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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? I ? ; ' ' ' ' e; c. fc-fVPR 29 1958 L as Vegas, Nevada April 28, 1858 M r. G. A. Cunningham: c c : M r. E . H. Bailey Supplementing the letter of M r. Renwick to you dated April 24, 1858, concerning the wells at Dry Lake, Nevada, please be advised that X concur with the statem ents made by M r, Renwick and 1 am of the opinion that the company can take no action unless and until such tim e as w ater is developed in die well being drilled for W ells-Stew art Construction C o ,, In c ., resulting in damage to the Railroad Company, In addition to the statem ents made by M r. Renwick, we also discussed the possibility of seeking injunctive relief in the courts which might prevent die con tractor from proceeding further with a well drilling activity, and we concluded that injunctive relief would not be available to the company until such time as there was actual provable damage, resulting in such a manner as to deprive us of a speedy, adequate rem edy at law. instructed me to write to W ells-Stew art Construction C o ., In c ., in ord er to elim inate any argument of a waiver of any railroad rights, and 1 transm it herewith a copy of that letter for your files. Since writing you April 24, 1858, M r. Renwick has “ 7 C M C : h l Enel. Calvin M. Cory