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The Shofar newsletter of Temple Beth Am, May 2000



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    The H o u s e of t h e P e o p l e TheShofar Monthly Newsletter of Temple Beth Am 9001 Hillpointe Road Las Vegas, NV 89134 702-254-5110 Volume 10, Issue 5 May 2000 Special Points Of Interest. ? Gala Reservation. Dr. Richard Moore is our Man of the Year. Mayor Oscar Goodman will MC the event on May 20th at . Caesars Palace. Greeters for May May 5 Becky Grill May 12 GeriLynn Grossan May 17 Steve Konowalow May 26 Julie Perlman Inside this issue: Same Gender Ofpciation Rabbi Mel Hecht More Seder Photos Were you there? Test Your Jewish IQ 14 Questions Birthdays & Anniversaries May Calendar of Events Yartzeits for this Month Groundbreaking Photos 10 Man-of-the-Year Gala This Month 7he big day is almost here. May 20th at Caesar's Palace! Festivi-ties, including a com-plete gourmet dinner with a choice of luxuri-ous entrees, live music and dancing, both a live and a silent auction, a special art exhibit and more. Mayor Oscar Good-man will be the Master of Ceremonies. He will do the honors for Dr. Richard Moore, Temple Beth Am's Man of the Year. It will certainly be a very special evening for all to remember. In addition to the festivities of the black-tie event, there will be an opportunity to ac-quire a variety of valu-able items that will be offered in two separate auctions. One a silent auction, the second a live auction of precious jewelry and art. An attractive art ex-hibit presented by Art 2000 will add to the ex-citement of this special evening packed with en-tertainment for all. Dinner offers an out-standing sumptuous gourmet meal, offers a choice of sea bass or beef as the entree. Music for dancing and listening will be presented by Piermarini and his orchestra. Come and join the fun and excitement that this very special eve-ning has to offer. You'll be glad that you did. For reservations call the temple office, today! Passover Seder at the Luxor Was a SelloutI Passover is a special day of observance for all Jewish people. Gather-ing up more than 400 cele-brants for the first seder at the symbolic location of the Egyptian Room at the Luxor Hotel added excite-ment to this every-year event. The recitation from the Haggadah was led by Rabbi Mel Hecht. Readings by members of the congre-gation added life to this special gathering. Songs and music presented by David Averbach and Pier-marini, and the participa-tion of the children was something special. After the before dinner portion of the seder was completed, together with the wine, bitter herbs, and the rest of the symbolism Seder participants are ready to break matzos and join in the remembrance of Our peoples departure from slavery in Egypt. that is a part of every Passover seder, a wonder-ful dinner was served. From a gefilte fish ap-petizer, followed by a pip-ing hot portion of matzo-ball soup and on to a main course of roasted chicken and brisket of beef, we were well fed. The meal was topped off by a desert platter of assorted fresh fruits and Pass cakes and cookies. A brief search for the Afikomen followed. Once that special piece of mat-zos was located and the finder rewarded, the cele-bration was concluded. Thanks to Bill Arager for putting it all together. For more seder photos turn to page 3 2 THE SHOFAR May 2000 Rabbi Mel Hecht, MHL,DD Spiritual Leader Temple Beth Am Board of Directors EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Arleen Turok President Larry Steckler First VP Mort Friedlander Second VP Carin Bachant Treasurer Julie Pearlman Recording Secretary Linda York Corresponding Secretary TRUSTEES Steve Aizenberg William Arager Gary Bordman Craig Friedberg Lelia Friedlander Becky Grill GeriLynn Grossan Hazel Gold Dr. Steve Konowalow Marie Rich Allison Berman Education Director Amy Stein...Sisterhood Representative Stuart Stein Brothertiood Presides THE SHOFAR Larry and Lorraine Steckler, Editors Temple Beth Am 9001 Hillpointe Road Las Vegas, NV 89134 702-254-5110 Shabbat Services Tot Shabbat, Friday at 7:00pm Shabbat, Friday at 7:30pm Child Care Provided Saturday Services Torah Study, 9:30am Services, 10:30am The Reform Vote on Same Gender Officiation Rabbinic Reflections by Rabbi Mel Hecht T m he die has been cast! The Central Conference of American Rabbis ? (CCAR), the Reform movements rabbinical body, has passed a resolution giving its rabbis the option of presiding at gay commitment ceremonies. In so doing, we have joined with the Society of Friends, United Church of Christ, Lutheran and Universalist-Unitarian minis-ters, Episcopal priests and Buddhist priests in the performance of same-gender ceremonies. A while back, I presented many of the arguments, both pro and con, for such ceremonies. I'll not repeat them here except to say that the morality of human relationship should not be based on gender, but on the quality and depth of commitment between two human beings. Rabbi Eliot Dorff, Rector of the University of Judaism in Los Angeles observed that "some sexual activity is indeed an abomination, whether it is done by heterosexuals or homosexuals?namely cultic, oppressive, or promiscuous sex. Other sexual activity is and should be sanctified? namely monogamous, loving sex, again whether among heterosexuals or homosexuals. The issue of same gender commitments and ceremonies is not only a spiritual and ethical one; it is also a matter of American citizens, who arc yiy or lesbian, having their civil liberties and rights severely com-promised. Married heterosexual couples automatically share property and inherit from one another. They are defined as next of kin in medi-cal decision making, are allowed to adopt each others children, receive pension and health benefits, can file joint tax returns and provide citi-zenship for immigrant spouses. All of these, and more, are denied to same gender relationships. Until now, states have denied same gender marriages on the basis of "compelling state interest" against such unions. I believe, however, that a state would be hard pressed to prove "compelling state interest" in the case of same gender commitments. It could not be argued on the basis of religious belief because of the separation of church and state; or if it could, what religious or denominational definition would be judged the norm? From a psychological and physiological perspective, oppo-nents to same gender relationships would be hard to demonstrate it was inherently dysfunctional. Society, religion and the state can, does and must lay down require-ments and expectations for what takes place within their respective do-main. I believe we must do so in the matter of gay and lesbian unions. An institutional category must be created and defined by the state so as to protect the rights of all of its citizens under the law. Rabbi Dorflf reasoned, "if we refuse to create such an institution, we heterosexuals are saying to homosexuals that we expect them to be promiscuous and that we do not care?perhaps, even, that we want them to be licen-tious so as to confirm our stereotype of them as be-ing libertine and irresponsible." I personally do not recommend including such unions under the cate-gory of "Marriage" as marriage has been under-stood, defined and sanctified almost since the begin-ning of time. G-d knows how besieged the institu-tion of marriage has been of late! I do believe that Marriage, as a unique and sacred institution can be better clarified and strengthened through an honest, fair and sincere debate about the nature of love and commitment between two human beings. Whe- the vote was taken and the resolution ap-proved the great majority of those present stood and applauded. Even though I voted for the resolu-tion, I did not stand as many others did: I sat, and tears filled my eyes. Not because we did not do what it right. I believe that we did. But sometimes, doing what is right can do much more than correct or con-front a wrong. Doing so can also cause great pain, frustration, anger, or increased prejudice on the part of those who do not share the same idea of human freedom, dignity, relationship and most impor-tantly, the same concept of what is believed to be the Will of G-d. To those who consider the Jew to be "the enemy," this resolution will only affirm their stereotype of and prejudice against Jews. But their distain and ha-tred is already fixed and rigid. I believe that not act-ing in the pursuit of Justice, because of the fear of its consequence, is a greater sin than any threat they may pose against us. My sadness and tears were not shed because of them. They were experienced because of the pain and disappointment this act will cause sincerely be-lieving, religious non-Jews whose faith and belief do not?cannot?support the position taken by the CCAR. It is my hope and prayer that we will be able to debate this profound issue of Justice "for the sake of Heaven." I pray that out of that mutual effort we will come to a better understanding of the issues in-volved. My wife, Micki's reaction to that same moment is also of profound significance. She cried as well. Her tears were shed as a feeling of release and empathy for the countless colleagues and friends of ours who have suffered pain, prejudice and ridicule at the hands of homophobics. She felt that they were somehow in some small way vindicated, or at the "House of the People" TEMPLE BETH AM 3 very least, validated. My greatest sadness, however, is the effect that this resolution will have on the Jewish World. For it threatens to divide Jew from Jew, even more than the divisiveness we are currently experiencing. Cer-tainly, it will compromise Reform growth and cred-itability in Jewish communities in areas other than the United States. It will further complicate issues where a consensus must be expressed by more than just the Reform branch of the Jewish People. And it may very well cause schism that will divide the Jew-ish People in a way similar to the experience of Christianity at the time of the Protestant Reforma-tion. Only time will tell. The Greensboro vote was a courageous one; but at what price? B' Shalom Rabbi Mel Hecht More Seder Photos 4 THE SHOFAR May 2000 Test Your Jewish IQ ANSWERS ON PAGE 6 1. What does "Amen" mean? a. I affirm ? b. I understand c. Awesome 2. Saying "Lechaim" before having a drink is a . . . . a. Biblical commandment b. Rabbinic law c. Jewish Custom d. "Prohibition" 3. A Torah scroll may not be used even if it is only miss-ing. . . . a. One letter b. One word c. One verse d. One paragraph 4. In what manner did Noah bring the Kosher animals into the Ark? a. Two by two b. Two by four c. Four by four d. Seven by seven 5 Where is the largest yeshiva in the world located? a. Mea Shearim, Jerusalem b. Lakewood, New Jersey c. London, England d. New York, New York 6. Why do Jews eat "cholant" (a stew of beans, potatoes, meat, etc.) on the Shabbat? a. To catch informers when they spill their beans b. To sleep well in the afternoon c. To show belief in the Oral tradition d. To commemorate the Manna 7. What does the word "Yarmulka" mean? a. Latin for "head-hider" b. Hebrew for "hat" c. Arabic for "dome" d. Aramaic for "awe of the king" 8. What is the 25th word of the Torah? a. Chosheck (darkness) b. Ohr (light) 9. In which year (of the Jewish Calendar) was Abraham born? a. 2000 b. 1990 C. 1948 d. 1776 10. Who destroyed the First Temple? a. The Macabees b. Jabba the Hut c. The Babylonians d. The Romans 11. Complete the following verse: "Man does not live by bread alone a. but by a;; that proceeds from the mouth of G-d, man lives b. but also by the spirit does man live c. but also with water d. but also with the fruit of the vine 12. What did Maimonides, Machmanides and Gersonides have in common? a. They all codified Jewish Law b. They all lived in Portugal c. All their names ended in "ides" d. They were all doctors IS. How many folios (2 sides = 1 folio) are there in Babylo-nian Talmud (Standard Vilna Edition)? a. 612 b. 2,683 C. 12,670 d. 600,000 14. The cantillations of the public Torah Reading are? a. Up to the discretion of the reader b. Written in the Torah scroll c. Based on "Galactic Jazz" d. A part of the Oral Tradition You will find the answers to this quiz on page 6. If you would like to see other quizzes of this kind from time to time please let the editors know.. "House of the People" TEMPLE BETH AM 5 Religious School Family Dinner and Shabbat Service If you were there, you know how wonderful and unique a service we had and how tasty the dinner was. Enjoy the photos. We hope to have you join with us the next time. 6 THE SHOFAR May 2000 Happy Birthday Mr. Mark B. Schussler May l Jessica Kritzler (12th Birthday) May l Sal Friedlander May l Daniel Cantor (l 1th Birthday) May 2 Mr. David Seidner May 3 Ms. Barbara Bass May 4 Diane Gutman May 5 Sienna Drizen (6th Birthday) May 5 Ms. Debra Fitzmeyer May 7 Lorraine Steckler May 8 Kathleen Rich May 8 Mr. Michael J. Kritzler May 8 Mr. Jeffrey Klein May 8 Colin Freedman (l 1th Birthday) May 8 Julie Smith May 9 Mark Sender May 9 Jakob Alexander Broustein (5th Birthday) May 9 Dr. David Krulewitz May 10 Mr. Gus Plocky May 11 Collin Tepper (lSth Birthday) May 12 Michael Shane May 12 Andrew Ringer (12th Birthday) May 12 Mr. Hugh Olbur May 13 Mr. David Chesnoff May 13 Mr. Albert Ring May 14 Heather Klein (19th Birthday) May 14 Mr. Raymond Gold May 14 Morgan Besman May 14 Jim Landon Vfay 15 Robin Landon 15 Leana Jones (15th Birthday) May 16 Mr. Max German May 17 David Borda May 17 Alexandra Allison-Arguello (6th Birthday) May 17 Mrs. Diane Chesnoff May 18 Mr. Ben Hailpern May 19 Mrs. Gloria Greenspan May 19 Michael Berman (12th Birthday) May 19 Michael Smith May 20 Joshua Greenspan (14th Birthday) May 20 Dr. Irwin Glassman May 20 Dean Rubsamen May 22 Randy Tarr May 22 Mr. James Nordgren May 22 Robby Philip Rosenthal (8th Birthday) May 23 Kyle Esbin (4th Birthday) May 23 Peter Forman May 25 Mrs. Garianne Farrish May 26 Mrs. Randy Myers May 27 Jared Krulewitz (14th Birthday) May 28 Mrs. Bernyce Broselow May 28 Gary Bordman May 29 Thomas Cohen (13th Birthday) May 30 Mrs. Deborah Miner May 31 Mrs. Sharon Krulewitz May 31 Happy Anniversary to: Helen & Hymen Forkos OOth Anniv May 1 Trudy & John Farrell 7 th Anniv May 1 Michele & Steve Miller 11 th Anniv May 7 Cindy & Brad Mishlove 11 th Anniv May 12 Barbara & Jeffrey Klein 27th Anniv May 12 Linda & John Gerstein Wadleigh 13th Anniv May 17 Lauriann Bradford & Craig Friedberg 8th Anniv May 17 Carol & Mark Sender 20th Anniv May 18 Cathie & Sol DeLee 16 th Anniv May 19 Mr. & Mrs. Present 16th Anniv May 20 Rosa & David Kanarek 8th Anniv May 23 Janet & Robert Jones 19 th Anniv May 24 Patricia Ann & Jack Kane 33rd Anniv May 28 Answers to the Jewish IQ Test on Page 4 1. a? The word "Amen" derives from the Hebrew word for belief, "Emunah". 2. c?The custom dates back to at least 12th century C.E. 3. a?Every letter of the Torah has significance, and thus even one missing letter invalidates the entire scroll. 4. d?The non-Kosher animals came two by two. Genesis 6:19, 7:2. 5. b?It has about 1,200 full-time siudents. 6. c?Although the Torah forbids lighting a fire on Shabbat, the Oral Law permits having a fire remain burning on Shabbat: unlike the Karaites who forbade any fire on Shabbat and only ate cold food. 7. d?The word is composed of the words "Yarei", meaning "Awe and "Malka" meaning "King". One purpose of wear-ing a Yarmulka is to be aware on G-d's omnipresence. 8. b?A hint to the miracle of Chanukah, on the 25th of Kislev. 9 b?In 1948 of the Common Era (C.E.) the State of Israel was established. 10 c?The Babylonians. 11. a?Deuteronomy 8:3. 12. d?.Gersonides was also an astronomer. 13. b?Pages are designated as "side a or side b" of a folio. 14. d?The notes are standard in all communities. o Temple Beth Am 2000 May 5760 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 Yom Hoshoa Adult Judaism Class 7:30pm TBA 3 TBA Board Meeting - Open to all Congregants 6:30 pm Bereavement Group TBA 7:00pm 4 5 Tot Shabbat 7pm Shabbat 7:30pm 6 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am 7 Hebrew Class 9:00am Religious School 10:am B'Nai Mitzvah 10am 8 9 Adult Judaism Class 7:30pm TBA 10 Israel Independence Day 11 12 Tot Shabbat 7pm Shabbat 7:30pm 13 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am 14 Mother's Day Hebrew Class 9:00am Religious School 10:am B'Nai Mitzvah 10am 15 16 Adult Judaism Class 7:30pm TBA 17 Bereavement Group TBA 7:00pm 18 19 Tot Shabbat 7pm Shabbat 7:30pm 20 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am "Man of the Year- Banquet and Silent Auction Caesars Palace 6:30pm 21 Hebrew Class 9:00am Religious School 10:am B'Nai Mitzvah 10am 22 23 Adult Judaism Class 7:30pm TBA 24 25 26 Tot Shabbat 7pm Shabbat 7:30pm 27 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am 28 Hebrew Class 9:00am Religious School 10:am B'Nai Mitzvah 10am 29 Memorial Day 30 Adult Judaism Class 7:30pm TBA 31 1 JlH* 2 Tot Shabbat 7pm Shabbat 7:30pm 3 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am 4 Hebrew Class 9:00am Religious School 10:am B'Nai Mitzvah 10am 5 6 Adult Judaism Class 7:30pm TBA 7 TBA Board Meeting - Open to all Congregants 6:30pm Bereavement Group TBA 7:00pm 8 9 Tot Shabbat 7pm Shabbat 7:30pm 10 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am 8 THE SHOFAR May 2000 DEDICATION OPPORTUNITIES ? Goal $1,000,000 As the New Temple Beth Am rises out of the desert earth, make you and you family a permanent part of the new buildings. There are dedication opportunities over a wide range of amounts. Contact any Board of Directors member for more information. Individual pledge amounts can be made in any amount on behalf of yourself, your family, in celebration of a memorable event or in memory of loved ones. To dedicate a building or specific area in honor or memory of loved ones, please contact the Board of Trustees. Campus Temple Library Sanctuary Outdoor Terrace Social Hall School Playground Chapel Porte Cochere Education Center Sanctuary Ark Hall of Memories Sanctuary Eternal Light Learning Center Sanctuary Rotunda Judaic Shop S<x:ial Rotunda Mikvah Temple Kitchen Sanctuary Foyer \ lministrative Suite Adult/Senior Center Entry Doors Celebration Garden Infants' Cry Room Outdoor Worship area Rabbinical Suite Meditation Garden Schcxil Foyer Stained Glass Windows Senior Center Foyer Bimah School Director's Office Torahs (2) Classrooms (13) Brides Room Chapel Eternal Light Chapel Bimah Cloak Room Judaic Garden Computer Room Schwl Library Lectern - Rabbi Senior Center Library Lectern - Cantor Lectern - Chapel Catering Office Chapel Torah Reading Table Chapel Torah Stand Sanctuary Torah Reading Table "Building" Bricks $ 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 $750,000 Money Raised lor "The House ol Ihe People" "House of the People" TEMPLE BETH AM REMEMBERING LOVED ONES WITH THIS MONTH'S YARTZEITS May 1 Mark Grobstein.... Inger & John Kealor May 1 Al Kantor... .Father of Gary Janet fisf Gary Kantor May 3 Becky Cohen... .Mother of Tale Toby & Yale Cohen May 3 Sarah Ring. Mother of Albert Roselyn & Albert Ring May 5 Milton Lebovitz... .Grandfather of Beverly Beverly & Richard Yates May 7 Minnie Rutkovsky... Mother ofRhoda Rhoda & Martin Bibicoff May 7 Kathren Wara... .Mother of George Shelli Lowe & George Wara May 8 Frank D'Amico Husband of Esther Esther Levoff May 9 Jodpeh Richman Grandfather Susan & Louis Esbin May 10 Anton Porak... .Father Evelyn Ostberg May 11 Rosalie Fine... .Mother Fran Fine, Gloria & Mark Fine May 11 David Greenberg... .Father of Lois Lois Hartman May 13 Lou Mack... .Friend of Esther Esther Levoff May 13 Kay Mannes... .Mother of Rhonda Rhonda & Michael Weisbein May 13 Isidor Soil... .Father of Helen Helen & Hyman Forkos May 14 Alan Tobman... .Son of Jean & Herb Jean & Herb Tobman May 19 Leslie Caro... Mother of Linda Linda & Robert York May 22 Madeline Gamble... .Grandmoter Deborah & John Miner May 23 Gertrude Schneider. Mother of Roselyn Roselyn & Albert Ring May 25 Clara Blustem Mother of Sandy Sandy & Philip Holtzman May 25 Samuel Jones.... Mariene & Maurice Jones May 26 Lillian Holtz Mother of Stella Stella Biaiac May 28 Sigmund Schwartz Father of Steven Nancy & Steven Schwartz May 31 Isadore fVeiss... .Grandfather Deborah & John Miner NEVADA CARDIOLOGY ASSOCIATES SPECIALISTS IN COMPREHENSIVE CARDIOVASCULAR CARE MARTIN D. SCHAFFLR, MD, FACC, FACT BERGE |. DADOURIAN, MD. FACC FOAD MOAZEZ, MD, FACC SAMUEL E. GREEN. MD. FACC SEAN S. AMELI, MD, FACC JEFFREY B. GITLIN, MD PATRICK C. HSU, MD 31 2 ! S Maryland Pkwy Suite SI 2 Las Vegas. NV 89100 702) 706-7150 3 I SO N Tenaya Way Suite 460 Las Vegas NV 891 28 ( 7 0 2 ) 2 3 3 1000 10 THE SHOFAR May 2000 Groundbreaking Photos We rushed to bring you the groundbreaking photos last month and, as a result, they were very dark and hard to see. Therefore, we decided to publish them again so you could see if you were there. Please tell our advertisers you saw their ad in "The Shofar" Poptronics The Magazine for the Electronics Activist Visit us on the Web JUL SPANISH HILLS R E A L T Y Ed Weisel. ABR Realtor 4 9 5 5 S. D u r a n g o , S u i t e 116 L a s V e g a s . N e v a d a 89103 e - m a i l : e d l w P n e t s c a p e . n e t CELL: 702-521 6302 OFFICE: 702-939 8 0 0 0 FAX: 702-838 4634 ^ L M A R y KAy* GeriLynn Grossan Independent Beauty Consultant 7 7 2 1 Leavorite Drive Las Vegas, N V 8 9 1 2 8 (702) 242-5730 ATTORNEY AT LAW 619 S. 6 STREET TELEPHONE (702) 384-8900 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101 FACSIMILE (702) 384-6900 E-MAIL: FRANFIKIE@WORLDNET_ATT.NET Mort FriedlaRder Mediation and Arbitration Services Tel (702) 645-1288 ? Fax (702) 645-1149 E-Mail: ALLSTATE INSTANT PRINTING Providing Las Vegas with prompt, courteous, & economical service since 1972 Dan & Meggan Debevac 3111 S. Valley View, #U-104 (702) 253-9448 Las Vegas, NV 89102 Fax (702) 253-5547 FUNERAL HOMES 6200 S Eastern Avenue 2127 W. Charleston Blvd Las Vegas, NV 89119 Las Vegas, NV 89102 (702) 736-6200 (702) 383-2900 Are you truly delicious relaxing cooking and a gourmet create! reserve how to cook for fun, 's a basic the dishes you Call to TEMPLE BETH AM ONEGS: Contact Amy Stein at 233-6230 to sponsor an Oneg. DATE SPONSOR OCCASION May 5 Lorraine & Larry Steckler In celebration of Lorraine's birthday May 12 Barbara & Jeff Klein In celebration of their 27th anniversary and Heather's 19th birthday May 19 Open May 26 David & Mary Cohen The Shofar Temple Beth Am 9001 Hillpointe Road Las Vegas, NV 89134 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S.Postage PAID Las Vegas, NV Permit No. 395 702-254-5110