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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, May 26, 1952 to February 17, 1954, lvc000008-445


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    MOTEL OWNERS ASSN. Room Rate Posting DETECTIVE AGENCY LICENSE Anthis Recovery Bureau SOLICITOR'S LICENSE REDUCED World Book Encyclopedia SOLICITOR'S LICENSE REDUCED Childcraft CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE FEE Las Vegas Tile & Mantel GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSUE Resolution Authorizing Notice of Sale of $900,000 Issue Mrs. Ada Jackson protested Mr. Burgess' variance also. Thereafter Commissioner Bunker withdrew his motion deferring the variance application of Mrs. Burgess, and Commissioner Jarrett withdrew his second. Commissioner Jarrett then moved the application of Howard Burgess for variance to permit the establishing and maintaining of a dormitory at 213 North 2nd Street be denied. Motion seconded by Commissioner Sharp and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Jarrett, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Mrs. Delores Bonaobra, president of the Motel Owners Association appeared before the Board at this time. Mrs. Bonaobra stated that the Association would like to know if there is a proposed ordinance regarding the requirement of posting moteL and hotel room rates before the Council, pledged the support of the majority of the members and re­quested that their group be allowed to assist in the preparation of such an ordinance if the same has not been accomplished. Mr. Tom Knolner and Mr. Reed Wittwer, motel owners also spoke in this behalf. These business people were assured that they would be allowed to assist in the preparation of such an ordinance, since none had been presented. Mr. John Anthis of the Anthis Recovery Bureau appeared before the Board at this time to explain the necessity of the application for detective agency license. Mr. Anthis re­ferred to a recent enactment of the Nevada Legislature that requires such a license for a Recovery and Reclaiming Agency. Thereafter Commissioner Whipple moved the application of John and Norma Anthis dba Anthis Recovery Bureau for a detective agency license be approved subject to investiga­tion by the Police Department. Motion seconded by Commissioner Bunker and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Jarrett, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. The request of the World Book Encyclopedia for reduction of the Solicitor's License fee to allow local school teachers to sell during the summer months was presented at this time. Mrs. Kathryn Larson, one of the local representatives, was present. The Clerk also pre­sented correspondence from the State Manager Mr. W. E. Gibson and from the District Man­ager on this matter. Thereafter Commissioner Whipple moved the request of the World Book Encyclopedia for re­duction of license fee be granted and the quarterly fee be set at $5.00 for each solicitor; further that the police investigation requirement be done away with in this instance. Motion seconded by Commissioner Sharp and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Jarrett, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. At this time His Honor Mayor Baker left the meeting for a few moments, and Mayor Pro Tem Whipple took the chair. At this time the request of Mrs. Evelyn Lewis of North Las Vegas for permission to solicit for the sale of Childcraft in the City, and appealing for a reduction of the Solicitor's license fee was presented for consideration. Mrs. Lewis had previously filed an affi­davit with the Clerk on her anticipated sales, and other information to show that the required Solicitor's license fee was too great for her type of business. Thereafter Commissioner Jarrett moved that Mrs. Lewis' request for reduction of license fee be granted for the sale of Childcraft , said license to be $5.00 per quarter, com­mencing this third quarter of 1933; further that no police investigation be required. Motion seconded by Commissioner Bunker and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Jarrett, Sharp and His Honor Mayor Pro Tem Whipple voting aye; noes, none. Absent: Mayor Baker. At this time Mayor Baker returned to the meeting. The matter of the payment of license fee by Jack Thomas for a Contractor's license as the Las Vegas Tile and Mantel Co. for 1933 was continued until the next regular meeting on July 13, 1933. A general discussion took place concerning the acquisition, construction and establish­ment of additional sanitary sewer trunk lines and interceptors to the existing municipal sewerage system. Thereupon, Commissioner Bunker introduced a resolution, which resolution was read in full and is as follows: R E S O L U T I O N WHEREAS, at the general City election duly called and held on the 5th day of May, 1933, the regularly qualified electors of the City of Las Vegas, Nevada, author­ized the issuance of General Obligation Sewer Bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $900,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the purpose of defraying in part the cost of acquiring, constructing and establishing additional sanitary sewer trunk lines and interceptors to the existing municipal sewerage system; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of said City has determined, and does hereby determine, that said bonds should be offered at public sale. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS, AS FOLLOWS: 7-1-53