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Ai i\. iU J J MVit J. uj i Ml LUiO Ol/LiUl/ iLl/IMVLUUl FhA WU. 3H DOtD/OU r. 4 Sandcastle Guam c95 Fibre Optic Scope of Work Light Source Comparison: Modified TrackSpot Specs Single lamp (ENH 250w/82v) fixture. (1) 9 position color wheel, (1) twinkle wheel, and (1) strobe shutter. Fixture is DMX controlled using 7 channels per fixture. Functions include: color wheel indexing & speed control, activate twinkle wheel with speed control, activate shutter strobe with speed control & lamp dimming. Modified TrackSpot is approximately 3 to 4 times the power of a Color Pro fixture. Color Pro Specs 3 lamp (ENH 250w/120v) fixture with 3 dicro color filters (red, green, and blue). Unit allows the subtle cross fading of colors by varying the intensities of each lamp. Unit has built in electronics for digital control of all functions including: dimming and independent control of each lamp. All control functions are via a single 3 pin xlr cable from the control unit to the first fixture and daisy chaining all other units to be used. Allows memory programming into 9 separate memories each capable of storing 99 scenes for a total of 891 scenes. Scenes may be set for auto or manual recall with or without a crossfade. Power House Specs 4 position color wheel or a Twinkle wheel. Fixture is a self contained unit not suitable for remote control other than on/ofFfunctions. Basically this is a no frills, low cost fixture more suitable for low control demands. Fibre Optic Cost Options: Our Fibre Optic budget numbers are assuming the use of the TrackSpot fixtures. The following breakdown is deductions to our bid if their is a change in light sources: Color Pro fixtures and Controller Ttem # 1 Fibre Optic Portal # 2 Fibre Optic Portal Infinity Staircase Backing Total Savings Savings $5,325.00 $5,325.00 $2.825.00 $13,475.00 Power House fixtures Item # 1 Fibre Optic Portal # 2 Fibre Optic Portal Infinity Staircase Backing Total Savings Savings $9,100.00 $9,100.00 $5.700.00 $23,900.00 American Showbusiness Sandcastle Guam *95 Page; I Date: 4/10/95