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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    ? Lag Vegas - January 9, 1945 Ft 8-106 Mr. Frank Strong: Mr. I. P. Spltzer, President of the Atlas transfer and storage, Inc. {n Nevada Corporation) called at the office this morning and requested a lease on rail trackage for the purpose of constructing a warehouse. He states he has been requested by Colonel H3lofsllaley of the Ogden Array Depot to provide storage facilities here for use of the Array end Imvy because this has been designated, a frost-proof district, if this arrangement is consumated, and he wishes to start construction immediately, he expects to receive 35 oar loads per month of beer, beans, milk and similar products requiring cold storage. fl>e beer and raltk shipmentg will come from the East and the been shipments from the vicinity of Santa Ana. The site he has in mind is the ISO’xSOO* site pre­viously occupied by Clark County Salvage Committee under ' lease audit A-5411? which expired November 30. If we lease hits this site he agrees to promptly clean up the remaining junk; in fact if he has assurance that the lease will be granted he will start his truck.s and orenes hauling the junk away at once. I might add that he anticipates no difficulty for priorities because he expects to use eereent in its construc­tion, and will have the assistance of the Army in securing any needed steel for construction. Because of the traffic that will accrue to our lines and also In order to get the present site cleaned up I recom­mend a five-year lease to the above Corporation. Will be glad to have you confer with the Traffic Department and if you concur please telephone rae. H O T S H. BRACK'S cc: Mr. W. T. Price Mr. A. C. Hitter