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    TBX3 AUKB&t&T made and entered Into this of------ ---------- -JL9S0* % and between LOS £ Mitt LA&B 2&$UtOiU2 GOJCPAIX, a Utah corporatlon, first Party, B®IOh PA0IPI0 Mj&ao&B OOKPAMT, & Utah corporation, Second Party, both of ©aid companies being hereinafter 'collectively oailed "8AILR0AD COKPAHT*, and LAS 12148 LAM© AS© m t S M C0MPASX, a Nevada corporation, third Party, hereinafter called *VATBB OOKPAKSf*, tdQHflnUSSKt BEUEtALS First Party is the owner of certain real property hereinafter called “Water Bearing Leads* located in the City of Let Fegas, Scanty of Clark, State of Sevada, tinted in ....... -..........color upon the «&p marked "Exhibit A*. attached hereto and node a part hereof, and certain springe, water wells, pipe lines, reservoirs and other faculties located upon said water bearing lands by menxm of which under­ground water le produced and saved fro® said lands. The First Party is alec the owner of the pipe line# shown colored in *---- ------ ---- . on Hadhibit a , which are located upon **t4 water bearing lands and upon adjacent property owned by First Party through which water produced fto® the said water baring Land® is transported and delivered into the distribution systems of first Party and of Water Company.