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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    % \ H. E.D APR 12 1943 LOS ANGELES, April 10, 1943 / Mr. 0. L. Hall: Supplementing my letter of today In connection with proposed meeting with Commissioner Sexton to consider LVLAW annual report. As you know, this question was brought up at a hearing held in Las Vegas in August, 1941, and an adjourned hearing held in September, 1941. Z am handing you herewith transcript of testimony in that case, together with certain per­tinent exhibits, drawing your attention to the testimony of Mr. Mann at the first hearing and the testimony given by Mr. Mann and others at the second hearing. Mr. Sexton's chief difficulty seeme to be to reconcile the annual report filed by the Water Company with the annual report filed by the Union Pacific Railroad. Maybe a review of Mr. Mann's testimony will help you in oonneotlon with our proposed meeting. XSBibrh X, X. Bennett enol.