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    RHaWms'SiiM With Newsmen-, NSg^J^TK LAS VEGAS, Nev^jSejpt. 23?╟÷M Wednesday, itiha^^^!& cv$|ner Di I married aiier so mnnj; diigfiil.^- !.* l-y The glamorous lilmf &t^, -waose ] ?╟≤troubles re^ntiy^Mive included j death threms a?╜??hvst herself and jher three-year-old daughter, Prin- I Icess Yasmin, and Haymes, dogged I by a threat of deportation, will Umarry Thursday in a, simple cere-'. mony with only ih^aguests and the ; press attending. f! "W<sgjjfraht a shsvjae wedding,"! Miss H^avworth said--firmly. ''This j one ig-;ioo important to me to chit-1 j Iter up -witlvr'a lot of unnecessary j jfi'il^plt's ?╜0Vffe that-4^fove each lothei4*" #W-i .&iekat Ml E^fee vf&mttv Mmwe the final '^b^||^fee^|v*e th@lersA.won't jtli ot'^SbSl^iroubles { yrap$wor?╜ixsighed happily ^ ^^nAkSfeWyEinaiiy getting MARTINSVILLE^tfl). Rl&^RTE^E fMsid her] Mfffe'ht still ?√ß???╟÷K^3fe?''a re"i nih?· betters, .. and itif6t?*mtPHn?╜.. Im-| |pu.'e un^k^pvot ' j'H^jR-BSpr^-d|^i emaih to I [ be'ironed oufeg' - gjf~j?s?·/ 'j The: maivriage will take place, in! a the.- Gold B&ojtt- of .jfcjflffiands Hotel jj " |with coverage; by gjpxvsinen .andjl U^ewsreel and tele v.ij&ibn'cameras. j ,| Rita will,wear a 'sMiple, straight! aiblne a'iiiVen.^ afternoonSf.dress 'with j ^i beige. b&fc*&?·d glovejjjKnd orchids.; ;'lThe hndj^robm ww^fear a- dark) 1|bftt-e suitrfbr t^-ci|^^feli^ 'M$te I^prict Judgf $|||i&^fi^a4 jlpee.. The< eouple^ftFm^fi^igei [gold wed<^g--band|^^|^ v {The S^iJ^^ari^td.^neviTOton' at! \g: the Sands over ?√ß the'^elSvend and ; then ?╜fe^^-''.fl^hilad'^5pftj^here I i Haymes operas a night jft-luhfr en-i j gagement, leaving the* ?Σ≤rq|pe r's; Siawyeral^^.^i^e ja|| jthe h& 'resume Monday. Haymes; k#^eiti^^ is chargeljl^th Hle^^l^ ?√ßjing this country after^HMtlng Mis! (Hayworth in Hawaii last May. * BKSBURQ,;&&?·?·; TELEGRAM^ Circ. 0. 23,742": Troubled Pair To Try With Another Marriage J LAS VEGAS, Nev. (ff)_Dick Haymes, a crooner who has had jllenty of trouble with wives and iffncle Sam, takes out a marriage license today with Rita Hayworth, a ^gal who has had her share of husband trouble. ,;|faymes and the cglamorous screen star pick up the wedding license at 3 p. m. (Pacific daylight time). That is just one hour after he gets a.divorce from Nora $d- j cfihgton Bpynn Haymes. ! 'The singer and the actress will be married tomorrow at 11 a. m. } in Sands Hotel, where both have hWBt1^fSSfSmWm&ne time. It will i be marriage No. 4 for both, Circ; D. 3,781 a; 1953- I i CHOICE ASSiOkfUlfiHT^Tb^e two guarc^5i^the -easy-pn-^ the-eyes job of guarding actress Rita Haywbrth during her StMy|l at the Sands Hotel in Las Vegas, Nev. The glamorous'feiovie' stafflj has receWtia'TWa fetters threatening her and her daughter, Yasmin, ?╟≤ 3Y2, with death if she did not agree to a reconciliation with.hei* former husband, the childs father, Aiy Kahn. Standing guara. over the blue-jeaned Rita' are, Deputy Sheriff Bill Grover, left, and hotel securitv auard Bev Perkins. BALTIMORE, MD. SUN (EVENING) Circ. D. 195,404 SEf 241953 Rka And JH ay toes Plan I Quiet Hotel Wedding m Las^Vegas, Nev., Sept. 24 J|> Rita Hayworth andijl'^j Itodail^^bled onfefmore with matrimony-' A^'yaHsLC.*'' - j '%i The 34-year-old actress and her crooner, 35, wilLrpte vows each has said three times before, ma simple ceremony m.t^. Sands H??flfeict Judge Frank'MacNamee will officiate at the five- minute rites- Jack Entratter, gen- 153 manager of the- Sands will be the'.only attendant. Photographers: and reporters will outnumber the-inyited, guests three to one* n - _r iuSS^W Quite A Contrast The unpretentious rites will be nuite a contrast to the screen Star's lavish French wedding to Prince Aiy Khan in 1949 Miss Hayworth will not even have a new wedding gown. She said she would wear a blue linen straight dress which she has worn before. Her head will be covered__bjr_a toast-colored hat of faille and velvet. She will wear glovesvtq match the hat. "WtW*^ Onlyi guests ijMted *areg business and4legal associate^'of ,the [couple|W! only i^tatives on hand ,WiH begt%fe^britje'swo daughters, ^hey lap Rebecca, 8, the'^m^iig iof Miss Hayworth's marriage to l^son {Welles, and the Princess kpgmhf^N^ Mike her Moslem iither a dirjet d^<?epdant o?·0e , Prophet jiyptmmed. 'w^jFmal Barrier , M^_ Finlk^^^'ef to the.^jBdipB | was Cleared yesterda^Jv-^ft. Haymes"' copped a seven-minute [divorce decree from Nora Eddington Flyftn.Haymes. Less than an Ihdur tijfaf'he brought Rita back jto the "boUrthouse, where,^^ (nervously filled out the marriage- license forms. ^jgt*^-' MASSILLON, OHIO INDEPENDENT Circ. D& 12,454 {Hayworth, Haymes Will Try Again, M%^jt^jimy ooters' tried to Haymes today LAS VEGAS, :N?╜v.;fg|?) ?╟÷ While^iS make sevens and 'elevens',.;.Rita Hayworth gambled once more with';itiatrimony. " ' L_rw___ The 34-year-old actress' and her crooner, ?║5gwill recite vows eacll has said .three tim^^%|^in'a simple ceremony in,tj^ Gold Roonl I DistrietjfrageTrankli^^jfiiee ^fE^ Iwill officiate at the fjive-minute ceremony. Jack Entratter, general; manager of the Sands, will be1 tlie |3nly attendant. Photogr|ij)he%ic&hjdj * reporters will outnumber the incited guests three to &jeJJ'?? jH * * * ?╟≤?√ß?√ß?√ßkog ' ;, ,..j THE UNPRETENTIOUS af?·^4 will be quite a contrast to ^ffllf' ]seree1ttg?s?·ar's lavish French wedding to Prince Aiy Khan in 1949. Miss Hayworth. will not .even have. a new wedding gown. She said she would, wear a blue lineii straight j $re|gJ?║|ffch she has W<frh before.i iHe^'iftStt. will be edVeted by aj toast-colored hat of tuU<| and vel-1 vet.=-;.:JS.he will wear gloves to match the bat. Only guests invited^are,'business i j and:legal associates of tip couple. The jfeily relatives on harid.will be i thef%hde's two daughters. They are Rebecca, 8V the offspring of Miss Hayworth's'marri^ge il?║ Orson i Welles, and the Princess limine i 3^6, like her Moslem father( a direct- Mescelffifaht' of -a the '-p-ophet Mohammed. Final barrier to the^edefefag was I cleared yesterday when jjlaymes | copped a seven-minute divorce decree froin Nora Eddington Flynn Haymes. Less than an hour later, j he brought Rita back to the courthouse, where both nervously filled out the marriage license forms. Both Haymes and Rita claimed permanent residence in Nevada, but said they will soon move near I Greenwich, Conn., where they are I looking for a house. AURORA, ILL. BEACON NEWS Circ. q.-:%)pte\S. 28,338 DICK HAYMES; RITA PLAN TO WED TOMORROW BEARDSTOWN, ILL. I ILLINOIAN-STAR JJf^ Cjre.. D. 2,684 [Rita and Crooner [Plan Simple IWedding Tomorrow I Lais Vegas, Nev. UP ?╟÷ Film star ?√ß Rita E^$$orth and crooner Dick |Haymesrt^day planned a "simple 1 weddm|!Pwith television and news- Ireel cameras grinding away. I Then they'll settle down to I what they hope will be a sedate j life as suburbanites in Greenwich, I Conn. [j The ceremony Thursday will be ?╟≤' held in the Gold Room of the Sandfi ffotel with only nine guests FBI Guarding Rita, Yasmin LAS VEGAS, Nev., Sept. 14 OLE)1 ?╟÷Rita Hayworth and her daughi ter, three-year-o^fPr.ince^Xa?'' through ^3Sp?║ft3*3!hs lawyer,! "?"* ?╜iiUn^i^'5??P,#3#aiCharles ToreiL "asking the Aga' after tM film star received-l&reatsg^ , . ^m,"- 7: i of viol^^less the^hMls W-j^511 t0 use his ^-uence as thej turned CiSn^diately to ;MpsM*m invited, but news and camera men were told they could attend. The red-haired beauty sighed happily that she and Haymes "are finally getting married after so many difficulties/-; Among their recent troubles have been an attempt by the government to deport Haymes, a citizen to Argentina, and death threats , against.. Mis& ..Hayworth and her j youngest daughter, three-year-old - Yasmin. S j But the wading unlike the final I clinch in the- movie thrillers, won't ; see 'all of the headaches solved. f Miss Hayworth, Yasmin, and her 2 other daughter, Rebecca, 8, still tare under protective guard and f. Haymes' difficulties with th? Im- , migration Department remain to h j be ironed out. I, It will be Rita's fourth wej^ngj I. and . E|aymes'. thii%^e.'tehe| i ^?½ple 1. plan tte^honeyin$Qn at th^ l^lds . over the weeki^|?ps3(J'*th?Θ╝^ P^yel , to Philadelphia, W^|e Haymes , opens a night cl\0^asagement?╟? . leaving the crooner's lawyers to | handle his case befeffr the govern- . ment in hearings which resume* tj Monday. >1^^ O-nvflLajQjcLgrolf o o OJLQJLSU (spiritual leader cf the Ismali sect iPrmce Aiy Khan. ( ?╜*. Ug c^?╟? ^m gtar. and he^ [ The actress! attorneyg^a^t3gyjChii(j Crum, reached in Hollywgpd, ^gu^ the threats catiie in letters addressed to Miss Havwoilth at the Sands Hotel ngre fflqeT;n'^!lll|they for investigation.' . ?√ßIk&ffig, Crum said "they, could ;be crank letters," but added1: "I read both letters and it is my personal conclusion that there was something in them to indicate that thejj did ccmie jlio^i jt^g^ig. ious fanatic." "^'^.niyii jffi^ffif ' . "nje-attpiney. said he 'had wired IMf&^prince's father, the Aga Khan, askings him to "caution tjis followers" as far as his former daughter-in-law and grandchild are concerned. I Crum said he routed the wire] MORRIS, Ij. L. HERAlJ! ||||rc. D. 4,275 m iffi8.VEGAS, Nev., (M ?╟÷ Dick {Hayme&j^a crooner who has had plenty of trouble with wives and Uncle Slung takes out a marriage Ilicence today with Rita Hayworth, la gal who has had her share of 'husband trouble. Pin j Haymes and the glamofous! Iscr^tjsftar pick up the wedding license at 5 p,m.,CDT. That is i just one hour after he get^m-di- {vorce from Nora Eddington Mynn Haymes. ' mE-W- '* ' The Argeiitftie-born singer, and the actress will be married.'Ifhurs- day morning in tlie Sands sJjotel, where botii fi^ettbeen guests for; s^me-t;wne. -It will be marriage! No. 4 f<^*botH'^'^^^S Ihe -cckiple spent a quiet night on J ithe eve of Haymes' divorce action. They ate dinner together in Missj Hayworth's TJxjm while her/ two I I young daughters, Rebecca, off-1 isprirtg of Orson Welles, and Yas- Imine, daughter of Prince Aiy Kahn, had their dinner in the hotel Idining room. , J^c,'^!,^ In Seclusion I A friend said that Miss Hay- Iworth's stay here has been con- Ifmed mostfy to her room. She has ?√ßbeen here to be hear Haymes [while he established his six week Iresidence required for a Nevada Idivorce. * M 1 "The wedding will be a simple [one, c^ntj-asted to her lavish French wedding to the Moslem [prince in 1949. Federal Judge Frank Macnamee will perform the brief rites?? in the [hotel room. Jack Entratter, co- owner of the Sands, will be the only attendant. The only invited guests are eight [business and < legal associates of the couple. The press, also invited, ?╟≤'will outnumber the guests three to one. * I 'T want a wedding with nq frills i thi&*time," Rita said. "After all, I'm getting' Dick, and that's all that matters." Rita Sheds Tears i She cried for two hours Tuesday I after the third Mrs. Haymg|^?╜figped the waiver that enabled In?"%mg<ef | to get. his divorce today. Else, he I would have had to wait another 30 days before marrying Rita. [j Close friends reported that Rita's, i tears were an emotional outlet j after days of -tension built up in [|fear that Nora would be stubborn! about the waiver. Honeymoon plans must wait resumption of a deportation hearing, istarted last month and scheduled .ltd resume next Monday in Los M Angeles'. U.S. immigration authorities hold that the alien Haymes forfeited his right \o remain in j the United States when, on an im- ra^^'S^3[^^*^l','^:a *n Honolulu J* ["'?√ß'He'"Mled'"ft-f';obtain' a re-entrya permit. i JJifa, Haymes Married Amid Gambling Whir I LAS VEJGA%-*fev,,'.Sept. 24 .- I Rita Haywbrftt^rijLDiek Haymec I I ibegina^p;,, male it foui' I apiece today whfeai.^hey exchange : wedding vows amiS:4he clicking of I dice and whir ??f roujhsttek wheels J in a gambling hotet^^;"> While a ge>y mob of l^lfMsts play their chips in a ^s^&^Qfwnsfcaifii.c ft|h|yfeme-h aired" tfttozH^fae&ufy? j%m\ the.' crooner will s.ay their ."?√ß! .d^pi"- flWmhe press conference "/im>mr^- H^p; plush ^aii-d^ ffiqtel'.i' .Rita, M^agwig'lik^aji excited^ ;OTfde, made this^. :*eei^gSony the simplest of her ca-reerisp!*,'c Weddingj^fe^i3b toj.- Miice Aiy ] ^han fea.ture^e;^^|ppagne, royal quests and la-vjshv..clothes, but for her fourth weeding, Rita chose a^i aid' dress M Jhlue linen, a plain ?o!d weddai|aTband and a- simple civil ceremony"y^ith ho decorations, a n d only. ^m^^ ?√ß The act-rfife^^w;:-'usually dodges ih-e press,-vth^raaJB irivited them all?╟÷newsreel cS'ineras included?╟÷ ;o the wedding pcthis' gambling; After the*^BgmQt^^ Rita was! scheduled to pla'^^itfews^ at a lun- , cheon for the ^fs^ and press, j T&e happy coupM", had no plans J foiptbe rest of ?√ß t^^^ay and WffD honeymoon he^i. _until Sunday. j.IhfeiHhey'll trek to Philadelphia, whefe Haymes begins "a singing engagement. I CLEVELAND, OHIO NEWS g aCirc. D. 145,458 Sft2i W iRko^ Haymes tioW%$?╤ith \ ^imj^eRites j LAS VEGAS, Nev. . {IP)~While - |ttea^|^ crapshooters tried to make! si sevens %nct elevens, Rita'Hty worth] f and Dick Haymes today gambled * |once more with matrimony.. \ The, 34-year-old actress^an?╜i.'he^ eachahas said three times before, in 4ymple ceremony in the Gold Room of the Saftdjjjgfflfcgfl- District Judge Frank MacNamee will of ficiate at the five-minute rites. The unpretentious rites will be quite a contrast to the screen..|E%r's [lavi^i; French wedding tor#r|n.ce [Aiy |ihan in 1949. Miss Hayworth will not even have a new wedding gown. She said she would, wear a blue linen s'traigjif^ess^hich she .has worn bef6ie^|;fj^ &?║_} I "TMkonly relatives oh hahd will | be the bride's two daughters, -ffeey | lare^cRebec^a, 8, the offsprip^ ofI IMisso^ayWorth^s marriage tor I i Orson Welles, and- the Princess pi Yasmine,;-"--S1^., like- her Moslem |s| father a direct descendant of, the pi??nhet Mohammed. Final barrier to the wedding was cleared yesterday when Haymes! copped a seven-minute divorce decree fromgNora Eddington Flynn Hay$[esg Less than an hour later, he brought Rita backto the courthouse, where both nervously filled out |he marriage license foyms