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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    FADE IN EXT. SWIMMING POOL - DAY Corey pops up, to Julia's relief. COREY I did it.?╟╓ I busted the record.' TANK All right, frogmen. The caper's over. As he scrambles out, Corey is surprised. COREY Mom, it's Tank Blue.' TANK You can't fool an old scuba diver. Annie, this is Corey Baker. He and Earl are an entry. Julia has spotted the watch on Corey's arm. JULIA Corey, where'd you get that watch? EARL We didn't hurt it. It's waterproof. COREY A man gave it to me --for scurity, he said. JULIA (puzzled) Scurity? EARL He borrowed Corey's lucky coin. MARIE Oh - security. COREY Yeah. He gave me five dollars. He digs the damp, wadded bill out of his pocket. EARL Me, too. Cont.