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    San Francisco, A p r il 1, 1916. Re: Drinking water system, Las Vegas Shops. S .P ..L .A . & S. L . Ry. Co., Los Angeles, C a lifo rn ia . Gentlemen; ATTEUTIOH OF MR. ARTHUR MAGUIRE . CHIEF ENGINEER. / R eplying to your l e t t e r o f March/29th, the clause in our proposal regardin g preparatory work, including masonry and patching o f flo o r s and w a lls , may he s trick e n Out in your case, as ?/ell as the p ro v is io n f o r condensing water, as iV i s my understanding that con­densing water may he rum o f f without/.any p ro v is io n fo r rehandling. < The fu rn ish in g o f e le c t r ic power ana e le c t r ic w irin g up to and w ith in a reasonable distance o f the motors so that we may tap on, must he assumed by you rselves, and in a l l p r o b a b ility you now have a power lin e lo ca ted w ith in a few fe e t of/where the r e fr ig e r a t in g p lan t is shown.. I t is our d is tin c t Understanding th at our proposal covers the in s t a lla t io n o f the machine and drinking water system, in complete operatin g order, foi? \t^e net sum o f T h irty-E igh t Hundred and Ten ($3810.00) D o lla rs , you to g iv e us condensing water and e le c t r ic current w ith in reasonable distance o f our machine. Yours t e r y tr u ly , Sgd. A lb e rt B. Mann. Mgr. S. F. Refrig.M ach. Dept. ABM/BP.