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    order for use in construction if his usable stocks of such controlled material are, or will by virtue of such scheduling or ac­ceptance become, in excess of the dollar value of such controlled material he es­timates will be required for use in au­thorized construction on his system dur­ing the 60-day period succeeding the scheduled delivery date of such material, or the actual delivery date, whichever is the later. (Note: Words “After March 31, 1943” stricken April 17, 1943.) (2) Notwithstanding the restrictions of paragraph (g> (1) , a producer may accept deliveries of controlled material for use in construction under the cir­cumstances stated in paragraph (c) of CMP Regulation 2. , (h) Restrictions on additions to plant. (1) No producer shall construct an ad­dition to or an expansion of property or equipment, and no producer shall, in the case of contract, construction, accept de­livery of material for such purposes, unless: (1) Such additipn or expansion is spe­cifically authorized by the War Produc­tion Board. (ii) Such addition or expansion is an extension less than 250 feet in length (in­cluding service drop or service pipe and any portion built by or for a consumer) of a line to serve a new building where the foundation, under the main part of the structure, was completed prior to July 11 1942, or (iii) Such addition or expansion re­quires an expenditure of material having a dollar value of less than $1,500 in the case of underground, .construction and $500 in the case., of other construction, and is not an extension of a line to con­sumer premises: Provided, however, That no single work order, job, or project shall be subdivided into parts to come below these limits and that such addition or expansion requires only material which is essential to minimum service stand­ards and does not include material for the improvement of the producer’s prop­erty through the replacement of mate­rial which is still usable in the existing installation with material of a better kind, quality, or design. (2) No producer shall connect with a line built by or for a consumer or a pros­pective consumer which, at ttte'date of its completion, exceeded the restrictions of this order applicable to lines con­structed by or for producers, unless the producer has been specifically authorized by the War Production Board, to con­struct a line of substantially identical specifications to serve such consumer. (i) Sales from inventory. No pro­ducer may make a sale of material from his inventory except as follows: (1) Any sale of .material which is a special sale of industrial material under Priorities Regulation 13, as amended from time to time, may be made as pro­vided in that regulation. In addition. any producer may make a special sale of industrial material (1) to any other producer to fill an order bearing a pref­erence rating of AA-5 or higher or (ii) pursuant to a specific direction issued by the War Production Board, and any such sale shall be expressly permitted under paragraph (c) (3) of Priorities Regulation 13,’ (2) Any sale of material which is not a special sale of industrial material un­der Priorities Regulation 13 may, sub­ject to the restrictions of Limitation Orders L-31, L-94, and L-102, be made: (i) To fill an order bearing a prefer­ence rating of AA-3 or higher, or (ii) Pursuant to a specific written direction issued by the War Production Board, or , ? (iii) To a person who produces, or to the person from whom the producer purchased, such material in the form in which it was purchased, or (iv) To a scrap dealer as scrap; or (v) To a used equipment dealer for resale if the item is used equipment and is not listed on Schedule D hereof, or (vi) To the Army, Navy, Maritime Commission, or a public housing au­thority for the repair of an actual or threatened breakdown of electric, gas, water, Or central steam heating facili­ties owned and operated by such agen­cies. This exception shall not be con- strued to extend to a sale of material for use in construction, ii) Placing orders. Except in an emergency no producer may transmit to any supplier, other than another pro­ducer, an order totaling $100 or more for the delivery of any material listed in Schedule C of this order (including ma­terial to be used in construction) without first obtaining a statement from the War Production Board Utility Inventory Con­trol Office in his region that such material is not reasonably available in the excess inventory of another producer. This statement shall be secured by filing an inquiry, in duplicate, in letter form or by using the producer’s own price inquiry forms, stating (1) the quantity of each item required and (2) a description of the item. An oral or telephonic state­ment will be sufficient for the purposes of this paragraph, provided that con­firmation is promptly obtained. [Note: Words “After March 31, 1943" stricken April 17, 1943.] (k) Refusal to sell to other producers. Any producer may, by specific direction from the War Production Board, be pro-, hibited from applying or extending pref­erence ratings assigned by this order or by any other certificate or order, upon a determination by the War Production Board, that such producer has wilfully refused to sell (after receiving a bona fide offer to purchase at not less tha^flr maximum prices established by regula­tions of the Office of Price Administra­tion, made by any financially responsible producer who is authorized—under ap­plicable regulations—to accept delivery of the material specified in such offer) the following material: (1) Material which is in inventory in excess of a practical working minimum, and (2) Material which is included in prac­tical working minimum inventory when such material is required by another pro­ducer for the repair of an actual breaks down of facilities or equipment. (1) Audits and reports. (1) Each pro­ducer and each supplier who applies the preference ratings hereby assigned, and each person who accepts a purchase order or contract for material to which a preference rating is applied, shall sub­mit from time .to time to an audit and in­spection by duly authorized representa­tives of the War Production Board. (2) Each producer and each such sup­plier shall execute and file with the War Production Board such reports and ques­tionnaires as said Board shall from time to time request. [Note: Second sentence stricken Aprii 17. 1943.J (3) Each producer shall maintain a continuing record of inventory and of segregated material in his possession. - (4) In addition to the records required to be kept under Priorities Regulation No. 1, the producer, and each supplier placing or receiving any purchase order or contract rated hereunder, shall re­tain, for a period of 2 years, for inspec­tion by representatives of the War Pro­duction Board, endorsed copies of all such purchase orders or contracts whether accepted or rejected, segregated from all other purchase orders or con­tracts or filed in such manner that they can be readily segregated for such in­spection. (m) Communications to War Produc­tion Board, All reports required to be filed hereunder and all communications concerning this order, shall, unless otherwise directed, be addressed to: Office of War Utilities, War Production Board, Washington, D. C., Ref.: U-l. (n) Violations. Any person who wil­fully violates any provision of this order, or who, in connection with this order, wilfully conceals a material fact or fur­nishes false information to any depart­ment or agency of the United States, is guilty of a crime, and upon conviction may be punished by fine or imprison­ment. In addition, any such person may be prohibited from making or ob­taining further deliveries of, or from process or use of, material under pri­ority control, and may be deprived of priorities assistance. to) Applicability of regulations. This order and all • transactions affected thereby, except as herein otherwise pro­vided, are subject to. all applicable regu­lations of the War Production Board, as GPO— War Board 4991— p. 4 ^fcfliended from time to time. The re­strictions of paragraph (f) of CMP Reg­ulation 5, however, shall not apply to producers as defined in this order, nor shall the preference ratings assigned in CMP Regulation 5 supersede preference ratings assigned by this order. (p) [Revoked April 17,1943.1 (PD. Reg. 1, as amended, 6 PR. 6680; WPR. Reg. 1, 7 PR. 561; E.O. 9924, 7 PR. 329; E.O. 9040, 7 F.R, 527; E.O. 9125, 7 PR. 2719; sec. 2 (a), Pub. Law 671,76th Cong., as amended by Pub. Laws 89 and 507, 77th Cong.) Issued this 17th day of April 1943. War Production Board, By J. Joseph Whelan, Recording Secretary. Schedule A [Note: First sentence and headings amended April 17, 1943.] All material in the inventory of any producer shall be carried on the pro^ ducer’s own records and reported to the War Production Board as may be re- quired, classified as follows: * 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 WATER UTILITIES MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION 1. Fuel, such as coal, fuel oil, and other fuel. 2. Material for source of supply, reservoirs, elevated and pressure tanks, pumping and booster stations (excluding fuels). 3. Purification materials, such as chlorine, alum, lime, other chemicals, and other puri­fication operating supplies. 4. Meters. 6. Transmission and distribution material and supplies (excluding meters), cast iron, steel, and wrought Iron pipe, copper and brass pipe and tubing, lead pipe, pipe fittings, valves and valve parts, hydrants, parts for meters and hydrants, other transmission and distribution materials and supplies. 6. Other material and supplies. ELECTRIC UTILITIES MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION 1. Fuel, such as coal, fuel oil, and other fuel. 2. Generating Station Material (other than fuel), such as electrical equipment, parts, and materials, chemical materials and supplies, and other materials and supplies. 3. Switching and substation material, such as power transformers, other station equip­ment, parts, and material, and other material and supplies. 4. Wire, cable, and bus bar, such as bare copper and aluminum, weatherproof copper, underground cable, aluminum and copper shapes. 6. Wood poles and cross arms. 6. Meters. 7. Other transmission and distribution ma­terial, such as Iron and steel poles, towers, and parts, line hardware—overhead and under­ground, distribution transformers, meter and transformer parts, and other line material and equipment (Including Insulators, light­ning arrestors, etc.). 8. Other material and supplies. °AS UTILITIES MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION 1. Fuel and gas production material, such as coal, coke, gas oil and crude oil, butane and propane, other fuel, residuals, and byproducts. 2. Production and pumping station mate­rial (excluding fuel). 3. Chemical material and supplies. 4. Meters and house regulators. %. Transmission and distribution material (excluding meters and house regulators), such as cast Iron, steel and wrought iron pipe, cop­per and brass pipe and tubing, pipe fittings, valves, and valve parts, governors and regula­tors, parts for meters, regulators, and gover­nors, other transmission and distribution ma­terial and supplies. 6. Other material and supplies. Schedule B Forms of controlled material subject to the restrictions of paragraph (g): ALUMINUM Cable (electric transmission only). COPPER Copper and copper base alloy tubing and pipe. Copper rods and bars, Including extruded shapes. Copper wire and cable (including copper content of insulated wire and cable and cop­per content of composite conductor). STEEL Carbon and alloy steel bars, cold finished or hot rolled. Carbon and alloy steel pipe. Carbon and alloy steel plates. Carbon steel rails and track accessories. Carbon steel sheets and strip. Carbon steel structural shapes and piling. Carbon and alloy steel tubing. Carbon steel wheels and axles. Carbon and alloy steel wire rods, wire and wire products. Schedule C [Note: Item 16 amended April 17, 1943] Items restricted by the provisions of para­graph (J): A. Items to be used by water utilities: 1. Cast Iron pipe 2. Steel pipe 3. Wrought Iron pipe 4. Cement asbestos pipe 5. Copper and brass tubing 6. Lead and lead-alloy pipe and tubing 7. Steel pipe fittings 8. Electric motors 9. Meters 10. Hydrants 11. Distribution valves, 2 Inches and larger 12. Bronze valves, smaller than 2 inches, corporation cocks, curb stops 13. Pumps 14. Steel tanks 15. Steam engines 16. Chlorine control apparatus B. Items to be used by gas utilities: 1. Cast Iron pipe 2. Steel pipe 3. Wrought Iron pipe 4. Copper and brass pipe and tub­ing 5. Steel pipe fittings, 1% Inches and larger 6. Mechanical pipe couplings 7. District regulators and gover­nors 8. Gas meters 9. Valves, iyt inches and larger 10. Condensers (coolers) B. ftems to be used by gas utilities—Con. 11. Electric motors 12. Steam engines 13. Exhausters 14. Boosters 15. Compressors , ” 16. Pumps 17. Blowers 18. Station meters C. Items to be used by electric utilities: 1. Wire (all types) 2. Cable 3. Bus bar shapes 4. Power transformers 5. Distribution transformers 6. Watt-hour meters 7. CHI or air circuit breakers 8. Disconnecting switches 9. Electric motors 10. Current transformers 11. Potential transformers 12. Suspension insulators 13. Lightning arrestors, .70,000 volts ahd over 14. Steam valve, piping and fittings, larger than 3 Inch and for pressures of 300 pounds and over 16. Regulators (feeder voltage) 16. Fuse cutouts 17. Automatic line splices Schedule D [Note: Item 9 amended April 17, 1943] The following items of used equipment In the possession of producers may not be the subject of a sale to any used equipment dealer pursuant to paragraph (1) (2) (v) of this order: USED EQUIPMENT (1) Steam generating boilers designed for pressures of 100 pounds per square inch or above (2) Steam engines and engine generator units of more than 300 h. p. rated capacity (3) Oil or air circuit breakers of 2200 volts or higher (4) Air circuit breakers of less than 2200 volts with Interrupting capacity of 15,000 am­peres or higher (5) Metal clad switchgear of 2200 volts or higher (6) Metal clad switchgear of less than 2200 volts containing oil or air circuit breakers listed in this Exhibit (7) Unit substations containing transform­ers of 250 KVA or higher rated capacity (8) Unit substations containing transform­ers of less than 250 KVA rated capacity If they also contain oil or air circuit breakers listed In this Exhibit (9) Chlorine control apparatus (10) Diesel and natural gas engines and engine generator units of more than 300 h. p. rated capacity (11) Liquid filled power or distribution transformers 250 KVA and larger (12) Steam turbine generator units of more than 300 h. p. rated capacity (13) Mechanical drive steam turbines of more than 300 h. p. rated capacity (14) Water gas sets (15) Gas purification apparatus (18) Electric motors, 250 h. p. or larger (17) Pumps, 100 g. p. m. and larger (18) Boosters (19) Compressors (20) Scrubbers (21) Gas holders (22) Gas station meters (23) Blowers for manufactured gas plants (24) Exhausters for manufactured gas plants GPO.—War Board 4991—p. 5