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Congregation Ner Tamid newsletter, May 2000



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    CONGREGATION NER TAMID REFORM JEWISH SYNAGOGUE OF LAS VEGAS ...A SPECIAL PLACE TO BELONG MAY 2000 - VOL. XIV No. 8 V ^ZJ 26 NISAN - 26 IYAR 5760 SANFORD D. AKSELRAD Rabbi ]YF k 1 MONTY E. WILLEY Executive Director BELLA FELDMAN Cantorial Soloist / \l JACQUELINE FLEEKOP Education Director DREW LEVY President 1 1 i r _ ^ J Lois BERGMAN Preschool Director NEAL SCHUSTER Student Rabbi \J IF MELANIE GORMAN Program Director COMMUNITY WIDE ISRAEL INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION Las Vegas plans a big celebration for the Community. An Israel Inde-pendence Day Festival will be cele-brated Sunday, May 21,2000 from noon t o 4 : 0 0 p.m. a t the UNLV Ac-ademic Mall. The Las Vegas Community has big plans t o honor Israel's 52nd birth-day with an afternoon celebration t h a t will include food, entertain-ment, dancing, children's activities and a special concert. Best of all, the entire Las Vegas community is invited. Well-known Israeli singer, Yoel Shar-abi, is the headline performer, and will be accompanied by Meshuggi-nah Klezmorim, a local klezmer band. The event will feature a pa-rade, Israeli dancing and local en-tertainment. And, since no Israeli celebration would be complete with-out something good t o eat, a vari-ety of kosher foods will be sold throughout the afternoon. Infor-mation booths will feature Jewish organizations and Synagogues; plus local businesses and individu-als will be selling Judaica items. All the festivities will take place outdoors at the UNLV Academic Mall, located Off Maryland Parkway and Harmon, between Flamingo and Tropicana. Guests are encouraged t o bring their own seating - blan-kets or folding chairs - for the en-t e r t a i n m e n t presentations. A crowd of several thousand people is expected. Well-wishers can purchase an $15 "Chai Line" in the event schedule, listing their names (in 3 0 charac-t e r s or less) among those honor-ing Israel's birthday. Anyone needing more information or want-ing t o buy a "Chai Line" should call t h e Jewish Federation at 732- 0556. Worship Services 2 Rabbi's Message 2 Message from our President 3 Torah Study Opportunities 3 Notes from Our Cantorial Soloist 4 School News / CNT Preschool 4-5 May B'nai Mitzvah 6 New Member Welcome 6 Auxiliaries/Committees Executive Director's Spotlight 8 Board Beat 9 Birthdays/Anniversaries 10 Tributes 11 Yahrzeits & In Memorium 13 (the Bulletin is published monthly) TheParents of the Confirmation Class of 2000 proud[y invite you to share their joy as their children are confirmed. Friday, May 19/ 7:30pm Conffrmation Ctass of 2000 'Brian 'Benedict Jenna Beromberg XeCCen Cornett Ityan Cru/fiton Jessica gross (Ben Merman Ari "Kfein-Levine Jenna Levy Thomas Lombardi m Brandon 9{udo f&ssetl SneCdon\ Samantha WU(ey Andrew J. Urban f / Special rf)lme Q't) (Belong, Worship Services Conducted by Rabbi Sanford I). Akselrad & Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman MAY 5 TOT SHABBAT 6:30PM JORDON RAKITA BAR MITZVAH 7:30PM ONEG SPONSORED BY THE RAKITA FAMILY MAY 6 BABY NAMING LAUREN DANIELLE CANTER 10AM TORAH STUDY 10AM KIDDUSH SPONSORED BY PARENTS KAREN & NEIL CANTER MAY 12 SARAH LIEBERMAN BAT MITZVAH 7:30PM ONEG SPONSORED BY THE LIEBERMAN FAMILY MAY 13 TORAH STUDY 10 AM MAY 18 CONSECRATION SERVICE 6:30PM MAY 19 CONFIRMATION SERVICE 7:30PM MAY 20 BRIAN OSLINKER BAR MITZVAH 10AM KIDDUSH SPONSORED BY THE GOLDSTEIN FAMILY TORAH STUDY 10AM MAY 26 ADVA EISENBERG BAT MITZVAH 7:30PM ONEG SPONSORED BY THE EISENBERG FAMILY MAY 27 RACHEL ROWLAND BAT MITZVAH 10AM TORAH STUDY 10AM KIDDUSH SPONSORED BY THE ROWLAND FAMILY Memories of Purim 2000 Summer Adult Education Classes Now Forming Infro to Judaism and Basic Hebrew will again be offered this summer. Melissa Roth, veteran teacher at CNT, will teach the classes. They will be offered on 8 Thursdays, beginning June 15,h. Intro to Judaism runs from 6:00-7:00 p.m., and Basic Hebrew is from 7:15-8:30. Each class is $30 for members and $40 for non members. If you are interested in signing up for either or both of these classes, please fill out the enclosed flyer and return it with your check, payable to CNT, by June 5th. For-more information, call the Temple office, 733-6292. p ? CUT HERE ADULT EDUCATION CLASSES REGISTRATION FORM Please detach and return this form to sign up for these classes. Return form to: Congregation Ner Tamid Attention Mary 2761 Emerson Ave. Las Vegas, NV 69121 Please sign me up for: O Intro to Judaism D Basic Hebrew Name Daytime phone Evening Phone_ I have enclosed my check, made payable to CNT CONQREQATION NER Tumid May 2000 DREW LEVY STEWART BLUMENFELD SCOTT STOLBERG HOWARD LAYFER IRA SPECTOR JUDY CORNETT LYNN SASSO DAVID STAHL RUTH URBAN MEL HALLERMAN RITA GOLDSTEIN JACKY ROSEN LEON MARCO JERE' DAVIS MARC GARBER ESTHER SALTZMAN SHARNA BLUMENFELD MINDY UNGER-WADKINS SANDY STOLBERG STEVE JOSEPH STUART KALLICK T B D SANDY PITTLE BOB UNGER JERRY GORDON CAL LEWIS EILEEN KOLLINS KENNETH SCHNITZER DR. DAVID WASSERMAN DR. STEVE KOLLINS MICHAEL CHERRY DR. BERNARD FARROW EUGENE KIRSHBAUM* RABBI SANFORD AKSELRAD President VP Administration VP Ways & Means VP Membership VP Religious Activities VP Education & Youth VP Member Activities Treasurer Secretary Trustee Trustee Trustee-Membership Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee- Youth Trustee-Library Trustee-Bulletin Sisterhood Brotherhood NTTY TNT Golden Chai Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Ex Officio ?Deceased TORBH STUDY O p p o R T u n i T i e s With Rabbi Akselrad Every other Tuesday 12 noon-1:00 p.m. May 16 With Student Rabbi Neat Schuster Various Saturdays 10:00 a.m. May 20 No registration or fees are required for these classes. I personally want to THANK our cantorial soloist Bella Feldman, the junior chior and the adult chior for doing such a wonderful job on Fri-day March 31st at the "Shabbat Accross America and Music for a New Century" service. The music was fantastic and every one did a great job. These types of eve-nings are more and more what our temple is all about and a real cause for celebration. There were a lot of people that helped put this night together and they need to be thanked for a job well done. Also, a big, big thank you to Lynn Sasso and her committee for a job well done with our last social event. The scavanger hunt and din-ner was a lot of fun and enjoyed by all who attended (unfortunate-ly not me). The social events are what build our "family" and really make CNT a special place to be-long. Keep up the good work. There are a couple of communit-ty- wide Jewish events coming up, in the near future, that I want to bring to your attention. These events celebrate the traditions of our faith are worthy of our sup-port. First, on Tuesday May 2nd is the annual Yom HaShoah pro-gram to be held this year at Mid-bar Kodesh Temple in Green Valley Ranch. This is a communitty wide program put together by the Jew-ish Federation in rememberance of the Holocaust. The program tradi-tionally travels from temple to tem-ple and we have hosted it many times in the past, as we were one of the temples with our own facili-ty. With the opening of Midbar's new temple, they will graciously host this year's program. Many changes and additions have been made to the propgram that you will not want to miss. Please re-member that the Jewish Family Ser-vice Agency will be collecting non-persihable food items that night, so help if you can. Secondly, on May 21st, the Jew-ish Federation will be hosting a Yom Ha'atzmant, Israel Indepen-dence Day Celebration. The festiv-ities will be held on the campus of UNLV and the public is invited. In honor of 52 years of the State-hood of Israel there will be plenty of activities, food, vendors and en-tertainment. Israeli singer, Mr. Yoel Sharabi, will be the special guest performer. Also many of the local synagogues and jewish organiza-tions will present short performanc-es for your entertainment. It will be a fun filled day, starting at 12 noon and lasting till 4 : 0 0 pm. Bring the whole family, bring your friends and relatives. Mark your calendars and day-tim-ers for these two very important dates. Lets show the Jewish com-munitty that CNT is committed to being a strong part of our city and communitty. 'Drew QIJT SttOT XOUltf Sundays 9:00am-12:l5pm Fridays 6:30-7:l5vm or cad Temp Cie office for appointment May 2000 c 't Special rpiaee CJa rBeltmii Each year I have the exiling chal-lenge of choosing a musical pro-gram for our Congregation's annual Music Season Sabbath. I always look forward to this opportunity and am so pleased that our con-gregation supports these creative endeavors. Recently, our Jr. Choir was featured along with our Adult Choir and a newly formed Teen Choir in a project that was the first of it's kind. The service was written especially for the new mil-lennium. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the par-ticipants and key people who helped make L'maaseih V'reisheet such a success. CHOIR FOR THE NEW CENTURY SAMANTHA ALTERMAN IAN BROWN KATILIN BROWN KELLY CHEN IN MICHELLE CHENIN COREY COHEN JACQUELINE FALSTROM ASHLEY FRANKL JENNA HARDAWAY JAMES JACOB JESSICA KNOX CHELSEA LEWIS DEBORAH LEWIS DANIA LUGO KELSEY LUGO ANTHONY MESSINGER MELYSSA ROE ALEXANDER STERNHILL MEGAN STOLBERG AMANDA STUART CORINA TORCHIN DANICA TORCHIN REBECCA WEISS REBECCA ZUCKERMAN TEEN SOLOISTS KELLY CHENIN CASEY CORNETT SARAH LIEBERMAN RACHEL ROWLAND AARON SPECTOR SYDNEY YUMAN ADULT CHOIR SALLY BIRMAN SUSAN BREENE BONNI CASALE FLORENCE ELLISON DEEANN EMMER MARTY FESSLER MICHAEL MEHR MAXINE MOLINSKY FERN PERCHESKI GLORI ROSENBERGER LEAH SICHEL JILL OAKS NANETTE SPECTOR During my maternity leave, Lori Frankland Billy Tiep rehearsed with the kids to prepare them for the program and I am so grateful to them for all of their hard work and dedication. The program was un-derwritten through the generosity of Steve &r Elayne Kollins, the Yuman Family 8* the Sisterhood. We are lucky to have people in our Congregation who continue to support our music program. With-out their help, we couldn't enjoy special programming such as this. Sisterhood also provided a beauti-ful oneg Shabbat for over 500 people. Our program director Mel-anie Gorman did an outstanding job promoting the service through-out the community. We haa a packed sanctuary for this program and I am grateful to everyone for all of their help. I look forward to searching for new musical services for next year's program. B'shalom, Bella ? 9 9 9 75k ? 9 0 fm j 9 9 k w M 9 m r, ? ? 9 4 - Religious S c h o o l ^ l e w s ^ I Stand in Awe: The school year is drawing to a close. Our students are advanc-ing so rapidly that we had to use fill in materials to finish the year. Some students do have problems but fear not, we will be tutoring through the summer. By fall most of the students who have difficul-ty learning the Hebrew language will be reading up to par with their classmates. I have been here sev-en years - finally parents know that I am concerned about their child and that I am also their friend. They call me directly with prob-lems and concerns, tney call with praise too! We are moving ahead with changes in both staff and cur-riculum in order to offer our stu-dents the best Jewish education we can at CNT. We want excited students, not bored students. We want involved Jews not young Jews that consider their Judaism a bur-den. Our students are wonderful people who know their "Stuff". If you don't believe me, come and watch a B'nai Mitzvah. Have a great summer, Jacfqe fteefyp Religious School Calendar May 7th 9 : 1 5 - 12:15/School 10:30-12:15/Israel Program May 14th No School - Mother's Day! May 19th Friday Confirmation / 7:30pm May 21st 10:00- 12:00 Last Day of School For Parent and Students City Wide Israel Independence Day TGIS TRIP No More Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays or Sundays until fiugust 27th CoHQREQATioH NER Tmid May 2000 C M PRESCHOOL April went by so quickly and now we, at the Preschool are enjoying the warm weather and our won-derful garden. We have planted veg-etables and flowers for us to eat and enjoy. Our students are excit-ed about the entire growing pro-cess and the youngsters are taking pictures and keeping a Journal to keep track of natures wonders. Our entire school delighted in working on projects about April showers and May flowers. It was certainly a pleasure to hear our little ones chant the Four Questions, sing a hearty rendition of Dyaneu ancf all of the other traditional Passover Prayers at our CNT Preschool Model Seder. The students continue to learn and grow in their secular studies and their social skills as well. Jennifer, the "Library Lady," paid us a visit and we nad our spring class pictures taken. The first edition of the CNT Preschool Yearbook went to press. We also finished our Read-a-thon project. Pizza certificates were given out to our students who read more than 200 hours in the last two months. What an action packed April the preschool enjoyed. During the month of May, we will be preparing for Israel Indepen-dence Day, Lag Ba-omer (track and field, picnic day), our annual Moth-er's Day Brunch and program and our Pre-k class will be working on their graduation program to be rield in June. For Yom Hashoa (Holo-caust Remembrance Day) we will be doing a program on Tolerance. We will also fc>e learning about those who defended our country for Me-morial Day. Our plans for next uear are very exciting. Our little scnool is grow-ing. Two of our classes are al-ready full. One class has several spots remaining. We will need to establish a waiting list for our Pre-school Program. Please be sure to register your child as soon as pos-sible so there is a spot for nim/ her in next years program. Call the office at 733-6292. Our Kindergarten program is about ready to be unveiled, we will be taking applications this month. There are only 12 spots available and we have received many in-quiries about our innovative Kin-dergarten program already. Please call the Synagogue office and speak to Lois if you are at all in-terested. Lois (Bergman Preschool Director FAR LEFT: JAKE, GITAI, & JACOB IN THE SAND LIFT: JOSH'S 5TH BIRTHDAY BOTTOM LEFT: RON, JOHN, &? KA'ULE BELOW: GITAI, JACOB, & LEOR BAKING HAMENTASHEN SUMMER CAMP I S COMING! SUMMER CAMP I S COMING! Congregation Ner Tamid to offer Summer Camp Program for Preschool - Grade 5 This summer your little ones can enjoy camping, finger painting, dancing, singing, museums, farms, movies, puppet shows, acting in Jewish plays, and lots of fun times in a Jewish-oriented learning environment by attending Congregation Ner Tamid's Camp chaverim. It's a Summer Day Camp for kids 2-l/2vears to nine years old and includes music, drama, arts and crafts, sports, water play cooking, exercise, Karate, Gymnastics, Computer and much more. Camp Chaverim will take place from 9am to 3pm (before and after care is available) for five weeks, June 26th through July 28th- Camp Chaverim will have strong Jewish programming ana will be lots of fun. Parents are encouraqed to sign up early as space is limited. Call Lois Bergman at 733-6292 for more information. 2 0 0 0 CNT PRESCHOOL CALENDAR MAY 2000 Monday, May 29 No School Memorial Day JUNE 2000 Friday, June 2 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL MAy 2000 cA Special rPlace Oielottq ^5/>x H I ! MY NAME IS ADVA EISENBERG. I AM A SEVENTH GRADER AT THE HEBREW ACAD' EMY IN SUMMERLIN. I AM ON THE BASKET' BALL TEAM AT MY SCHOOL AND I ENJOY PLAYING TENNIS. IN MY OTHER SPARE TIME I LIKE TO LISTEN TO MUSIC, GO TO THE MOVIES, AND HANG OUT WITH MY FRIENDS. I HAVE RELATIVES COMING FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD FOR MY BAT MlTZVAH 1NCLUD' ING PLACES LIKE ISRAEL, SOUTH AFRICA, AND WALES. I AM VERY EXCITED ABOUT THIS SPECIAL EVENT AND LOOK FORWARD TO SHARING THE SIMCHA WITH ALL MY FAM' ILY AS WELL AS MY FRIENDS ON FRIDAY, MAY 2 6 . I WOULD BE DELIGHTED IF YOU IOINED ME TOO. H I , MY NAME IS JORDAN RAKITA. I AM IN THE SEVENTH GRADE AT THURMAN WHITE MIDDLE SCHOOL. I WAS BORN JUNE 8, 1987 AND I AM TWELVE YEARS OLD. I LIKE TO SING, PLAY BASKETBALL, AND HANG OUT WITH MY FRIENDS. I l l l l l l l ? II H I ! MY NAME IS SARAH LIEBERMAN. I AM IN THE SEVENTH GRADE AT CANNON MIDDLE SCHOOL. I PLAY THE SAXOPHONE IN THE CANNON SYMPHONIC BAND AND THE C C S D HONOR BAND. I HAVE ALSO BEEN PLAYING THE PIANO FOR MANY YEARS. I ENJOY PRACTICALLY EVERY SPORT THERE IS, AND I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO BEING ON THE CROSS COUNTRY AND TRACK TEAMS AT SILVERADO HlGH SCHOOL. I'M VERY HAPPY THAT I FINALLY WILL BECOME A BAT MlTZVAH ON MAY 12, 2 0 0 0 . I HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE. X -X. X 'A X Vt X X V X U X X X X X X Ut X X X ? X X Welcome to the ; Neighborhood X : x x -ft -< y x y x * * * x s x, x * x * * jc k * *. * LET'S GIVE A BIG CNT WELCOME TO THESE NEW MEMBERS: Jerome and Frances Baum: The Baums have lived in Las Vegas for many years, and we are so glad they have chosen to join our CNT family. Do you think nephew Michael Cherry had a little bit to do with this??? Please welcome Frances and Jerry when you see them at the next CNT function. Luba Rak is a single mother who works at the El Cortez Hotel. She has lived in Las Vegas for over six years and now comes to us at CNT. We hope Luba will come to services and find the time to take part in many other activities with us. Welcome, Luba!!! Sidney Garber joined CNT at the beginning of March. We hope that you have or will join the Golden Chai, Sid, and ^gb that we will meet you ^^ soon at many CNT functions. A hearty welcome!! I AM BRIAN OSLINKER AND MY BAR MITZVAH WILL BE ON SATURDAY, MAY 2 0 ' " AT 1 0 : 0 0 A . M . I AM A SEVENTH GRADE STUDENT AT WARREN WALKER MIDDLE SCHOOL AND I LOVE MATH AND SCIENCE. I SPEND A LOT OF COMPUTER TIME ON THE WEB AND I AM WORK' ING ON A PROJECT TO DESIGN A WEB SITE FOR OUR SCHOOL AND OF COURSE, I LOVE PLAYING VIDEO GAMES WITH MY FRIENDS. I HOPE ALL OF YOU WILL JOIN MY FAMILY AND ME ON THIS SPECIAL DAY. May 2000 H I , MY NAME IS RACHAEL ROW' LAND. I AM IN THE SEVENTH GRADE AT HELEN C. CANNON MIDDLE SCHOOL. I ENJOY PLAYING SOCCER, SPENDING TIME WITH MY FRIENDS, SHOPPING, LISTENING TO MUSIC AND TALKING ON THE PHONE. MY FAMILY AND I INVITE YOU TO JOIN US WHEN I AM CALLED TO THE TORAH AS A BAT MlTZVAH ON MAY 2 7 , 2 0 0 0 . C0NQREQATi0N NER TAMid A U X I L I A R I E S 8c i i i t i i i i t t i sisterfiood X e w s i i i i i i i i i i i If you didn't make our last pro-gram you missed out on the fun. Donna and Marsha planned a book review with Rabbi Akseirad. As always Rabbi gave a great review, and then we had a great lunch catered by the Macaroni Grill. We also had a great turn out with over 50 people in attendance. I also heard through the grapevine that our Nordstrom's Trip was a lot of fun. If you haven't been on the Nordstrom's Trip before, please look for it in the upcoming year. Soon Sisterhood will be slowing down for the summer, however we still have plenty of things planned. We have a Chai Tea Fashion Show planned for Sunday May 7th at 2pm in the Social Hall. Sisterhood elec-tions will be Wednesday May 17th with a vote on the new by-law and standing rules, at 7:15pm. Donor Dinner Wednesday May 31s1. If you're not a Sisterhood mem-ber yet, this is the perfect time to join. If you join after April 1" your membership is good until June 30, 2001 so you get a 14-month mem-bership for the price of 12. Sis-terhood membership runs from July 1-June 30. Membership is only $30.00 per year, or $50.00 for a mitzvah membership. Sending tributes is a great way to let someone know your thinking of them, and you can help sister-hood at the same time. A tribute can be sent for as little as $5.00 and $3.00 goes towards your donor credit. Please call Shirley Gellin at 457-6320. The following is our proposed slate of officers for the 2000/2001 year. President-Sandy Stolberg, VP Ways &c Means- Yvonne Weiss & Fern Percheski, VP Membership Debbie Hallerman & Ruth Urban, VP Programming-Marsha Goldberg & Donna Willey, Recording Secre-tary- Faye Schoenfeld, Correspond-ing Secretary - Maxine Molinsky, Treasurer Debbie Levy, Co Trea-surer Marlene Sherman. I could use a co-corresponding secretary and a VP of administra-tion. Please call me at 228-6863 if you are interested in a position on the board or on any commit-tees. Shalom, Sandy i f r o r l t e r l ? o o # l Men's Club Golf Tournament "A HOLE IN ONE" On Sunday, April 2, 2000, at 7:00am, the Men's Club held their Annual Golf Tournament at High-land Falls, in Sun City, Summer-lin. The day began with coffee and donuts served as an eye open-er since it was the first day of Day Light Savings Time. The event was a fantastic success as 62 Golfers and 18 Hole Sponsors signed up for this Western Scram-ble Shot Gun Golf Tournament. This was a team event in which the contestants used String and Mulligans to get their little white ball in the hole using the fewest strokes. At the conclusion of the tournament, when all the score-cards were turned in to the Pro Shop for calculations, a buffet luncn was served. At that time the I6*, 2nd and 3rd Place Winners were announced. Gift Certificates from Las Vegas Discount Golf were awarded for $75 to the First Place team of Scott Steinbrecher, Dave Andrews and Sy Becker with a score of 63: a $50 Gift Certificate was awarded to Rebecca Mastrane-lo, Jim Pico, Dan Carvalho and Chuck Schrader with a score of 64 for Second Place and a $25 Gift Certificate was awarded to Jim Rosenberger, Howard Greenbaum, Abby Wikler and Steve Joseph with a score of 65 for Third Place. A Golf Chipper was award Ira Ber-man for "Closest to the Hole" and Steve linger for the Longest Drive. During lunch Raffle Tickets were drawn and prizes awarded. Everyone was a winner and a good time was had by all. I want to acknowledge Gary Gil-man, our VP of Social Activities, for making sure all the loose ends came together. We can't forget Joe Cracraft, for the Sponsor Sig-nage and Mike linger, for obtain-ing the Raffle Prizes: and our entire support team of (in alphabetical order) Scott Gorman, Dick Gran-ick, Howard Layfer, Don Marcus, Dave Nathan, Alan Nathanson, Mike Milano, and Dave Wengell for their hard work. I would like to take this opportu-nity to thank all the Golfers and sponsors for supporting this event for they are the ones who made this Tournament the success we all expected it to be. Stepfien Joseph May 2000 ( l Special ^Pluee t7o Jielonif ^ 7 T^ecutive Director's yt/t. IT IS ONCE AGAIN THAT TIME IN OUR SYNAGOGUE TO PREPARE FOR THE NEW YEAR. IN MAY? MAY IS THE TIME TO LOOK PAST OUR SUMMER VACATIONS AND GET SET-TLED WITH THE SYNAGOGUE FINAN-CIALLY AND START OFF FRESH. BEFORE YOU KNOW IT, IT WILL BE TIME TO GET READY FOR SCHOOL AND BACK TO THE TEMPLE. NO REMINDER, THIS MONTH, OF THE POLICY FOR PAYMENTS. WE ALL KNOW WHAT IS NEEDED. ADDITIONALLY, THIS IS ALSO THE TIME WHEN WE BEGIN OUR BRING A FRIEND TO SERVICES. THE BULLETIN WILL ANNOUNCE SEVER-AL SHABBATS WHERE WE INVITE YOU TO BRING AN UNAFFILIATED PERSON TO SHOW OFF OUR SYNA-GOGUE. THE MEM-BERSHIP COMMIT-TEE WILL ROLL OUT THE RED CARPET Chevron Joins eScrip: Starting April 1st, you can start earning 2% contributions from your gasoline and convenience store purchases at Chevron stations. Vou must register and use your Chevron Credit Card to pay for your purchases. If you already have a Chevron Credit card, register your card(s) uuith eScrip at 1 -800-592-0942. To apply for a Chevron Credit Card, call 1 -800-FRCC APP, or go to creditcard. ^ CoNQREQATiON NeR 7AM id W AND PREPARE TO WELCOME THEM AND DISCUSS WHAT WE ARE ABOUT. IF YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO MAY BE INTERESTED BUT HAS NOT SHOWN UP TO A SERVICE, PLEASE BRING THEM ALONG. IF YOU HAVEN'T VISITED OUR NEW WEB SITE, PLEASE DO SO. A LOT OF THE INFORMATION WE PUBLISH HERE CAN ALSO BE FOUND ON THE WEB. IT IS UPDATED AT LEAST WEEKLY AND MORE OFTEN IF EVENTS HAPPEN OUICKER. PLEASE VISIT IT AND LET ME KNOW IF YOU FIND ANY PROBLEMS WITH IT. IT IS FOR THE MEMBERSHIP TO USE AND SHOULD BE ACCURATE AND EASILY TO GET AROUND. PLEASE HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY SUMMER. Monty Tell and Kvell OTazel T o v to: Brian and Sharon SiegeI upon the birth of their new daughter. Rachel Beth, born February 9 HTatthew and Jessica DushoTf upon the birth oT their (laugher Sarah fflegan. born HI arch IS. The proud grandparents are ft Hen and Eileen fines Bill and Paula Watson upon the birth ol their daughter. Clara Elise. born HI arch 24 Bene and Leo Diamond upon the birth of their new grandson. Logan Pleggenhuhle, born April 11 <Trlyne Gerstler upon the birth of her new grandson. Hshton max. born Ftpril 3 %(e?(t year In Jerusalem An outreachprogram for inteifaitn families On May 7th, CNT will offer a special program for interfaith families. Next Year In Jerusalem will be a morning of learning about Israel. The morning will begin with a film about Israel, followed by a discus-sion, lead by Jackie Fleekop, Educa-tion Director. Next, participants will travel t o various parts of Isra-el t o learn and explore. Each Sun-day school class will present a room t h a t they have "transformed" into a region of Israel. Participants can purchase and t a s t e tradition-al Israeli cuisine, visit Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Memorial, and ex-plore Israeli customs and culture. The program is free of charge, but please KSVP t o the Temple office, 733-6292. fDo you have a famiCy memSer > or friend x~/'- ivfio is hospitalized? m ) Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized. Since there is no notification from the hospitals, please contact Karen at the Temple office at 733-6292 when a family member or friend is hospitalized. May 2000 hi Motmiv \wtKi The April Board meeting welcomed a new board member, Marc Gar-ber. We are excited to have a new perspective and know he will be an asset to the Board. The meet-ing was filled with much enthusi-asm due to the success of the music Sabbath and wonderful per-formance Bella and the youth, teen, and adult choir gave. There was further cause for celebration because many new faces were present and it was an opportunity to show off our wonderful CNT family and showcase why CNT is truly a special place to belong. The occasion was also Shabbat Across America and a major event for the membership committee as well. Student Rabbi Neal Schuster complimented the beautiful music service in the absence of Rabbi Akselrad, who was on the Mission to Israel with many CNT mem-bers. This gave the Board a great opportunity to invite guests Dack to see one of our regular out-standing Shabbat services. Kudos to Bella and the choirs for a great concert, and to Neal for conduct-ing a beautiful service. The Board meeting was started by a wonderful D'Var Torah, discus-sion of the Torah portion for the week, by trustee Leon Marco. He was well prepared and gave us all much food for thought. A presen-tation of the D'Var Torah is a new ritual added to every board meet-ing now thanks to our Ritual Vice President, Ira Spector. The Board again grappled with the establishment of a CNT Founda-tion. Scott Stolberg and his com-mittee has done a great deal of work on this. The Board gave Scott the sanction to move forward with the legal paperwork for the Board to further consider. The trustees also discussed the ex-citing new kindergarten planned for this fall. So far G children are reg-istered and more are expected. The Pre-schoo' is full and some chil-dren are wait-listed. The Board is very proud of the program and commends Lois Bergman and her staff for the wonderful job they are doing with our children. Shalom, Ruth Urban JNF Visit Left to Right: Rabbi Akselrad, Ari Klein, Michael Nitzani, Jessie Tress, Lora Qmylie, Jill Ewan "Sacred & Profane: Separate Shabbat Prom the Ordinary Week" Singles Havdallah and Dinner Because of the overwhelming success of January's Singles Shabbaton at Congregation Ner Tamid, the Jewish Community Center's Jewish Singles is follow-ing up with a Havdallah Service and Dinner on May 20th. The pro-gram will take place at Congre-gation Ner Tomid. Student Rabbi Neal Schuster will lead the traditional ceremony to end Shabbat: Havdallah. fl full course dinner and discussion will follow this short and beautiful cer-emony. The evening's discussion is enti-tled "Sacred 5i Profane - Sepa-rate Shabbat from the Ordinary Week." Havdallah will start promptly at 6:15pm. Dinner will b e g i n at 6:30pm and the evening's discussion will follow dinner. The event is open to Jewish sin-gles of all ages. The cost is $18 for JCC and/or CNT members and $21 for non-members. Reserva-tions for this event must be re-ceived by Friday, May 12. Call the JCC office at 794-0090 for more information and reserva-tions. May 2000 <// Special rPlace "Jo '/idout/ 'Birthdays May 1 Jeffrey Fine Joanne Goldberg Sylvia Seller David Schwimmer Lillian Kaufman Joe Goldstein Justin Shiroff Mau 23 Joseph Goldstein May 12 Arlene Kagan Mindie Pink Viola Blazer Mau 24 Sandy Pittl? Robert Hechter Lauren Boyers Anita Posin Alan Miller Abbie Burk David Rounds May 13 Louis Shulman Harry Sax Joseph Chenin Mau 25 Leonard Spektor Amy Gold Rachael ?mmer- Mail 2 May 14 Rowland Stewart Blumenfeld Paul Cohen Brian Frankl Ronald Greenfield Gloria Fenster Susan Joseph Stephanie lehrner Lisa Galane Jeff Skoll May 3 Rebecca Henren Mau 26 Rbraham King Jo UJeingarten Denise Bass Jeff Skolnik May IS Maxujell Berkley Mat/ 4 Ben Herman Hannah Geeser Samuel ?sbin Rlysso Ingerman Jodi Goodheart Michael Gorelick Norman Laefer Leon Hacker Michael McDermott Brett Primack Michael Milano May 5 Nathan Venger Deborah Palladino Lori Harbach Kevin UUalton Richard Swiler Carol Naiman Robert UJorth Daniel Unqer Zachary Rudolph May 16 Mail 27 Tierney Torch in Jerome Baum Steven Boss Mai/ & Linda Schnitzer Mitchell Cohen Louis Demner MaV 17 Ryan Goldhammer Louis Mendelsohn Sylvia Frank Jack Nitzkin Neil Miller Sharon Gordon Stuart Solomon Harold Ober Hilary Scheele Sarah UJagner Lindsey Ober May 18 MaV 28 MaV 7 Ida Aberman Sarah Buchanan Harvey 6isner ?ric Glyman Stanley Cohen fllan Kerner Alexandra Gust Leo Diamond May 8 Barbara Lander Steve Pasley Sidney Boruszak Jere' Davis Shawn Silber Mau 29 Justin ULIebb Helene Laefer Todd Jasienski MaV 19 Pamela Lellouche Mara Lieberman ?laine Burke Carol Treat Beth Miller Jessie Cohen Mau 30 Raron Spector Kimberly Cohen Scott Fischman Bernardo UUerner Lyubov Rak Betty Hojer Mat/ 9 Lindsay Sickle Victoria Locke-King Ann Frank May 20 Robert Schiffman Robert Goldstein Paul Jasienski Mau 31 Lynne Schuchmann Lauren Ober Rdvo Cisenberg May 10 Susan Plotkin Joel Fischman Lori Bengov Mail 21 Abe Levine Nicole Auvo Joni Akselrad Lawrence Sasso Dana Benedict Nina Tiep Brian Berman May 11 Dana Pasley Cara Buchanan Mail 22 -Oj^jC Jonet Buchanan Richard Cummins Casey Cornett Richard Fenster t; ;'/redericlt and y CaroC Treat 'l1 May 23 ?/?* 'David and Judy ,t fljjplebaum ? Luis and %pse 1(l, Dominguez (?i Phil and Rose i1 Seltzer May 24 i,1 Jerry and 'Ellen l| t ';< Qary and I Pamela ,l Qoldberg "David and j I Jomjfer <?, Lessntcki ) I fWizy l| i Michael and I y 'Beverly Daitch ' May 28 ,?f* Carl and Sandy 'i Tittle Monty and !,l 'Donna 'Willey 11. May 29 V' Richard and i,*? Lisa Lapidus | if Jacf( and Susan 1 Tansku !\\ May 30 V '.Bernard and Artene Jarrow i Vic and Loretta (i Hollander Jacl^and Marcy l('( Simon , \i Micfiael and i1 Solomon fWa^ 31 ?<"' Mart and Qloria Jine Micfiael and '.Bonnie Lalhi May 5 'Robert and Qeorgiann Mecfiter Craig and Judi Herring 'Paul and Jill Jasienski May 6 Albert and Teruah J