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The Wheel of Rotary Las Vegas Rotary Club newsletter, April 6, 1950







Newsletter issued by the Las Vegas Rotary Club

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    man000112. Fayle Family Papers, 1895-1998. MS-00404. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    PLACE STAMP HERE INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS President—Percy Hodgson Eck Hiestand, Governor District No. 160 3636 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, 5, Calif. LAS VEGAS ROTARY CLUB Club No. 1401 Chartered April 5, 1923 Membership July '49—97 OFFICERS President—Leonard Fayle Secretary—Allye Lawson Treasurer—Harry Allen Directors John Beville Carl Hyde Paul McDermott Jim Shaver Rotary "Wheel" Staff "Pop" Squires, Editor Jim Shaver, Bob Gatewood, John Beville, Reporters MAKEUP Boulder City, Nevada Wednesday, 12:15 PT Caliente, Nevada Friday, 12:15 MT Tonopah, Nevada Tuesday, 12:15 PT St. George, Utah Monday, 12:15 MT Kingman, Arizona Wednesday, 12:15 PT Barstow, California Wednesday, 6:30 PT Needles, California Tuesday, 12:15 PT FACTS ABOUT OUR TOWN Elevation, 2,033. Founded 1905. Population, 25,000, of trading area 50,000. Situated on U. S. Highways 91, 93, 95, 466. Serviced by- Union Pacific R.R. Greyhound, Burlington and Las Vegas-Tonopah & Reno Stage Lines, also Sun Valley (Phoenix) Bus Line. And Bonanza, United, Trans World Airlines and Western Air Lines. Hub of West's Most Scenic Country, Grand Canyon, Bryce and Zion Parks, Death Valley, Boulder Dam and Lake Mead, Mt. Charleston, Valley of Fire. Page 2 WHEEL OF ROTARY APRIL, 6, 1950 TODAY'S PROGRAM Today the Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs will meet together to commemorate the Easter in a f i t t i n g manner. Monsignor John J . Lambe w i l l deliver the Easter sermon, as he always does so well. The Sullivan S i s t e r s , Louise and Minnie, have kindly consented to provide some music for us today as the occasion permits. Las Vegas Rotary Club i s under obligations to The Sullivan S i s t e r s for the d e l i g h t f u l music they have given us on many occasions. Paul Hammel, President of Kiwanis and Leonard Fayle, president of Rotary, will divide the r e - s p o n s i b i l i t y of conducting proceedings today— without - too much f r i c t i o n , we hope. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . * * * • ROTARY LAS WEEK Last week Ray Germain gave the Rotary Club a c r a f t talk — of _ course, the p r i n t i n g business. His discourse was so good that several members of the Rotary Club are p l a n - ning to s e l l t h e i r present businesses and open p r i n t i n g o f f i c e s in the near f u t u r e . . . . Thanks ,'• Ray] * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DISTRICT CONFERENCE Rotary D i s t r i c t Conference will be held May 24, 25 and 26, at the Huntington Hotel, Pasadena.... The Convention af Rotary International w i l l be held in Detroit in June. This year, only Club Presidents are expected to attend. NEWS FOR KIWANIANS Editor Tom Taney announces that the Kiwanis Board of Directors at i t s meeting Wednesday passed a r e - solution asking the Board of Las Vegas City Commissioners to r e t a i n the maintenance and control of the Wildcat Lair, about which there lias been some contro*v**e rsy recently. Kiwanis President Paul Hammel and Vice-President Wendell Bunker will represent Las Vegas Kiwanis Club a t the Convention of Kiwanis International to be held in Miami, Florida, in May. * * * ON THE SICK LIST Tom Taney reports that Wendell Bunker, Vice-President of Las ^egas owanis Club, has been on the %ick »idl\ WHEEL OF ROTARY Page 3 G R E E T I N G S The TJheel of Rotary, in behalf of Las Vegas Rotary Club, extends i t s greetings to Las Vegas Kiwanians and. voices the pleasure we f e e l each time we have cne of these j o i n t meetings. The practice was "begun several years ago, and. we hope that the Kixvan-ians get the same pleasure out of the association that Rotarians do. BABY ROTARIANS John McManus ( c l a s s i f i c a t i o n — " T i t l e Service") and J e r r y Lott ("Air-l i n e T r a f f i c " ) attended the l a s t meet-ing of the Rotary Board of Directors, to get acquainted and to learn some-thing of how Rotary "business is t r a n - sacted. Welcome and Congratulations to * * * * * * J*e r*r y* a*nd* U*a*cJ * * * * * * ONE HUNDRED PER CENT At l a s t we have had a lOOo a t t e n d - ance meeting of Las Vegas Rotary Club (if Bail Phelps made up). The query comes, ""When are we to receive those cigars and stuff President Leonard was o f f e r i n g when he d i d n ' t think we could do it.'" Last month—March—we did not do so badlyj Our percentage of attend-ance figured out 94.62^. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PRIMARY ELECTION Last week Las Vegas Rotary Club held i t s Primary Election, with the object of nominating fourteen candi-dates from whom to elect seven Direc-p i o r s to serve f or^^ti^ RpterlSi^rJfS&r be ginning next J u l y 1 s t . . . . Due to a t i e , we w i l l next week have to select seven directors out of the following who were the nominees: ALLEN, BEVILLE, CONVERSE, EAYLE, DRAVES, EDWARDS, "SCOOP" GARSIDE, GERMAIN, HYDE, JOHNSON, KELCH, ALLYE LAV/SON, LEE, McDERMOTT, RON*ZO*NE*, * S*HA*VE*R *an*d *W*IL*LI*S. * * VISITING ROTARIANS We acknowledge with pleasure the presence of the follov/ing v i s i t i n g Rotarians at our meeting l a s t week: DeWITT TRACHT, W. E. BAKER, E. G. NIELSEN and MORT WAGNER (All of Boulder City) DON ERUEN Minneapolis, Minn. Wm. ELAEERTY Reno, Nevada CHARLES ROSS Riverside, Cal. GEO. LINDHOLM Salt Lake City W. W. ELMORE Jackson, Wyo. HERMAN MICEELS Oakland, Cal. MAJ. SWEENEY Reno, Nevada We hope you will come again soon, fellows. Yoy. will always f i n d a warm welcome. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RONNOW CLUB MEMBER The Cashoan's have joined the "Ronnow Club" with pickets, animal show and everything, we are told, a l l at one time. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SHOOTING LESSONS - - "Doc" Gatewood, a f t e r going out to Indian Springs to see the Air Force Gunnery Compe-t i t i o n , now thinks he can outshoot that gret hunter, Bob R u s s e l l . Well, both Eire p r e t t y quick on the drawi £cis ^Vecjas Holary Club hosier AFdReAocTkE, KONr eAnL KIONRGG "AON.KI Z."A T'2I3O NCS.M R-176 B-207 AMlEleNn , S HFaUr dRyN I"SFHeIlNi xG" S ,' 47 R E T A I L B-3960 AElLleEnC, THR aI Cr r yL I "GHHaTr rSyt" P'O43W E R RA-d9d4i1t i o n8a-l 41A7c8t ive BHaArRt lDe tWt , ABRyEr,o n R EE dTwAiInL " B u d " '45 R-2344 B-44 OBeFvFllIlCe.E J oEhQnU IMP.M "EJNoTh n, n yR" E T'4A6 I L I N G R-195 B-644 BAlCaCcOk mUNa nT;I NAGl f r eSdE RWV. I C" TE e x " '33 R-500J B-500 RR loRn. deP, ARS .S EAN. G" BE oR b " A'G47E N T R-2475 B-I120 SBEolNceI O. RJ o hAn CCT. I V" JEo h n " '48 R-2793 Boman, George " G e o r g e " '49 FAEd dEiDt i o&n a lG RAAcItNi v e D I S T R I B U T I N G li-3777 B-2800 R o r s u c k . E d w a r d W. " E d " '40 RR-A9D28I O EB-Q31U11I PME N T , R E T A I L I N G BDrRaUnGd tS. , TReEd THA. I L" T e d " '48 AR-d4d1i5t i7o n aBl -1A44c t1i v e FBUriNnlEeyR. AJL. HDa rI oRlEd C T" JOHRB " '47 1**152 B-64 BR rEoNwTnI. N GB , MPaRhOl oPn R I"EMTaAh lRoYn " '39 R-249 B-3380 OB uRnTkHeOr , D OBXr y aMn OLRaMmOoNn dI SM" B r y a n " '34 It- 480 U-63 CNaEhWl aSn ,P AAPl bEeRr t EE dDmI ToInNd G" Al " '26 R-280 B-7S6 CRaEmApLb eEllS, TTAhToEm aAs GAE. N"CTYo m " '41 R-4022 B-1750 CAaU.sThOmManO. BJIaLmE e s R E" JTiAmI"L I'2N3 G C.M R - 8 t B-116 CP Uh eBrLr yI,C J Ha cEkA LC.T H" DoScE" R'V42I C E R- 1784 B-4S10 Ciliax. E d g a r D. " E d " '41 RR-E1S7 T ABU-R10A9N9 T S CBlUoIuLgDh,I NRGi c hMaAr dN AHG. E"MD iEcNk "T 'f3 R-798 CAoI lnivLelrNseE, S E dOmPuEnRdA TCI. N"GE d " '47 R-2843 B-3100 CMrOaTg iInO, N E rPnIeCsTt UWR E " ETr nHiEe "A T'2R3 E S Crowe. C h a r l e s G. " J e r r y " '40 i ' W B N U G T I & N ( i , E A T I N G A P P L I E S R-907 B-604 EHdOwSaPrIdTsA, LL esMliAe NWA. G"ELMe sE"N 'T4 2 R-1963M B-20 FBuRyEleA, DL eBoAnKa rIdN GR, . "WLHe nO"L E'4 S2 A L E R-1922 B-1890 PDeRrUr oGnS, , WRmE. TEA I L" BI Ni lGl " '23 C.M R-3412 B-1441 TFlRlpApDinE, RAoSyS O"CRIoAyT" IO'4N8 S B-3802 FWoAl gTeEr .R A. SME .R V"AI lC" E '41 R-2493 B-30 POAarSsTid eS, EFRrVa InCk E F. " F r a n k " '36 R-373 B-72 GP RarIsNidTeI,N sGh e r w l n F. "Scoop" " '47 R-3S08 B-6 G a t e w o o d , R o b e r t H a r v e y "Bob" • DR-E1N52T6I S TBR-Y1 404 GS Er aCvUeRn I, TDY w lBg hRt O KH.E R" DAwGlEg h t " '47 R-3523 B-3237 GLrIiMndE ellM, ALN. UNF. A" CGTr lUn Rd yI "N G' 42 Sloan, Nevada GArUaTnOt , MAO. BCI L. E" ASr cEhR" V 'I3C0 E R-414 B-4500 ROuEsFeIwNeEi lDe . OFIrLa nPk R O" FDrUa Cn kT"S '24 RR-E5T4 A I LBI-N44G2 Draves, J e r r y " J e r r y " '49 V A R I E T Y STORES M a r l o n B. " M a r l o n " '32 R-574' L A W ^ P R A C T I C E OHBa rSdTyE; TSR. IIC, I A' SNt a n " '41 R-118 B-20 HP Ua rBr iLsI, C G eEoDr gUeC AETa IrOl eNy " E a r l e y " '48 AR-d1d2i7t i3o n aBl -1A62c6ti ve II Nl eDmUi nSgTtRo nI A, LD aMviEd D IEC, I "NDEa v e " '44 B-4367 CHAo uPsIsTeAl sL, J.I NKVeEllS T"MK eElNl "T S' 41 R-694 B-28 HLAu nNs Ia* k eDr .E VWEaLlOt ePr M"EWNaTl t " '41 R-1008 B-2180 HWuOnMt iEn gNt o n . CC.H IHL. D"RCEl iNf f' S" '45 rRi-E3A13D5 Y - TBO-1-7W58E A R Hvde. Carl " C a r l " '43 CUT^STONE DISTRIBUTING EI rLwEi nC.T RJ aI mC Ae sL EC. O"NJTi mR"A C'4T8O R R- 4087 B-450 JPoUhBnLs oInC. EWDaUl tCe Ar TDI.O "NB u s " '46 R-4083 B-162C KB eRlOchA, DCMAa xSwT IeNl lG "MS Ta xA"T IO' 4N' SRE- HR 0V2I C EB -1 400 KL uI Fr tEz , ISNaSmUuRe lA NBC. E" S a m " '48 R-3534 B-3274 OL aRmTbHeO, DFOaXt h e rC AJ.T HJ.O L'3I8C I SM R-13S LEaLwEsCoTn ,R ISCa mL I GJ.H T" S&a m " '23 C.M RP -O9W3 E R S E R V I C E TL aEwLsEoPnH. OANllEy e S"EARl lVy eI"C E' 33 R-1133 B-943 LDeReY. HGllOliOnDanS RR E"THAiIl Ll mI Na nG" '46 R-418SM B-45H2 LDeRoYn a rCd .L ECAl iNf fIoNrGd C " C l i f f " '38 R-1323 B-33 L o v e t t . F r e d e r i c k C. " C r o s b y " '43 BP-R2O43T2E S TRA-2N4T3I2S M ELuLcEeC. THRaIrCv e yE QEU. I"PHMaEr vN"T '36 &R -1S9U73P P LBI-E3S5 5 R E T A I L I N G LTuRcUeSy.T LBa wArNeKn IcNe G " L a r r y " '48 ; R-4213 B-l MH OasUoSn.E HJ oOnL DR . F"URRa Nn "I T'U43R E D E T A I L I N G R-3782 B-2000 PMHcDYaSnIlCeIl.A NJ. R. "J R." '38 R-910 B-20 MI NcSDJePr.m>oNtCt .E , P aCu lA SDU. A"LPTaYu l " '46 R-4289M B-114 GMEcNNaEmReAe.L LLeAo WA . "PLReAo "C T'2I7C E R-308 B-l888 MAIcRN amCeOeN, DMI TicIhOaNeIl NLG "Mi k e " '48 R-308J B-106 MC HcOAuMllBklEnR. JO. F R.C O" JMo eM" E R'4C9 E R-2062M B-3366 BMUikSu llScEhR. VSwI Cb aEs t i o n F. "Mi k " '43 R-2430 B-230 PMAilSleTr , SHEaRr Vr yI CEE, " H a r r y " '44 R-495 MR EooSrOeR. TJ r.. HWO Ti lEl iLaSm J. "Bill" '43 1:—1800 MP RooOrJeE. CRT. JAuDl iMa nI N"I.STT»RliAanT"I O'4N5 R-4027-M B - H e n d e r s o n 131 MMuUrNpIhCyI. PJAoLh n GMO. V"EMRuNr pMhE" N'T4 8 RA-D3M70I6NMI S TBR-Al T9I0O0 N CO'RDEoAnnMelElR. YF r ePd R OL.D U" FCrTeSd " '32 R-1108 B- 4543 PPUheMlpPs , EwQ. UDI.P M"DEaNllT" '49 RD-I1S2T0R7 I BBU -T1I8N 2 G8 PEiLeErcCeT, RCIhCaAr lLe s MWEoRo dC H"AWNoDoIdSyE" '47 RW-H14O2 L E BS A-3L17E1 Rafael, A n d r e w J. " A n d y " '37 SGEORVVEIRCNE M E N T I N S P E C T I O N R-368 SRIidGdHleT. SAE ElfIrNedG L,S E"ARlV" I C'4E1 B-4 R-4 RF oEnEnDo w&, FG RLAoIrNl n D" LI SoTr lRnI" B U'4T3 I N G R-517 B-2800 PL.AoDnzIoEnSe', RRiEcAh aDr Yd -"TDOi-cWk "E A'4R8 R - 4 4 0 8 -W B-3262 "RCuossl oelnle. l " R a'3y2m o n d R o b e r t MK-O3T84E6L S B-l002 RDuI Vy mO Ra nCnE, WL Ai lWl i amP RGA. C"TBIiCllE" '45 R-906 B-150 S h a v e r , A r t h u r J. " J i m " '44 ERL-7E6C9 T RBI -C1A03L3 E N G I N E E R I N G S t a d e l m a n , R i c h a r d R " D i c k " '45 AR-R3C54H4IJT E CBT-2U0R0 E SRuAtNh eKrIlNa nGd . C h a r l e s E, "Sully" '47 R-1070M B-4780 STwI TeLe nEe y ,I NMS UinRoAr NMCaEj o r "MaJ" '28 R-2776 B-l776 CSyHlIvReOstle-rO. DWI Si lTb e r Wa l t e r "Syl" '45 H-1850 R-1830 GTlEbNerEtlR, AJLe l lCn dOoN TAR. A"CJ eTlI"N G'4 1 R - 2 0 3 0 -W B-l 698 Tinsley, K. L. D. " T i m " '10 RG-R3O81C7E R I E S , R E T A I L CUAn dRe !r;h< iIlNl ,A TE Ed wD a rBd E VOEt tRo A"GO Et t o " '26 RD-I6S3T8R I BBU-1T7I2N0 G LVUonM BToEbRe l, RJEa kTeA IEL. I N" JGa k e " '37 R-41 SIM B-47 SWEeNnIgOeRr t , ACC. Ts.I V"EC y " '23 C.M. R-102 B-999 WAiIlRliLs,I NVE e r nToRnA FBF. I C" V e r n " '46 li-383". B-3206 WL Al lUl sNt eDaRd .I ERS o b e r t J. " B o b " '43 R-1S10 B-42 RWEilFsoI Nn. E JD. WO.I L" WPeRaOr yD"U C'2T9 S, RW-H42O6 L E BS A-2L29E MWEo lAl eTn z lReEnT, AJ.I LCI N"GJ a c k " '42 11-25 WD UooDdE, AR. AJN. C"HJ aI Nc kG" '42 R-3277W E-3530 SWUo RoGd bEuOr yN, C. W. " C l a r e " '35' R-350 B-20 HONORARY CRo-6r8r a9 d e t t i , Al D o u g l a s s . Dr. Lloyd C. Pike, W. H. "Bill" C.M. SRq-8u3ir4e6s . C. P. " P o p " . RB-r4»8c k » n , Wa l t e r P. "Wa l t " C.M.