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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Mr. Wav Reinhardt - Los Angeles Lhs Vegas cc: Mr. W. H, \ Mr. E. E. Bt I am informed by Mr, Renshaw, Manager of the . District, that he has drafted a letter to you for Mr. CamA signature, which will terminate my services with the Dlstr as or August 31, 195^» Mr. Renshaw assures me that when Mr. Campbell returns to Las Vegas he will sign this letter and fo. ;t' warn It to you immediately. y The only remaining work to be done in order to close \up the affairs of the water operations in Las Vegas is as follows: 1 . Ship the remaining Water Company files, file oases and miscellaneous records to Los Angeles for storage in basement of Headquarters Building at W lZ West 6th Street. 2. Arrange for the handling of clerical work, reports, payrolls and etc., covering operations of the rooming house until such time as it is sold, which I under­stand from Mr. Johnson, will be within the next month or two. I am handling with Mr. Johnson all matters which refer to the rooming house. Ml Subject to your receipt of letter from Mr. Campbell releasing me from service with the Water District on August 19 5 ^$ and with the approval of yourself and Mr. Johnson, I would like to arrange to take my vacation in September while on the Water Company payroll, and return to service with the Union Pacific ;/ Railroad Company on October 1, 1 9 5 k , This, of course, is/contyngen upon you having no plans for my continued employment here in M S Vegas. Please advise. / a LRMJ ejp L. R. Maag / 7 / ? a