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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, April 10, 1984






Includes meeting agenda and minutes along with additional information about amendments to the senate bylaws.

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uac000424. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES SENATE MEETING #2 2 SESSION 14 APRIL 10, 1984 4:00 P.M. MSU 201 I. Call to Order Senate President Clay called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. in MSU 201. II. Roll Call Members in Attendance Members Absent Bill Haldeman David Ezra - excused Tom Hawley James Ohriner Gary Samuelson Patrick Adams Karen Cohen Robert Eglet John Fazi Gus Varona Robert Ashley Vicky Huse Rian Flourens Hal Friedman Mark Doubrava Karen Eckert Cara Iddings III. Approval of Minutes #21 and Emergency Meeting #1 Senator Eglet moved to approve the minutes from Emergency Meeting #1. Senator Adams seconded the motion which passed with 13 in favor, 2 opposed(Eckert, Iddings) and 1 abstaining. Senator Ohriner stated that since the last meeting was adjourned while a motion was on the floor then that motion must be con-sidered at the next meeting(today) before any other business. The motion on the floor was to certify the elections pending verification of voters by the Elections Board Chairman. Senator Varona moved to amend the motion to allow the Judicial Council to review the situation and to let the Senate President make a formal request. The amendment was not seconded. Senator Ohriner stated that the elections board has the consti-tutional authority to make the decision to certify the elections. Senator Friedman objected to the motion. President Lee referred to the Judicial Council ruling on Case 1. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 MINUTES SENATE MEETING #22 APRIL 10, 1984 PAGE 2 Senate President Clay ruled the motion out of order due to the fact that the Elections Board has certified the elections and the motion is unnecessary. IV. Executive Board Announcements President Lee stated that only the Elections Board may certify elections according to the Constitution. The cost to extend the library hours for the week prior to finals and the week during finals is approximately $1400 according to the Vice President for Business Affairs, Herman Westfall. Lee also suggested that the students read the Ye11in' Rebel as there is a good section on Senate Presidents. Senate President Pro Tempore Ohriner announced that there was a Presidential Search Committee meeting held in closed session. The committee reviewed the 130 applications which were submitted and narrowed the choices to 15 to 20 candidates. There were several nominations for the position for which the committee had not received applications. Ohriner added that the committee is not using the best method in choosing the University's new President. James Ohriner stated that work of the Office of Public Information has been put off due to the fact the major part of the information regarding CSUN has been a slur, and he would rather wait for another time. Senate President Clay announced that there will be an Appropriations Board Meeting on Wednesday, April 11 at 1:30 p.m. and again on Friday, April 13 at 1:30 p.m. There will be a Course Fee Review Committee meeting during which the possibility of a $10.00 lab fee being attached to certain courses will be considered. Contact Hal Friedman or Catherine Clay for information. V. Executive Board Nominations A. Student SErvices Committee Chairman - Gus Varona Senator Eglet moved to approve Gus Varona as the Chairman of the Student Services Committee. Senator Haldeman seconded the motion. President Lee suggested that the salary for the position be prorated for this month. Senator Varona stated that he hopes to be considered for the position of Student Services Chairman by the incoming Executive Board. Senator Cohen asked whether this appointment would include a fee waiver. Senator Eckert expressed that she felt there would be a conflict of interest for Varona to serve as a senator as well as a department head. Eckert stated that if Varona were appointed to the position of Chairman she would hope he would resign from his senate position. President Lee also expressed the fact that he dislikes the idea of having department heads on the senate. MINUTES SENATE MEETING #22 APRIL 10, 1984 PAGE 3 Senator Varona stated that if there were five senators who felt there would be a conflict of interest if he were to serve as a senator and a department head then he would resign one of the positions. The motion to approve Gus Varona as the Student Services Committee Chairman passed with 14 in favor, 0 oppposed and 2 abstaining(Varona, Eckert). B. Chief Justice - Earl Mitchell President Lee moved to approve Earl Mitchell as Chief Justice of the Judicial Council. Senator Ohriner seconded the motion which passed with all in favor. C. Associate Chief Justice - Jim Jackson President Lee moved to approve Jim Jackson as Associate Chief Justice for the Judicial Council. Senator Cohen seconded the motion which passed with all in favor. D. Extension of appointments until May 31, 1984 or until the 1984-85 Executive Board has nominated and the Senate approved the 1984-85 appointments, whichever comes first. The extension is to include stipends at a prorated rate, if before May 31, 1984. 1. Student Services Committee and Chairman 2. Entertainment and Programming Board and Chairman 3. Appropriations Board and Chairman 4. Bar Manager 5. Programming Director 6. Publications Board and Chairman 7. Editor of the CSUN Publications 8. Intramurals Director Senator Eckert moved to approve item D. Senator Haldeman seconded the motion. There was discussion as to whether this motion was constitu-tional . Senator Cohen stated that it was unconstitutional. Senator Ohriner stated that a past body cannot impose on a future body. Senator Eckert withdrew her motion. Senator Haldeman did not concur. The motion was still on the floor. Senate President Clay asked the senate to decide whether it would consider the motion on the floor. There were 11 in favor of consideration of the item, 4 opposed and 1 abstain-ing (Varona). The motion remained on the floor. Senator Cohen moved to amend the motion to include "pending approval of the 1984-85 Executive Board." Senator Ohriner seconded the amendment which passed with 13 in favor, 1 opposed (Eckert) and 2 abstaining(Ashley, Hawley). MINUTES SENATE MEETING #22 APRIL 10, 1984 PAGE 4 Senator Cohen moved to amend the motion to exclude the fee waivers. Senator Haldeman seconded the amendment which passed with 14 in favor, 1 opposed(Eckert) and 1 abstaining (Hawley). Senator Eckert attempted to withdrew her motion. Senate President Clay stated that it was not possible since the motion had been amended twice. The motion to approve the extension of appointments for the following positions until May 31, 1984 or until the 1984-85 Executive Board has nominated and the Senate approved the 19 84- 85 appointments, whichever comes first. The extension is to include stipends at a prorated rate, if before May 31, 1984: - — ; — Student Services Committee and Chairman ( 2) Entertainment and Programming Board and Chairman —"^^^Pi^i-at-i-G-ns- Boa~3?d---a-nd Gha-rrirran ^mA^A&^JLe^Li^-^ P£y Bar Manager — P r o g r a m m i n g Director —6-,—. Publications Board and Chairman 7. Editor of the CSUN Publication^ f8V Intramurals Director as amended to include "pending approval of the 1984-85 Execu-tive Board" and to exclude the fee waivers for these positions passed with 14 in favor, 2 opposed(Cohen, Eckert) and 0 abstain-ing. E. Approval of the $200.00 one-time stipend for the Elections Board Chairman(submitted on March 20, 19 84) President Lee moved to approve the $200.00 one-time stipend for the Elections Board Chairman. Senator Eckert seconded the motion. Senator Hawley spoke in favor of the motion. Senator Friedman moved to amend the motion to $50.00. There was no second to that amendment. Senator Friedman moved to amend the motion to $1.00. Senator Eglet seconded the amendment. Senate President Clay ruled the amendment out of order as it would have had to appear on the agenda. President Lee spoke in favor of the motion. Senator Samuelson spoke against the motion. President Lee called for the question. Senate President Clay stated the motion to approve the $200.00 one-time stipend for the Elections Board Chairman. Senator Cohen requested a ruling from the chair on this motion in regard to Senate Bill 010. Senate President Clay attempted to allow the senate to make the ruling. Senator Cohen stated that she had requested a ruling from the chair and not the senate. MINUTES SENATE MEETING #22 APRIL 10, 1984 PAGE 5 Senator Haldeman moved to table this motion until the next senate meeting. Senator Friedman seconded the motion which passed with 14 in favor and 2 opposed(Eglet, Eckert). Senator Friedman left the meeting. Senator Haldeman moved to suspend the rules and move into Board, Committee and Director Reports, item C. This motion was withdrawn. VI. Board, Committee and Director Reports A. Appropriations Board Chairman Eckert reported that there will be a meeting on Wednesday, April 11 at 1:30 p.m. and again on Friday, April 13 at 1:30 p.m. B. Beverage Manager Assistant Beverage Manager, Tim Matusek, reported on the Mardi Gras events. The bar made a profit of $1648. On March 21 and 22 the bar lost $110 on the Animal House movies. President Lee commended Beverage Manager Shields and Assistant Beverage Manager Matusek on a "banner job" with their depart-ment. C. Elections Board Senator Haldeman moved to amend the minutes to in section IV, a to include the location of the booths open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. as being the student union, the Humanities Building and the library, White Hall, Wright Hall, Beam Hall and the Educa-tion Building polling booths will be open from 9 a.m. to to 5 p.m., and booths will only be open to 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Thursday only. Discussion took place. The amendment passed with 13 in favor, 1 opposed(Flourens) and 1 abstaining(Hawley). Senator Cohen corrected the minutes to read that a student was allowed to vote with a UNLV I.D. or any legal form of Identification. Senator Flourens spoke against the approval of the minutes. Senator Varona yielded the floor to Senator Eglet. Senator Eglet, "You know, we're talking about, we're talking about specific dates in the election. What's the difference here? What is the difference? It says right here that that body, that board will be composed of 7 to 12 CSUN members at least one of whom can be a senator. You've got it high-lighted in here, Clarence. Obviously you picked it up. This, we're talking about exact words when these days will be set. What about that? What's the difference here? That board is illegal. There's not a board. How can you as Senate President even allow this to happen?" Senator Cohen, "Then NSA is not legal(?)." MINUTES SENATE MEETING #22 APRIL 10, 1984 PAGE 6 Senator Eglet, "This is another point of constitutionality." Senator Cohen, "Point of information." Senate President Clay, "State your point." Senator Cohen, "If he's right then NSA doesn't have the required members that are required by his bylaws. Does that mean he still gets paid for it then?" Senator Eglet, "Take it away. If I can win here, I don't care. Senator Ohriner, "Point of information." Senate President Clay, "State your point." Senator Ohriner, "Since, Robert, you're determined to win here for yourself and obviously, (Eglet attempted to interrupt) wait, wait, wait." Eglet, "Point of personal privilege." Clay, "State your point." Eglet, "Would the senator please state what I said and not put words into my mouth." Ohriner, (quoting Eglet) "If I can win here . . . " Clay, "Mr. Ohriner, state your point." Ohriner, "The point is that if you're contention is that nothing done by a board that does not have those numbers in it is constitutional. . ." Eglet, "My contention is . . ." Ohriner, "Wait, wait, wait. Let me finish. If that's your point and that any action they take is therefore unconstitu-or should not be held, then you have to, I would suggest that you research the records and find out how many times we've had a board that has not had the exact make up as set forth in the constitution and nullify what they have done. What you would basically do would nullify most of the actions this senate has ever, ever taken." Senator Cohen requested a five minute recess. Senate Presi-dent Pro Tempore Ohriner stated that a recess cannot be taken in the middle of a motion. Senator Samuelson's following statement was actually stated after Cohen's correction regarding the forms of identification: Samuelson, " Okay, now. Suppose I wanted to win an election. What I could do to win this election is make sure that the polling booths closed early in my constituents college. . .(?) Okay now steal the books so that they couldn't find out that my supporters voted as many times as they felt like it. And (?) do now is take sides with the President so any progess or any attempt the senate might have to rectify the problems that I talked about, having (?) to win this election, because the president will veto it. Okay, now. This is what's happening. Someone's going to win this cicction because of this. Are we going to support that? A corrupt election?" MINUTES SENATE MEETING #22 APRIL 10, 1984 PAGE 7 Cohen, "Lynn, I hope you have the tape on because that sounds like an accusation to me." Senator Eckert requested that Senator Eglet's remarks followed by Senator Ohriner's remarks be recorded in the minutes. The motion to approve the Elections Board minutes amended to read that the polling areas at the student union, library and the Humanities building would open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and with the correction that a UNLV I.D. or any legal form of identification would be acceptable passed with 7 in favor, 4 opposed(Eglet, Flourens, Samuelson, Varona) and 4 abstain-ing (Haldeman , Adams, Doubrava, Eckert). D. Entertainment and Programming Board There was no report. E. Judicial Council There was no report. F. Organizations Board There was no report. G. Publications Board There was no report. H. Student Services Senator Varona read the minutes from the Student Services Committee meeting held on March 15, 19 84. Senator Eckert moved to approve the minutes, and Senator Fazi seconded. The motion passed with all in favor. Senator Varona read the minutes from the Student Services Committee meeting held on March 29, 19 84. Senator Varona moved to approve the minutes and Senator Haldeman seconded. Senator Eckert moved to table those minutes. Senator Cohen seconded the motion which passed with 14 in favor and 1 opposed(Varona). I. Old Business A. Certification of Elections This item was considered under Elections Board report. B. Nominations for Vacant Senate Seats 1. Academic Advisement(2) 2. Health Sciences(1) Senator Varona nominated Scott Black for the Academic Advise-ment Seat. Senator Hawley nominated Scott Nellis for the Health Sciences Seat. President Lee moved to close nominations for the Academic Advisement Seat and the Health Sciences Seat. Senator Cohen seconded the motion which passed with all in favor. MINUTES SENATE MEETING #22 APRIL 10, 1984 PAGE 8 II. New Business A. Approval of Ballot Question on General Election - Amend Constitution - Ohriner This item was withdrawn. B. Election Practices Resolution- Haldeman and Varona This item was withdrawn. C. Appointment of Academic Advisement Senator, Scott Black This item will be considered at the next meeting. D. Transfer: Increase 901-2100 by $1500 Decrease 900-2100 by $1500 Decrease 901-3000 by $1500 Increase 900-3000 by $1500 Senator Eckert moved to approve the above transfer. Senator Cohen seconded the motion. Senator Eckert explained the transfers stating that it did not involve cash, only budget authority. The motion to approve the above transfers passed with all in favor. IX. Open Discussion 9 President Lee stated that many problems have been discussed regarding the Constitution and now is the time to make those amendments. Senator Adams referred to the handout which was distributed with the picture of the senate before the recess at the last meeting and the picture of the "phantom" senate after the recess. He stated that he left that meeting at 5:20 p.m. with permission from the chair because he had to work that evening. Senator Varona announced that he would resign from the senate if he was appointed as the chairman of the STudent Services Committee. Senator Cohen expressed her objections to Gus Varona serving as both a senator and a department head. She also congratulated the UNLV ROTC in their competition. Senator Eckert expressed her objections to Gus Varona serving as both a senator and a department head and hoped that he would resign by the end of this meeting. Senator Fazi expressed his objections to Gus Varona serving as both a senator and a department head. !•. Senator Adams expressed that he did not mind if Gus Varona served as both a senator and a department head. President Lee stated that an item will be placed on the next agenda regarding the expenditure of $1400 to extend the library hours for the week prior to finals and the week during finals. MINUTES SENATE MEETING #22 APRIL 10, 1984 PAGE 9 Senator Eglet wished Bill Haldeman, candidate for Senate President, good luck with the election, stating that he was the most qualified candidate for the position. Senator Ohriner announced that the UNLV Debate Team will be the number ranked new debate team in the country. Ohriner also expressed his objection to Gus Varona serving as both a senator and a department head. Senate President Clay reminded the senate of the meeting on Friday, April 13 at 4:00 p.m. to consider certification of the general elections. X. Adjournment Senate President Clay adjourned the meeting at 6:11 p.m. Respectfully submitted by, Respectfully^prepared by, Catherine Clay \j Lynn"Best CSUN Senate President CSUN Secretary CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA SENATE MEETING 14-2 3 5/1/84 4:00 PM MSU 201 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #21 & #22 IV. Executive Board Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations A. Executive Board 83-84 stipends are not to exceed the present amount. B. Executive Board 84-85 stipends across the board amounts not to exceed $375.00. Ct Extension of appointments of Entertainment and Pro-gramming Chairman, Intramurals Director, Beverage Manager, and the KUNV Program Director. 1. Extension of stipends for those extended terms will remain the same. VI. Board, Committee and Director Reports A. Ad Hoc Committees 1. Constitutional Revision B. Beverage Manager C. Bylaws D. Elections Board E. Entertainment and Programming Board \ F. Faculty Senate Committees 1. Academic Standards UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS SENATE AGENDA PAGE 2 2. Code 3. Curriculum 4. Financial aid 5 . Grievance 6. Library G. Intramurals Director H. Judicial Council I. Nevada Student Affairs K. President's Committees 1. Admissions 2. General Education 3. Intercollegiate Athletic 4. Parking & Traffic- 5. Performing Arts Council L. Publications Board M. Radio Board N. Security Coordinator 0. Student Services 1. Pre School P. Other Q. Apprporiations Board UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS SENATE AGENDA PAGE 3 VII. Old Business A. Nominations for vacant Senate seat '•>., 1; '; Academic' Advisement 2. Arts & Letters B. Certification of Elections C. Discussion/Approval 1. Constitution Revision - Ballot question - Election VIII. New Business A. Appointment of Scott Black (AA) & Scott Nellis CHS) to the Senate. B. Transfers and Budget Adjustments 1. $9,000.00 Cash Transfer - From 4-2-457-4120-903-9002 - To 4-2-457-4120-906-9001 2. $4,000.00 Cash Transfer - From 4-2-457-4120-911-9002 - To 4-2-457-4120-906-9001 3. $6,000.00 Cash Transfer -From 4-2-457-4120-906-9002 -To 4-2-457-4120-905-9001 4.. $25,000.00 Cash Transfer -From 4-2-457-4120-906-9002 -To 4-2-457-4120-901-9001 UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 5. Budget Adjustments a) Decrease 905-1100 by $2,000,00 Increase 906-1100 by $2,000.00 b) Decrease 905-1500 by $500.00 Increase 906-1500 by $500.00 c) Decrease 906-3000 by $2,500,00 Increase 905-3000 by $2,500.00 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS SENATE AGENDA PAGE 2 6.Approval of Payments to Elections Board Members - Wilbur M. Schaefer Up to $60.00 - Lewis Dessprmeau, Jr. Up to $60.00 - Mojgan Sobhani Up to $60.00 Aprrovai-aJ.J'ayment to Nevada Tax Professionals for services rendered in certifying CSUN Executive Elections $150.00 Approval of Payment to The Greek Connection"!:or Executive Elections Advertisements $140.00 C. Discussion/Action 1. Legislation Bylaw i23 IX. Open Discussion X. Adjournment UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA SENATE SESSION MEETING #22 * 10 APRIL 19 34 4:00 PM MSU 201 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #21 and Emergency Meeting #1 IV. Executive Board Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations A. Student Services Committee Chairman - Gus Varona B. Chief Justice - Earl Mitchell C. Associate Chief Justice - Jim Jackson D. Extension of appointments until May 31, 1984 or until the 19 8 4-85 Executive Board has nominated and the Senate approved the 1984-85 appointments, whichever comes first. The extension is to include stipends at a prorated rate, if before May 31, 1984. 1. Student Services Committee and Chairman 2. Entertainment & Programming Board and Chairman 3. Appropriations Board and Chairman / 4. Bar Manager 5. Programming Director 6. Publications Board and Chairman 7. Editor of the CSUN Publications 8. Intramurals Director E. Approval of the $200.00 one-time stipend for the Elections Board Chairman (submitted on March 20, 1984) UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 69154/(702) 739-3477 MINUTES SENATE MEETING #22 APRIL 10, 1984 PAGE 15 VI. Board, Committee and Director Reports A. Appropriations Board B. Beveraqe Manager (Mardi Gras) C. Elections Board D. Entertainment and Programming Board E. Judicial Council F. Organizations Board G. Publications Board H. Student Services I. Other VII. Old Business A. Certification of Elections B. Nominations for Vacant Senate Seats 1. Academic Advisement (2) 2. Health Sciences (1) VIII. New Business A. Approval of Ballot Question on General Election - Amend Constitution - Ohriner B. Election Practices Resolution - Haldeman and Varona C. Appointment of Academic Advisement Senator, Scott Black D. Transfer: Increase 901-2100 by $1500 Decrease 900-2100 by $1500 Decrease 901-3000 by $1500 Increase 900-3000 by $1500 IX. Open Discussion X. Adjournment CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES SENATE MEETING #14-23 MAY 1, 1984 4:00 P.M. MSU 201 I. Call to Order Senate President Haldeman called the meeting to order at 4:08 p.m. in MSU 201. II. Roll Call Members in Attendance Members Absent Tan Hawley * David Ezra - unexcused James Ohriner - left early (excused) John Fazi - late - left early (excused) Gary Samuelson Gus Varona - unexcused Patrick Adams - left early (excused) Karen Cohen Robert Eglet Robert Ashley Vicky Huse Rian Flourens Hal Friedman Mark Doubrava Karen Eckert Cara Iddings III. Approval of Minutes #21 and #22 Senator Hawley moved to approve minutes #21 and #22. There was a second. There being no discussion the minutes frcm meetings #21 and #22 stood approved. IV. Executive Board Announcements Senate President Pro Tempore Ohriner welcomed the new Executive Board officers. The senators should submit preference sheets as soon as possible. Ohriner also mentioned the possibility of the process of approving committee and board recommendations by listing their action items instead of approving their minutes. V. Executive Board Nominations ( A. Executive Board 83-84 stipends are not to exceed the present amount Senator Ohriner moved to approve Executive Board 83-84 stipends not to exceed the present amount. Senator Hawley seconded the motion which was approved with all in favor. B. Executive Board 84-85 stipends across the board amounts not to exceed $375 There was no action taken on this item since it was only a submission. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 MINUTES SENATE MEETING #22 APRIL 10, 1984 PAGE 2 C. Extension of appointments of Entertainment and Programming Chair-man, Intramurals Director, Beverage Manager, and the KUNV Program-ming Director Senate President Haldeman announced that the extension of appointments for the Entertainment and Prograitming Chairman, Intramurals Director, and Beverage Manager were approved previously. The item under consideration for extension was the KUNV Programming Director. The motion to approve the extension of the KUNV Programming Director passed with all in favor. VI. Board, Committee and Director Reports Senator Ohriner reported that the Presidential Search Carrmittee met last week. The ccmmittee narrowed the applicants for the position of President to seven, but he cannot release the names of these people. VII. Old Business A. Nominations for Vacant Senate Seats 1. Academic Advisement There were no nominations. 2. Arts and Letters Senator Hawley nominated Jim Briare. Senator Ohriner nominated Tyrone Smith. Senator Flourens nominated Tom Ware. Senator Fazi nominated Tcm Smith. B. Certification of Elections It was decided that this body did not have to certify the elections. C. Discus s ion/Approval 1. Constitution Revision - Ballot Question - Election Senator Hawley moved to go into a corrmittee of the whole to discuss the constitution revision with James Ohriner as the chairman of the corrmittee. Senator Eckert seconded the motion which was approved with all in favor. The revisions were discussed. Senator Eglet moved to amend the revised constitution to delete section VII, A, 2 and insert in section VI, C, 7 "and Publications Board editors-in chief nominations" on page 16. Senator Friedman seconded the amend- f ment which was approved with 12 in favor, 1 opposed (Cohen) and 0 abstain-? ing. Discussion continued. Senate President Haldeman moved to move out of the committee of the whole to rise and report that the revisions for the constitution were discussed. The recommendation of the committee of the whole was that a comprehensive amendment of the constitution be drafted, submitted and considered at the next meeting. Senator Eckert seconded the motion which was approved with all in favor. Senator Ohriner stated that the MINUTES SENATE MEETING #22 APRIL 10, 1984 PAGE 3 constitution with revisions would be retyped and in the mailboxes by Thursday. VIII. New Business A. Appointment of Scott Black (AA) and Scott Nellis(HS) to the Senate There was no action taken on this item. B. Transfers and Budget Adjustments 1. $9,000.00 Cash Transfer - Frcm 4-2-457-4120-903-9002 - It) 4-2-457-4120-906-9001 Senator Eckert recommended that this item be postponed one week. There being no objections the item was postponed. 2. $4,000.00 Cash Transfer - Frcm 4-2-457-4120-911-9002 - To 4-2-457-4120-906-9001 Senator Eckert moved to approve the above transfer(#2). Senator Ohriner seconded the motion which was approved with all in favor. 3. $6,000.00 Cash Transfer - Frcm 4-2-457-4120-906-9002 - lb 4-2-457-4120-905-9001 Senator Hawley moved to suspend the rules to change the amount of the transfer from $6,000 to $8,500. Senator Huse seconded the motion. The rules were suspended by the Senate President to allow the senate to make a recommendation concerning the status of the Yellin' Rebel. Senator Hawley moved to recommend to the Executive Board that the consensus of the Senate was to produce two more issues of the Yellin' Rebel not to exceed the amount of $2,500 with the current staff and current editor to serve receiving half salaries. Senator Iddings seconded the motion. Senator Flourens moved the previous question. Senator Friedman seconded the motion. Senator Cohen added a friendly amendment that the Executive Board and the Yellin' Rebel must agree on the two dates of the newspaper publication. A roll call vote was requested. The motion to recommend to the Executive Board that the consensus of the senate was to produce two more issues of the Yellin' Rebel f not to exceed the amount of $2,500 with the current staff and cur-rent editor to serve receiving half salaries with the Executive Board and the Yellin' Rebel to set the dates of the publication was approved with 8 in favor, 2 opposed and 2 abstaining. The following senators voted in favor of the motion: Tom Hawley Gary Samuelson Karen Cohen Robert Eglet Robert Ashley MINUTES SENATE MEETING #22 APRIL 10, 1984 PAGE 4 Vicky Huse Rian Flourens Cara Iddings The following senators were opposed to the motion: Mark Doubrava Karen Eckert The following senators abstained from the vote: James Ohriner Hal Friedman Discussion took place on the motion to suspend the rules to change the amount of the transfer(#3) from $6,000 to $8,500, during which time Editor Franco Frantellizzi verbally resigned. Senator Eglet requested a roll call vote on the motion. The motion to suspend the rules to change the amount of the transfer frcm $6,000 to $8,500 failed with 1 in favor, 6 opposed and 4 abstaining. The following senator voted in favor of suspending the rules: RLan Flourens The following senators voted against suspending the rules: Karen Cohen Robert Eglet Hal Friedman Mark Doubrava Karen Eckert Cara Iddings The following senators abstained frcm the vote: Tcm Hawley Gary Samuelson Robert Ashley Vicky Huse Senator Cohen moved to approve the following transfer: $6,000.00 Cash Transfer - Frcm 4-2-457-4120-906-9002 - To 4-2-457-4120-905-9001 Senator Eckert seconded the motion. Senator Cohen added a friendly amendment that this cash be used to cover debts, no new debts. The motion to transfer cash in the amount of $6,000 from 4-2-457-4120-906-9002 to 4-2-457-4120-905-9001 and that this cash be used to cover debts not to include new debts was approved with all in favor. 4. $25,000.00 Cash Transfer - Frcm 4-2-457-4120-906-9002 - To 4-2-457-4120-901-9001 5. Budget Adjustments a) Decrease 905-1100 by $2,000 Increase 906-1100 by $2,000 MINUTES SENATE MEETING #22 APRIL 10, 1984 PAGE 5 b) Decrease 905-1500 by $500 Increase 906-1500 by $500 c) Decrease 906-3000 by $2,500 Increase 905-3000 by $2,500 Senator Flourens moved to approve the transfers listed in items 4 and 5. Senator Iddings seconded the motion which was approved with all in favor. 6. Approval of Payments to Elections Board Members - Wilbur M. Schaefer Up to $60.00 - Lewis J. Dessormeau, Jr. Up to $60.00 - Mojgan Sobhani Up to $60.00 7. Approval of Payment to Nevada Tax Professionals for services rendered in certifying CSUN Executive Elections $150.00 Items 6 and 7 were postponed one week. 8. Approval of Payment to The Greek Connection for Executive Elections Advertisements $140.00 There was a motion to approve the payment to the Greek Connection for Executive Board Elections Advertisements in the amount of $140.00 and a second. The motion was approved with all in favor. C. Discussion/Action 1. Legislation Bylaw #23 This item was withdrawn. IX. Open Discussion There was no open discussion. X. Ad j ournment Senate President Haldeman adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted by, Respectfully prepared by, Lynn Best CSUN Secretary Bill Haldeman CSUN Senate President f CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA SENATE MEETING 14-24 5/8/84 4:00 PM EDU 399 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #23 IV. Executive Board Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations A. Approval of the 1984-85 Executive Board stipends across the board amounts not to exceed $375.00 B. Temporary Nomination of Yell Staff C. President Anderson to: IAC Admissions Committee Academic Standards Committee Financial Aid Committee VI.