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I agree.Los Angeles, January IS, 1942 v Pile 80-5 Mr. W. R. Bracken: McNeil Housing Please refer to your letter of January 12, 1942, your file W 25-1-1?, regarding refusal of the Public Service Commission to approve the oontract with McNeil Housing Co. until the Water Department has submitted a general rule covering the subject. It appears to me that it would be best not to change the proposed Rules 9(a) and 9(b), which were submitted in base Ho. 1126. Proposed 9(b) is entirely proper in the ordinary subdivision where the promoter sells the lots to others for the construction of homes." To satisfy the Commission I think we should submit a-rule limited to defense housing projects during the national emergency, that Is, projects under which the owner of the subdivision proposes to build groups of houses in units. I am therefore submitting a proposed 9(c) for you and Mr. MoHamee to consider. This draft oontalns only a rough outline of what such a rule might contain, and you may desire to modify it. I shall be glad to come out and dlsouse the proposed rule with you soon. t ECR:MS E. Bennett End. co - Mr. Leo A. MoHamee (with copy of enclosure)