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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    59 ELVIRA Hey, speaking of Aunstable', anyone seen Lord Loco? DISSOLVE TO: INT. LIVING ROOM - LATER A stream of amber colored liquid is illuminated by firelight as Dr. Bradley pours Elvira a snifter of brandy. Vladimere sits in front of the fire, looking totally despondant. In the background, Roxana plays a dirge-like melody on the harpsichord. ELVIRA ...So, plague or no plague, your coach is picking me up tomorrow, right? DR. BRADLEY Oh, absolutely. I can promise you won't be spending another night here at Castle Hellsubus. WIDER TO INCLUDE VLADIMERE Staring blankly into the fire, Vladimere lifts his snifter of brandy in a toast and mumbles. VLADIMERE Happy anniversary, Elura. Elvira and Dr. Bradley watch him. ELVIRA He's had kind of a tough day. DR. BRADLEY (Oddly cheerful) Why yes, I don't believe I've ever seen him so morose. ELVIRA Well, who wouldn't be morose listenin' to this music! Elvira gets up and crosses to Roxana at the harpsichord.