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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas Review Journal-February 15, 1950 Lack of Funds |j **t6 Halts Wafer I District Plans The Las Vegas valley water district is stalemated by a lack Of funds, it was reported today by members of the directorate of the unit, and until money is forthcoming from the county j commissioners, it is not likely ] that further steps toward bring-i ing water in from Lake Mead 1 can be taken. The district board has request­ed $25,000 from the county j board, it was reported today by ! Harry E. Miller, chairman, and j the commissioners have request-f| ed a ruling from the attorney ; general regarding the legality of f any such payment. To date no ' answer to the request has been I received. The county board, it | Was reported, has received num- < erous complaints that the ad­vance of funds to the water dis­trict by former boards is illegal and, until a ruling is received from the attorney general, do not plan to take any action on tiie water district’s request. Meantime, the grand jury was reported to have become inter­ested in the finances of the water district, summoning the chair­man and the secretary of the district before them this morn­ing to secure information re­garding a $600 fee which was baid District Attorney Robert E. ! Jones for services rendered to the commission. Members of the water board ; said today that, had the work j Been done by another attorney, the fee probably would have been triple the amount paid j Jones and that the district at- 1 tomey had given much of his ersonal time to aid the water oard in setting up the various steps necessary. Members of the water board: said that nationally famous se-l curity underwriters were inter­ested in the local project and representatives of Blair - Raw­lings company, New York un- i derwriters, were scheduled to be here next week to discuss plans for a possible bond issue. However, members of the board said, until such time as additional funds are available : for a continuation of the survey now under way, the board is stymied and can progress no further. Alan Bible, attorney general, is in Washington attending a crime prevention meeting, and could not be reached for a state­ment regarding the ruling which has been requested of him by the county commissioners.