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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    V H ELEVATED T A N K AND f v P O M P S T A T IO N TO TO N O PAH and CHARLESTON LAS VEGAS VAlLEy WATER DISTRICT in c l u d in g IAS VEGAS ARTESIAN BASIK CLARK C O U N T X , MEV. TO SALT LAKE ' LAS VEGAS A I R CORPS BASE ELEV A T ED T A N K £ R E S E R V O I R o ! R E S E R V O I R $ PUMP STATION LAKE AAEAD ELEVATED TANIt c o c ia it ST A IR P O R T H E N D E R 1 TREATM ENT ! P L A N T ? PRO PO SED W A T E R D ISTR ICT— IjSap shows the boundaries o f the Las V egas V aley W ater District, upon w h ich residents o f the ; area w ill vote O ctober 19. T h e dotted lines indicate the seven d i­visions o f the district, w hile the tentative route o f the proposed pipeline from H enderson is also shown, branching o ff at the Las- Vegas city lim its to the h ew county airport and to the air corps base. T he heavy dotted line in the low er right corner show s the existing pipeline from L ake M ead to the Basic M agnesium plant. Proposed reservoirs; reserve tanks and pum ping stations are also' show n, w h ich Will insure even distribution- o f the w ater. Crea­tion o f the district w ill enable Las V egas Valley to utilize a p or­tion o f the 90 billion gallons o f w ater-ahnually allotted to Nevada, and not used due to lack o f facilities to draw it from Lake Mead.