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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 12?, A, I don't recall; It's given in Bulletin 5. I don't have it in mind. Q. !y recollection is yon testified 3^,000 acre feet. That's what I'm trying to find out. A. If©—if X did. I have given in Bulletin ?t Pages 9** and 95» 28,500 acre feet from wells, and 3*200 acre feet from springs| making a total of 31*700. Q. In 19*»6? A. Yes* Q. And in the years 19^5 and 19^9* there was a decrease! a decrease in 19^9 over 19Mi; is that correct? A, Yes. Q, And you would say that the unmeasured supply also probably would decrease? A. Probably, yes. Q. Have you any estimate as to how much? A. Ho, I wouldn't have any firm figuresj I wouldn't know. Q. How, in order to inform myself a little about this, Mr. Hebinson, when you refer to 3^*000 acre feet, that repre­sents the entire las Yogas Basin; is that correct? A. Yes. Q. That includes Paradise Talley, the Air Base area— how far east? A. Well, the Air Base would be the furthest east; the Tula Springs area to the north. Q. And where on the west? A. Probably Paradise falley and the outlying wells to the west; in fact, it includes all the wells in las Tegas Talley, and the springs as well. Q. In order that we might have a basis of comparison, if