (Varona) Tim Mateousek, CSUN Beverage Manager addressed the Senate. He discussed the profit made on Oktoberfest of $568.00. He also announced that the Sales report is open to anyone. Senate Pres. Haldeman passed the Gavel at 4:40 to James Ohriner. C. Organizations Board No report. D. Student Services No report E. Appropriations Board 1. Action item - Amendments to Operating Policy No report. F. Other Bylaws Committee - Karen Cohen*No quorum, no report. NSA - Michelle DeTillio discussed the student housing project. The Gavel was passed back at 4:48 to Senate Pres. Haldeman. Radio Board - Tyrone Smith discussed the budget of KUNV. CSUN President Anderson left the meeting at 4:55 p.m. Elections Board - Cathy Clay resigned from the title of Chairman. Senator Smith movedthat the Senate suspend with the rules and move into New Business, Items E,F,L, and'M. Senator Acker seconded. The motion passsed with 15 in favor, 0 opposed, and 1 abstaining. (Champagne) E. September stipend of $125.00 for Vice Chairman of E & P. No action was taken. SENATE MEETING #lV-45 -3- E. Approval of September stipend not to excedd $125.00 for Vice Chairman of E & P. Senator Ohriner moved to approve $125.00. Senator Whipple seconded. The motion passed with 14 in favor, 1 opposed (Nichols) and 1 abstaining (Doubrava). L. Approval of Contract with Roger K. Saint for E & P. Senator Ohriner moved to approve the $600 request for check (as the contract was not availkble) pending Senate approval at next meeting. Senator Doubrava seconded. The motion passed with 13 in favor, 0 opposed, and 2 abstaining (Acker,Ashley) and 1 not voting (Varona). M. Approval of Special Contracts. No action at this time in the meeting. Senate Pres. Haldeman passed the gavel at 5:14 p.m. to James Ohriner. J. Approval of Senate Bill #3 Investigation Committee. Senator Holm moved to approve with corrections. Senator Ohriner seconded. CSUN President Anderson returned to the meeting at 5:30 p.m. Senator Acker stepped out for a minute. Senator Ashley also. Back at 5:36. Senator Varona offered a freindly amendment of corrections. The maker of the motion accepted and the second concurred. CSUN Vice President arrived 5:45 p.m. The motion to approve passed with 12 in favor, 1 opposed (Champagne) and 3 abstaining (Nellis, Doubrava,Nichols). B. Approval of Appointments 1. Robert Dickensheets to Radio Board. 2. Martha Shaffer to Publications Board. Senator Smith moved to approve 1 and 2 as a whole. Senator Acker seconded. The motion passed with 14 in favor, 1 opposed (Varona) and 1 abstaining (Whipple). VIII. New Business C. Suspend rules Bylaw #1 No action was taken. D. Amendment to Bylaw 22 - Varona. Senator Varona moved to refer this to the Bylaws Committee. Senator Harrington seconded. The motion passed with 15 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. G. Approval of Resolution #14-3 Proposition 12. No action was taken. H. Approval of Resolution #14-4 Withdrawl Refund. No action was taken. Senator Champagne returned at 5:48 p.m. K. Approval of Stipend for Organization Board Chairman not to exceed $125.00. Senator Harrington moved to approve at $75.00. Senator Nichols seconded. The motion failed with 11 in favor, 0 opposed, and 5 abstaining (Nellis,Doubrava,Larson,Smith,Bacon) Senate Pres. Haldeman moved to approve $100.00. Senator Maestas seconded. The Gavel was passed back at 5:55 p.m. to Senate President Haldeman. Senator Smith moved that the Senate reconsider the vote whereby they failed to approve the $75.00 stipend. Senator Acker seconded. Senate Pres. Haldeman withdrew his motion, the second concurred. The motion to reconsider passed with 15 in favor, 0 opposed, and 1 abstaining (Doubrava). The motion to approve a stipend of $75.00-was recon-sidered. The motion passed with 14 in favor, 0 opposed, and 2 abstaining (Bacon,Doubrava). M. Approval of Special Contracts 1. Contract with "Red Hot Chili Peppers". 2. Contract with "Hoodoo Gurus". 3. Contract with "Screaming Sirens". CSUN President Anderson left the meeting at 6:00 p.m. Senator Smith moved to approve upon proof to the Business Manager of Ice IX's ability to pay. Senator Ohrlmsi* seconded. It was asked that the minutes reflect that the Senate was under duress during this vote. The motion passed with 16 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. Senator Bacon moved that the Senate enter a committeeof the whole. With James Ohriner presiding as Chairman. Senator Smith seconded. The motion passed with 16 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. Discussion on Elections Board Chairman. It was decided that the stipend should be rescinded and that Cathy Clay will be paid for services rendered $400.00. Senator Nichols moved to rise and report out of the Committee of the whole. Senate Pres. Haldeman seconded. Senator Doubrava left the meeting at 6:20 p.m. SENATE MEETING #24-45 -4- SENATE MEETING #14-45 -5- The committe report:Approve a verbal contract with Cathy Clay to execute this election and homecoming elections and train Robert Ashley for the Chair-manship ® pay Ms. Clay $400.00 for services rendered, and rescind the $400.00 stipend for the Elections Board Chairman. The motion passed with 15 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. Senator Ohriner moved to adopt the committee report. Senator Harrington seconded. The motion passed with 14 in favor, 0 opposed, and 1 abstaining (Champagne). IX. Open Discussion X. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Senate Secretary, Susan Dute