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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, January 1989



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    ?A SPECIAL PLACE TO BELONG? 2751 Emerson Ave.. LV, NV 89121 Sanford D. Akselrad, Rabbi Rita Moses, Executive Director 733-6292 Kenneth J. Schnitzer, President Shirley Gellin, Bulletin Editor Sandra Cohen, School Principal January 1989 ? Tevet - Shevat 5749 Schedule Of Services FRIDAY, JANUARY 6 8 PM FRIDAY, JANUARY 20 8 PM Services conducted by Eileen Kollins Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Creative Service led by NTTY Oneg sponsored by LaVerne & Robert honor of Alan Hirsh's 21st Birthday Hirsh in FRIDAY, JANUARY 13 8 PM Services conducted by Eileen Kollins FRIDAY, JANUARY 27 8 PM Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Rabbi's report on the PARR Convention Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood RABBI?S MESSAGE____________ ?Answering Tzedakah?s Call? On Sunday, January 8th, 1989, the phone will ring in Jewish homes throughout Las Vegas. The phone call might be from a friend, or from someone whom you casually met; or a total stranger. He or she will be asking you to participate in the an?nual campaign to raise money for the United Jewish Appeal. Actually it matters little who is calling; what truly matters is that the one calling cares about this community; and that you respond willingly by your contribution. Even as we are proud to be members of Congregation Ner Tamid, we must realize that we are part of an overall Jewish community as well. Our Federation continues to help our Con?gregation by giving us thousands of dollars in grants for our religious school. But the Federation does much more by provid?ing funds to Jewish Family Service, the Hebrew Academy, and dozens of other Jewish charities and programs both in our com?munity, and abroad. I have been told that some 2,000 Jews are moving to our community each year. This growth is exciting, yet it reminds us that our needs are expanding. All of us can look forward to the day when Las Vegas will have its own Jewish home for I the Aged, and Jewish Community Center. We can look forward |o expanded programming and funding in all different sectors of the community. But as always, what is needed is more money. The theme of this years campaign is ?We're one for a mil?lion." Thus far, the figure of 1 million dollars has eluded our campaign. With 25,000 Jews in Las Vegas it should be a goal easily reached if we all pitch in and do our part to insure the vitality of our community. Please join with me in answering this years call for tzedakah. To paraphrase Rabbi Hillel: ?If we are not for ourselves, who will be? And if not now, when?" Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi From January 1st to the 5th Rabbi Akselrad will be attending the Pacific Area Reform Rabbis Convention in San Diego. He will then be on vacation, returning on January 15th. Rabbi will report on PARR Friday night, January 27th. ? During his absence, Eileen Kollins will conduct services on January 6th and 13th.Congregation Ner T^mid Welcomes 2 New Soloists Bella Schwartz is one of the vocalists who will be sing?ing at Congregation Ner Tamid on Friday nights. Bella is a native Las Vegan and we welcome her back from Reno. Bella has been singing since her childhood. While in high school, she sang in the Washoe County Honor Choir and the Nevada All-State Choir. Bella also sang with the University of Nevada Reno?s Symphonic Choir and per?formed in Hadassah's productions of "The Music Man? and ?The Sound of Music? at the Reno Hilton. Current?ly, Bella is with the Southern Nevada Music Society in both the chorus and the smaller singers group. Bella is also a career woman working as a full-charge bookkeep?er for Louisiana Mining Company. Alternating with Bella on Friday nights as a cantoral soloist is Julie Bronsky. Although not yet 20 years old, Julie has had over 10 years of professional training and performing experience. Making her first debut in the sec?ond grade playing Goldilocks, she knew that the area of performing arts was for her. While every little girl wants to be an actress, Julie stayed with it. Her professional experiences included acting, singing and dancing roles with Milwaukee's "Repertory Theatre of the Arts,? solo?ist with the production of ?A Midsummer Night's Dream? at the Pabst Theatre. One of Southern California's lead?ing thespian groups headed by Barbra Van Holt, saw Julie as Guenevere in "Camelot? and Lola in "Damn Yankees." Julie's Hollywood credits include the role of Marilyn Mon?roe in the yet unreleased movie ?Invasion Earth" by new World Pictures. Julie's training has included seven years of vocal training, four years of dance and four years of acting. Her awards include two Southern California MACY awards, each for the "Highest Achievement Award? as an actress and the nomination for Best Actress of the year. In her senior year of high school she received the Bank of America Award for Outstanding Achievement in Mu?sic. Julie is currently studying Jazz Dance and Oratorio Chorus at UNLV. Julie says, "After so many years of performing jazz and showtunes, this is quite a change for me. Why am I do?ing it? Every singer needs a challenge in a new direction, in cantoral music I am taking a step 'back' and a step 'forward.' 1 am reaching back into my most comfortable childhood memories of religious school and youth camps; 1 am taking a giant step forward in experiencing the tech?nological challenge of cantoral chanting." Men?s Club/Brotherhood In the past few months, many of the men have expressed an interest in forming a Brotherhood. In keeping with the National Association of Temple Brother?hoods, Art Shreck has agreed to assume the task of revitalizing the Temple Men's Club. If you are interested, please leave your name at the temple office. Traditionally Temple Brotherhoods exert a strong in?fluence as a vital arm of the Temple. With the Rabbi's guidance, we hope to organize a group of men devoted and dedicated to serving the needs of the Synagogue. Can we count on your support? The 7bmple is now scheduling Bar Mitzvah dates for 1990. All those who are to be Bar Mitzvahed during 1990, please call the Rabbi to schedule your date as soon as possible. Sometime when you're feeling important Sometime when you?re feeling "Ego's in bloom" Sometime when you take it for granted You're the best qualified in the room. Sometime when you feel that your going would leave an unfilled hole Just follow these simple instructions And see how it humbles your soul. Take a bucket and fill it with water Put your hand in it up to your wrist Pull it out and the hole that?s remaining Is a measure of how you 'll be missed. You may splash all you please when you enter You can stir up the water galore But stop and you'll find in a minute That it looks quite the same as before. The moral of this quaint example Is do just the best you can Be proud of yourself, but remember There's no indispensable man. Jewish Community Lecture Series John F. Rothmann opens the seventh Annual Jewish Community Lecture Series on Sunday, January 29th, at 7:30 p.m., speaking on "After Elections '88 In America and Israel: Prospects For Peace In The Middle East.? Community-spirited individuals, organizations and four congregations bring the three lectures and "An Evening of Inter?national Jewish Folk Songs" to the general public at no charge. Congregation Ner Tamid is this year's facility-host. Mr. Rothmann is a political and foreign policy consultant specializing in the Middle East and Soviet affairs. He serves on the National Executive Committee of the Zionist Organization of America and as president of the Bay Area Council for Soviet Jews, and was a delegate to the 30th World Zionist Congress in Jerusalem. He has spoken on more than 100 college and university campuses from Harvard to Stanford and from UC Berkeley to the University of Michi?gan. on twenty eight topics listed under American Politics and the Presidency, The Middle East, and Jewish Life and Identity, in 1982, he delivered the Baccalaureate address at the United States Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs. By popular request, he returns to this year's series with his update on the prospects for peace in the Middle East. He is an outstanding speaker on this subject.TEMPLE ART AUCTION Saturday evening, December 10th, our Temple social hall was turned into a Fine Art Gallery. Over 200 pieces of art were on display for that evening's Art Auction. Since Saturday was the last day of Chanukkah, festivi?ties began with the lighting of the Chanukkah Menorah and the chanting of the blessings led by our own Rabbi Akselrad. Approximately 100 patrons were treated to a hosted wine bar and then to a delightful buffet supper catered by Joe LaVigna of Affairs Catering. During the F^tron Pre?view, guests mingled while viewing the art on display. At 8:15 p.m. all of the art was collected and prepared for the Auction. During this preparation, the general guests arrived and dessert was served to all. At approxi?mately 8:30 p.m. Morrie Shapiro, Auctioneer from Park West Gallery, began the Auction. Mr. Shapiro had each piece of art displayed on center stage, while describing the piece to the very attentive audience. For the next 3 hours, 204 pieces were brought forth, described, bid or passed. By the end of the evening, 124 pieces of art changed hands from the gallery to the homes of con?gregants and friends. Over $55,000 worth of art was sold, to the delight of everyone. The ultimate winners were the Temple and its members. Several prizes were given away in two drawings. The first, a litho by Lazio Dus, was won by guest David Paet- zel. An Oriental Vase, donated by the Worths, was won by Shauna Smith, that evening?s piano player! Sharon Cohen was the winner of the Art Book and Eileen Kol- lins was the winner of the framed poster. Our Grand Prize, a small framed Agam Litho was won. . .unbeliev?ably, by David Paetzel, the winner of the first Patron Drawing! All in all, the approximately 135 guests had a very enjoyable and somewhat exciting time. Congregant, Harvey (Allen) Godorov served as Master of Ceremony. Congregant, Cal Lewis, was treated to a round of Hap?py Birthday by all. Co-chairmen Leslie Simon and Claude Rosenthal would like to thank everyone who attended. In addition, there are a lot of people who helped make the evening a huge success. Leslie and Claude would like to publicly thank (not in any particular order) Art Gellin, Harvey and Gail Godorov, Terri Herman, June Newmark, Alan Stone, and a great bunch of TNT kids who helped by manning the Coat Room and moving art; David Chenin, Sara Gordon, Brandon and Danielle Rosenthal, Larry Schnitzer, Julie Simon and Robbie Worth. A special thanks to Malcom Doctors, who was pressed into service to assist in bring?ing the art to and from the stage. Lastly, a tremendous thank you to members of the committee who worked very hard to make the evening a social and financial success: Bruce and Karen Borgelt, Stephen and Linda Chenin. Lewis and Marilyn Etcoff, Harvey and Gail Godorov, Connie Heit, Steven Kollins. Claude and DeDe Rosenthal, Roger and Leslie Simon and Ron and Hyla Worth. Parking Lot Sale As the year ends and the new year begins, we want to remind everyone that the temple needs and wants your useable discards for its 4th Annual Forking Lot Sale. The 1989 sale will be held Sunday, April 2, 1989. Con?gregants may bring articles to the temple office or they may notify the office and arrangements will be made to pick up large items. Volunteers are needed to sort, price, display and sell. Please call if you are able to donate a few hours of assistance. Claude Rosenthal Ways & Means Vice President If you know of someone who is ill or in the hospital and would appreciate a visit from the Rabbi, please notify the office.Chanukkah Bazaar The Chanukkah Bazaar held on November 20th was a huge success. All the food, from the potato latkes, pot roast sandwiches, hot dogs, cotton candy, popcorn and all the merchandise plus Kathleen Tamasi's Gourmet Corner (her cakes were an epicurean delight to behold and eat) made for a wonderful afternoon. Even though we were in direct competition with the Rebel game against the ultimately defeated Russians, the turnout was great. In the search for Ms. Nudel Kugel of 1988 there were 11 entries, and for one dollar you could taste them all. The ultimate winner and Queen was Frances Klamian, with the first runner-up, Shirley Gellin. Frances, duly crowned, made her triumphant walk through the sanctuary to the strains of "There She Goes ? Ms. Kuqel of ,88." Kudos are in store for Mary Fox, Maxine Gratz and all the gals of the committee for a truly fun-filled after?noon. Due to the many requests of those judges who sam?pled all of the kugels submitted, we will be publishing two each month, beginning with the winning kugel and the runner-up. MEAL & A SHPIEL The attendance at the Saturday morning sessions has increased rapidly as the interest grows and the word gets around. The Rabbi leads an enthusiastic discussion of world events following an abbreviated Shabbat service and a light breakfast. There will be a hiatus until our next meeting on Saturday, March 4th at 10:00 a.m. and thereafter on April 1st and May 13th. No reservations are necessary. Just come and enjoy! 3 NOODLE KUGEL (Winning Recipe) This should be baked in a disposable lasagna pan and one pie pan greased. Bake for 45 minutes in a preheated 350?oven. 12 oz. extra wide noodles 8 oz. medium and 8 oz. fine noodles (cooked & drained) may or may not use all of these, depending on con?sistency. 1 cup sugar 3 large eggs 8 oz. (and a little extra) sour cream 16 oz. (and a little extra) 4% cottage cheese 1 #2 size can pineapple tidbits (drained) 2 handfuls white raisins Add cooked noodles to all other ingredients. Mix well until the right consistency ? not too juicy. Tapping 6 tablespoons corn flake crumbs 3 tablespoons brown sugar Mix together and sprinkle over top of kugel. Dribble 2 tablespoons melted oleo or butter over top of crumbs. SPINACH NOODLE KUGEL (First Runner-Up) Vz pound medium noodles (cooked and drained) 1 package chopped frozen spinach (defrosted and drained) 3 eggs 1 cup Coffee Rich 1 envelope onion soup mix 'A pound margarine melted Blend eggs, soup mix and Coffee Rich. Add to cooked noodles, spinach and margarine. Pour into 8" square pan, greased. Bake 40 minutes at 350?. A double recipe is bet?ter at all times.THANKS & SPECIAL KUDOS Golden Chai News Dear Seniors: Our new Ark continues to be the subject and object of ad?miration as each visitor to the sanctuary will agree. The crea?tion of Malcolm Doctors and the expertise of his staff have provided the Temple with a beautiful work of art. "Our heart?felt thanks goes out to them for their generosity!" ? ? ? A special thank you to Darin and Nina Tiep for hosting the New Member Get-Together on November 19th. ? * ? Congratulations and welcome to the Temple Board of Marilyn Glovinsky as Vice President of Education and Debra Schreck as Secretary. ? ? ? Barbara Rosen, Gift Shop Co-Chairman, would like to thank all the ladies who helped and also the Sunday School children and mothers who supported the December 4th and 18th sisterhood Gift Shop sale in the Temple parking lot. It proved to be most profitable. ?Tell and Kvell?? Congratulations to Joel Feldman, Justin Finkelstein, Melissa Kaufman and Larry Schnitzer, students at Wood?bury Jr. High School, who all received straight "As" for the first quarter. They were treated to lunch, by the school, at Sam?s Town. Keep up the good work!! We're proud of you all! Congratulations to Melissa Kaufman upon being named Woodbury Jr. High School Student of the Month for December. Enjoy your free lunches. Congratulations to Larry Schnitzer upon winning the Grand Prize at the Woodbury Jr. High School Science Fair, and First Place in the Biology Division. Congratulations to Justin Finkelstein for winning Second Place in the Physical Science Division at the Wood?bury Jr. High School Science Fair. Congratulations to Sidney and Bernice May on their granddaughter, Haley Boruszak?s award of grand prize for best picture in art contest ? a portrait of Las Vegas as seen through the eyes of our children (for all the schools' 10,000 kids). There were 13 finalists and Haley, who is in the 3rd grade at Meadows School was presented a $200 bond and a trophy by Mayor Lurie. If you have something special to "kvell" about regar?ding a member of the Temple family, please send the information to the temple office, attention of Shirley Gellin, by the 10th of each month. This article for the Bulletin is the first one for 1989. Let us all make a wish and a prayer for a happy and healthy New Year. I am really excited as to how our membership con?tinues to grow. Let all of us work to keep it that way. The slate of officers were read and the vote was unani?mous. We all happily accepted. The officers are the same as last year and together we will work real hard to keep up what we represent, "A Special Place to Belong." Following are the officers for 1989: President Secretary Treasurer Publicity Corresponding Secretary New Membership Chairperson Dorothy Herman Anne Frish Ruth Goldman Ethel Shack Clair Cohen Charles Gold A special thank you to Al Rostov for always saying, "Yes" when we need him. To all our gracious Board mem?bers, thank you so much. A lot of excitement is stirring at "Golden Chai? with installation of officers in early February and possibly hav?ing some nice refreshments to make a lovely day for all our seniors. Hope to see all of you at each meeting. Thank you. Dorothy Herman, President 732-9576 UPCOMING EVENTS PROGRESSIVE DINNER February 18th is the date set for the Third Annual Progressive Dinner. We are in need of host houses for drinks and hors d'oeurves, salad, main course and des?sert. Please call Sandy Ewan, 458-1031, or Lois Doctors, 456-0915, if you can help us out. Donor credit will be given. Hope to see you there.Sixth Grade Class Goes to Israel QUESTION: How can a 6th grade Religious School Class take a trip without the benefit of a fund-raiser? ANSWER: When it is an imaginary trip with a ?table and chair airplane? and xeroxed tickets; when parents act as the pilot and stewardesses; when the Western Wall is constructed out of paper ?wishing? blocks; and when the Rabbi acts as President Herzog! The sixth grade class of Mrs. Aliza Narbonne planned the December 11th trip as a supplement to their study of Israel. They began their journey by inviting Linda Schnitzer of Your Travel Place to speak to them. She "sold? them a ?package tour" and arranged for their passports. Parents were invited to the Bon Voyage party. As the students boarded their airplane, con?structed of table top wings and lined-up chairs, the^| received Israeli gum. Aboard the El Air Israel flight, pilot? ed by Sig Kohnen and stewarded by Sharon Cohen and Dyane Kohnen. the travelers watched a film on Israel. They were greeted by President Herzog himself, represented by a mustachioed Rabbi Akselrad. Here they visited the Western Wall and danced the traditional circle dances of the Hora and Mayim Mayim. The now weary travelers and parents were treated to pita, chumos and salad, along with ?gazoz,? an Israeli straw?berry soda. After all, what would a Jewish event be with?out food? IMPOSSIBLE!! The sixth grade and their teacher, MRS. ALIZA NARBONNE, in front of the "Western Wall." Rabbi Akselrad is acting as President Herzog welcoming the student travelers. Presenting passports to SHARON COHEN, one of the 6th grade parents, as they board the mock airplane. First and Second Grade Consecration Dinner It is the tradition for students beginning their formal Jewish education to be consecrated within the Temple. Congregation Ner Tamid has chosen Chanukkah, a time of family celebration and religious rededication, to hold the consecration ceremony for the first and second grade children. On Friday, December 9th, the children in Mrs. Michel Zweig's first grade class and Mrs. Rose Dunn's second grade class presented their families with challah that they baked themselves. In addition, they presented their families with beautifully hand-made challah covers to be used for years to come. The whole congregation was treated to a Chanukkah play directed by the first grade aide, Wendy Novik. Under the musical leadership of teacher, Alan Hirsh, the children led the entire congregation in opening and closing songs. the Temple by Rabbi Akselrad and given gifts of minia?ture Torahs by their principal, Sandy Cohen. At the evening?s close, Congregation Ner Tamid had 21 new little scholars beginning their Jewish education.TOT SHABBAT February 25 at 10:30 a.m. marks the Third Tot Shab- bat sponsored by Sisterhood. Tot Shabbat is an informal Shabbat morning experience for children 2-6 years of age and their siblings. Over the course of the last two pro?grams over 75 children have participated in this program. The theme of the next Tot Shabbat will be "preparing for Shabbat." A light lunch will be served. If you would like to come to this Tot Shabbat or need any further information, please fill out this form and return it to the Temple office or call 733-6292. Reserva?tions are required. Yes, we would like to know more about the Tot Shabbat and other programs: Name:_______________________________________ Address:______________________________________ Phone:_______________________________________ ________We are planning on attending February 25th Children?s Names______________________________ I ________We are unable to attend. I_________________________________ _l CHOIR NEWS One of the most exciting programs established this past year has been the Ner Tamid choir under the able direction of Martha Olson. Martha directed the choir throughout the year, including the High Holidays. It is with regret that we inform the Congregation that Martha will be leaving Las Vegas and must therefore resign as our choir director. Plans are underway to find a new director. We at Ner Tamid wish Martha and her family much success ? we will miss you!! RELIGIOUS SCHOOL: Raise our Voices Congregation Ner Tamid Religious School is still grow?ing! Our latest addition is the creation of a Junior Choir. Our choir will be under the direction of Rochelle David. Mrs. David is a professional music teacher with the Clark County School System and has conducted chil?dren?s choirs for over twenty years. The Junior Choir is open to all Religious School stu?dents in the 4th through 7th grades. To date, there are three scheduled performance dates during regular Fri?day night services. Rehearsals will be on Sunday afternoons following Religious School. Participating students will be bringing a bag lunch. (We will provide drinks) and then will be re?hearsing from 12:30 to 1:00 p.m. with Mrs. David. For more information regarding participation, please call the office or Sandy. Sandy Cohen Principal Religious School Wish List Our sincere thanks to Harry and Claire Bycel for donat?ing a stove for our all-purpsoe room. The wonderful piano and bench for the all-purpose room, donated by Don and Dorie Kemp of MUSIC WORLD, deserves our heartfelt thanks. We truly appreciate the generosity of those who help our wishes come true. 1. Tape recorders (new or used) 2. Slide projector and screen (new or used) 3. Sink (new or used) 4. Selectric Typewriter 5. Film Strip Projector 6. Camcorder 7. Desk Top Copier. NTTY NEWS Ner Tamid Temple Youth (NTTY) has been keeping extremely busy this past month. The NTTY board has elected the new committee chairmen. Ken Carrol was chosen as historian, Jennifer Gross as social action, and Lisa Kollins as membership outreach. Liza Blau is the newly appointed editor. Keeping up with the Southwest Federation of Temple Youth (SWFTY), many NTTYites attended and enjoyed a fun-filled conclave in Phoenix, Arizona. The next regional event is Kala in February. TNT and NTTY met at the rollerskating rink one Sunday afternoon for the time of their lives. NTTY meets on Sun?day nights at 7 p.m. in the youth lounge at Congrega?tion Ner Tamid. Hope to see you there!Sisterhood January Tributes Tb The Mendelsons Condolences on the loss of Ben Mendelson From Denise and Steve Bass Sandi, Roger, Scott and Jill Ewan Tb Eileen Kollins Congratulations on being first ?Congregant of the Year? From Sisterhood Kama and Morris Ruskin Congratulations on Your Marriage From Carol and Norman Sussman Mr. and Mrs. Peter Herman A Very Long and Healthy Life Together Carol and Norman Sussman Tb LeVerne Witkow Condolences on the loss of Alex From Sisterhood Gil and Natalie Shaw Tb George Flushman ?Speedy Recovery" From Gil and Natalie Shaw Tb Mr. and Mrs. J. Berg Condolences on Aunt Esther's passing From Lill and Don Eisner Tb Bonnie Yehros Get Well Quickly From Katherine Scott Tb Shirley Bradley and Family Condolences on loss of your brother From Audrey, Joel, Matthew and Justin Mishalow Tb Phyllis Mark Good Luck in your new home From Sisterhood Tb DeDe and Claude Rosenthal Best Wishes on Anniversary From Sisterhood Tb Mr. and Mrs. F. Rosech In memory of son From Ida Aberman To Caryl Berg Speedy Recovery From Lill and Don Eisner Tb Rose Dunn For a Speedy Recovery From Sisterhood Lill and Don Eisner Tb Sidney May For a Speedy Recovery From Lill and Don Eisner Tb Chic Hecht in Memory of Father From Rose Dunn Tb Rhoda and Phil Liss Congratulations on 25th Anniversary From Rose Dunn Tb Eileen Kollins Congratulations From Phyllis and Cal Lewis Sidney and Bernice May Don and Lill Eisner January Yahrzeits January 6, 1989 Eugene Alexander Ernest Barrish Melvin Sanoff Isadore Kogan Charles Martin January 13,1989 Robert Levoff Harry Jacob May Sadie Wagriech January 20, 1989 Pauline King Rieder Gertrude Alexander Rae Israel Grace Swissman January 27, 1989 Nelson Werner Dorothy Werner Mommy (Daddy) and Me A new program for 2 to 4 year olds entitled ?Mommy (Daddy) and Me? started on Saturday, December 10th in the All-Purpose Room in the Temple Religious School. The next session is sched?uled for January 7th at 10 a.m. This program lasts approximately V/z hours. Children play games, do arts and craft projects and learn about Jewish holidays in a fun-filled at?mosphere. No reservations are required, just come with your youngster for a terrific time. There will be a nominal charge of $2 for mem?bers and $3 for non-members to cover the cost of supplies and materials. Cindy Milmeister will be the chairperson of the program and will be available to answer any questions. Call her at 454- 5028 if you are interested.Temple Tributes___________ PRAYER BOOK FUND By The Wilensky Family In Memory of Frank Aved Wilensky By Harvey, Sophia, Lill and Don Eisner In Memory of Dr. Alex Witkow Tb The Mendelson Family In Memory of Ben Mendelson From Dr. Roger and Leslie Simon To Dan and Jean Solomon In Loving Memory of Father Isadore Solomon By Harold and Edith Glasser LIBRARY FUND Tb Harvey Sanoff Happy Birthday From Florence Bloom TRIBUTES Tb Harvey Sanoff Happy 65th Birthday From Shirley and Art Gellin Tb Mrs. Alexander Witkow In Memory of Dr. Alexander Witkow From Dr. Lewis Etcoff and Family To Noreen and Gary Sternberg In Honor of 31st Wedding Anniversary From Adam Sternberg Tb Larry Schnitzer Congratulations on winning 1st prize at School Science Fair From Bubbie Tb Hy and Natalie Bergman Congratulations on Wedding From Natalie and Artie Berger To Dr. Steven Kollins Wishing a Speedy Recovery From Dr. Lewis and Marilyn Etcoff From Gary, Noreen and Adam Sternberg In Honor of Grandson, Steven Eric From Harvey and Frances Sanoff To Dr. George Flushman "Get Well Soon" From Florence Weinstein To Congregation Ner Tbmid Thank you for balloons while sick in the hospital From Addison Heit Tb Sophie Pisetsky For Speedy Recovery From Sisterhood From the Heit Family Tb David and Richard Shack and Family In Loving Memory of Bess Shack From Uncle Mike and Aunt Ethel Shack To Louis Shapolsky Prayers and Get Well Wishes From Ann Weitman To Emma Weidenfeld For Speedy Recovery From Sam and Hortense Alper To Dr. Steve Kollins For Speedy Recovery Sam and Hortense Alper To Mr. and Mrs. David London Happy 20th Anniversary From Sam and Hortense Alper TREE PLANTED IN ISRAEL Tb Mrs. Braunstein In Memory of Mother From Leni and Larry Newman January Birthdays Samuel Alper 22nd Mara Jaffe 19th Emily Bossak 21st Lynette Kimball 10th Julie Bronsky 7th Marsha Klein 25th Jonathan Cioffi 18th Steven Lang 15th Lois Doctors 5th Rachel Levine 20th Leslie Dunn 5th Judith Lewis 5th Marilyn Etcoff 18th Laurie McRitchie 8th Sandy Ewan 3rd Jennifer Mendelson 22nd Stephanie Finkelstein 25th Benjamin Meoz 31st Barry Fredkin 28th Sadelle Minsey 4th Neil Galatz 22nd Denise Rounds 20th Marilyn Glovinsky 20th Natalie Samuels 4th Allan Goldberg 10th Lawrence Schnitzer 18th David Gordon 1st Phil Seltzer 20th Jeffrey Harbach 8th Pearl Silverman 8th Alan Hirsh 25th Robin Silverstein 12th Carol Hoffman 29th Heather Smith 10th Bobby Horton 7th Our sincere apologies for having missed the December birth?days of Cal Lewis and Michael Cherry. Hope your birthdays were happy.Dear Sisterhood Members: MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR: JANUARY 12th, 7:30 p.m. at Sisterhood's general meet?ing, an open discussion will be conducted by Sister?hood member, Sandy Greenblatt, Ph.D., on women's is?sues covered in the book "Perfect Women" by Colette Dowling. We will explore together, in open discussion, our roles as daughter of .... parents of . . ., work roles, etc. You will be receiving further information in the mail. FEBRUARY 18th our Third Annual Progressive Dinner will be held. If you would like to donate your house for donor credit for this fun-filled social evening, please con?tact Lois Doctors 456-0915 or Sandy Ewan 458-1031. MARCH 9th, 7:30 p.m. at Sisterhood's general meeting, Rabbi Akselrad will present a program, "Mixed Marriages, Mixed Messages." More information to follow. My personal thanks on the Chanukkah Bazaar to Eileen Kollins for chairing the book fair, Kathleen Tamasi ? gourmet corner, Nina and Darin Tiep ? cotton candy robot, Sophie Pisetsky ? coordinating outside food, Maxine Gratz ? Noodle Kugel Bake-Off, DeDe Rosenthal and TNT support, and, of course, Lill Eisner ? Gift Shop, Jeanne Schomaker ? coordinating all our workers, NTTY ? setting up movies for kids and, of course, all the people who pitched in to make the Bazaar the success it was. Congratulations to Frances Klamian our "Noodle Kugel Queen" and all the contestants with their won?derful entries. This new event for our Bazaar was most successful. The participation was outstanding. I am delighted to report that in the last few months women have asked to join the Sisterhood as Members- at-Large, chairing events and working on committees. These new ladies are (and I am most grateful) Sandy Ewan, Progressive Dinner and Purim Carnival: Debra Schreck, Gift Shop and Oneg Shabbat Committee; Trudy Schneider, Phone Committee; Betty Schloss, Uniongrams (more information to come); and Jeanne Schomaker, Parlimentarian. Our new publicity chairperson is June Newmark. She can be reached at 368-2951. I am thrilled to have her handling our publicity. She works for the Las Vegas Sun and has graciously accepted this position with Sis?terhood. When calling our Tribute Chairladies (Bernice May 871- 9155 or Audrey Mishalow 458-7303) you will now be sending your checks for $4 or more to them personally so they can maintain their records properly. Sincerely, Mary Fox, President Sisterhood Welcomes New Members Arlene Cohen Susan Sampugnaro Sandy Cohen Marlene Sherman Sisterhood to Sponsor Book Review On February 9th at 10:30 a.m. the Sisterhood will host^fc a book review by Rabbi Akselrad in the Ner Tamid library^P Following the book review the Sisterhood will hold its regular business meeting and a light lunch at noon. Rabbi Akselrad has chosen the book "When Bad Things Happen to Good People" by Rabbi Harold Kushner. A national bestseller for the past few years, this book has inspired millions of readers throughout the world. Rabbi Akselrad noted, "I have chosen this book because so many of us wonder why there is evil in the world. We ask ourselves, ?Why is my loved one sick? Why are these horrendous things happening? What have I done wrong?' This book helps to provide an answer to this timeless question of evil." We know that you will not want to miss this book review. The book is available in any local book?store. In addition our gift s