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Economic Opportunity Board of Clark County (Nev.): memos, agendas, and meeting minutes






From the Clark County Economic Opportunity Board Records -- Series I. Administrative. This folder contains memos, agendas and minutes from meetings of the Clark County Economic Opportunity Board in 1965 talking about applications, programs, budgets, and more. 

Digital ID



man000550. Clark County Economic Opportunity Board Records, 1962-1973. MS-00016. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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P. o, BOX 760
TO: Board Members
FROM: Harvey Dondero
The January meeting of the Economic Opportunities Board will
be as follows:
January 27, -±964- CiH.l 1
4:00 P.M.
Thunderbird Hotel
Gol df i el d Room
Action on projects submitted to the Office of Economic Opportunity
(OEO) will be discussed as well as the establishment of working committees.
With the implied approval by the OEO, staff recruitment, office
space, purchase of equipment, are also agenda items.
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January 27, 1965
4,00 P.M .
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T hunderbi rd H otel
L as V egas, N evada
PRESEN T: M r. H arv ey D ondero, M r. Joseph M ank i ns, M r. Charl es Spann,
M r. K arl M arshal l , M r. Ferren B unk er, M r. Robert D eL angi e,
M r. W i l l i am B r i ar e, D r. Juani ta W hi te, M r. L y al B urk hol der,
M r. Edw ard Y oung, M r. Ernest Sk agen, M r. L ee W al k er,
M i ss Genev i ev e A rensdorf , M r. H . P. Fi tzger al d, M r. Robert
B auer, M r. D av i d H oggard, M ayor Oran Gragson, M rs. El ai ne
W al broek .
Guests: M rs. Regi na Jacobson, D r. L esl i e Shuck , M rs. L una
H ay es, M rs. L ubertha Johnson, M rs. Smi th.
T he meeti ng w as opened by the Chai rman, H arv ey D ondero, w ho
gav e a br i ef resum~ of the acti ons of the Economi c Opportuni ti es
B oard.
OFFI CE SPA CE: H e rev i ew ed the need f or 10% matchi ng money t o secure
the i ni t i al ·f unds. f or the B oard's oper ati on; T here w as need ···
f or the donati on of of f i c-e space. w hi ch coul d ser v e as matchi ng
money. T here w oul d be needed a mi ni mum··of 800 square f eet
at 50¢ a f oot t o equal $400 per month. M ayor Gragson
suggested the ol d r ecr eati onal quar s w hi w ere not i n
use. Other· suggesti ons cov ered of f i ces at the same addres·s
.-as the A gr i cul tur e Ex tensi on Serv i ce, Jef f er son Recreati onal
Center, the Carv er H ouse, the Fi r e D epartment B ui l di ng at
Second and M esqui te, the W ater D i st r i ct Of f i ce, space at the
new ai r por t . M r. M ank i ns moved and i t w as seconaea t hat a
commi ttee be appoi nted t o ex pl ore of f i ce quar ter s. T hi s w as
passed. M r. D ondero appoi nted M r. M ank i ns Chai rman w i th
M r. B unk er and M r. Fi tzger al d as commi ttee members. I t w as
moved and seconded i f qual i f y i ng of f i ce quar ter s w ere secured,
the commi ttee be authori zed t o accept such quar ter s i n the
name of the Economi c Opportuni ti es B oard •.
OTHER QU A L I FI CA TI ON S: M rs. W al broek st at ed t hat besi des the r ent to
qual i f y , addi ti onal persons nee d t o be added to the B oard
w ho w oul d be r eci pi ents of programs under the Economi c
Opportuni ti es A ct. T hi s w oul d be done shor t l y .
MIGRANT STUDY : Mr . Ferren B unker reported on a study done on the
mi grant needs i n Cl ark County. An I nter-A gency Commi ttee
had recei v ed the r epor t and recommended t hat a pr oj ect
desi gn be dev el oped and submi tted to the Economi c Opportuni ti es
B oard . M r. B unker outl i ned the proj ect . Publ i c housi ng
f aci l i t i es f or 30 f ami l i es, w hi ch f aci l i t i es w oul d al so
house a compl ex of serv i ces: heal th cl i ni c, day care
f aci l i t y , cl assrooms, recreati onal area. Pri mari l y desi gned
f or the unempl oyed mi grant, w hen empl oyment w as av ai l abl e,
the mi grant w oul d go to w ork on the ranches and the publ i c
housi ng w oul d then be av ai l abl e f or a new ar r i v al to be
processed . M r. B unker requested a commi ttee be appoi nted
to f ur ther ex pl ore pr oj ect dev el opment . M r. B unk er w as
appoi nted chai rman w i th the f ol l ow i ng commi ttee members:
M r. K arl M arshal l , M r . Edw i n W el l s, and M r . B ow l er.
L EGI SL A TI ON: T here w as need f or passage of A ssembl y B i l l 195 w hi ch
enabl es the State W el f are D epartment to accept cer tai n
f ederal moni es. T i t l e V of the Economi c Opportuni ty A ct
" w ork ex peri ence" i s av ai l abl e onl y through the State W el f are
D epartment. I t w oul d deny t hi s l arge program area to the
county and st at e i f t hi s B i l l w ere not passed. M r. Y oung
moved and i t w as seconded that the B oard request the Cl ark
County del egati on to i nt er est i t sel f i n the passage of thi s
B i l l . I t w as passed unani mousl y .
EX ECUTIV E COMMITTEE : M r. D ondero announced the appoi ntment of a
temporary Ex ecuti v e Commi ttee pendi ng the dev el opment and
the adopti on of the B y-L aw s and el ecti on of a permanent
commi ttee by the B oard: M r. Joseph M ank i ns, M r . Ernest Sk agen,
M rs. El ai ne W al broek , M r. L ee W al k er, M r. D av i d H oggard,
M r . Charl es Spann, w i th M rs. W al broek serv i ng as A cti ng
Secretary and M r. W al k er as A cti ng T reasurer. A bank account
had been opened at the Fi r st N ati onal B ank 's South B oul ev ard
B ranch. M r. D ondero announced the appoi ntment of tw o
addi ti onal members to the B oard of D i r ector s: M r. Ferren
B unker and D r . L esl i e Shuck .
STA FF RECRUITM ENT: M r. B ri are, Chai rman of the Staf f Recrui tment
Commi ttee, announced that appl i cati ons w oul d shor tl y be tak en
f or st af f posi ti ons, and enough w oul d be processed so that
w hen the f unds w ere av ai l abl e, pr i or i t y appl i cati ons coul d
be submi tted to the t ot al B oard f or t hei r approv al . T hi s
w oul d probabl y be at the nex t meeti ng. Serv i ng on the
commi ttee ar e: B i l l B ri are, Charl es Spann, Ed Y oung.
YOUTH OPPORTU N I TI ES CENTER: M r. Spann descri bed the new l y -dev el oped
Y outh Oppor tuni ti es Center w hi ch w as desi gned t o screen
y oung peopl e f or the Job Corps and f or the N ei ghborhood Y outh
Corps. T here w ere f our persons al r eady st af f i ng the Center,
and of f i ce quar ter s w ere ex pected to be secured shor t l y .
H e i ntroduced M rs. Smi th w ho detai l ed more of the Center 's
act i v i t i es. T here w oul d be detached w ork ers serv i ng as y outh
adv i sor s to go out i nto the communi ty t o i nt er est y oungsters
i n mak i ng appl i cati ons t o the Y outh Oppor tuni ti es Center.
NEXT M EETI NG: T he Chai rman announced t hat the nex t meeti ng w oul d be
upon cal l . T here bei ng no f ur ther busi ness, the meeti ng w as
adj ourned.
EW :sl
Respectf ul l y submi tted, ~Oc41,u.- Jt:~ L
El ai ne W al broek
A cti ng Secr etar y
M arch 4, 1965
l . Report on status of appl i cati ons
Program D evel opment
D ay Care Cente r
N ei ghborhood Y outh Corps
$25, 681
32, 506
Rev i si on
Revi si on
Study of M i grant W orker Probl em - F. B unker
51~,t..~-.,_ ~.i.., W estsi de L unch Program - L . Shuck
A uthori zati on to bond staf f
Report of B yl aw s Commi ttee
A ppoi nt Ex ecuti v e D i rector
M arch 4, 1965
4:00 P.M.
Gov ernor's Conf er.e.n.c.e.....om_
State B ui l di ng
L as V egas, N evada
PRESENT: H arvey D ondero, K arl M arshal l , Ernest Skagen, Earl B runner, D ave H oggard,
Robert B auer, John Gri f f i n representi ng John B unten, Rev. T i gner, K ei th
M acdonal d, B i l l K earns, H. P. Fi tzgeral d, Charl es Spann, W i l l i am B ri are,
M rs. L onni e L ee M arshal l , L ee W al ker, D r. L esl i e E. Shuck, Jay M anki ns,
Ferren B unker, M rs. Stel l a Fl emi ng, M i ss Genevi eve A rensdorf , Edw ard Y oung.
Guests: M rs. Fenton, Robert A dai r, our VISTA peopl e. D r. M arvi n Sedw ay,
M rs. L ubertha Johnson. ··
The meeti ng w as opened by Chai rman H arvey D ondero, who i ntroduced the
VISTA w orkers and gave a bri ef resume of the status of the appl i cati ons
f or f unds approved by the B oard, Program D evel opment and VISTA have
been approved. Day Care Center i s bei ng rev i sed and N ei ghborhood Y outh
Corps i s bei ng studi ed by D epartment of L abor.
MIGRANT WORKER PROBLEM: Ferren B unker reported on the study made of the mi grant
probl em, stressi ng the need f or mi grant w orkers and the probl ems of the
l ow -i ncome group. A l l members had a copy of the prel i mi nary study .
Ed Y oung moved that the M i grant Stud~, t'.:ommittee proceed to make an
appl i cati on f or f unds as recommended i n the prel i mi nary study . Seconded
by Jay M anki ns. M oti on carri ed.
HUNGRY CHILDREN PROBLEM: D r. L esl i e Shuck reported on the need f or a f eedi ng program
f or chi l dren i n school f rom l ow -i ncome f ami l i es, who are attendi ng
school w i thout havi ng suf f i ci ent f ood. D r. M arvi n Sedway suppl emented
the di scussi on w i th a case study and hi s own observ ati ons of thi s probl em.
Ed Y oung moved that a f urther study be made of thi s probl em, that sources
of f unds be ex pl ored and a proposal made to the Economi c Opportuni ti es
B oard. Seconded by Ferren B unker. Carri ed.
SELECTION OF EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: B i l l B ri are, Chai rman of the Screeni ri : ~otml l i t'tee,
made the f ol l ow i ng report:
" Subj ect w Screeni ng Commi ttee Report
Re: Executi ve D i rector am! Z v al uati on Coordi nator
" Y our speci al commi ttee consi sti ng of M r. Ed Y oung, M r. Charl es Spann
and M r. B i l l B ri are w i sh to report that 40 appl i cati ons w ere caref ul l y
revi ew ed based 1m st r i ct conf ormance to j ob speci f i cati ons, l ogi cal
qual i f i cati ons f or the posi ti ons at hand and mi nute consi derati on of each
and every f act set f orth .l;.n w ri tten rev i ew s.
" The appl i cati on f or the SECOND posi ti on w hi ch w as un:m1111ousl y i .,i cJectetl
by your commi ttee w as so superi or that a l engthy persOtu.ol i ntcrv.L ~w \oras
conducted and we now recommend that M r. D oyl e L onghurst be hi red to set
up the of f i ce and general l y prepare f or the empl oyment of the Executi ve
D i rector, M r, L onghurst i s av ai l abl e i mmedi atel y upon approval of thi s
B oard.
" I t i s requested that addi ti onal ti me be al l o~ed to personal l y i nterv i ew
the candi date f or the Ex ecuti v e D i rector posi ti on. Each candi date i s
presentl y empl oyed and i t i s ex pected that at best, a month f rom now i s the
mi ni mum ti me peri od possi bl e f or the commencement of duti es of Ex ecuti v e
D i rector.
"We w i sh to c c.11 y our parti cul ar attenti on to the qual i f i cati ons of sev eral
candi dates who di d not ~11eet as many of the requi rements but who mi ght be
of great assi stance to the B oard at a f uture ti me. I n order to mai ntai n
the conf i denti al appl i cati ons, thei r names are not i ncl uded i n thi s report
but are av ai l ab l e to a1~y member w i shi ng to revi ew them. Pl ease contact
M r. Spann at the Empl oyment Securi ty of f i ce.
11The approv al of a moti on to adopt thi s report w i l l al l ow your commi ttee
to, f i r st , personal l y i nterv i ew the f ol l ow i ng persons:
M rs. El ai ne W al broek
M r. K ei th M acdonal d
!-:r. Carl ton N augl e
and report thei r f i ndi n;s to the B oard, and SECONDLY, i t w i l l accept the
commi ttee I s recoTIL'nend,aLion of M r. L onghurst who w i l l be temporari l y under
the superv i si on of Chai rman D ondero.
" I n the ev ent of debate, on the moti on, i t i s recornrnended that any candi dates
present excuse themsel ves f rom the room f or the comf ort of the B oard members
w i shi ng to personal l y cr:>mment.
"M r . Chai rm.1n, I move the adopti on of the report of the speci al commi ttee."
Bob B auer questi oned wh-! ther the Screeni ng Commi ttee w as supposed to
screen f or the Ex ecuti v e D i rector posi ti on onl y or f or both posi ti ons.
The mi nutes f or the Ja01.1ary 27 meeti ng i ndi cated that appl i cati ons w ere to
be accepted and recommendati ons w oul d be made to the B oard f or 11staf f
posi ti ons. 11 B i l l B ! " i are moved adopti on of the report, seconded by
Ferren B unker. Carri eci .
B i l l B ri are ask ed f or the rul i ng of the B oard on di sposi ti on of appl i cati ons
dated M arch 1. Jay M anU ns moved that the three appl i cati ohs dated M arch 1
be di sregarded. Seconded by Eob B auer. M oti on w as l ost.
F0erren B unker moved that the three appl i cati ons dated M arch 1 be consi
dered on the same basi s as other appl i cati ons, but that any appl i cati ors
beyond these three be r "'.!,j ected. Seconded by D ave H oggard. M oti on carr · i .
The commi ttee w i l l determl .ne w hether any of the three appl i cants who
tutned i n appl i cati ons dated M arch 1 w oul d be cal l ed f or i nterv i ew i n
addi ti on to the three persons named i n the report.
Earl B runner moved that the B oard meet T hursday, M arch 11, at 4 p.m.,
at the State B ui l di ng, to consi der f i l l i ng the posi ti on of Ex ecuti v e D i rector.
Seconded by Ed Y oung. M oti on carri ed. A l l B oard members w i l l be
noti f i ed by the C!-> 3.irm& ~1.
AVAILABLE SURPLUS PROPERTY: K ei th M acdonal d presented a memo detai l i ng the
possi bi l i ty of getti ng surpl us f urni ture f or the Economi c Opportuni ti es
of f i ce and i ndi cati ng procedures to f ol l ow .
M eeti ng adj ourned at 5:25 p.m.
Respectf ul l y submi tted,
Harvey N. Dondero
C~ai rman of the Board
T hursday , M arch 11, 4:00 p. m.
W el f are D epartment Conf erence Room
State B ui l di ng, Second and B onanza, L as V egas
U se si de entrance on Second Street
Sel ecti on of an ex ecuti v e di rector to be deci ded
H arv ey D ondero, Chai rman
M arch 11, 1965
Las Vegas, Nevada
Governor's Conf erence Room
State B ui l di ng
PRESENT: H arvey D ondero, D r. Cl are W oodbury, Earl B runner, Jay M anki ns, El ai ne W al broek
Ernest Skagen, L onni e L ee M arshal l , Reverend Newton T i gner, L ee W al ker,
D r. Juani ta W hi te, H. P. Fi tzgeral d, Stel l a Fl emi ng, W i l l i am B ri are,
Charl es Spann, Ed Y oung
T echni cal A dvi sory Commi ttee M embers: K ei th M acD onal d, W i l l i am K earns,
L ee Burnham
Guests: Luna Hayes
The meeti ng was opened by the Chai rman, H arvey D ondero, who i ndi cated that
the pri mary purpose of the meeti ng was a report f rom the Staf f Sel ecti on
Commi ttee on the posi ti on of Executi ve D i rector. The A cti ng Secretary
expressed the regrets extended by M ayor Byrne of H enderson f or hi s i nabi l i ty
to attend.
SELECTION COMMITTEE REPORT: Chai rman, W i l l i am B ri are, reported that over 40 appl i catl o,:;,s
had been screened i ncl udi ng al l those submi tted w i th a postmark of M arch 1 ,;r
bef ore. The sel ecti on had been narrow ed down to tw o appl i cants; and basi ng
thei r sel ecti on on academi c qual i f i cati ons, w ork ex peri ence, perf ormance,
f ami l i ari ty w i th the program, they had sel ected M rs. El ai ne W al broek to be the
Executi ve D i rector of " Operati on Opportu.,i ti es - - Cl ark County. The recommendati
on was seconded by D r. Juani ta W hi te and pas:: ed unani mousl y. M rs, W al broek
i ndi cated she w oul d be av ai l abl e to assume the posi ti on w i thi n tw o-three w eeks.
She coul d be expected to be on the j ob A pri l l . M r. Fi '.:zgeral d expressed the
conf i dence he f el t i n M rs. W al broek and that he w anted to of f er an ex pressi on
of appreci ati on f or the w ork done by M r. D ondero and M rs. W al broek over the
past three years w i th " Operati on I ndependence11 and w i th the anti -pov erty
EXECutIVE COMMITTEE MEETING: M r. D ondero announced that m Executi ve Commi ttee meeti ng
w oul d be hel d at 10: 30 i n the Of f i ce of the D i stri ct D i rector of State W el f are
to consi der the organi zati on of the of f i ce. He i ndi cated that to date f unds
had not been recei v ed f rom the Of f i ce of Economi c Opportuni ty; h ~w ever, the
f unds had been acknow l edged as granted i n a tel egram f rom Sargsr::."! t Shri v er.
The Governor had si gned the l etter of authori zati on, and thi s had been sent
to W ashi ngton. He agai n expressed hi s appreci ati on of the B oard to M r. Van
Santen of the N evada Cl ub f or donati ng t he of f i ce space w hi ch meet .· the
requi rement f or a communi ty contri buti on. T hi s made i t possi bl e to :. ~. t" ! .ate
the Economi c Opportuni ty program i n Cl erk County.
LEITER OF APPRECIATION: I t was moved by D r. Wo odbt!:>:y and seconded that a l etter of
appreci ati on be sent to M r. Van Santen expressi ng the f eel i ngs of the Boa.=d
that he had real l y unl ocked the door to the anti -pov erty program. M r. Skagen
moved and i t was seconded by Reverend T i gner that a v erbal ex pressi on of
appreci ati on be gi ven to the mel tbers of the Staf f Sel ecti on Commi ttee f or the
prodi gi ous amount of w ork they di d i n thei r caref ul revi ew of each appl i cat i o.i .
T hi s was passed unani mousl y.
ADJOURNMENT: T here bei ng no f urther busi ness, the meeti ng w as adj ~un:ed.
Respectf ul l y submi tted,
H aryey D ondero, Chai rman

- '-3051 URADISE.-" " AD
SUITE 115 ...
A pri l 23, 1965
TO: Board Members
FROM: H arvey Dondero, Chai rman
RE: Economi c Opportuni ty Board M eeti ng
" Operati on Opportuni ti es -- Cl ark County"
The next meeti ng of the Economi c Opportuni ty Board w i l l be hel d at
our new of f i ces l ocated at 3051 Paradi se Road, Sui te #15, I t i s i n the
Paradi se Prof ':! :ssi onal B ui l di ng j ust north of the L andmark Tower on Paradi se.
DATE: Thursday, A pri l 29
TIME: 4:00 P.H.
M atters on the agen,h. are the N ei ghborhood Y outh Corps proposal as
l ,•«> 1 1 '"" :-::::-: ...... .., Prc<:1s to be di scussed f or Board approval . M ateri al rel evar.~
L O these programs w i l l be sent to you pri or to the meeti ng.
!Ir. Harvey Dondero
Cl ark County School D i strt,
P. o. Box 551
Las Vegas, Nevada
Operati on Opportuni ti es - Cl ark County
A pri l 28, 1965
). • M i nutes to be approved
2. T reasurer I s Report
3. A dmi ni strati on Report
4, Programmi ng
Proj ects Submi tted and Funded:
Program and D evel opment Grant to Fund
Opportuni ti es B oard ZJ,........e * /
VISTA V ol unteer Program ~ ,.J-.,__
Proj ects Submi t t ed:
3051 Paradi se Rd.
4:00 p.m.
H arvey D ondero
L ee W al ker
El ai ne W al broek -
Harvey Dondero
Day Care Serv i ces Center H arvey D ondero
Proj ect i.~ea · s tar t D r. L esl i e Shuck
N ei ghborhood Y outh Corps
I n School D r. L esl i e Shuck
Proj ects Boar d A oproved and i n Process:
N ei ghborhaod Y ou t h Corps -
Out-of -School
M i grant H eal th Proj ect( D r. Otto Ravenhol t
Proj ects f or B oard Consi derati on: j ,tl i ne of :Fundi ng of Proj ects f or
ubmi ssi on f or Current Fi scal Y ear El ai ne W al broek
-:i.L: l E· · i:-.e~s A C.mi ni strati on '
eve b pment Center L ee W al ker
ll,)l1a4.ghborhood Parti ci pati on Proj ect M rs. L u J'ohnson
~ni t y A cti on Grant - Operati on
I ndependence M rs, L u Johnson
Phy si cal and M ental H eal th Component of
~bor hood Y outh Corps
N ei ghborhood Parti ci pati on Proj ect - County El ai ne W al broek
4. Cotmni ttee A ppoi ntments
Economi c and I ndustri al D evel opment Commi ttee
Apri I 29, 1965
4:00 P.M.
3051 Pa rad I se Road
Las Vegas, Nevada
PRESENT: Mr. Harvey Dondero, Mr. Lee Walker, Mr. WI 11 iam Briare, Dr. Les I le Shuck,
Mr. Joseph Mankins, Father Charles Shallow, Mr. Paul McDermott, Mrs. Lonnie
Lee Marshal I, Mr. David Hoggard, Reverend Newton Tigner, Miss Genevieve ArensQorf,
Mr. H. P. Fi tzgeral d, Mr. Ferren Bunker, Dr. Otto Ravenhol t.
Staff: Mrs. Elaine Walbroek, Mr. Doyle Longhurst, Mrs. Sylvia Leon
Guests: Mrs. Lubertha Johnson
Mr. Dondero opened the meeting asking tor approval of two sets of minutes,
both deal Ing prlmarl ly with the selection of staff for operating the Economic
Opportunity Office, Mr. Mankins motioned that the Minutes of March 4 & 11
be accepted as written. Motion was seconded by Or. Shuck, and the minutes
were approved by the group.
Mr. Dondero Introduced Father Charles Sha I low, DI rector of Cathol le Community
Welfare, as a new member of the Board, He then introduced the staff members
of the Board to the group,
TREASURER'S REPORT: Mr. Lee Walker, Treasurer, stated that $15,000 In funds were received
from Washington, O.C. on Apr! I 22, for the operation of the Economic Opportunity
Board Office. This money had been deposited In a checking account at the First
National Bank, South Boulevard Branch. The only disbursements to date were for
four salary checks. Mr. Walker stated that bonding has been appl led for,
Increasing the amount to $150,000. A I labl I lty pol Icy has been obtained In ttie
amount of $100,000 to $300,000 for the youth to be employed under the Neighbor~ood
Youth Corps project during the summer. The pol icy provides for property damage
coverage of $50,000. A question was raised as to why this insurance was needed
when the enrol lees would be covered by Nevada Industrial Insurance, It was
explained that this additional coverage was needed to protect the sub-contractor
and the contractor. He further to! d the group that arrangements had been made
with the accounting firm of Conway, Moe and Hibbs to do the bookkeplng for this
office, and with Rudd and Rudd to process payroll checks for NYC enrollees this
sunrner. The's report was accepted by the group.
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Mrs. Walbroek said that the office had opened Aprl I 5,
and since that tlme,projects have been In process In order to meet the May 7
dead I ine for submissions In this fiscal year. She said that a cal I had been
received from the Office of Eocnomic Opportunity In San Franclsco,stating that
they would pick up the tab on technical consultants to help this office develor
projects to meet the dead I lne . She had contacted Dr. Martin levl~e and Mr •.
Robert Bauer and had obtained their services; Or . Levine to do backup work on ·
projects, and Mr. Bauer to do the research and secure demographic data. She
told the Board that the total Neighborhood Youth Corps projects were due In
Los Angeles Aprl I 30; and the remaining package of Economic Opportunity programs
were due 1n one week, by May 7,
PRQGRAr+tlNG: Under the programs already funded, there were the fol lowing:
Program and Development Grant - These funds had been appl led for, received, and
were now being used for the operation of the office, This grant Is In the amount
of $29,855 for six months.
Vista Volunteers - Mrs. Johnson, DI rector of 110perati on Independence", under
whose auspices the Volunteers work, stated that the Volunteers are now assisting
with recruiting enrol lees tor the Neighborhood Youth Corps in this area and
a special office has been opened tor this purpose, with two VISTAs assigned tp it.
Mr. Dondero explained they were people who had completed a special training
program and were then sent to various poverty areas throughout the United States
<frequent I y dubbed the Domestic Peace Corps>; in Las Vegas they were be Ing used
In the Day Care Services Center, in the "Operat ion Independence" I ibrary, and
the office. Mrs. Johnson further explained that they were volunteers who did
not receive an actual salary; only minimal tivlng expenses and a $600 payment
fo 11 ow 1n g their one-year of serv 1c e. Mr. Dondero stated that the a I t otment
received through t he grant request tor VISTA Volunteers went directly to the
. Vo.I unteers to cover the Ir expenses and were not d I sbursed through the Board.
Programs In Process:
Day Care Center: Mr. Dondero reviewed the establ ishrnent of the Day Care ServJce
_Center, and Its purpose: The Board applied tor funds to keep the present Day
Care Center In operation on December 17. Mrs. \fatbroek was asked the status pf
th 1s app I i cation. She sa-1 d that the Office of Economic Opportunity had est ab I i shed
and changed many criteria; the last criteria has been satisfied, and she understood
that it had gone back to wash i ngton In the hands of one of the reg i ona I
staff members to go through final processing. It is not certain when it wi 11 ·
come through, though it does seem to be assured tor funding. Al I jobs Involved
in it are jobs which go to the Westside community itself. There is an average
dally attendance of 35 children in the day care center currently, Mrs. Johnso\,
told the group.
Project Headstart: Mr. Dondero asked Dr. Les Ii e Shuck to report on this proj"ct
which had been subm itted by the Clark County School District-. Dr. Shuck stat,d
that it was a summertime program set up for disadvantaged youngsters before
they entered school so that they wl 11 have some competitive advantage when
entering grammar schoo l. Its purpose is to help these youngsters develop bac~-
ground information to enable them to make better use of educational services.
These programs wi I l be held in seven sites located in \~est Las Vegas, North L?ts
Vegas, Henderson, and Moapa . It w i I l run for seven weeks and for 3i hours
each day. There wi 11 be data compiled from the program for evaluating results.
Dr. Shuck expressed his thanks to Mrs. Walbroek and his secretary who develop~d
the project during his i I lness.
NYC In-Schoo I : Dr. Schuck told the group that app I i cation was deve I oped and
submitted by the Clark County School District (At 1.25 per hr.) lt creates jobs
for 140 youngsters who possibly could not finish school without financial support.
These jobs do not replace persons or threaten jobs, already in existence. Along with
the jobs, they would also be given guiElance so that they are better able to be competent
by the time they graduate to earn their own way. ·
NYC Out-of-School: Mrs. Walbroek told the Board that this project Is similar to th~
previous; however, lt involves those youngsters who have already dropped out of
sc~ool. This has been developed by the Economic Opportunity Board who serves, as
prime contractor, with 8 subcontractors which wi I l be the departments actually.employlng
the young people. (Sub-Contractors are: Cities of las Vegas, North Las Vegas,
Henderson,t;l.ark County, United Fund~ .and Operation Independence.) This a f)'rogram
des i ~ned to give incentive to go on to better emp I oyment, or to vocat i oaa I train in~,
~omb1ned with the discipJ ine of a first job experience. Almost al I project funds po
into the pockets of the enrol lees. The administrative staff consists of a coordinator
to work with the Youth Opportunity Centor on-d two mo+uro col l<=>ae students to !:c.rvo .le
sepervisors. She further explainod that the criteria for selections is based on ei:onomic
circumstances. Mr. Dondero stated that the Youth Opportunity Center CYOC) is accepting
youngsters and screening them for jobs. '
Migrant Health Project: This program was discussed by Or. Otto Ravenholt. He explained
this was an expanded set of hea I th activities to be sponsored by the County Hea I th
Department in the Moapa Valley area where health services are particularly lacking.
There is a I icensed practical nurse serving in the area; every two months a physiCian
visits there for one day. This new program submitted under the Economic Opportunity
Board wi 11 provide for immunization and chi Id health conferences; increase physician's
time to once a month, wi 11 strengthen health education to the family, and wi 11 expand
public health nursing and clinics. ·
Mr. Ferren Bunker, County Extension Agent, was asked for corrrnents. He reviewed tt)e
visit of Mr. Robert Ful I from the San Francisco OEO Office. It was decided at the
meeting with him that the program first proposed for ~.oapa Valley was too ambitio4s
to be accepted at the present time. This project has not been abandoned; however,1
it has been decided to implement now those programs that are of utmost importance.
FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION: Mr. Dondero requested that the fol lowing projects be consider~d
by the Board.
Smal I Business loans: Mrs. 1,1albroek stated that a Smal I Business Administration
representative, Mr. Harold Schnurer, had visited the Economic Opportunity Board
office to explain a Small Business Development Center. Mr. Walker reported on the
meeting with Mr. Schnurer. He said the purpose of such a center is to provide loans
to those in the poverty bracket who cou Id not otherwise qua Ii fy, but who show a 1
background of character and dependabi 1 ity. Two criteria for loans were: ( l) tho$e
who 1~ere economically deprived, who had a feasible business venture; (2) those whdse
business venture would provide jobs for those who were deprived. There was discu~sion
by the Board on qua! ifications for these loans and on el igibi t ity. One Board MemQer
particularly fett that those who were denied loans would be embittered when they
could not qualify. Mr. Mankins moved that the Small Business Loan project be helQ
in abeyance unt i I more information cou Id be obtained. Mr. McDermott seconded the ·
motion, and it was passed by the group.
Board Members expr essed concern that app licati ons were being subm itted t oo
rapidly, and that poss i bly something would come a long with merit when al I of
the monies a lloted t o Clark County would be gone. Mr. Briare stated that he
would like to have a more complete picture of the projects f or which the Board
was giving their approval or d isapproval so that it would be sure that the mon i es
were being spent i n the best poss i b I e areas.
Mrs. \~albroek explained that each county was a lloted a set sum of money to be
spent during the current fiscal year. Clark County had to have its projects
subm itted by May 7 which was the r eason for the many projects currently being
considered. She said that in the futu r e it would be done more s lowly with one
project at a time being up for conside r at ion and the Board would be appr i sed
wcl I in advance as to 1he content of the project which they would approve or
d i sapprove. Ne1·1 financial gui de I ines wi 11 be estab li shed for the next f isca l
year. Presently the guide li nes wera trip l ed and Cl ark County had $249,000 to
spend on projects if they cou l d be subm itted before May 7. She expla ined that
ordinarily the Bourd wou l d not be confront ed with so many projects in such a
short t i me 1·iith so li ttle opportunity to review them; however, May 7 was the
dead I ine for submission, and she felt i t was the obt igation o f the staff to
present to the Board projects which had been requested in time to meet the
dead! ine and to take advantage of the monies ava ilabl e in the 1964-65 fiscal
year. In the future t he Board could expect circularization o f a project proposal
we l I i n advance of their reviewing it at a Board meet ing. ·
~cal and Mental Health Component of NYC: This is a project submitted by the
Economic Opportun i ty Board to provide genera l physical examinations prior t o joQ
placement for 500 enrol lees , and psychological evaluati ons and consu ltati ons for
an anticipated 100 specif i c Youth Opportunity Center counselor referra l s .
Mr. Mankins moved that this component be approved; Reverend Tigner seconded the
motion, and i t was passed unanimously.
Ne i qhborhood Part i c i pation Program for \·Jest Las Vegas: Mr. Dondero ca l l ed upon
Mr s . Johnson , Superv i sor of Operation Independence, to exp I a in th i s project.
She stated t hat up to this point not too many jobs have been made avai table
for the poverty area i tself. The objective of th is project is for Operation
Independence to develop a uniform and effective way to d issem inate information.
Citizens shou I d have comp Jete understand i ng of ant i-poverty programs. Under
this proposal 30 progr am r epresentat ives drawn from the target area would be
employed and trained to saturate the neighborhoods on a 11block warden 11 basis
with information regarding programs avai table to the deprived under OEO; to give
referra l information on community service resources; to recruit participants i nto
OEO programs and t o feed back i nformation for evaluation of the Impact of such ·
programs . Through thi s , it is anticipated that not only wi 11 the above be
achieved but these 30 person ' s emp loyabi I ity wi'l I be increased for jobs in the
future 1-,,hen thi s project is term i nated.
Neighborhood Part i cipat ion Program on a County Basis : Mrs. Walbroek told the
group thut tilis had t he same prov i s i ons as the West Las Vegas project, except
that representatives wou l d be drawn from different areas and the program wi 11
be countywide .
M:- . Mankins moved that these two Neighborhood Parti cipation programs be approved
by the Board; Or. Shuck seconded the motion; and it was passed unanimously.
.. ., ..
Community Action Program for Operation Independence: Mrs. Johnson explained
that this would provide community action staff to Operation I ndependence (which
is presently funded under a research grant). These monies would provide staff
in the future to coordinate the programs that are now or are anticipated to be
in existence under Operation Independence. Mr. Bunker moved that this Conmunity
Action Program be provided; this was seconded by Father Shat low, and passed by
the group.
PROCEDURE SUGGESTION: Mr. Mankins made a motion that in the future ~ihen a request for
programming was submitted that it be substantially documented. Dr. Shuck made
an amendment that the Board should consider projects in two forms . One, the idea
or outline of a proposed project; and two, review of the complete project.
Mr. Mankins motion was passed unanimously as amended .
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further bus iness, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted ,,d-~~cf a~
Sylvia Leon
Staff Secretary
"E C O N O M I C O P P O R T U N I T Y B O A R D O F C L A R K C O U N T Y"
May 26, 1960
TO: Executive Committee Members:
Mr. Joseph Mankins, Mr. Ernest Skagen,
Mr. Lee Walker, Mr. David Hoggard,
Mr. Charles Spann
FROM: Harvey Dondero
RE: Meeting of Tuesday, June ! , 1965, 4:00 P.M.
An Executive Committee Meeting of the Economic Opportunity Board wi I I
be hel d T uesday, June I , at the of f i ce, 3051 Paradi se Road, 4:00 P.M .
Would you pl ease tel ephone our of f i ce regardi ng your attendance.
It wi Ir be prl mari Iy concerned with estab/ i shi ng standards f or proj ect
revi ew f or Board consi derati on. In addi ti on there are sev eral pol i cy matters
which need to be discussed prior to the f u I I Board of Di rectors meeting which
wi I I be held Thursday, June 3.
Economic Opportunity Board of Clark County
L-'t :h .
June I , 1965
4,00 P.M .
3051 Paradise Road
Las Vegas, Nevada
SRESENT: Harvey Dondero, Charles Spann, David Hoggard, Ernest Skagen,
Joseph Mankins, Lee Walker
Staff: Elaine Walbroek, Doyle Longhurst
Guests: Frank Co leman
FISCAL POLICY: Fiscal pol icy was discussed; and it was suggest ed by Mr. Skagen
that a Budget and Finance Commi ttee be created, which wou Id inc I ude
the treasurer. Purpose would be to estab li sh pol i cy on procedures
required o f parti cipat ing agenc i es on project expend itures and
report Ing so t hat there w i I 1 be uni form accountab i I i ty to the Federa t
auditors, to whom the EOB a re responsible. Determination of method
of fund disbursement cou·td also be established. Membership on the
committee should include the fol lowing: a banker, an auditor, federal
employee concerned with fiscal matters, as an accountant - Ed Young.
PROJECT EVALUATION:: It was agreed that consultant time should be purchased t o
work with staff in eventual project evaluation, and this would mean
more money for t h is budgetary item in the next project g rant request .
RE-SUBM ISSION Of GRANT TO FUND BOARD: Mr. Dondero pointed out that a reapplication
would have t o be made, f or the present grant which f unds
the EOB exp ires August 31st. Mr s, via I broek sa id a budget was l n
process and that it would have to include more telephone, consu ltant
and t r ave l time in it. For the matching contribution, Mr . Van Santen
who had provided the in-kind contributi on in the form of $2,400
in donat ed rent, shoul d be approached again to determine if he would
be a participant, Mrs. Wa lbroek said that the budget would be drafted
for presentation at the next ful I Board meeting.
ESTABLISHMENT OF PROJECT CRITERIA: Mrs. \~albroek stated there was need for
development of c riter ia whereby pri o rity for projects could be
established, when there was competition for OEO funds, e.g.,
guidel Ines whereby a pr oject cou ld be evaluated in terms of meeting
EOB r equ irements . She indicated that such was important in protecting
the avai I able mon i es , and a iding staff judgment with regard to the
merits of respective projects, e.g ., does it offer emp l oyment opport
uniti es , have community participation in i ts planning, etc. Board
i nvo lvement would be eecessary in evo lvi ng such criteria. In answer
to a quest i on of Mr . Hoggard's, Mr. Skagen said the purpose of t he
EOB was in deter mi ning what programs were practical and feasib le .
Study of projects cou l d be made i.n small er coom ittees which cou ld
rep art back t o the Board.
Page 2 Ex. Comm. Minutes
June r, 1965
CO~tTTEE STRUCTURE: Types of committees were discussed . These included the
fol lowing:
Nominating Committee (already in existence, but in need of
expanding Finance Committee (recommended that it be established)
By-Laws Committee (recommended that it i;eport to Board)
Pub I ic Relations Committee (recommended to be established)
Youth Program Planning Committees ( in operation)
Migrant Program Planning Committee {in operation)
Project screening corrrn i ttee was discussed . Mr. Spann stated he
felt that a broader membership than the Board be obtained from able
people in community to serve on committees . The committee would be
expected to week out projects, and possibly meet with sponsors of
the project. The project committee would then recommend the project
or not, based on their judgment, poss i bi I i ty of of consu I tant advice,
and staff recommendations. Mr . Skagen summed the process with the
fol lowing stepS to be fol lowed in screening:
( I l by staf f
(2) by Project Committee
(3) by entire Board membership, which has been circu1ar1zed with
the project in advance.
NEIGHBORHOOD YOUTH CORPS PROGRAM: Mr. Spann out I ined the program and the work
of the Youth Program Planning Committee. (See attached report on NYC)
EXECUTIVE COMM1TIEE STRUCTURE: Mr. Dondero pointed out that there was need for
a first and second vice-chairman and a rotation system should be
devised for Board membership. Mr. Hoggard recommended that the
chairman be authorized to select a first and second vice-chairman
and then have the Board pass upon them. These members wou Id then
become members of the execut i ve comm i ttee as we l I . I t was moved
and seconded that the chairman be authorized to make the above
appointments and, in addition, to appoint necessary chairmen for the
previously discussed committees.
TRAVEL REQUEST: Mr. Hoggard mentioned that there were two important meetings
in the future; the NAACP in Denver in July, and also the Urban League.
Both would involve anti-poverty program. tt was agreed that EOB money
could be made avai I able to Board members for attendance at particularly
important meetings.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Walbroek
June I, 1965
4,00 P.M.
Economic Opportunity Board of Clark County
3051 Paradise Road
Las Vegas, Nevada
$RESENT: Harvey Dondero, Charles Spann, David Hoggard, Ernest Skagen,
Joseph Mankins, Lee Walker
Staff: Elaine Walbroek, Doyle Longhurst
Guests: Frank Coleman
FISCAL POLICY: Fiscal pol icy was discussed: and It was suggested by Mr. Skagen
that a Budget and Finance Committee be created, which would Include
the treasurer, Purpose would be to establish pol Icy on procedures
required of participating agencies on project expenditures and
report Ing so that there w i 11 be uni form accountab i I i ty to the Federa I
auditors, to whom the EOB are responsible. Determination of method
of fund disbursement could also be established. Membership on the
committee shou Id inc I ude the to 11 owing: a banker, an auditor, federa I
employee concerned with fiscal matters, as an accountant. - Ed Young.
PROJECT EVALUATION:: It was agreed that consultant time should be purchased to
work with staff in eventual project evaluation, and this would mean
more money for this budgetary item In the next project grant request.
R;;;-SUS.'vl !SSiON OF GRANT TO FUND BOARD: Mr. Dondero pointed out that a re~
application would have to be made, for the present grant which funds
the EOB expires August 31st. Mrs. Walbroek said a budget was In
process and that it wou Id have to J nc I ude more te I ephone. consu I tant
and travel time in It. For the matching contribution. Mr. Van Santen
who had provided the in-kind contribution in the form of $2,400
in donated rent, should be approached again to determine if he would
be a participant, Mrs. Walbroek said that the budget would be drafted
for presentation at the next ful 1 Board meeting.
ESTABLISHMENT OF PROJECT CRITERIA: Mrs. Walbroek stated there was need for
development of criteria whereby priority for projects could be
establ !shed, when there was competition for OEO funds, e.g.,
guidelines whereby a project could be evaluated In terms of meeting
EOB requirements. She indicated that such was Important in protecting
the avai I able monies, and aiding staff judgment with regard to the
merits of respective projects, e.g . , does it offer employment opportunities.
have community participation in Its planning, etc. Board
involvement would be eecessary In evolving such criteria. tn answer
to a question of Mr. Hoggard 1 s, Mr. Skagen said the purpose of the
EOB was in determining what programs were practical and feasible.
Study of projects could be made l.n smat ler committees which could
rep art back to the Board.
Page 2 Ex. Comni. Minutes
June I, 1965
.C()f,(MITTEE STRUCTURE: Types of committees were discussed. These in Cl uded the
fol lowing; ~
Nominating Committee (already in existence, but in need of
expanding Finance Committee (recommended that it be established)
By-Laws Committee (reconvnended that it report to Board)
Pub I ic Relations Committee (recommended to be established)
Youth Program Planning Committees ( in operation)
Mig rant Program Planning Committee (in operation)
Project screening committee was discussed. Mr. Spann stated he
felt that a broader membership than the Board be obtained from able
people in community to serve on committees. The committee would be
expec-ted to week out projects, and possibly meet with sponsors of
the project. The project committee wou t d then recommend the project
or not, based on their judgment; poss I bi I i ty of of consu I tant advice,
.and staff recommendations. Mr. Skagen surrrned the process with the
fol lowing step'S to be fol lowed in screening:
CI) by staf f
(2) by Project Committee
(3) by entire Board membership, which has been circu 1arized with
the project in advance.
NEIGHBORHOOD YOUTH CORPS PROGRAM: Mr. Spann outt ined the program and the work
of the Youth Program Planning Committee. (See attached report on NYC)
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE STRUCTURE: Mr. Dondero pointed out that there was need for
a first and second vice-chairman and a rotation system shoutd be
devised for Board membership. Mr. Hoggard recommended that the
chairman be authorized to select a first and second vice-chainnan
and then have the Board pass upon them. These members wou Id then
become members of the executive committee as wel I. It was moved
and seconded that the chairman -be authorized to make the above
appointments and, in addition, to appoint necessary chairmen for the.
previously discussed committees.
TRAVEL REQUEST: Mr. Hoggard mentioned that there were two important meetings
in the future; the NAACP in Denver in July, and also the Urban League .
Both would involve anti-poverty program. It was agreed that EOB money
could be made avai I able to Board members for attendance at particularly
important meetings.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Respectful ty submitted,
EI a i ne Wa I broek
Economic Opportunity Board of Clark County
June I , 1965 3051 Paradi so Rd .
4,00 p.m.
Board Fi scal Pol i cy -
Board pol i cy regardi ng grant di sbursement to f unded proj ects.
Proj ect Eva I uat i on -
( a) Eval uati on of expendi tu r es
(b) Program Eval uati ons
\ ) Cri teri a f o r establ i shi ng proj ect- pri ori ty f '"' ~ .._;,..,
4. Board Comm i ttee Structure
Discussion of needed committees
Resubmi ssi on of proj ect devel opment grant
Application has to be submitted for another six months for funding of
" Operati on Opportuni ti cs11 • Current grant ex pi res A .ugust 30 .
6. M i scel l aneous
)!) Coordi nati on of T i tl e 5 and other trai ni .ng programs .
(2) By -J aws
Method of selection of Board members, rotation; advisory committee
sel ecti on .
I, , ~.

5122 (a)
Pl acement of N ew Chi l dren (Cont 1 d)
I f at the ex pi rati on of a tr i al per i od of tw o to thr ee w eek s i t i s f ound that the
chi l d i s mi spl aced, the par ent i s to be noti f i ed and the chi l d i s to be pl aced
at the grade or l ev el w here he w ork s best.
I n the pl acement of chi l dren ther e ar e many f actor s other than achi ev ement
w hi ch shoul d be consi der ed. Some of these ar e heal th, soci al and emoti onal
matur i ty , chronol ogi cal age and phy si cal si ze.
l,;£,,;'t?'P AJ/~ .J
,_, _,,dc<f .::;--~
~,;;c':9'. ~,!)
"E C O N O M I C O P P O R T U N I T Y B O A R D O F C L A R K C O U N T Y"
TO: Board of Di rectors
Economic Opportunity Board of Clark County
FROM: Harvey Dondero
RE: Meeting of the Board to be held June 3, Thursday, 4:00 P.M.
Enclosed is the fol lowing material for your review:
Minutes of the Meeting of Apri I 29, 1965
Fi nanc i a I Statement of the Economic Opportunity
Board for the month ending Apri I 30, 1965
Narratives of the six component projects submitted
for funding May 7 to the Office of Economic
A Board of Directors meeting wl 11 be held Thursday, June 3, 4:00 P.M. in the
office of the Economic Opportunity Board at 305! Paradise Road.
Would you please advise our office at 735-9103 of your attendance.
June 3, 1965
4:00 P.M.
MINUTES (Approval)
(I) Group Heatth Insurance - organization participation
Present grant funding staff and expenses of the Economic
Opportunity Board of Clark County expires August 28, 1965.
( See Attachment No. 1)
Recommendation of Executive Committee to es tab I i sh a Budget
and Finance Committee to:
Cl) Establish policy, expenditure report forms, auditing
requi rements of proj ect sponsors. Cammi ttee consti tuti on
should include if possible a banker, an auditor, a person
fami I iar with federal fl seal auditing procedures.
(2) Eva I uate expend I tu res of OEO funded projects.
The Board has a responsibi I ity in establishing criteria which
can be used to establish project preference (See Attachment No. 2,
Criteria for Discussion)
( I ) Recommend at; on of the Executive Comm! ttee that a Program
Committee be estab I i shed to:
(a) Work with Executive Director in establishing criteria
to measure projects
(b) To evaluate project performances in terms of their original
project design; to have avai I able consultants to work with
permanent staff in making such evaluations
3051 Pa rad i se Road
las Vegas, Neva~a
Harvey Dondero
lee Wa Iker
Elaine Walbroels
Harvey Dondero
E#rnest Skagen .
Harvey Dondero
June 3, 1965 Meeting
Cl) Discussion of attached I isting (Attachment No. 3) of
committees which serve other areas
(2) Pol icy on membership and advisory committee to the
Economic Opportunity Board
CI) Project Head Start
( 2) OEO package submission of May
(3) Day Care Services Center
(4) NYC Out-of-School
(5) NYC In-School
Les Ii e Shuck
EI a i ne Wa I broek
Doy I e Longhurst
Les I i e Shuck
June 3, 1965
4:00 P.M.
3051 Pa Fad i se Read . ..,
las Vegas, Nevada
PRESENT: Mr. Harv.ey Dondero, CHAIRt.-1AN, Ernest Skagen, Joseph Mankins, David
Hog~ard, Ferren Bunker, Father Charles Sha I low, Mrs. Ste! la Fleming
Reverend. Newton Tigner, Mr. James Snowden, Dr. Jaunita White
Staff: ,Elaine Walbroek, Doyle Longhurst, Sylvia Leon, Earlean Hodges
Gu·est: Frank Coleman
MINUTES: TtJe meeting was opened by Mr. Harvey Dondero stating that the first
i tern on1 the agenda ca I t ed for the approva I of the Minutes of the
meeting_ of Apri 1 29, Mr. Mankins moved that the Minutes be approved
as per the copy mailed to each Board Member. This was seconded by
W. Bunker, and passed.
FINANCIAL REPORT,- A copy of the Ffnancial Report for the period ending Apri I
30, 1965, had been mailed to each Board Member. Mr. Dondero asked
for approval to adopt this Financial Report. It was moved by Mr.
Bunkder and seconded by Reverend Tigner that this be done. The
motion was passed by the group.
EXECUTIVE REPORT:' Mrs. Elaine Walbroek requested that the Bnard consLder a
group health insurance plan for staff members of the Economic Opportunity
Board. She stated that a Prudential Insurance representative
had discussed this matter with staff members, and it is the only
company that wi 11 issue a group plan for as few as three people.
There was discussion as to whether employees of other projects under
the Economic Opportunity Board would be included. The Board decided
that they could be; however money for their coverage would be written
into each separate project. There was further Board discussion making
comparisons of the degree to which other local agencies participated
as the Board felt it should be considered on the same basis as a
state or county agency. At term·ination of discussion, Mr. Bunker
made a motion that group insurance funds be apprci>ved by the Board
on a 50-50 matching basis in the new s ix month's budget; and to be
incorporated in the present budget, l f poss i b I e.
PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT RESUBMISSION: Mr. Dondero reviewed that the first budget
was approved for a 6 month' s period, March I through August 28; and
the Board should now consider ·resubmission of this budget request to
continue funding the Economic Opportunity Board office and staff. He
stated that there wi 11 be even greater m:ied of a Board for the program
is expanding so rapidly.
Budget: Each Board Member reviewed a copy of the projected
budget to be submitted for the next six month's (September 1965 through
February 1966) operation of the Economic Opportunity Board Office.
----fa.t.Mr--~-~low initiated discussion on the budget item of consultants
stating that he felt too many consultants were brought in from the
outside (Los Angeles, etc.) when local qualified help might be
available. Mrs. Walbroek stated that some consultants from other areas
were necessary citing the Neighborhood Youth Corp contract and that
information regarding it was not avai I able from people locally. A
member of the Executive Committee of the Economic Opportunity Board
stated that the Corm1ittee had felt that money would be saved by hiring
consultants on a part-time basis as need, and in this way they would
also suit the particular ski I ls needed. There was suggestions that
the budget figure for consultants be revised upward. Mrs . Walbroek
told the Board that Office of Economic Opportunity in Washington
recommended more subprofessional posit ions with training in their
particular fields included in the budget. Mr. Bunker made a motion
that this budget be adopted by the Board, giving Mrs. Walbroek the
authority to modify it as she felt necessary and justifiable in the
areas of consultancy and training. Reverend Tigner seconded; and
the motion was passed. Mr. Dondero then reiterated that Mrs. Walbroek
therefore, had been given the go- ahead to make necessary adjustments
and that the budget wou Id not need to be brought back to the Board for
further approval.
PROGRAMS UNDER TITLE V, "WORK EXPERIENCE'': Mr. Dondero requested Mr. Skagen
to report on the Title V which was being submitted to the Office of
Economic Opportunity by the Nevada State Welfare Department. Mr.
Skagen stated that this program provides work experience primarily
to individuals receiving welfare assistance and that the Nevada
State Welfare Division had subm itted a project for Clark County.
Essentially it is designed to help a number of people who are
presently on The Aid-to-Dependent Children roster (or who would be
on if there-Were not certain restrictions) to help them to obtain
the kind of work experience and training which would enable them to
be productive. The project involves a monthly expenditure of $108,000
to assist a total of 460 eligible cases. The Board asked how this
.pcogram--re+ated to. the Economic Opportunity Board. She stated
that though it would be submitted by the Nevada State Welfare Division
directly to Office of Economic Opportunity in Washington, D.C., it
would be ascertained that the program would tie in with others of
the Economic Opportunity Board. The funds would be disbursed directly
to the Nevada State Welfare Division . The allocation does not affect
the formula money avai I able to Clark County. Mr. Mankins resolved
that the Executive Committee be author i zed to study and approve this
program . There was a motion made and passed by the Board.
Mr. Dondero stated the Execut ive Committee had recommended the estab li shment of
the fol lowing comm ittees:
CI) A Budset and Finance Committee to set up expenditure report forms
aud ~ f I ng requ i rements, and f i sea I procedures that w i I I be required
of·:al I project sponsors. Mr. Bunker moved and Reverend Tigner
seconded that the Chairman be authorized to se lect such a committee.
This was passed by the Board.
(2) A Project Committee should be established to create criteria
for project priority and then to screen projects. The
Executive Committee did not feel that the Board should try to
evaluate every submitted project without such a screening. Mrs.
Walbroek said it was hoped that through this committee, criteria and
guidelines would be established governing project selection.
Mr. Spann moved and Mr. Skagen seconded that the Chairman be given
authority to select this committee. The motion was passed.
Mrs. 1,·/albroek directed the Board's attention to Attachment 2,
outlining committees structured within other Opportunity Boards
as samples of types of committees in operation. There was general
discussion on the composition of committees, and it was agreed
that they should include not only Board Members but competent
ind iv i dua I s from the community as we 11. l f such were made
members of a standing committee, they would automatically then
be made members of the Advisory Committee to the Economic Opportunity
PROJECT REV IE~/: Mr. Dondero stated that Project Head Start had been approved
in ~/ashington, D.C. and this afternoon (June3) had been adopted
by the Clark County School Board; it wi 11 be in operation as soon
as possible. Mrs. ~lalbroek was asked to report to the Board on
the standing of the other projects (total of six) submitted May
7, 1965. She said that the package has been reviewed by the
Program Analyst who now has them in Washington, O.C. for further
review. The Economic Opportunity Board Office has been notified
of the revisions that wl ! I need to be made. The Program Analyst
felt they were acceptable projects and had a chance of being
approved tor this fiscal year ending June 30, 1965. Reverend
Shal low questioned the fJ.enta l and Ph'y'sical Health Component
which stafed that psych01ogical tes.ting-~ould be done ~r t i -
f ied psychologists in the state of Nevada, this definition was too
narrow. He further suggested that school psychologists and others
qualified be used in this program. Mrs. \'lalbroek stated that possibly
the statement 11 certified psychologists11 could be corrected.
The Day Care Services Center, submitted December 17, 1964, in the first
package of submission, should now be on Sargeant Shrivers' desk and
word of its approval should be received shortly.
Status of the NYC Out-of-Schoolprogram was given by Project Director,
Doyle Longhurst. It has been approved by the Regional Office in
San Francisco where minor changes were made in it. It is presently
in l~ash ington, O.C. for further review. He stated the program was
intended to start Monday, itune 7; however, due to the work load in
Washington, D. C. there would be a delay . A staff has been emp loyed
to fill the f ive supervisory or adm ini strative positions on the
program. Present ty. the Youth Opportunity Center, who is screening
for the 500 job positions for the Youth has 150 youth on backlog
ready to be placed . He told the Board that it may be of interest to
them that this NYC program was the first on the \.'lest Coast to be
approved with an educational component. This is a self-salesmanship
course which wit I be given through the Adult Education Division.
Or. Leslie Shuck told the Board that the NYC In-School program is
presently in operation with funds already r eceived.
VISTA presently has seven of the ten requested volunteers serving
with Operation Independence on the Westside. Mrs. Walbroek reported,
stating that their activities were coordinating with other agencies,
particularly with the Youth Opportunity Center, in recruiting youth
for the Ne I ghborhood Youth Corps pos It Ions.
i\DJOURNMENT: Mr. Dondero expressed concern that attendance at Board Meetings
was diminishing, and asked for suggestions as to what might be done
to get better attendance. It was recommended that the same time and
place be tried at the next meeting; however, intensive efforts via
mai I and telephone be carried out to see if this would effect attendance.
There being flO further business, the meeting adjourned .
Respectfully submitted,
EI a I ne Wa I broek
Executive O i rector
TO: M embers of the Executi ve Coo:mi ttee
FROM: Harvey Dondero
Chai rman
A meeti ng of the Executi ve Commi ttee i s bei ng cal l ed as f ol l ow s:
3:30 P.M .
EOB OFFICE (311 s. H i ghl and A venue)
The above i s bei ng cal l ed f or two purposes:
(1) Emergency acti on on the L egal A i d Servi ces Program
w hi ch was approved by the Bar A ssoci ati on at i ts
meeti ng l ast week.
(2) To rati f y the report of the ti ng CODJD.ittee
whi ch w i l l hol d i ts meeti ng W ednesday, June 15.
Pl ease cal l Syl vi a L eon at the Economi c Opportuni ty Board
Of f i ce (384-3162} and advi se her i f you w i l l be i n attend& nce
at thi s meeti ng.
Executive Committee Meeting Economic Opportunity Board
Office Economic Opportunity Board Jul y 20, 1965
4:00 p . m.
v1 . Conti nuati on Grant f or Of f i ce of Economic Opportuni ty Board of Cl ark County .
a . Discussion of increase in budget and new staff position
.d'. Problem of securing contributions from the community for 10% matching
con tr i but i ons.
I"'§. Report of approach to the United Funds
vi( L etter to Ci ti es and Counti es (see attached)
3 , ~port of the Smal ! Business Loan Development Center Committee
4. Review of Proj ects f or Submi ssi on
P. Nourishment project for children in West Las Vegas Schools
~ Neighborhood Youth Corps Fa 11 Program
/ Re- revi ew of " Neighborhood Parti ci pati on11 Proj ect
5 . D i s;ussi on of the f ol l owi ng :
a~ Personnel Pol i ci es - f or Board adopti on bv Educati on and T rai ni ng Proj ect Conf erence i n A ugust - approval
c. 0ecuri ng Carver House f or Economic Opportuni ty Program - approval
d. Commi ttees Structured - approval
e. Parti ci pati on i n U ni versi ty Program by Executi ve D i rector i n A ugust i n Reno
6 . Report NAACP M eeti ng
Report by David Hoggard
7 . Cri teri a Devel opment f or Proj ects under the Economic Opportuni ty A ct .
Jul y 20, 1965
4:DO P.M.
3051 Paradise Road
Las Vegas, Nevada
PRESENT: Harvey Dondero, Joseph Mankins, Charles Spann, Ernest Skagen
Staff: Elaine Walbroek, Doyle Longhurst, Sylvia Leon
BUDGET DISCUSSION: The Executive Committee reviewed a revised budget to be
submitted for the conduct and administration of the Economic Opportunity
Board for the period September to March, 1966. Mrs. Walbroek
stated that the work load on the present office staff justified
another posi ti on that of an assi stant to the D i rector, w here pri mary
concern would be with project research and writing. Mrs. Walbroek
said she felt criticisms might be avoided with a new position,
since presently the staff was finding it difficult to keep up with
the many demands of the program. It was the feeling of the Committee
that incorporation of this new pas it ion into the budget shou Id be
brought to the total Board for approva I. Mr. Mankins motioned that
the Executive Corrmittee approved the budget as is for presentation
to Wash I ngton In the next few days, but that the new person not be
employed unti I the ful I Board of Directors concurred with the addition
of this position. This motion was seconded by Mr. Spann, and passed
by the group. The Cammi ttee instructed that a letter from Mr. Dondero
be sent to the Board Members adv.ising this new position being added
to the budget.
Mrs. Walbroek informed the Committee that a request had been made
to the United Fund Agency for partia l support $ 1950 in the matching
contribution which would be required for the Board's $37,539 budget.
This request could not be met. A suggestion had then been made to
Mrs. Walbroek to ask for the remainder of the matching contribution
from The City of Las Vegas, CiTy of North Las Vegas, and the County
of Clark. She supplied the Executive Committee members with a
proposed letter to be sent to each of these municipal itles asking
for a prorota amount a month from each. Mr. Spann moved that this
letter be sent to the agencies as proposed; this was seconded by
Mr. Mankins, and passed by the group.
reported on the meeting of this committee. He stated that Mr. Alvin
Meyers, Regional Director from the Los Angeles Smal I Business Administration,
had met with a group of people here June to explain the
Smalt Business Development Center program under Title IV of the
Economic Opportunity Act. This Center would be set up primarily
for the poor who could not otherwise qualify for a loan. This
center would employ a staff who would prescreen requests for loans
and then forward them to the Smal I Business Administration. As a
result of this meeting the group involved recommended that a
Committee be formed to study the feas i bi I i ty of a Center.
Mrs. Walbroek stated that this SBCC teasibi I ity committee had been
appointed by the Chairman and had held a meeting.July. They wi 11
survey the community on needs, ~ractical business opportunities,
types of persons interested in participating, and wi 11 bring results
back to the Board of Directors tor their determination as to whether
a I oan center grant app I i cation shou Id be made to the Oft ice of
Economic Opportunity.
REVIEW OF PROJECTS: Mrs. Walbroek stated that Title V, administered by the
State Welfare Division, is not under this Board's jurisdiction, but
wl 11 be coordinated with its projects. This program has been funded
and is scheduled to start August 1, 1965. She said that the only
new project, which wi 11 come before the total Board tor discussion
at their meeting next week, is the nourishment program tor the
elementary schools in West Las Vegas. Dr. Sedway and/or Mr. Fitzgerald,
who have been involved in it, wl 11 make the presentation to the Board.
The tot a I request is for $27,000 which w i 11 provide a centra I kitchen
set up tor hot mea Is which wou Id then be de I i vered to the schoo Is
involved. Most of the children wit I pay for their lunches within the
exception of 20 to 30 in each schoo I who do not normal I y have
lunch money. There was group discussion, inititated by Mr. Mankins,
as to why this program was I imited to West las Vegas as there were
certain I y other schoo Is in the county with such need. Mrs. Wat broek
stated this was perhaps on a starting basis and the foremost need was
in the Westside schools, that area being the primary target area for
Economic Opportunity Act monies. This proposed program wi 11 be
circularized to the Board and wi 11 be discussed at the Board Meeting
scheduled for July 29. It had been discussed at a Board Meeting
held March 4, 1965.
NEIGHBORHOOD YOUTH CORPS FALL PROGRAM: The Chairman asked Mr . Longhurst who
was Project Di rector of NYC to te I I about the status of this program.
Mr. Longhurst stated that he was currently in the process of getting
material together for submission of a continuation proposal of a
9-month program to be carried out September, 1965, through June , 1966.
1 t is expected to incorporate a city-county beautification p I an into
this program which wi 11 provide 1000 work stations . It was the
opinion of the Committee that it should be submitted to the Board
tor ratification of the extension of this program.
NEIGHBORHOOD PARTICIPATION PROGRAMS: Mrs. Walbroek told the Committee that
these two programs, one for West las Vegas and one for the county
had prevloUsly been approved bY the Board; bUt on the basis they
would be funded from fiscal 1964-65 money. As they were not approved
In time to be funded by last fiscal year monies, she felt that
these should again be brough before the Board. The two projects
C\~est Las Vegas and Countywide) totaled over $125,000 and they would
represent a substantial proportion of the 1965-66 budget; however
they were only a one-time projects, covering a one-year period. The
tota I Board wou Id be sent copies of the work program in the ma i I and
asked for their decision at the Board Meeting of July 29.
PERSONNEL POLICIES: Mr. Dondero informed the Committee that he, Charles Spann,
and Doyle Longhurst, had had a series of meetings on the personnel
policies which covered needs of the staff in the office. The Executive
Committee asked that a copy of the proposed policies be given the
Board Members at the meeting of Ju I y 29 and that they be asked to go
over them so that they might be voted upon at the fo I I owing meeting
of the Board.
RENO CONFERENCE: Mrs. Watbroek stated that with the programs avai I able under
the Economic Opportunity Act, there is a tremendous amount of vocational
and technical education training money avai I able. She proposed
to cal I a conference in August with representatives of these various
programs to exchange informations, and to determine where they cou 1d
be coordinated. This would be an afternoon meeting of 12 to 15 people,
If this conference could be approved in principle by the Executive
Committee, detai Is regarding it be developed at a later date. It
would expect to involve Education people in Carson City, the school
District, MDTA, etc. The Executive Committee approved the conference
and authorized Mrs. Walbroek to go ahead and plan for it.
CARVER HOUSE: Mrs. Walbroek reported that First Western Savings who had the
mortgage on Carver House had approached her about using the Carver
House bui I ding to house Economic Opportunity programs. She further
stated the Labor Department felt that $1,000 per month rent could
come from NYC funds. Mrs. Walbroek had talked with Dr. Mogulof
also regarding this, and he felt that for example, $2,000,000 worth
of programs would justify $100,000 per year rental. She asked the
Executive Committee whether or not they felt this should continue to
be pursued. Mr. Skagen stated that the Nevada State Welfare Division
would be needing office space for their l1t people who would be employed
for the Title V Work Experience Program. Mrs. Walbroek advised the
COffV'Tlittee that such a large rent would have to be al located from the
various components of the Economic Opportunity program. Mr. Mankins
stated that Carver House had been condemned when it was first bu i It
due to faulty construction. However, work to correct this had been
done since. Mrs. Walbroek said she needed help from the Board in
putting this package together -- the help of persons who would be
more fami I iar with actions of this type and better able to negotiate
with Western Savings. She said that Western Savings hoped to get
$8,000 per month rent but possibly they could come down to $4,000
or $5,000. She asked the Committee in what direction she could
go further on this. Mr. Dondero felt it should continue to be
pursued; particularly on the matter of condemnation; that it could
be further explored as to what monies could be available to be paid
for rentals from the various programs that might be housed in it.
The Executive Committee recommended that it be explored further.
UNIVERSITY PROGRAM: Mrs. ~/albroek informed the Committee that she had been
invited to speak at the University of Nevada in Reno, and would be
going up there for a day and a half in August to participate in a
program. Bruce Parks, State Director of Economic Opportunity, and
Dr. Melvin Mogulof, Director of the Regional Office of Economic
Opportunity, would be present and it would be beneficial to the
Clark County program to talk with them.
CRITERIA DEVELOPMENT FOR PROJECTS: Mrs. Walbroek informed the Executive CO!Mlittee
that this was sti 11 in process and would soon be ready for presentation
to the Board.
FIRST AND SECOND VICE CHA:RMAN: Mr. Dondero asked for suggestions .for persons
to ti 11 these positions. He felt they were very necessary should he,
as Chairman, not be able to attend meetings. The Committee felt that
Dr. Shuck should be asked to be on the Executive Committee. Mr. Dondero
said he would ask him to serve. The committee also suggested that
one of the Mayors or his de I egate be asked to serve on the Executive
Committee, as well.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business , the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted ,
μI~ c'~~.--=~ ,_ .,.:,
Sylvia Leon
Staff Secretary
TO: Board of Di rectors
FROM: Etaine \falbroek
Executi ve Di rector
DATE, July 22, 1965
Enclosed Is the fol lowing material for your review:
Mi nut es of the Meet ng of the Executive Committee, June I , 1965
Minutes of the Meet ng of the Executive Committee, July 20, 1965
Minutes of the Meet ng of the Board of Directors, June 3, 1965
Li sting of Compos it on of the Board of Di rectors
l'.lhder separate cover, we will have in the mail for you tomorrow the following:
Neighborhood Youth Corps Fa 11 Program Out Ii ne
This is a continuation of the summer out-of-school NYC program.
It Involves IOOO work stations for youth 16 through 21.
Neighborhood Participation Projects Work Programs
These two projects (for \I/est Las Vegas a budget of $99,400, and
on a County Basis, a budget of $29,544) are being sent back for
a re-review. They were approved by the Board Apri I 29, with the
understanding they wou Id be funded by f i sea I 1964-65 money. They
were not approved in time, and they would now have to be funded
through fiscal 1965-66 monies. The Board should review these
projects in the tight of the money currently avai labte for Title 11
programs. Though the figure is not firm, Washington, D.C. has
given us an estimated amount of between $300,000 and $400,000 for
Clark County avai I able under Title 11 (Note: These are exclusive
of the Title V work experience program and the Title 1-B NYC programs).
Lunch Program for West Las Vegas
This project was discussed at a Board Meeting held March 4, 1965
Summary of Proiects Submitted to Date
A summary of the Work Experience Program under Title V of the Economic Opportunity
Act was submitted by the State \~el fare Division and has been funded to start
August I. A copy of this proposa'I was sent for your attention last week.
Please review these materials and plan to discuss them at our next Board Meeting .
JULY 29 4,00 P.M. 3051 PARADISE ROAD, SUITE 15
TO: Board Members, and Advisory Committee Members
FROM: Elaine Walbroek, Executive Director DATE, July 26, 1965
Enclosed is the fol lowing material for your review:
1. Agenda for Ju I y 29th Board Meeting
2. Sma I I Business Deve I opment Center Project Samp I e
(Developed by the Phoenix Economic Opportunity Board)
This Projec·t' ·i.s one directed toward a population of
1 , 000, 000 peep I e in the Phoenix area. I f one were deve I oped
in Las Vegas, its costs would be relatively less.
3. Outline for developing SBDC Projects, from Small Business
Administration Office.
There have been two meetings of the SBDC Feasibi t ity Study Committee, Minutes
of these meetings and their recommendations and findings wi 11 be sent separately
to all Board Members and Advisory Committee Members.
REMINDER: Board Meetinq to be held Thursday, July 29, at 4:00 p.m., in the Of f i ce
of the Economic Opportunity Board, 3051 Paradise Road. We sincerely
urge that you be present.
Please bring material mailed to you for your reference at the Board
OFFICES: 3051 Paradise Road
Las Vegas. Nevada
4,00 p.m.
Jul y 29, 1965
1. Minutes of the Board Meeting, June 5, 1965
2. T reasurer's Reports
3, Committee Report
a. Personnel Pol icy Committee Report
b. Project Criteria Development Convnittee
c. Sma 11 Business Development Center Committee Report
4. Projects reviewed for submission
a. Lunch Program - West Las Vegas
b. Re-review Neighborhood Participation Projects
This Project to be reviewed in the I ight of submission under
monies avai labte fiscal 1965-66.
c. Continuation of "Neighborhood Youth Corps" fall program
d. Budget Revision - EOB Project.
5. Report of Administration
a. Report on proj ects submi tted to date
b. Problem of securing contributions from the community for
10% matching contribution s .
( 1 J Report of approach to the United Fund
( 2) letter to cities and county ,.·
c. Education and Training Meeting projected for 1st or 2nd week
in August
d. Securing Carver House for Economic Opportunity Program
e. Committees Structured
6. Report on Workshop on Anti-Poverty Program -- NAACP Meeting
(Attended by Board Member David Hoggard.)
NOTE: Guest s expected to be 1n attendance:
Bruce Parks, Director, Nevada Department of Economic Opportunity
Mrs . Leola H. Armstrong , Ass i st ant Director, Nevada Depa rtment of
Economi c Opportunity
Robert Van Horn, Program Consu ttant. Reg i ona I St aff Member.
Office of Economic Opportunity, San Francisco
July 29, 1965
4:00 P.M.
3051 Paradi se Road
l as V egas, Nevada
BoarcL,Members: Genevieve Arensdorf, Earl Brunner, Edward Young, Lee Walker, Juanita White,
Father Charles Shat low, Councl I woman Jan Jones, l esl le Shuck, Ted Lawson, Reverend Newton
Tigner, H .P. Fitzgerald, Karl Marshall, Harvey Dondero, Stella Fleming, David Hoggard,
Ernest Skagen, Ida Bel le Riggins, Charles Spann, James Snowden, Robert Reid, Ml I ton Weiss.
Technical Advisory Convnlttee Members: Pat Schoppe, Al Landsman, Eugene McCoy, Wi 11 iam
Kearns, Keith Macdonald, Frankl in Coleman, Lee Burnham
Economic Opportunity Board Staff: Elaine Walbroek, Doyle Longhurst, Sylvia Leon
Guests : Robert Van Horn (Regional Office of Economic Opportunity), Bruce Parks (Director
of State Department of Economic Opportunity), Leola Armstrong (Assistant Director of State
Department of Economic Opportunity), Gene Amberg, Gary Petersen, Robert Johnson, Lamar
Daniel, Prlmls White, Marvin Sedway, James Anderson, Henry Davis, Jr., Tony Amenta,
Lubertha Johnson, Earl White, Luci I le Hughes, Emma Fenton, Bob Bailey, Ed Oneck,
and a reporter from Review Journal
INTRODUCTIONS: Mr. Harvey Dondero, Cha I rman, opened the meet Ing w f th I ntroduct Ions.
MINUTES: Earl Brunner moved that the Minutes of the meet Ing of June 3 be approved.
This was seconded by Reverend Tigner and the motion was passed.
TREASURER•s REPORT: The Flnancial Statement of the Economic Opportunity for the month
ending June 30 was approved by the Board.
OPERATION INDEPENDENCE RESOLUTION: David Hoggard read a Resolution which had been
adopted at the Operation Independence Planning Board Meeting of July 28
{Attachment No. 1)
C().!MITTEE REPORTS: Old Business
Personnel Pol lcies Committee: Mrs. Walbroek stated that each Board Member had
a copy In his packet of proposed personnel pol icles for the Economic Opportunity
Board of Clark County. She asked that members take this copy and review it
and bring It back to the next Board Meeting for further discussion and
Smal I Business Development Center Feaslbl I lty Study Corrrnlttee: Mr. Gene
McCoy, Chairman of the Study Conmlttee, reported on the meetings held . Mr .
McCoy read a Resolution adopted at the July 26, 1965 Study Committee
Meeting • {Attachment No. 2> He stated that the Corimlttee feels that a program
is merited In Clark County. He said that he had contacted banks in Clark
County and asked them to do a week-long study to determine how many persons
had applied, but could not qua I lfy for bank loans but who probably would
qualify under the SBDC Program. One bank alone had thirteen such applications
Mr. Ml !ton Weiss, SBOC Corrvnittee Member reported that the Councl I of the City
Of North las Vegas intends to endorse the program at their meeting of August
2. Mr. Weiss also read a letter from the NLV Chamber of Commerce signed
by the President of that organization.
Mr. Al Lansman, member of this COf'mllttee, and also Smal I Business Administration
Counsel for the State of Nevada, substantiated the Feasibl I ity Study
CommiTtee's recommendation. It was his considered opinion that Clark County
should proceed with plans for the development of this Center.
Mrs. Ida Bel le Riggins reported that no official word had been received
from the Henderson City Councl I. The Henderson Chamber of Commerce felt
that they needed more information, but their first opinion was that "It
sounded I i ke something the area cou Id use. 11 Both Henderson banks were of
this same opinion.
Mr. McCoy told the group further that the Feasibl I ity Study Cormlittee expects
this program to be soundly administered so that these loans are channeled
to proper sources. It was the feeling of the Committee, he said, that this
could be Implemented in Clark County by employing the proper Director of
the SBOC Center. There was general discussion on criteria for loans.
Mr. Dondero stated that the matter before the Board was the Study Committee
Resolution; that criteria and other detai Is would be worked out later by an
individual SBOC Board. Reverend Tigner made a motion to accept the
Resolution reconmendlng that an SBDC be established in Clark County. This
was seconded by Charles Spann, and passed by the Board.
LUNQi PROGRAM FOR WEST LAS VEGAS: Mr. Dondero stated that this was a project now
being brought before the Board for approval for submission to the Office of
Economic Opportunity for funding. He asked Or. Sedway to report on this
project. Or. Sedway stated that a request had been made in March at which
time the Board of Directors gave approval to begin study on this project.
He said that the need for this lunch program was manifest; that many of the
children in West Las Vegas were not receiving proper nutrition. This in
turn resulted in a very poor performance In school. He cal led on Mr.
Fitzgerald to explain further some of tt1e findings brought out ln connection
with the pi lot study conducted at the Kit Carson School, where Mr. Fitzgerald
has been principal. Mr. Fitzgerald reported that since this pilot study
began in March, 1963, attendance has gone up considerably; children In the
Kit Garson School were found to have a higher Average Daily Attendance than
children in other schools in the same area; care of school suppl les improved;
general Interest In school was Improved. He cited an example of one ADC
family of six children with a record of very poor school attendance. As a
result of the mother's enrollment In a MOTA course and the children In the
hot I unch program, four out of the s Ix chi I dren had a perfect schoo I attendance
record. Dr. Sedway stated that this program wl 11 not take the place of any
other program; that the program at Kit Garson School was a pi lot study only.
There i s no other hot lunch program in the West Las Vegas schools at thi s
ti me.
Dr. Les I le Schuck reviewed the program now being presented to the Board1
which provides 194,400 lunches for children through use of a central kitchen
and mobile equipment. The 9 month project cost ls $27,652.58. Bruce Parks
questioned whether they had considered applying for surplus CorMlOditles.
Dr. Shuck stated this was considered in the program.
Or. Sedway said to the Board that very often concern was expressed with the
needs of the senior citizen; he feit that these should be concern for the
junior citizens who wi 11 be dues paying, tax paying members of our communities
in a·--tew years. He st-ated he tel i·· This program- -would be of greatest value
--to.--t<le community for good nut-i-1-tion is .Jssential for a chi Id's development ..
Earl Br:unner .made a motion that this project be accept-ed; the mot-ion was
seconded by Jamzs Snowden. Before 1t- -was-passed Mrs. Walbroek ·n,quested
discussion on monJes availabl ~ t-o Clark County--tor ·OEO Programs.
··OEO FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR CLARK COUNTY: Mrs. Walbroek asked the·Board to refer to
the lnformat.ion--sheets- which gave an esttmate of monies avai 1able in Clark
County for the fiscal year -i965-66. She stated that the congressional
appropriation was $246,552; however, because of monies not used in other areas.
Clelrl< County -could expect apprmdmately $369,800. Mrs. Walbroek reviewed
the I 1st of projects which .had already been ·ob i igated and stated that after
these monies were at located there would be approx-imat-ely $34,000 remaining
for Title 11 Programs through June 30, 1966. (See at-tachment 3 & 4) She asked
. The Board to consider al I programs In the I ight of the I imited monies
remaining, Two Neighborhood Part lei.pat-Ion Projects had been approved
previously by the Board but had not been processed in ~/ashlngton, D. C.
in time to be funded under 1964-65 monies. The Board had approved -them with
· the 1.mdorS"Tand Ing they ccu Id be so funded. She stated that they were now
before the Board for· re-review. In talking with a consultant in ~Jashlngton,
she added, OEO felt these were ·excel lent· Community ·Action -programs. Mrs. Johnson
questioned that since these projects were being sent back, could they be
chan,ged? Mrs. •. Walbroek advised that they could be submitted In any manner·
that Opcrat-ion Independence. wrshed. There was Board discuss ion on funds
aval fable for the various programs and how the Neighborhood Participat-lon
Program budget could be cut. ~obert Reid questioned the purpose of two
~Jelghborhood Participation Programs and suggested that the smaller be incorporated
into the or.e being sponsored by "Operation lndependence11 , There
was Board discussion on the reason for the two programs -- the second
countywide one being meant to serve l'l.oapa, Henderson, and oth"er county areas.
Board members also questioned th e possibi I ity of overlapping of informa-tlon
proJi·.:---; . ·1.:.: , .i.'ts :-:-,C M;·:; : John~0n :t-':!S<:"~ th:3t thl,:) lack 'of Information
on cc: T:,u:1:iy pt·ograms and services was one of the primary problems In the
poverty areas. Bob Bailey queried the possibi I ity of establishing a Pub I ic
Information Office to coordinate informations and get them to the publ le.
The Board was advised that an Information Office Is covered in the proposal.
Mrs. Johnson stressed that those employed to cenvas neighborhoods and give
the Information would be receiving training and also employment. There was
discussion on the project's budget revision. Mr. Reid made a motion that
the Countywide program be withdrawn. Reverend Tigner seconded. This motion
was passed by the group. Mr. Hoggard made a motion that the "Operation
Independence" Neighborhood Participation Program be revised to include outlying
areas and the budget be revised not to exceed $80,000, Mr. Reid
seconded. l t was passed by the Board.
program would be ready for submission the fol lowing day. He told the Board
this was creating Jobs for 700 youth tor a niner-month period. The funds for
this program would not be under Title ti-A monies. A summary of the program
was given each Board Member.
budget had been previously approved; however, in the tight of , the press of
work in the EOB office, the budget was being brought back for approval of
one more staff position. This position Is for a Program Assistant. Mrs.
Walbroek out! ined the job description as fol lows: (See attachment No. 5)
Mrs. Walbroek emphasized the need for this position and that the person to
be emp I eyed for it must be ab I e to hand I e the pos It ions out 11 ned respons i -
bl I itles. Mr. Spann made a motion that the Soard accept the revised budget
to be submitted to OEO. This was seconded by Mr. Fitzgerald and passed by
the Board. (Budget: Attachment No. 6)
REPORT OF ADMINISTRATION: Mrs. Walbroek I isted the projects now in Washington
awaiting approval: (Physical and Mental Health Component for NYC, Migrant
Health Component, Conmunity Action Program for Operation Independence, and
Technical Assistance) She stated that Title V "Work Experience Program"
was funded for Clark County for 1.3 mi 11 ion dollars by the State Welfare
Division but it wi 11 be coordinated with other community action programs.
Mrs. Walbroek informed the Board of the problem of securing 10% matching
community contribution for al I projects submitted. Unacceptable, from the
Office of Economic Opportunity viewpoint, convnunlty contributions had
occasioned these exceptionally long delays In getting projects funded.
Mrs. Walbroek informed the Board that two 11New Programs in Education".meetlngs
are being developed to discuss where programs may overlap and where they
can be coo rd 1n ated . Participants w1 11 be those agencies who are concerned
with Clark County and State Education and Training Programs .
Mr. Dondero told the Board Members that a delegation had been in contact
with First Western Savings loan Association to determine whether or not
Carver House could be used as a center for the many activities of the OEO
programs. There have been no definite results regarding this.
APPOINTMENT OF FIRST AND SECOND VICE CHAIRMEN: Mr. Dondero recommended the election
of Mr. Charles Spann as First Vice Chairman, and Or. Les I le Shuck as Second
VI ce Cha 1 nnan. This was in I I ne with the authority to so name these oft ices
given him at a previous Board Meeting. They were approved by the Board.
on hi s trip to the NAACP Convention .
Respectfully submitted
EI a I ne Wa I broek
R E S O L· U T I O N·
WHEREAS, a corrmunlty action program proposal designated Neighborhood
Participation was designed and submitted by Operation Independence., Inc.
WHEREAS, said proposal was unanlmously approved for funding by the
Economic Opportunity Board and
WHEREAS, Operation Independence proposal has been withdrawn and an
expanded proposal Is being submitted by the Economic Opportunity Soard
l tsel f,
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Board of Operation Independence,
Inc. go on record as request 1n g that the Economic Opportun I ty Board
re-submit the Operation Independence, Inc. Neighborhood Participation
coornunity action program, and al I other projects ini"tlated by and/or
affecting the areas and programs at Operation Independence, Inc. be sponsored
by and administered by Operation Independence, Inc.
Adopted, unanimously; by the Board of Operation Independence, Inc.,
th 1s twenty-a i ghth day of Ju I y , 1965
Secretary to the Board
Jul y 26, 1965
At the Ju I y 26, 1965, meeting of the Sma 11 Bus I ness Oeve I opment Center
Feasibi I lty Study Committee, it was resolved that the fol lowing recommendations
be placed before the Economic Opportunity Board of Clark County for approval:
"On the bas 1 s of d I scuss ion, and review of mater I a I • the
Smal I Business Development Center Feasibl I ity Study Committee
recommends that a Smal I Business Development Center be establ I shed
In Clark County, and
FURTHER, that an appl !cation be made to the Office of Economic
Opportun I ty for a Corrrnun I ty Act I on grant to est ab I i sh such an
of f I ce, and
FURTHER, that an Advisory CommlTtee to the proposed center be
establ I shed along the I ines recommended by the Smal I Business
Admi n I strati on. 11
Jul y 29, 1965
Respectfully submitted~
GENE McCOY, Cha 1 rman
Sma I I Business Deve I opment Center
Feaslbl I ity Study Committee
FISCAL 1965-66
According to telephone conversation held with the tlashington, 0. C., Program
Coordinator, the formula of monies available under the Office of EC:onomic
Opportunity wi 11 be:
Congressional appropriation July, 1965 for Clark County
<This figure is called "the Financial Guide line" )
tt is anticipated this Financial Guide line wi 11 be Increased
50 percent over al l ocati on duri ng the year because other areas
wl 11 not be taking their ful I allotment; therefore, Clark County
can ex pect around $369,800 f or Jul y 1, 1965 through June 30, 1966.
NOTE: These are for Title 11 Corrmunity Action programs such as,
the Day Care Center, Neighborhood Participation Program,
and Mi grant Hea I th Program.
THE ACT. Title 1-8, the Neighborhood Youth Corps $250,000
and the Title V, Work Experience Program for Clark County
$1.3 mi 11 ion are not Included in this formula.
Committed for 1965-66 In on-going projects are The fol lowing:
1 • Conduct and Adm in I strati on Project for the EOB
f or si x months starti ng September 1, 1965 $38,000
2. Conduct and Administration Project for the EOB
f or si x months starti ng M arch 1, 1966 38,000
3. Day Care Serv i ces Center Conti nuati on Grant 60,000-80,000 ( ?)
Sponsored by " Operati on I ndependence''
4. Conduct and Administration Grant to fund
"Ope rat I on I ndependenceu 29,000
Applied for by "Operation Independence"
5. M i grant H eal th Program 13,000
Sponsored by the CI ark County Hea I th Department
6. Physical and Mental Health Component NYC 7,800
Sponsored by Economic Opportunity Board
7. Technical Consultants 1,785
To be reviewed In the l i ght of available monies fiscal 1965-66
Neighborhood Part le I pat ion Program
Sponsored by "Ope rat I on Independence"
Ne l ghborhood Partic i pation Program - C01M1un I ty-w 1d e
Sponsored by Economic Opportunity Board
Jul y 29, 1965
The PROGRAM ASSISTANT wi 11 be expected to have technical competency in project
writing and editing. A research background is preferred for the primary
responslbl I lty wl 11 be, under the direction of the Executive Director, to
secure stati sti cs, data, I nf ormati on rel ati ng to proposed proj ects; to be
abl e to make techni cal correcti ons on proj ects so as to conform to Of f i ce of
Economl c Opportunity requ 1 rements.
With the Increased demands by the Office of Economic Opportunity for reporting,
and the submission of Information on local Economic Opportunity Board activities,
this position wl 11 ental I hand I Ing such reporting as delegated by the Executive
D i rector.
This lndlvldual wl 11 work as an assistant to the Executive Director to assume
such responsibi I !ties as may be delegated, Including the fol lowing:
1. Staffing coovnittee meetings
2. Developing material for Board Information
3. Developing correspondence as lt relates to administration
4. Prov Id 1n g techn i ca I competence for project eva I uat ions
5. Work with consultants, as they .may be employed, in developing
programs and projects
6. In editing informational material released to the publ le.
Preferably a master's degree in Sociology or the Humanities. Must have abi I ity
to research, develop, and write material; must have a good corrvnand of language
and the abl I lty to edit as wel I as to write material.
Jul y 29, 1965
Economic Opportunity Boeird of Clark County
September, 1965 - M arch, 1966 Jul y 29, 1965
Executi ve D i rector
Program Coordi nator
Program Assistant
Se.cretary to Execut I ve
Secretary-CI er i ca I
Group Hea I th Insurance
F.1·.c.A .
N.I .C.
Unemp t oyment Insurance
Cost of Fringe Benefits
T otal , Personnel --------------- $29.596
Consu I tant Services
Consu I tants 24 days @ $100 per day including
travel and personal diem.
$ 2,400
Sub-Profess iona I
Staf f -out of state
Staf f -i n state
Board Members
Other Contract Serv 1c es
$8.00 per week f or 2 cl eri cal courses
for 24 weeks
192 tJ;on
$ 760
Tota I , Trave I Costs -------------- $1,830
Office Space
Office Supp I ies
Space Costs and Renta Is
(Half NF - half $200)
Q $50 per month
@ $150 per month
Tota I, Space Costs and Renta Is
Consumable Supplies
---- $3,600
$ 225
Pr I nted mater i a I and Pubt ic information 700
Tota I , Consumab I e Supp I i es ------- $ I , 175
Ren ta I , Lease, or Purchase of Egu i pment
Photocop-i er I ease @ $25. 00 per month 150
Typewriter lease @ $25.00 per month
Typewriter stand
Executive Desk and Chair
DI eta phone Rece Iver
Total, Rental, LGaso,
Qr Purchase of Equipment --$ 896
Other Costs
Typewriter & Equ I pment maintenance $ I 00
Mlscel laneous 250
Tota I, Other Costs --------------- " $%
OFFICES: 3051 Paradise Road
Las Vegas, Nevada
4,00 p.m.
Jul y 29, 1965
1. Minutes of the Board Meeting, June 5, 1965 -
2. T reasurer's Reports ·
3. ~t 't~port -r;;._,R,_ ~ ,...,.,1,- . . L..
a. Personnel Pot icy Committee Report - ., , ~- _ ~-t:J__~
b. Project Criteria Development Committee ->r~-- - (~
c. Smal I Business Development Center Committee Report _ ~ ~?-
4. Proj ects revi ew ed f or submi ssi on ,,JJ.__.,1-.
a. lunch Program - ~Jest Las Vegas - ,p ....
b, Re-review Neighborhood Participation Projects -Ji . f l~
This Project to be reviewed in the I ight of submission under_
monies available fiscal 1965-66. 5e- c.- .,...,..._ _ ....~~ c...-,,,,._,.,_
c, Continuation of "Neighborhood Youth Corps., fal 1 program -~~·
d. Budget Revision - EOB Project. ~
5. Report of Administration .. A
a. Report on projects submitted to date - e. J. ) .~
b. ~~$b!:~c~;n~e~~~~;~b~~7~~!~ut~ons from the community for ev-r-~
( l ) Report of approach to the United Fund -
(2) Letter to cities and county , ·
c. Education and Training Meeting projected for 1st or 2nd week
in August - - Ct /~
d. Securing Carver House for Economic Opportunity Program : A.: _p..,_,,e,__
e. Committees Structured - ~ -
6. Report on Workshop on Anti-Poverty Program -- NAACP Meeting
(Attended by Board Member David Hoggard.)
NOTE: Guests expected to be in attendance:
Bruce Parks, Director, Nevada Department of Economic Opportunity
Mrs. Leola H. Armstrong, Assistant Director, Nevada Department of
Economic Opportunity
Robert Van Horn, Program Consu I tant, Reg iona I Staff Member,
Office of Economic Opportunity, San Francisco
August 10, 1965
12:45 to 2:45 P.M.
Clark County School District
Educat I on Center Board Room
Harvey Dondero, Chairman
Economic Opportunity Board of Clark Co.
Elaine Walbroek, Executive Director
Economic Opportunity Board of Clark Co.
Exchange of Information Relating to Ongoing or Potential Programs In Education, Vocational
or Technical Training. (Five minute presentations of program information from the
fol lowing areas:)
TITLES I, 11, AND 111
Dr. L~ I and Newcomer. Super i nt8ndent
Clark County School O·lstr:ict.
Mr. Byron STetler, Superintendent
State Department of Edu cat I on
Dr. Donald Moyer, Chancellor
Nevada Southern Un Ivers i ty
Mr. Pat Schoppe, Manager
las Vegas local Office
Nevada State Employment Service
Mr. Byron Stetler, Superintendent
State Department of Education
Elaine Walbroek, Executive Director
Economic Opportunity Board of Clark Co.
Mr. Robert Bauer, Chief of Special
Projects, Nevada State Wei fare Division
Discussion on Program 1.mpl I cations and an Inventory of Such Ongoing or Potential Programs
as are Aval !able.
I. INTRODUCTION TO DISCUSSION Or. Francis Gregory, Assistant Director
Office of Manpower Automation & Training
U. S. Dept. of labor, Washington, O.C.
The fol !owing persons have Indicated they wl 11 be present at the August 10, 1965,
"New Programs In Educati on" M eeting
Cl ark County School D i stri ct
1,..-D r• Leland Newcomer, Superintendent
Or. Les I le Shuck, Specie I Assistant
Research & Proj ect Des I gn
Mr. Ray Sturm, D i rector of V ocati onal ,
Technlcal, and Adult Education
.. Mr. Gary Peterson, Coordi nator of
Vocat Iona I, Techn I ca I , and Adu It
t Mr. Cl ayton Farnsworth, D i rector
Southern Nevada Vocat Iona 1-Techn I ca I
Nevada State Department of Education
Mr. Byron Stetl er, Superi ntendent
Mr. John Gri f f i n, Supervi sor
Adult Basic Education
Mr. Ray Cord I sco, State Department
of Education
Nevada Southern Un Ivers i ty
(...{ )I", [k>nald Moyer, Chancellor
vOr. H erbert Oerf el t, D i rector of
Spec I a I Programs
V O r. Franci s Rose, Ass I st ant Prof essor
Secondary Educat I on
Manpower Development Trai ni ng Programs
/ or. Franci s Gregory, A ssi stant D i rector
Of f i ce of Manpower A utomation and
Trai ni ng, U. S. Department of l abor,
W ashi ngton, O.C.
Nevada State Employment Servi ce
t.. Mr. Pat Schoppe, M anager
Las Vegus l oca I Off I ce
...,..Mr. Charl es Spann, D i rector
Youth Opportun I ty Center
Economic Opportuni ty Board of Cl ark County
L.Mrs. El ai ne Walbroek, Executi ve D i rector
£.Mr. Harvey Dondero, Chairman
_ Mr. Doy I e L onghurst, Program Coord I nator
Nevada Department of Economic Opportuni ty.
t.,.Mrs, l eol a A rmstrong, A ssi stant DI rector
Nevada State We I f are DI vi s I on
/ . Robert Bauer, Chi ef of Speci al
Proj ects
[,..Mf . Ernest Skagen, D i stri ct D i rector
4 , 00 P. M.
A ugust 23, 1965
I . Revi si ons i n Economic Opportuni ty Board grant appl i cat i on
2 . Personnel Pol i ci es
3. Smal l B usi ness Devel opment Center { SBDC) gr ant appl i cati on
A. Board Trave I
4 . Correspondence
305 I Paradi se Road
Las Vegas, Nevada
5 . Discussion of Agenda for Board Meeting of August 26 (Thursday)
6. By Laws of the Economic Opportunity Board
TO: Board Members
and Technical Advisory Convnittee
FRCJ.t: Harvey Dondero
RE : August 26, 1965
Meeting of the Board of " Operation Opportunities -- Clark County"
The monthly meeting of the Board of 110peratlon Opportunities -- Clark County n
is scheduled to be held as fol lows :
DATE : Thursday, August 26, 1965
TIME : 7: 30 P.M.
PLACE: Rancho High School Library
( Corner of Bruce and Owens>
We hope that ft wi 11 be possible for you· to be In attendance.
HD : sl
A ugust 26, 1965
7 :30 P.M .
Rancho H i gh School L i brary
Las Vegas, Nevada
PRESENl': Charl es Spann, VICE CHAIRMAN, D r. L esl i e Shuck, M i ss Genevi eve
A rensdorf , L yal B urkhol der, Ernest Skagen, Juani ta W hi te,
Edward Y oung, V ernon B unker, James Snow den, L onni e L ee M arshal l ,
M i l ton W ei ss, Father. Charl es Shal l ow , L ee W al ker, Jan Jones,
Ferren B unker
Guests: Robert V an H orn (Regi onal Consul tant, Of f i ce of Econom•
i c Opportuni ty), Fl ora Dungan, B i l l Chavi ers, L eol a A rmstrong,
L ubertha Johnson, L amar D ani el , Emma Fenton
Staf f : El ai ne W al broek, D oyl e L onghurst, Sy l v i a L eon
I n the absence of H arvey Dondero, the vi ce. . chai rman, Charles
Spann, served es chai rman.
M INUIES: The M i nutes of the meeti ng of Jul y 29, 1965, w ere approved as
TREASURER'S REPORT: I n the absence of the T reasurer, M rs. W al broek revi
ew ed the f i nanci al statement endi ng Jul y 31, 1965. She stated
that though the present si x•month1 s grant i s schedul ed to ter,.
mi nate A ugust 25, approval had been recei v ed f rom the OEO of f i ce
to use unexpended budget f unds through A ugust 31. A ppl i cati on
f or new f undi ng has been submi tted to the Of f i ce of Economi c
Opportuni ty f or the si x months begi nni ng September l , 1965, and
endi ng February 28, 1965. Ed Y oung suggested that f i nanci al
statements shoul d i ndi cate percentages of ex pendi tures w hi ch
M rs. W al broek stated coul d be done. Ferren B unker moved that
the f i nanci al statement be approved. T hi s w as seconded by
Juani ta W hi te. M oti on passed.
Personnel Pol i ci es f or Staf f of the Economi c Opportuni ty B oard:
A l l B oard M embers had been gi v en a copy of proposed personnel
pol i ci es et the meeti ng of Jul y 29 and had been requested to
revi ew them. M r. Spann emphasi zed that these personnel pol i
w ere desi gned f or EOB staf f and not f or staf f of del egate agenci
es. T here w as di scussi on on the establ i shment of a probati on·
ary peri od f or personnel of EOB programs. M r. Y oung stated that
because of budgets bei ng proj ected f or 6 months onl y thi s mi ght
be di f f i cul t; he f urther questi oned how v acati on ti me w oul d be
handl ed on short•term proj ects; and w hat w oul d be the termi nati
on sal ary or gi v i ng noti ce. M r. V an H. rn, Regi onal Consul tant
f rom the OH i ce v f Economi c OpFortuni ty 1 was ask ed to comment
on how termi nati on sal ary w oul d be handl ed. He stated that
such shoul d be i ncl uded i n the ori gi nal budget request; and
i f there w as termi nati on of a proj ect, staf f phasi ng out
w oul d be pl anned f or f ar enough i n advance to anti ci pate the
ex pendi tures. H r. Snowden moti oned that the personnel pol i ci es
be ref erred back to the commi ttee f or f urther study , tak i ng
i nto consi derati on I tem 2 and I tem 10. M r. B urkhol der seconded.
M oti on passed. A report w i l l be made to the B oard at the nex t
meeti ng.
News I tem Regardi ng Federal Cut i n EOB B udget (N ot on A genda):
M r. K ei th M cDonal d of the Ci ty Recreati on D epartment brought to
the attenti on of B oard M embers an ar ti cl e appeari ng i n the
eveni ng Revi ew Jourr..:i l stressi ng the f act that the requested
budget of the EOB had been cut by $5,000 by f~IJ.'i!· pf .f i t:i .~l s
M rs. W al broek w as asked to comment. She stated that the new spaper
had requested a copy of the budget w i th the proposed cuts.
T hi s had been gi v en, though at the ti me i t w as emphasi zed that
i t w as i n no way of f i ci al and al l f i gures menti oned w ere tentati
v e. Regardi ng the budget cut, M r. Spann questi oned why a
budget draw n up by the communi ty B oard M embers accordi ng to
determi ned needs goes to the Regi onal Of f i ce and i s cut even
bef ore submi tted to W ashi ngton, D .C. M r. V an H orn w as asked to
connnent. He f i r st stated that thi s budget i s not y et determi ned
i n the W ashi ngton Of f i ce; and the f i gures not bei ng accurate, i t
i s unf ortunate that they w ere pri nted. I n ex pl anati on of w hat
the new spaper cal l ed 11 sal ary cuts" of staf f , these w ere not
actual l y cuts but hol di ng sal ari es at the same amounts pai d
duri ng the f i r st si x months. T hi s i s due to the new OEO pol i cy
of not prov i di ng f or sal ary i ncrease bef ore one y ear of serv i ce.
He stated f urther that the Ex ecuti v e D i rector's sal ary w as
rel ated to sal ari es of D i rectors i n the W estern regi on. I t w as
commented by D r. W hi te, how ever, that L as V egas had the hi ghest
cost of l i v i ng i n the U ni ted States. M rs. W al broek, i n ex pl anati
on of the rel ati onshi p of the l ocal B oard to regi onal and
W ashi ngton OEO of f i ces, stated that cr i ter i a evol ved by the
Of f i ce of Economi c Opportuni ty has been ev er-changi ng; that she
f el t that the regi onal of f i ce shoul 4. tak e the posi ti on of protecti ng
the prof essi onal w orker and the l ocal B oards i n these ci rcumstances.
An exampl e of pol i cy change i s that i n the f i r st si x months money
was provi ded f or B oard M embers to trav el to other regi ons to
bri ng back perti nent i nf ormati on f or the Economi c Opportuni ty B oard
of Cl ark County; i n the second si x month I s budget, thi s i s
determi ned unal l ow abl e.
D r. Shuck questi oned that when B oard,1 approved pol i cy or budget
and i t w as then changed by the Fededl Government_., w oul d thi s not
cause the l ocal B oard to l ose staf f memb€.rs and w eaken i t s
M r. Spann stated that the posi ti on of thi s B oard w as rather uni que
i n the sal ary si tuati on i n that the Federal Government had
approved respecti v el y f or the Ex ecuti v e D i rector and Program
- 2-
Coordi nator, $15,000 and $11,000. H ow ever, the B oard had chose to hi re
at $13,000 and $9,000 w i th the promi se to t he tw o empl oyees hi red that
thi s w oul d be brought up to the ori gi nal amounts apptoved af ter the
f i r st f ew months. Now w i th the Federal Goverrunent not approv i ng those
ori gi nal amounts f or the second si x months, the B oard w as put i n a
posi ti on of bei ng unabl e to f ul f i l l a commi tment to i t s staf f . M r. V an
H orn's cormnent to thi s w as that because the B oard chose to st ar t the
ei tpl oY e-es at a l ow er sal ary than approv ed, the Government now states
that i t cannot be rai sed f or one y ear.
M r. Y oung stated that thi s B oard represented the communi ty and i t
w as on thi s basi s that budgets, PFiori_J:y ,etc. w ere arri v ed at . H ow ever,
i f f ederal of f i ci al s do not agree w i th the B oard's deci si ons, and
change at random w hat i s the B oard's f uncti on? He stated thi s w as a
questi on of basi c pol i cy as to w hether or not the B oard w as perf ormi ng
i t s i ntended f uncti on. He sai d f urther that as these proj ects w ere
not consi dered to be permanent empl oyment, thi s must be compensated
i n sal ary , and the Economi c Opportuni ty B oard shoul d have been ex tended
the courtesy of a rev i ew bef ore the budget w as sent on to W ashi ngton.
M r. B unker f urther di scussi ng the si tuati on stated} that the B oard i s
setti ng up pol i ci es and practi ces l ocal l y and ev i dentl y there are some
Federal pol i ci es w hi ch i t i s not aw are of . He f el t that i f the B oard
had a better understandi ng of pol i ci es establ i shed by the Federal
Government, i t coul d be more ef f i ci ent.
I n repl y , M r. V an H orn stated that the regi onal of f i ce has concentrated
on getti ng programs underw ay. T he purpose of the Community A cti on
Program i s to come up w i th i deas that nobody has ev er heard of bef ore - -
they f eel that ef f or ts to rel i ev e pov erty are goi ng to requi re acti ons
that have nev er been tak en bef ore. L ocal agenci es are j ust now
begi nni ng to be re-f unded, consequentl y , manual s are onl y now bei ng
devel oped on how to handl e f unds that are l ef t ov er at end of grant
peri ods and other pol i ci es rel ated to termi nati on of grant peri ods.
He emphasi zed agai n that the obj ecti v e i s to get programs underw ay.
A f ter some di scussi on on the most f easi bl e way to make a suppl emental
budget request, M r. W ei ss made a moti on that a commi ttee be appoi nted
and w hen the budget comes back f rom W ashi ngton that thi s commi ttee
study and reaf f i rm the ori gi nal budget and make a resol uti on to bri ng
back to the nex t meeti ng. T hi s moti on w as seconded by L ee W al ker, and
M rs. W al broek stated that i f such a r ev i si on and suppl emental request
i s made, that she w oul d l i k e to reconunend a smal l sum (possi bl y $500
to $700) be requested to be used to w ork w i th l ocal organi zati ons to
hel p them to dev el op programs f or w hi ch the f unds w oul d ori gi nate
i n the couununi tyor f rom government sources. M rs. L ubertha Johnson
questi oned that i f thi s money w oul d count agai nst the county ' s gui del
i nes shoul d i t be consi dered w hen the B oard had pul l ed back certai n
other programs because of shortage of money. M rs. W al broek f urther
expl ai ned that thi s w as a smal l amount of money w hi ch coul d possi bl y
bri ng other moni es i nto the area; i t w oul d be used onl y to hel p v ol unteer
ef f or ts. Such new programs w oul d be underw ri tten by other sources
sources other than OEO, and w oul d not count agai nst the money av ai l ~
abl e f rom OEO,
copi es of the w ork program w hi ch w oul d be submi tted w i th the SBDC
grant proposal . M r, W ei ss stated that he had hel ped i n preparati on
of the budget; and i f there w ere any questi ons regardi ng i t , he w oul d
be happy to answ er them, Regardi ng the 10'7" matchi ng contri buti on
needed, M r. W ei ss suggested that the Chai rman appoi nt a commi ttee to
seek space f or of f i ce use at no cost to the B oard. M r. Spann how ever
f el t that the present SBDC Commi ttee shoul d determi ne these subcommi ttee
members. M rs. Johnson ask ed that a representati v e f rom Operati on
I ndependence be i ncl uded on the SBDC COJl:IIlittee
as members had ex pressed concern that they have not had the opportuni ty
to par ti ci pate. M r. Spann appoi nted M rs. Johnson as a member of thi s
commi ttee, stati ng that she coul d del egate thi s responsi bi l i ty to
another person i f she w i shed,
Reoort bv Robert Johnson M r. Johnson tol d the B oard that as a representati
v e of the Economi c Opportuni ty B oard, he had v i si ted tl ,e SBDC
Center of the L os A ngel es A rea Economi c D evel opment A gency. T hi s Canter
w as ~-Jell underw ay, hav i ng recei v ed 21J appl i cati ons f or l oans; 7(JJ.
bei ng f or ex i sti ng busi nesses and 30'7" f or new busi nesses. T hei r grant
appl i cati on w as submi tted to the A rea Redevel opment Center f or f undi ng;
and the sugg,esti on w as made thet the Cl ark County B osrd shoul d al so
appl y to thi s source f or f unds. M r. Johnson stated that the Cl ark
County budget i s underesti mated as there are more needs than anti ci pated.
Report by A l L andsman: M r. L andsman stated that he had v i si ted an
SBDC i n Chi cago. He ci ted f i gures of the states w hi ch had SBDC Centers
al ready establ i shed, and stated that he f el t i t w as i mportant to get
the program goi ng i n Cl ark County.
NEIGHBORHOOD YOUTH CORPS: M r. Spann stated that ov er 600 had been pl aced
on j obs i n the sunnner program. T he new proj ect f or the f al l through
spri nt; program i s now bei ng prepared f or submi ssi on. T hi s program
i nv ol v es 700 y outh, w orki ng i n v ari ous w ork si tuati ons i ncl udi ng a
ci ty beauti f i cati on program.
H orn f or w ·orki ng w i th commi ttees and board members of the Economi c
Opportuni ty B oard and Operati on I ndependence. M r. V an H orn stated
that the pri me reason f or hi s v i si t to Cl ark County w es concern w i th
the proposal f or the N ei ghborhood Parti ci pati on Program and the
separate f undi ng of Operati on I ndependence as a communi ty acti on agency.,
l t w as f el t OEO coul d not f und the procram i n the f orm that i t w as
presented because i t w oul d gi v e the appearance that there w ere two
separate B oards w i th equal pow er to perf orm the same f uncti ons . T hi s
w as not say i ng there w ere not j ust reasons to staf f Operati on I ndependence;
but i t must be understood and the concept conf i rmed of a si ngl e
countyH i de organi zati on w hi ch i s the Economi c Opportuni ty B oard of
Cl ark County f or the Communi ty A cti on Programs. He ref erred to the
N ei ghborhood Parti ci pati on Program. OEO had ori gi nal l y ref erred
thi s back because there w as concern th.ot the $99,000 proposed f or
thi s program w as about one-thi rd of the total f und gui del i ne
esti mate f or the total Cl erk County area; how ever, i t w as f el t that
the obj ecti v e of thi s program was ex cel l ent. As a r esul t of conv ersati
ons w i th Operati on I ndependence, w i th the Ex ecuti v e Commi ttee
of the Economi c Opportuni ty B oard, came an i dea to accompl i sh the
ori gi nal ends of these two thi ngs and expand thei r program possi -
bi l i t i es. T hi s w oul d i nv ol v e the devel opment of a N ei ghborhood Serv i ce
Center l ocated i n W est L as V egas w hi ch w oul d prov i de a pl ace w here
serv i ces, adv i ce about serv i ces, di recti on i n organi zi ng nei ghborhood
counci l s coul d be prov i ded. T he thought w as that the W est L as V egas
area lv"Ould be di v i ded i nto geographi c areas w hi ch w oul d have nei ghborhood
counci l s staf f ed by nei ghborhood w ork ers. T hese w orkers wo1..'ld operate
out of the N ei ghborhood Serv i ce Center w here there w oul d be prov i ded
the f unds f or the D i rector of Operati on I nd ependence, cl eri cnl hel p,
and such staf f possi bi l i ti es as Staf f D i rector to superv i se nei ghborhood
w ork ers, a st af f di rector f or consumer i nf ormati on, a staf f di rector
rel ati ng to home economi cs, possi bl y a st af f di rector f or a l egal ai d
program. T here may be the need f or a publ i c agency l i ai son st af f
person who w oul d w ork w i th the empl oyment of f i ce f or those who are
seek i ng j obs. He summari zed that the concept w oul d be to combi ne the
tw o prev i ous programs, " Operati on I ndependence" and " N ei ghborhood
Parti ci pati on Proeram11 i nto one program and possi bl y upgrade the budget.
T he Chai rman stated that unl ess there w as di scussi on desi red by B oard
M embers, he pref erred to def er acti on on thi s unti l Operati on I ndependence
w orks up a proj ect d·esi gn f or presentati on.
ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY BOARD APPOINTMENI'S: T he Ex ecuti v e Commi ttee submi tted the
name of D avi d Hogeard f or posi ti on of Second V i ce Chai rman. M rs, W al broek
i ntroduced V ernon B unker who repl aced M ahl on Brown as a member of the
B oard .
M r. Spann ex pl ai ned that the B oard w as hel d by the agency 's consti tuti on
there must be representati on of the communi ty, the target area , gov ernment,
busi ness, etc. T here are about three v acanci es ex i sti ng on the
Cl ark County B oard. One vacancy shoul d go to a represen tat i v e of the
I ndi ans. T he bal ance of the v acanci es must go to representati v es of
the target area . Gui del i nes f or the OEO requi res a f ai r representati on
f rom the pov erty areas. Sel ecti on has been def erred unti l the W est
L as V egas N ei ghborhood Serv i ce Program can be establ i shed, A t that ti me
nomi nati ons f rom each nei ehborhood can be made. By v i rtue of hi s
essi gnment as Ex ecuti v e Secretary of the N evada Commi ssi on on Equal
Ri ehts of Ci ti zens, H r . James A nderson w i l l be appoi nted to f i l l one
vacancy. ~r t"f"gd tcq,. obj ecti ons regi stered by
Father Charl es Shal l ow and M r. J ames Snow den. T here w as di scussi on
regardi ng an I ndi an M ember . M r. K arl M arshal l recommended M r. Eugene
Tom who h eads the T ri bal Counci l i n the M oapa T ri be; secondl y , he
suggested M r. Preston Tom. M r. Spann adv i sed that these tw o persons
w oul d be f ol l ow ed up as possi bl e B oard M embers.
BYLAHS OF THE ECONC)MIC OPPORTUNITY BOARD: A draf t of B yl aw s have been draw n up.
M r, Spann appoi nted a commi ttee consi sti ng of Ernest Skagen, Robert
Re.lid, and L eol a A rmstrong, assi sted by a member of the staf f , to
prepare B yl aw s f or submi ssi on to the B oard at the nex t meeti n g .
that a report on thi s w oul d be mai l ed to B oard M embers,
that thi s program had been di scussed but had not progressed because of
a shortace of housi ng f or a chi l d care,: f aci l i ty . Fundi ng f or such a
center w oul d come under T i i :l e I I I w hi ch i s a program f or rural areas.
T hese moni es w oul d not count acai m:t t he gui del i nes set f or the communi ty
acti on program under T i tl e I I - a. N rs. H al broek sai d thc<t i f a sponsor
coul d be obtai ned and a housi ng f aci l i ty w ere av ai l abl e, a day care
serv i ce center coul d be started i n ti me f or the nex t season I s mi grant
popul ati on. T he B oard has c1creed that one of the pri mary needs i s
chi l d care f or the mi grant tw rk er I s f ami l y . The EOB of f i ce H i l l hel p
any sponsor to dev el op a proj ect end appl y f or the moni es f or a chi l d
care program i n thi s area. T hi s has been prev i ousl y establ i shed as £1
pri ori ty need.
Other programs under di scussi on have been a W omen's Counci l , w hi ch i s
acti v e i n a seni or ci ti zens z roup, who are i nterested i n a smal l heal th
serv i ce f or the el detl y peopl e at the A rchi e Grant housi ng. One of the
Serv i ce Cl ubs has di scussed sponsori nc; a V i si ti ng Homemakers Serv i ce
w hi ch has v ery hi gh pri ori ty as a serv i ce program. T hese are three
areas under consi derati on.
N r. Ferren B unker, Cl ark County Ex t ensi on A gent, stated they are i nterested
i n getti ng groups together to consi der mi grant i nf ormati on . He asked
M rs. W al broek to meet w i th the N i grant Study Commi ttee to zo ov er these
i deas. He f urther stated that housi nc: had been i nv esti c:ated, and
so f ar none has been f ound to house a mi crant serv i ce center .
ADJOURNMENT: T here bei ng no f urther busi ness, the meeti ng w as adj ourned.
Respectf ul l y submi tted,
·,fv,7[ '" ""'"''" - ,IJ d/-;_,.u/c'
El ai ne tf al broek
TO: Board Members and
Technical Advisory Committee Members
FROM: Harvey Dondero
DATE: September 23, 1965
This is to advise you of the new meeting time and place for the
September, 1965, Board Meeting for the Economic Opportunity Board
of Clark County.
Due to a conflict with other Thursday night meetings, the date
has been changed from the last Thursday of the month to the last
Wednesday. The meeting wi 11 be held:
Wednesday, September 29
7,30 P.M.
Youth Opportunities Center
(in the shopping center on
the corner of 5th & Bonanza)
629 Las Vegas BI vd. North
Enclosed is a partial agenda for Board consideration.
7:30 P.M.
September 29, 1965
629 Las V~gas BI vd. North
las Vegas • Nev.
A, Corrmunlty Service Center Report
(Operation Independence administration grant appl I cation
and Neighborhood Participation Project, both of which
received approval at the May, and subsequently the July,
board meetings, have been combined Into a single project.
Cal led the Community Service Center project, this project
has greater program imp! I cati ons.)
B. Day Care Servi ces Center
A. Neighborhood Youth Corps fal I-Winter Out of School
B. Smal I Business Development Center Project (SBDC Board Report)
C. Neighborhood Youth Corps Physical & Mental Health Report
0. Migrant Health Project
E. Clark County School District Programs
F. Lunch Program for West Las Vegas
8. Neighborhood Youth Corps Summer Program
C, Tl tie V Work Experience Program
O. Clark c;ounty School District Programs
E. Conduct and Administration
Health Education and Wei fare -- Bureau of Aging
Programs tor Ag Ing
Title 111 Economic Opportunity Act
Programs for Migrant or Rural People
Education Acts of 1965
Programs which can be coordinated with
Economic Opportunity Programs
7. BUS I NESS FOR BOARD ACT! ON v A. Action to Secure Support of SBOC Center
Lubertha Johnson 1
Lubertha Johnson~
Doyle LonghurstV
Gene McCoy /,,,,""'
Elaine WalbroekV
Elaine Walbro~ ~7::~: !:~~~oek /
Lubertha Johnson~
Leslie Shuck~
Elaine WalbroekV---
Charles Spann
Elaine Walbroek
lesl ie Shuck V
(Action In apprising Nevada's congressional delegation of
endorsements of the SBDC and in securing the! r support; in J;;. /~
securing other support for funding of grant application,)
B. Economic Opportunity Board By-Laws for Board Approval V
C. Economic Opportunity Board Personnel Pol icles for Staff for Board Approval V
September 29, r 965
7:30 P.M.
Youth Opportunity Center
Las Vegas, Nevada
MEMBERS PRESENT: Harvey Dondero (Chairman), Vernon E. Bunker, David Hoggard,
Father Char le~ Sha 11 ow, Ernest Skagen, Les Ii e Shuck, James Snowden,
Emory Lockette, Bi 11 Briare, Mi I ton Weiss, Lya1 Burkholder, Karl
Marsha I I, James Anderson, Ear I Brunner
Technical Advisory Committee Members: Albert Landsman, Gene McCoy
Staff: Elaine Walbroek, Doyle Longhurst, Sylvia Leon
Guests: Joe Neal, Thomas Ferguson, Robert Trimble, Margaret Quinn,
Janice Goodhue, Estel le Neal, Robert Johnson, A. Wi Ison, Clara Wi Ison,
Gertie Lee Leakes, Julia Mae Troutman, Viola G. Lewis, Leola Armstrong,
Eva L . Houston, Lubertha Johnson, John West, Jr.
MINUTES: The minutes of the previous month's meeting he l d August 26, 1965,
were reviewed. The Chairman cal led for corrections or additions
to the minutes as prepared. Mr. Snowden requested that a change be
made to the statement that Mr. James Anderson's appointment was
ratified; explaining that since objections were registered, this
appointment was not rati fled. This was so recorded.
Dr. Shuck asked to have his statement clarified regarding policy
and budget approva l by federal agencies: "When a Board recommended
a po Ii cy or a budget which was then subsequent I y approved by the
federa I agency. but then I ater changed by the federa t agency, wou I d
this not cause the local Board to lose staff members and weaken its
structure?11 This change was so recorded. It was moved by Mr. Snowden;
seconded by Mr. Weiss that the minutes be approved as corrected.
Mot i on ca r r i ed.
TREASURER'S REPORT: Members had been provided with a copy of the Monthly
Financia l Statement of the Economic Opportunity Board for the period
covering August I through September 15 which was the termination of
the first s i x month's grant monies. Mr. Hoggard motioned that the
Treasurer's report be approved as presented; motion was seconded by
Mr. Bunker, and was passed by the Board.
Ne.ighborhood Services Center Report: The Chairman requested Mrs, Lubertha
Johnson to report on the proj ect. She stated to the Board that
this program was being designed in accordance with the suggestion
of the Regional Office of Economic Opportunity and would replace
the original submissions for an Administration Grant for Operation
Independence and the two Neighborhood Participation Programs. The
Center would include services in family counseling, health counseling,
y outh programs, consumer educati on, etc. I n addi ti on, thi s Center and
program w i 11 be staffed with neighborhood workers to work in the
community to inform and refer people to services offered in the
Center and by other agencies in Clark County.
Mr. Joe Neat, a guest at the meeting, introduced himself as a member
of the PAL organization, and voiced an objection to the approval of
this program for Operation Independence. He stated that the PAL
organization, he felt, was in a better position educationally and
experience-wise to carry out such a program.
Mr. Thomas Ferguson, a guest at the meeting, and a member of the PAL
organization also voiced an objection, stating that the PAL group
was present at this meeting 0 to see that the rroney goes to the right
peop te. 11
Father Charles Sha I tow, member of the Board, and Di rector of Catholic
Community Welfare, which is advisory to the PAL organization, voiced
his objection to the funding of the Operation Independence project,
stating that he did not feel Operation Independence i s a social
we I fare agency, and that he was cons i derab I y concerned about the
budget as proposed. He said that the project looked as though it
would create a lot of jobs, and questioned if it would benefit the
poor peop I e .
The Chairman cal led upon Mrs. Johnson to answer these comments.
Mrs. Johnson reviewed the background of Operation 1n dependence,
stating that it had been organized for more than two and a ha If
years, and for almost two years has conducted programs in \~est las
Vegas with I imited money and resources. Many people had been
involved with the organization and program planning of Operation
Independence. She stated she had attempted to contact Catholic
Community Welfare on several occasions and had discussed with
Father Sha I low his participation in such organization and planning.
f.'loney and faci I ities to carry out these programs were solicited
by Operation Independence personnel. She said that surveys have
been made in West las Vegas, and statist i cs from them were avai I able
to anyone who wished to come to the office. She said that the
10,: conmunity contribution necessary had been secured for al I
Operation Independence programs , and had been secured by Operation
Independence .
Bit I Briare questioned the names of suggested personnel I isted in
the project out I ine. Mrs. Johnson stated that these were only
suggested resource names.
Mr. Wi JI lam Triinble, guest and Operation Independence Planning
Board Member, stated that PAL had been contacted severa I months
ago to work with Operation Independence; however, they chose not
to do so.
David Hoggard stated that the discussion was getting very far
afield; and that so far as the Board was concerned, a motion had
been passed that a 1 I projects for West Las Vegas under the antipoverty
program would originate under Operation Independence .
Further discussion fol lowed with Mrs. Walbroek stating that the
project was being constructed in accordance with recorTUT1endat ions
made by the Office of Economic Opportunity whose recorrrnendat ions
a l so stated that before a program can become vital in any community
it must have an organization through which it can work. OEO's
condition of grants for West Las Vegas was that Operation Independence
should first review and then recommend program to the large Economic
Opportunity Board.
There was a motion made by Father Sha I low recommending that action
on the Neighborhood Services Center project be postponed. This
motion failed. Following further discussion, a motion was made
by Earl Brunner that the Neighborhood Services Center project be
approved. This was seconded by Mr. Hoggard and Mr. Anderson.
Brief discussion fol lowed. A vote was cal l ed for. Father Sha I tow
voted no; Mr. Br iare did not cast a vote. The motion was passed
by the majority of the group .
Day Care Services Center: Mr s. Johnson reported that enrollment has increased;
faci I ities have been considerably improved; and that a project request
wi I I be submitted to the Office of Economic Opportunity to continue
the operation of the Day Care Center when the present six-month grant
terminates December 31. Discussion fol lowed. Father Sha I low questioned
who were the experts being consulted to help solve the problems faced,
stating that Sister Charles had not been consulted and he considered
her to be an expert. Mrs. Johnson said that Sister Charles is on the
Advisory Board to Operation Independence. The Chairman stated that
Sister Charles' competence in the field of chi Id care was recognized
and she would be cal l ed upon shou ld the need arise. Mr. James Anderson
moved that the Day Care Center project be approved for resubmission.
This was seconded by Mr. Burkholder . Motion carried with Father
Sha I low voting no.
Neighborhood Youth Corps Out-of-School Program: Doyle Longhurst reported that
the original proposal was for 741 youth; howeve r, there wi 11 not
be as much money avai I able to Nevada as anticipated. The project
is now in the process of being rewritten tor an estimated 150 to
200 youth. Mr . Mi I ton Weiss commended the NYC project, stating
that in the City of North Las Vegas 12,000 hours of time had been
logged by NYC enro l lees who had done an excel l ent job. Father
Sha I low also noted that these youth had done a fine job and
commended the project. Mr. Anderson expressed this same commendation
for the project in what had been done tor Operation Independence.
Sma I I Business Deve I opment Center: The Chairman of the SBDC Board, Mr. Gene
McCoy, reviewed the progress for this Center. He stated that
three corrrnittees had been appointed: A Location Corrmittee, chaired
by Milton Weiss; a Committee for the Estab1 ishment of SCORE, chaired
by Charles Spann; and a third committee to screen nominations for
appointment to the Executive Committee. He stated that the Executive
Committee would have authority to pass judgment for loan applications
on the local level which was the last step before an application
was submitted to SBA. He stated that the Location Committee had
secured approva I from the Schoo I Board to use the Wash i ngfun
School Ott ice Bui I ding rent-free; however, decision on this location
has been deterred and another site was also under discussion.
There was group discussion on meeting criteria for Board Membership
pertaining to representation of the poor. The Executive Committee
should have members who had the technical background to act on loan
applications. There was further discussion with Mr . Landsman
stating that he tett the Corrrnittee should not be too top-heavy
with bankers. Mr. Weiss asked Board Members the advi sabi I ity of
obtaining Resolutions from the City and County Governments in
suppo rt of the SBOC. Mr. Anderson moved, and it was seconded by
Mr. Burkholder that the SBDC Board request such Resolutions for
s upport . Motion carri ed. Mr. Weiss was appoi nt ed by the Cha irman
to carry thi s out.
Phys i ca I and Menta I Hea I th Comoonent of the NYC Program: Mrs. Wal broek reported
that this had been submitted May 7; however, it had been delayed in
Washington during processing and in San Francisco OEO offices. These
funds would be used for enrol lees of the Fall program also; however,
the original request of $7,800 had been cut to $5,000.
Migrant Projects: Mrs. Walbroek reported that the Migrant Health proposal had
been submitted in May also, and there had been the same delay;
however, after three months , an opinion came from Washington st ating
that this program should be referred to the Pub I ic Health Service for
funding; or if funded under OEO, it should be stri ct ly limited and
r e vised to encompass heal t h se rvices directly related to an ongoing
migrant program; eg . a day ca r e program. Mr s . Wa lbroek urged that
a sponsoring agency be obta ined f o r a total complex of progr ams
inc luding a day care center and educational pr ogr ams tor migrant
Clark County School District Projects: Dr. Shuck stated that the NYC In-School
Fal I Program has had similar problems with I imited funds avai I able.
It is anticipated the program wi 11 be able to employ between 175
and 200 youth. Discussion fol lowed on criteria tor enrol lee
acceptance, and Or. Shuck stated that income criteria wi 11 be more
closely observed due to the 1 imited number of work stations that
wit I be avai I able.
Lunch Program tor West Las Vegas: Mrs. l'/albroek reported that this program had
been delayed in its submission waiting for a determination as to
whether it could be funded under OEO or under the recent Education
Act. It has now been estab! ished that this can be under OEO;
however, it wi ! I probably have a contingency of one year and
assurance that the Clark County School District wi ! l conceivably
be interested in continuing the program.
Vista Program: Mrs. Johnson reported that there were now nine VISTA Volunteers
who were working within the program of Operation Independence.
Neighborhood Youth Corps Surrmer Program: Mr. Longhurst reported that this program
had reached a peak of 528 enrol lees of which there are approximately
230 now remaining in the work stations. The program has received
an extension of time unti I November I when it is hoped that a Fal I
and Spring program wi 11 be funded. He stated that funds wi l I not
permit as large a number of youth; however, this wi ! I al low more
intensive efforts directed to yout performance and tor low-up.
Title V Work Experience Program: Mrs. Eva Houston, Title V Project Supervisor
for Clark County, reported the to! lowing: Title V is a Work
Experience and Training Project. Its purpose is to provide training
or work experience for the unski I led laborer in order that he or she
may better provide for their families. Eligibility is based upon
the individual or family's needs and the abi ! ity of applicants to
profit from the learning experience. Eligibility requirements are
based on Pub I ic Assistance (categorical) el igibi I ity requirements.
There is one exception, however, that persons without residence
can participate in the Work Training Project is they agree to
remain in this area long enough to complete training. El igibi I ity
terminates at the end of Work Training participation and it is
hoped that the training or experience received wi ! I enable the
participants to find employment which wi J ! enable them to become
independent members of our community.
Conduct and Administration Grant: Mrs. Walbroek reported that this grant has
been awarded via telephone only, and that it wi 11 have two conditions
attached to it: that though the County EOB is the final authority,
any program for West las Vegas first has to be submitted to the
Planning Board of Operation Independence for study as to its
feasibi I ity; that Neighborhood Counci Is be developed by the EOB
and that the Board is responsible tor seeing that Operation
Independence is representative of the people of West las Vegas.
Mrs. Walbroek stated a copy of these conditions, when received,
would be circularized to the Board.
BY-LAWS OF THE ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY BOARD: The motion was made by Mr. Skagen
and seconded by Mr. Anderson that the By-Laws be studied and
brought back to the next meeting for approval by the Board .
Amendment to this motion was made that the committee wi 11 consider
any proposed amendment to the By-Laws. Vote was cal led for .
Motion carried. In discussion, Mr. Briare commended the committee
on their preparation of the By-Laws. He proposed to the corrmittee
that amendments be made to Page 3, Article 111, Section 2,
Trusteeship, to spel I out the manner in which the representatives
from target areas were to be obtained, to which Dr. Shuck added
that this be spelled out rather than stating that procedures
of the Corrmun i ty Action Gui de be used; and to Section 3,
Executive Committee, expressing concern regarding the powers of
the Executive Cammi ttee . A third amendment requested for
consideration was to spel I out the duties of the Treasurer.
PERSONNEL POLICIES: Each member had been given a copy of the amendments to
the proposed Personnel Policies for the Economic Opportunity Board .
Mr. Briare expressed concern that "The Executive Director shat I
employ all Economic Opportunity Board professional staff and
staff of projects administered by the Economic Opportunity Board,
subject to the approva I of the Board Chairman." He requested that
this be corrected to read 11 subject to the approval of the Board. '1
A motion was made to amend the personnel policies to read in this
way . This was seconded by Mr. Brunner . Motion carried . Mr . Anderson
further moved approval of the adoption of the personnel po! icies
and practices as amended . Mr. Hoggard seconded. Motion carried.
since PAL planned to protest the funding of Operation Independence,
to whom would this protestation be directed . Mrs . Wa!broek advised
that it should be directed to the Director of the State Office of
Economic Opportunity, Mr. Bruce Parks, in Carson City . There were .
questions directed to members of PAL as 1·0 their purpose and the i r
affi I iation. Members distributed information sheets describing
the i r ·organ i zat- ion, a copy of ~1h i ch is attached· to these· minutes.
Discussion fol lowed after which a motion was made by James Anderson
and secol'lded by Dr . Shuck that a committee of the Economic Opportunity
Board be appointed to work with PAL members and report back to the
Board on the operations and functions of PAL. Vote was taken.
Motion carried. The Chairman appointed Mi !ton \'leiss, James Snowden,
Father Charles Sha I low, Robert Trimble, and Leola Armstrong to
serve on this committee.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at
10,00 P.M .
rn,sl -6-
Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Walbroek
Executive Di rector
Executive Comm 1 ttee Meet Ing
October 25 , 1965 Economic Opportunity Off ice
1. Board and Execut i ve Committ ee membership
Rev I ew of Board membership and rep I acement of members
2. Condi ti ons of Grant Award to Economic Opportuni ty Of f i ce
3 . New Projects for Board Reviews
Ml grant program - Ferren Bunker, for Agr lcu [ture Extension
~Neighborhood worker - Ferren Bunker , for Agriculture Extension
PAL proj ects
4 . Employees for Economic Opportunity Office
D i scussi on of real i gnment of work, sal ary change
Number of persons Interviewed for two positions open;
posi ti ons adverti sed i n 5 new spapers.
I nterpretati on of Executi ve D i rectors authori ty in hi ri ng,
as out! !ned in personnel pol l cy
Recommendati ons of Executi ve D i rector re posi ti ons
5. A genda tor Board M eeti ng on October 27, 1965
O4,c0t0o b"e·r" H· , 1965
)051 Peradl t• bcl
L al V egH • Nava(M
,..,[!ff, Dll•ld lloggard, Joo-,h - k l • • , Charl es s,,....,, LM WolkAlr, t.e•I I • Shuck,
He,..,.y Ooftdero I Chel nmn)
Staff, ElaltM Walbroek, Syl vta Ltoft
IOAAO M(MB(ASHIP, Mr, eon.-ro calle<I t1M - t l • o to o- r . 1tetl ng that tho f l rot
It• on tM •o-nda •H dltcwselOft of .,.,.. Mea1Mtr1hlp. "'"· Welbroek
e,cpl 1f ne4 that tf \e 4rtl cl f f of l acor,oratl on 1ta'te theN shat I be
a NXIIUII of 40 Board MNl>et'9. Sfte aald that the Wa1hln9Ton Office of
£con08fc Opportuni ty ha4 H t f ort~ •-111 c:on<lltlons _.l dl au1t be
coepl l ed wi th. TM y are ttiwt ,overl y ,,.... l nl \abf ted l>y tb.e Mllxlnn
A ae,.lc& M , M ?l os, end lru:Uan1 ovtl l cl e tM Wttt L u Vega& erM and wi thi n
Cl erl l Cou•tv ,,.. •M l l -•l y ..,,..,..,te4 oo - pol l cyael l l ng ~: ond that
,rt l out ho 1'91>r<Hotetl - •f ;al ,oorl ty orp,,l l etl ona aro - " 01 ·-
pol l ey,ae" og bo,l y. " " · w,i.roe11 wN l n,rtn,ctl d to contact Mr. John Na•-•,
0,.,1,-a of a Spanl sl l --rl ..,, ..,.....1aatl •, to - I nt • ,.,...,,. 1,.... that
or,enl aotl on: " " d to Hl l ttM "'"''dint of NAN:P to appoi nt ,_ , el rNdy
ao tha ... ,, to ...,...,..., NAf,l;Jf. Sha - I M tructH to punUI al to t1M
ap,ol .- t of .,. l n41an.
M n, Wal --k 11<M H4 tl l et lln. LeMI• 1M Nar.hal I he4 real gM d dVI to
..., ...." Y u.t ..n l ty .-.1, on4 hally •11 ..t lons. There wn dhcua1lon
of Mr, Donel O'C.l log,..,.11 -rehlp 1114 ti!• C.-l tt. . -d•d that
,.. bl ,_. .d d,. to hl1 rul..,cy oart of Neffda. ,,,. ! loerd -rehr,
- totol l d l 7, and l .. Wol ur •41 o '""'°" thirt hrther l l ol r4 1cr-l 1111
N •ferro, '" 'tf l I t • - _ ..,,., to provld<t ., .... f or requl re4
a,,ol o-t a. Thl 1 wH - - •v Nr. NanlllM. -Ion pulled v nanl -.l y .
I t wf l f 1190 N r.qvl r•-' 'that_. re,,......-tatl .. be 1e1i'et1 fn:a tt.. propof f d
1l x NelghborM)od Councl l 1 whl dl •I II M NtKll11>ed In - la1 Yogu.
!XECUTIYI'. a»etl ntt MOeERSHll'i TheN vu dl eeu,•l on on 1tn,ctwre of ttta Encutl ••
C..l tt. . and I t wet p0l " tN ~t ~t tM 8y-Law1 p,..1entl y stet~. "TM
becwtlw C:0..U'f '. . wl 11 OOf tal tt of_.." .... ui, of of f l~n and
CftalrM ft of stendl f 'l g cc:aal tte.a." f ol lowlag dl K V Nl on I t ne recanneftdoed
by tho lacutl ..., Coonl tt. . _, - ly-,._, lwltlclt hawo "ot yet ,,_ acloptf<S
•v thl Total Board) ~ chaftgo4 to road ttoat ,,.. t..cutl .,. CoM l ttoe C0111f1t
of t tv II.,._ ,." whlch wlll I ncl ude Of f l C* n itnd Ol al nNf t of the Standl " 'tl
c-1,- •I th .--ol nl " 9 -rt to bl aloctff by tho !loord of Ol r-.cton.
The [ i cocutl vo Coonl tt• - - tho ntabl l 1hr.ent of tbe Of f i ce of
Secntery •nd asked that thl t N I ~ l n'to ttt. Sy-L l wt f or br d
•P1tnw1I. ~- Walbr"Od. shtH tut at ,._. .. two MabeN of thl Execvtlw
Coml tt.e w st k repre.-ntatl w of the taro-t areH.
IX l!aJTIV E CO..I TTE£ MH1"1NG Of OCT~E~ 2e, 196, (C.,,,f l n11ed) -2
HEIGHBMHOOo COl.M;ILS1 " '" · Wall.,.'04tk noted the el Condi ti on ot th• orant
awarct.d to the EcOf"IO'l'lfc Opportu"lty Ooer<I 1tetfng thot 1Mlg!\bof"hood
Counc:111 wl 11 be f o~ Jn West L•• V~as and a repre1•ntatlv. from •&cit
wl 11 be H eted on t" o Econoailc OpPQrtunl ty Eloerd. The Chal ni ten stetoc,
t~t at 1uch time thet t~ ,..P,..M " tethos .,.,.. elect~, the Board wl 11
• k • provi si on to seat thM . I t •es entl cJpated the Col.H'lcl 1, wf 11
be f$t'1Dld around ttio ,,,. school att~dance c:1ratrl cts . 01,cunl on contlnwed
on the conttructl on of the l tl l ghborhOOd Couftcl l a. i.tr1. 'i el broek M phatl zed
to tM C.0-l ttee t~et f onri etl on d theu Councf I~ ••11 ci .sl qnated H ~
,..soonsl l >I I l ty of t~e [C0f1001< Opportunl ry l l oerd.
NEW PROJECTS, M n. Walbroek stated tttat F•rren 8Ut1lcer 111u,uld pre5ent en ovtl ,~
of the Ml qrant P~re,n 11t the next Board Mee-t Ing, Thena has beon
dftcuulon of • ~lghl'H>rhood Wor"-r project which 'lfOUld e,nploy a penort
UtH:t.r t~ dlr.ctlo,i of tM Unlvenlty who would onlv l>e concernod with
West L at · y•oa• and who would be ret!)OMJ~I• for dttvolopln~ home 9C;;,.no«ilcs
cla,ses. C0/11\mtr lnfonne-tlon, hOMMIP.ln9, budgeting. •tc. Th• Char,.._n
noted that• l etttr h1td bf f n ~l 'l l t f fP'OCI C.ttl ol l e t-CQfflunl ty Wei tent
asking tha-t PAL groJects bre ple<:•d on th,a agende for the ~ rd IJMtlng.
The l etter stated that the projec1's _,.,.. Ming 16nt 1,mder H pereh C0"9r
however. tf \l s has not M en r'lk:ll:ved to date. ~. Spann dlseuued brl ef l y
hi t tri p to San Franci sco whe,.. M had tal ked wi th Mr. Cherl&1 Well,ol of
th• 81.1/"lew of Aging ef Htw. who hed H i d ~.t aoney ••• ev1l l ebl 1 f or
proJK t1 fer tho SenlOf" Cl tf 1en. M rs, Walbr-oek ateted that she tied b-Mn
fof l owf ~ 'IP wi th corre1pon01nce to Mfo, W.IUI; he plenned to Oe In Las
Y ~et Novetlber 15 en<1 1e, and ... tl not wovld b• set up at that 1'1• f or fltcuulon of 1ucll proJ«-t1.
l'OSITl(»IS OPiN IH ,ce OfrlCE1 Nrt, Woll>roek provi ded Board - .... wi th a I l rtl nq
of th04e person, who hed Men Inter.viewed for the 1>01ltfon of Progr11W
A nl 1tet. SM tteted th•t aha trtOUld IIQ to raCC)IMWtnd ttl4 •ppol nhl ent
d Ill', 14orrla Pel tz who 11 .. , , q .. l l f f ef f1lr thi s pos! tl oo. There,,,.,
dhcussl on of " tr. ~ltz and hit letter' of apiillcetlon WM read.
Mr. Mankins eeff • MOtlon that tt\4 recaa.11datlott ot ""rs. 'lt'albroek to
•1111>!00, Mr • .-.1tz for th• posi ti on of ProgrM A stl stanf be ac.copted •
..,__ Wallt4r Hconded. ~f l cn ••• P••••d WMf'llaously.
Mn. Walbn:,e-. said that Oo"(la Longhurst, who p,..sently hold tho.! t>Otltlon
of H tl rtent In tne fconOJtlc Op!)Ot"'tunlty 8oerd Office tiad talked with
her abovt ra1t9netron fr'CIK thl1 posttfon to~ hl!llf·t/,... ProJ•ct
Ol r.ctor of the Nef~borhood Yovt+t Corps progru. '~r,. Welff"oek ~ndad
...,., Longhur1f 1 1 worlil. with ~ prograni and ,..,, that he wowld continue to do
an excel lent Job with tt\e NYC prog,..., S~ 1tated thet "'4r. ~vld HoQ-gard
hed M do appl l cetl on for this poeltlM, i nd she r9Con1'1$nded J\I• es
rep l aceaent ot Mr. l onghwNt.
. She further ,-tahQ tl\at she wou14 11)1.e to ...,..,. ttuta$ ho ~1l tl on1 of > Progresa f tul stanh be of an equal ul 1ry . She ndvl sed tM COl 'l l 'l tteo
that ;>4M11aslon to do thlt h~ b .. n aouQflt already through OE.0 11 Act-glonal
OH I ce. The COI M l l ttu concul"'red wi th th• two 1al erl c,s t>elng equal at
$700 p•r " °" th, rol l ovl l '\9 dhcuttl oo on Mr, Hogg.erd's appl l c11tl on f or
thi s posi ti on, l!r . Cnarl aa Spenn * >'tl on-4 that Mn. wal broek'1
reCOtn1Mndetloo to 8Mploy Mr. Hog9ar·d to NJl1ce '4.r, L onghur,t f f ·
eccapted, This 'ftOtlon waa tK Ondod by Mr. Mel\klns, i,nd i:,Assed 11nenl.ous(y
AOJ~.t'ElfT: The,.. bel 'lQ no f urther l ni ,l r,eas, the 11q was adJournad.
rw , 11
Retc,ecthl Iv 1ut>,,iJtted,
£11lne •atbr04tk
E.c:vtl.,. 01 rector
Economic Opportunity Board of Clark County
To: Board Members
and Technical Advisory Committee
FROM: Harvey Dondero
RE: October Board Meeting
The October mee'ting of the Economic Opportunity Board wi 11 be held:
7:30 P.M .
Wednesday, October 27, 1965
Rancho High School Library
We wi 11 primarily be concerned with the adoption of the By-Laws .
These were originally malled to Board Members September 9 and discussed
briefly at the September Board r.'eeting. Enclosed Is a copy tor your review with
suggested revisions which we hope you wi 11 bring to Wednesday night's meeting.
You wl 11 note that under Article IV, Section 3; Removal for absence. Absence
from 3 consecutive regular meetings without prior notification to the Executive
Director shat I constitute cause for removal from the Board.
We sincerely hope that you wi 11 be able to attend the Board Meetings.
October 27, 1965
7:30 P.M.
Rancho High School Library
las Vegas, Nevada
Minutes of the September 29 Board Meeting
Minutes of the October 25 Executive Committee Meeting
Finance Report
Report of Programs
Special Conditions
Outlined by the Office of Economic Opportunity relative
to the awarding of the administration grant to the Economic
Opportunity Board of Clark County; these conditions were
circularized to the entire Board, along with the audit
report, October 18.
'!J By~~:;: were initially circularized to the Board September 9
and discussed briefly at the September 29 meeting. These
are currently before the Board tor revision and adoption.
J lBoard Membersh Ip
1/f - In the light of requirements by the Office of Economic
Opportunity, the Board Membership wl 11 need the addition
of certain memberships.
Committee to Meet with PAL Organization
The Chairman appointed Ml I ton Weiss, James Snowden,
Father Charles Sha I low, and Robert Trimble to meet
with the PAL Organization.
Migrant Services and Faci I ities Program
This complex of migrant services has been discussed
in several Board Minutes since spring. There is
positive information now about faci l itles upon which
the service is based.
Lee Wa Iker
Elaine Walbroek
Harvey Dondero
Harvey (k:mdero
Harvey Dondero
James Snowden
Ferren Bunker
k i:::--+- (;: O_L
Economic, Educational, Leadership Training Worker - f>-.p FerrEt~ker
Program request by Agricultural Extension Division of the ~ /--'l./h-LUniverslty
of Nevada.
Project Request Robert Fahey
Program Requests by Catholic Community Welfare
f J:
October 27, 1965
7: 30 P.M.
Rancho High School library
Las Vegas. Nevada
PRESENT: Board Members: Harvey Dondero (Chairman), Charles Spann, David Hoggard,
Earl Brunner, Jr., Leslie E. Shuck, Emory W. Lockette, Robert McPherson,
James L . Snowden, Ernest 0. Skagen, Ferren W. Bunker, Father Charles T.
Sha! low, Juanita White, Dr. Charles I. West, Mi I ton Weiss, H. P. Fitzgerald,
N. W. Tigner, Lee Walker, James Anderson, Genevieve Arensdorf,
Mr. Don Hampton (representing Robert Mu I I en)
Technical Advisory Corrmittee Members: W. E. Kearns, Gene McCoy,
Frank Coleman, Keith Macdonald
Guests: Pasqual e U rbazzo, L ubertha Johnson, Robert V. B etts, M argaret
Quinn, Doris leRoux, Tony McCormick, Bro. George Barton, Nancy Wi 11 iams
Joe Neal, Robert Fahey, Jan Chaviers, Diane J. Mason, Bi 11 Chavlers,
Bi 11 Mui ler, Emma Fenton
MINUTES: The Chairman, Harvey Dondero, cal led the meeting to order. He stated
that copies of the minutes of the meeting of September 29 had been mailed
to Board Members, and cal led for any corrections or additions to these
Father Sha I low noted that the statement made by David Hoggard that
11a motion had been passed that a I I projects for West Las Vegas under
the anti-poverty program would originate under Operation Independence
was erroneous. Father Sha I low stated that Mr. Hoggard had read a
Resolution on this about three months ago; however, no Board motion
had been passed.
Father Sha I low stated further that according to the minutes, the Special
Conditions, as stated by Mrs. Walbroek, inferred that all programs
concerning West las Vegas be approved by Operation Independence before
coming to the Economic Opportunity Board. Father Sha I low stated that
this was erroneous; that the Special Condition did not mean this;
it real fy meant that Operation Independence would need to approve a project
before it was sent on to OEO but the Economic Opportunity Board could
approve it first before passing it on to Operation Independence for
Father Shallow questioned the legality of Operation Independence ,
stating that in order to sponsor a program, an organizat i on must have
been operating (incorporated) before passage of the Economic Opportunity
Act in August 1 1964.
It was requested that the name of Wi 11 iam Trimble, appearing on page 3,
be changed to Robert Trimble.
Discussion fol lowed on the points raised by Father Charles Sha I low.
Mrs. Lubertha Johnson stated that Operation Independence has been
concerned with poverty as an organization long before the Economic
Opportunity Act was passed.
Mr. Robert Fahey, guest at the meeting and an employee of Catholic
Community Welfare, further stated that Operation Independence did not
come within the entity of the law as they were not incorporated as an
organization until June 20, 1965, and prior to that time had been only
an advisory convnittee to another organization (referring to the
Nevada Tuberculosis and Hea I th Association).
The Chairman stated that these points entered by Father Shallow may be
debated; however, the matter before the Board now cat led for acceptance
of the minutes as being recorded correctly.
Mr. Anderson made a motion that the minutes be approved with the
necessary corrections to involve reporting as to what did occur at
the meeting. This was seconded by Reverend Tigner. Motion carried.
Committee held August 25 were read by the Office Staff Secretary,
Sylvia Leon. Father Sha I low objected to the fact that a person had
been employed to ti 11 a new position in the office; he asked why this
had not been advertised. The Executive Director stated that it had
been advertised for two weeks in the Los Angeles Sentinel, the Las Vegas
Sun, the Las Vegas Review Journa I, and the "Voi ce 11 , a Westside newspaper.
Father Shallow then questioned the right to advertise for this, asking
who had given permission. ft was noted by various members that the
position had been authorized by the Board at previous Board Meetings;
that there had been I engthy discussion regarding this new positron and
the Executive Di rector had been directed to recruit. A motion was made
by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Spann, that the minutes of the Executive
Committee meeting of October 25 be ratified. Motion carried with one
dissenting vote cast by Father Sha I tow.
Fl NANCI AL REPORT: The Chairman stated that each Board Member had been provided
with a copy of the financial report for the month of September, 1965.
He asked if there were any questions concerning this. There were none .
Mr. Skagen made a motion that the financial report be approved. This
was seconded by Mr. Anderson. Motion carried.
BOARD MEM3ER COUNT: Father Sha! low asked to have a count of the Board Members
present. There were objections by Father Sh:::tl low and Mr. Fahey that
a majority was not present. The Chairman verified the present Board
Membership to be 36. The Board Membership J isting presently showed
39; however, Mrs. Lonnie Lee Marshal I had resigned several days before,
Mr. Sam Boyd's letter of resignation had been received October 27, and
the Executive Committee had voted that Mr. [k>nal 0 1 CaJ laghan be removed
from the Board due to his residency outside of Clark County. Several
counts of Board ~.em~ers were made; a roll cal I was taken which
verified Board Member attendance to be 20. This constituted a
majority. Father Sha I low further questioned Mr. James Anderson's
status as a Board Member, stating that he was an ex-officio member
because when he ,..1as appointed to the Board by the Chairman, there
were two dissenting votes when the Board was requested to ratify
the appointment.
Soecia! Conditions: The Chairman read the Special Conditions which
had been made a part of the administration grant awarded to the
Economic Opportunity Board. He stated that steps were being taken
to comply with these conditions.
By Laws: The Chairman stated that the next matter before the Board
was changes- and approval of the By-Laws. He stated changes which
had been suggested at the previous Board M:Jeting and changes suggested
by the Executive Corrmittee were attached to the copies the members had
before them. Mr. Skagen, Chairman of the By-Laws Committee, stated
that it was hoped that the proposed By-Laws ~-· -- u:d be acceptable to
the Board.
Father Sha.I low was recognized by the Chairman and stated that he
believed the By-Lm1s 1·1ere a very good job in general; however, there
was one point he would question. H3 questioned 11 what would constitute
an emergency which \·.1ou!d necessitate the Executive Con-mittee taking
action?11 Mr. Skagen stated that the Committee had given this quite
a lot of thought end felt it necessary; one example he cited being
that-an important staff position should be vucatcd and immediate
action would need to be taken; c.nother example that a Board Meeting would
not have a quorum so no legal action could be taken by them; then it
would be necessary for the Exocutive Committee to carry on the meeting
to conduct business provided th e r e was a quorum of the Executive
Corrvni ttee.
Mr. Anderson mac':! a motion thut thi s te c:.mended to read 11 The Executive
Committee shcil 1 have the power of t aking interim action subject to
ratification of the He explained that the purpose of this
st atement 1:ould ~ ~ to indicate that the ,..,ork of the organization could
then go forward ~ut in the event that the Executive Committee does take
action, the Board would n0t be bound by t hat action. Mr. Earl Brunner
seconded this motion. Motion curried.
A question 1-;as raised on Article 11, Scctio;i 1-a, stating that "The
Board wi I! serve in a r.on-op:::waticnal capacity. 11 There was discussion
regarding this. Mrs. W.:ilbroc!< stil1ed that there were certain programs,
such as the Neighborhood Youth Corp s , which had countywide significance,
which did require that the EOB serve in an "operational capacity" and
had been so advised to do by the Office of Economic Opportunity.
Father Shat low brought into discussion the "Community Action Guide'1,
a pub! ication of the Office of Economic Opportunity, stating that
this was the 11 I aw11 and this said that such a Board served in a
non-ope rat i ona t capacity. Mrs . \~a I broek stated that she wou Id
request a letter of clarification from the Office of Economic
Opportunity as to how the Economic Opportunity Board can serve.
Father Sha I low stated that he would wish this to be done.
Father Shat low quest ioned the legality of the Economic Opportunity
Board, stating that "no private institution or organization shal I
be eligible for participation unless it existed prior to the passage
of the Economi c Opportunity Act. 11 He said that this Board did not
exist unti I March or Apr i I of this year; therefore, it cannot "run
programs. 11
There was further discussion on the Economic Opportunity Board being
operat i ona l or non-operational. A motion was made and seconded that t he
word 11non- opor at lona f ·1 be changed to "oper ational". A standing vote
was taken with no fina l decision resulting at this point. Mr. Anderson
then made a motion that Article 11, Section I-a, stand as i s with the
amendment fol l owing it that "except when, in the judgment of the Board,
no qua I ified sponsoring agency exists." This was seconded by Reverend
T i gner. Motion carr i ed.
Mr. Anderson moved that Page 2 be adopted as presented . Reverend Tigner
seconded. Motion carried.
"1r . Anderson moved the adoption of Page 3 as corrected. Reverend Tigner
seconded . Motion carried.
Mr. Anderson moved adoption of the correct i ans proposed by the Executive
Committee as shown on the green sheet . Reverend Tigner seconded. Motion
carr i ed.
Mr. Anderson moved that Page 4, down to Article V, be adopted. Seconded
by Reverend Tigner . Motion carried .
Mr . Anderson moved that Article 5 be adopted as corrected by the Executive
Col'!l'l'littee's recommendations as written on the green sheet (which added the
Office of Secretary). Reverend Tigner seconded. Motion carried .
Mr. Anderson moved adoption of Article 6 as corrected by the green sheet
(increasing membership of Executive Committee to 9 to II members and
adding method of selection). Reverend Tigner seconded. Motion carried .
Regarding Article Vl I, the Chairman stated that this provided for
three standing committees -- the Executive Committee, the Finance Committee,
and the Nominating Committee. He asked for discussion on this.
Father Shal tow discussed Section 3, asking that i t read 11AI l meetings
shal I require a 3-day notice to the Trustees with copies of pertinent
documents to be provided in advance. There was further discussion,
including that of the sometimes slow mai I delivery in Las Vegas.
Mr. Walker suggested that the Article be left as is; however, that
the Board pass a Resolution asking that the Executive Director do this
insofar as possible. This Resolution was accepted by the Chairman.
Mr. Anderson moved the adoption of Article Vl I; this was seconded
by Mr . Tigner. !'lotion carried.
Mr. Anderson moved adoption of Article VI 11 with the amendment that
a division of votes be shown when cal led for by any single trustee
present. This was seconded by Reverend Tigner. Motion carried.
Mr. Anderson moved the adoption of Article X. Reverend Tigner seconded.
Motion carried.
There was discussion on Article XI conerning Section I, Fiscal Year.
Mrs. Walbroek stated that OEO had asked agencies to set up a single
fiscal year which would fit best with beginning and termination dates
of projects. Mr . Anderson moved that Section I of Article XI be
deferred unti I such time as information is available as to a feasible
date. Reverend Tigner seconded. Motion carried.
Mr. Anderson moved that Section 2 of Arficle XI be adopted as presented.
Reverend Tigner seconded. Motion carried .
Mr. Anderson moved that Article XI I be adopted as presented . Reverend
Tigner seconded. Motion carried .
Mr. Spann moved that the Coir111ittee on By-laws (Mr. Skagen, Mr. Reid,
Mrs. Armstrong) be issued a vote of appreciation for the composition
of these By-laws . Reverend Tigner seconded. Motion carried .
Mr. Keith Macdonald, member of the Technical Advisory Committee, asked
why·. tnere was no I isting of the Technical Advisory Cormiittee. Discussion
followed. The Chairman ruled that this would be considered a special
committee ~1hich is crovered in Article VI.
when meeting with the PAL Organization, he was very impressed with their
efforts; however, they were not able to express themselves as to how they
wou 1d I i ke to work with the Board, with Operation Independence, or what
they wanted of the Boa rd.
Mr. Snowden reported that his findings were very much the same; he fe J t
this was an earnest, hard-working group. He had asked them if they would
be wi 11 ing to work with Operation Independence. He stated that after
lengthy discussion, they said they could under certain conditions. He
felt that somewhere personality had come into the picture, and that
somewhere they had obtained some wrong information. However, Mr. Snowden
said that he felt under the right circumstances and conditions that PAL
as an organization wou I d be an asset to the West Las Vegas area and
would work wi th Operation Independence. He said that PAL wants to see
things done; that the EOB had been in operation since March and they
did not fee I that things \'lfere getting done .
Mr . Ande r son , though not a member of the Committee; however, was
recognized by the Chair, stated that he had attended a convention in
the East on NI RA. He Ii stened to a speech by Sau I A Ii nsky who had
attacked the right of the middleclass Negro to offer leadership to
the poverty Negro . These i deas, he stated , res u It in attacks on the
existing War on Poverty organizations . Mr. Anderson stated that the
PAL organ ization seems to be disc i p I es of Mr . A Ii nsky. He further
stated that Mr . Al insky's program was meant to bring to a halt effective
action taking place and to replace it with actions of its own.
Mr . Anderson stated that he wou Id f i ke to take exception to any statement
that a good job has not been done on the Westside .
Mr. Snowden presented a point of order in that he had been asked to
give this report as a comnittee member and that unti I the Board accepted
or rejected the comnittee's report , there shou l d be no discussion by
non - committee members - - that discussion could take place fol lowing the
Board ' s action. Mr. Snowden stated that he wou l d like the Board to
accept o r reject the Committee ' s report , to which Mr. Anderson moved that
the Committee ' s report be rece i ved. This was seconded by Reverend Tigner.
Motion carried .
Migrant Services and Faci I ities Program : The Chai nnan asked Mr . Ferren
Bunker to report on this program . Mr. Bunker stated that sometime ago
a report had been given to the Board on this program, and had been
approved in principle. He stated that there were no specific changes.
but that the Comnit t ee had been successful with finding housing which
was inexpensive enought to be acceptable . Two companies were mak i ng
proposals and it was now before the County Commission for approval.
A variance wi f I be required to provide this type of housing . lt was
hoped that this program cou Id be approved in December in ti me for this
year ' s migrant population. If it is not approved by this time, then
it wi It probably not be put into effect for another year. Of the two
firms , one was a I oca I one which was discussed, and Mr . Bunker and
Mr s . Watbroek stated that this was the one being most favorably considered.
Mrs . Walbroek further stated that these monies would not county against
county ' s guide! ines for Title I! monies ; that they would come under
Tit l e Ill which is specifically for migrant and rural programs. She said
that Mr. Bunker ' s report was primarily to inform the Bear d that there
seemed to be a solution to the faci I ities problem . Mrs . Walbroek introduced
Mr . Pasquale Urrubaco, a person who has been very concerned with the
migrant worker . Mr. Urrubaco expressed his fee( ings that this wou l d be
a good thing for the migrant worker; that there were many migrant workers
who had to s I eep in their cars as there was nowhere else to go, and he
detailed some of the poverty conditions under which they I ive.
- 6-
Economic, Educational, Leadership Training Worker: Mr. Bunker reported
on this program; a copy of the proposal was provided to each Board
Member present. Mrs. Johnson stated she had discussed this program
with Mr. Bunker and felt it was a good program. The Chairman ruled
that this proposal be referred to Operation Independence for further
act.ion and recommendation to the Economic Opportunity Board.
Project Regu,est by PAL: Mr. Robert Fahey presented this program, a
copy of whi,ch was provided to each Board Member present when they
arrived at _the meeting. Mr. Fahey answered Mr. Anderson's comparison
of the PAL organization with the Saut Al insky group, stating that
i'fherever the poor Negro is in operation there are no riots -- wherever
the mi~dleclass Negro is in operation, we have a Watts."
Mr. Fahey stated that in two conversations with Mr. Robert Van Horn
of the OEO Regional Office, it was stated by Mr. Van Horn that the
local Economic Opportunity Board can pass on any and alt projects;
however, al I projects involving West Las Vegas must go To Operation
Independence for review.
Mr. Fahey reviewed the work of the PAL organizat.ion, stating thatthis
organization had removed 100 families from the Juliart Traiter
Court. He said PAL is att·empting to make theJ r program grow· so that
· poor people wi 11 have a chance to have something accomplished for them.
-He pointed out that- in the PAL project 99$ o-t the funds go to the .poor
i,n the targei" area.
Mr. Anderson recorrrnended approval of this program for the .good that
it coul d do and so that threats to halt funding by Washington, threats
of legal suits would stop. Mr. Weiss recorwnended tha1 programs should
be approved on the merit alone wi t hout regard to threats . Dr. Shuck
concarred with Mr. Weiss' statement.
··Mr. Sparrn questioned overt ap in this project and what had a I ready been·
approved for Operation Independence. Mr. Fahey stated that there was
no overlap; that this program was primarily for training of ·leadership
and that there was no conn ict whatsoever with what had been proposed
by Operation Independence. Mr. Fahey stated that in conversati ans with
Mr. Van Horn, he had tentatively approved the PAL project.
Mr. Anderson substituted his recommendati on with a motion that this
matter be held over until the next Board Meeting due to the fact that
material had j ust been rece.ived and members had not had an opportunity
to study it. This was seconded by Reverend Tigner. Di scuss ion fol lowed
as to whether o r not t hi s program should go to Operat ion f'ndependence.
It was determined t hat PAL wanted the approval of the EOB first.
-6- fl.
Mrs . Walbroek suggested that a meeting be held with Mr . Van Horn
when he wou l d be i n town this weekend to clar i fy s001e of the cond i tions
and procedures by which the EOB is bound and some of the questions
raised . She said that this wou ! d a I so prevent spending a tremendous
amount of t i me i n developing a project which might need changes or
wh i ch mi ght not be acceptab l e. The Board concurred with this . A
meeting was p l anned at which Mr . Fahey, Father Shallow, Mrs. Walbroek ,
wou l d be present, and a member designated to represent the EOB and one
designated to represent OPerati on f ndependence . Father Sha I low stated
that this meeting met with h i s approval. There was further discuss i on
on whom should be present, and the Chairman directed the Executive
Di rector to set up the meeting as need dictated.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Mr. Anderson invited persons present to attend the meetings being
held this Friday and Saturday on the Governor's Conference on Equal
Rights .
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned .
EW :s I
Respectfully submitted ,
-fb~ /Jadv,_,,,1£
Elaine Walbroek
Executive Di rector
TO: Economic Opportunity Board Members
FROM: Harvey Dondero, Chairman
DATE: October 28, 1965
As the result of the Econom i c Opportunity Board Meeting held October 27, and
some of the important questions that were raised and that needed immediate
clarification , a special total Board Meeting is being cal !ed for:
Fri day, October 29, 1965
7,30 P.M .
Rancho High School Library
The Special Consultant from the Regional Office of the Office of Economic
Opportunity wi I l be there to discuss some of the issues which were raised at
the meeting. We fee! it is urgent that as many Board Members as possible
attend this meeting so that there can be comp I ete understanding as to the
rol I of the Econ1J1Tiic Opportunity Board in the community, its responsibi I ities,
and the rol I of Operation Independence as a Project sponsor.
Aga i n, we must urge your attendance .
October 29, 1965
7,30 P.M .
Special Board Meeting of the
Economic Opportunity Board of Cl ark County
Rancho High Schoo t
Las Vegas, Nevada
This meeting has been cal led for clarification of some of the
questions which were raised at the Board Meeting of October 27.
That there be clear understanding of the answers to these questions,
a consultant of the Regional Office of the Office of Economic
Opportunity, Washington, D.C., Mr. Robert Van Horn, is present.
The Director of the Economic Opportunity Program for the State of
Nevada, Mr. Bruce Parks, is also avai I able for discussion.
ti ) Minutes of the Economic Opportunity Board Meeting of October 27, 1965.
(2) Discussion of Questions Raised in the Minutes by Father Charles
Shallow of the Catholic Community Welfare Ol"ganization,
fa) Interpretation of the special condition,referring to approval
by Operation Independence of West Las Vegas projects~ (Page I)
Cb) Legality of Operation Independence serving as sponsor with the
question that an organization "must have been operating JA<!
Ci ncorporated) before the passage of the Economic Opportun I ¥y
Act, August,. 1964.11 (Page I)
(c) Mr~ James Anderson's status as a Board Member. (Page 2)'
(d) Can the Economic Opportunity Board serve in an "operational" )}r
capacity? {Page 3)
Ce) The legality of the Economic Opportunity Board. (Page 4) b'\l
October 29, 1965
7,30 P.M.
Rancho High School Library
Las Vegas, Nev.
PRESENT: Board Members: J. H. Mankins, Ernest 0. Skagen, Stella Fleming, Les I ie Shuck,
Lyal Burkholder, James Snowden, Ferren\~. Bunker, Robert L. Reid, Charles Spann,
J. R. McPherson, Father Charles Sha I tow, Juanita White, Harvey Dondero,
David Hoggard, H. P. Fitzgerald, Genevieve Arensdorf.
Staff: Elaine Walbroek, Doyle Longhurst, Morris Peltz, Sylvia Leon.
Technical Advisory ConYTiittee Members: W. E. Kearns, Gene McCoy, Frank Coleman,
Keith Macdona 1d .
Special Guests: Mr. Robert Van Horn, Field Consultant, Regional Office of
Economic Opportunity; Mr. Bruce Parks, Di rector, State Department of Economic
Guests: Pasquale Urebazzo, Robert Fahey, Ida MacMarcus, Hetois Sayles,
BTTTcarlos, Harvey Gorren, Lubertha M. Johnson, Joe Neal, Carmen A. Yanez,
Jane Govern, Ellen C. Henderson, Diane J. Mason, Bi 11 Chaviers, Jan Chaviers,
Lucille Gee, Doris LeRoux, Cherrie Hopkins, G. Hopkins, Mona Mason, Mary Carter,
Linda Ward, Lucille Bell, Ida Mae Crockett, Myrtle Banks, Nina Traylor,,
Eva Lee Carr, Pat Fahey, Wi 11 ie Lee McNeal, Ethel M. Gray, James McNeal,
David Prourel I, Dorothy Houston, Wally E. Wiksten, Hattie Mitchel I, Alvin Scott,
Grace McGlothen, Ren M. Clark, Rhoda Kluge, Linda McMurray, Bonnie H. Carroll,
Frank Anderson, L. L. McDaniel, G. Klinger, Charles M. Jones, Margaret Quinn,
Dorothy Janes, Robert P. Johnson, Gloria Rome, Ike Rome, 011 ie L. Bowie,
Cynthia Klinger, Emma Fenton, Peggy Walker, Marion Bennett, Earle W. White, Jr.,
Velvet Dicksen, Wi 11 ie E. Banks, Julia Mae Troutman, Sarah Ann Knight,
Jesse B. Wi 11 iams, George Bro. Barton.
CALL TO ORDER: The Chairman, Harvey Dondero, called the meeting to order. He said
that this meeting has been cal led for clarification of some of the questions
raised at the Board ~eting of October 27. That there be clear understanding
of the answers to these questions, a consultant of the Regional Office of
the Office of Economic Opportunity, Washington, D.C., Mr. Robert Van Horn,
is present. The Director of the Economic Opportunity Program tor the State
of Nevada, Mr. Bruce Parks, is also avai I able for discussion. The Chairman
referred to the agenda and stated that there would be discussion of questions
raised, as shown in the minutes of the meeting of October 27, by Father Charles
Sha I low of the Catholic Corrmunity Welfare organization.
SPECIAL CONDITION RE WEST LAS VEGAS PROJECTS: The Chairman noted that the first item
was the interpretation of the Special Condition given to the Economic
Opportunity Board regarding the securing of approval of Wes t Las Vegas projects
from "Operation lndependence. 11 Mr. Van Horn was asked to clarify this Special
Condition which had been set forth by the Office of Economic Opportunity.
Mr. Van Horn stated that Office of Economic Opportunity relationships with
any community are based upon working with a countywide corMJittee -- the
committee here being the Economic Opportunity Board; therefore, in any
project submitted that Board is the applicant agency. This Board is the
agency who would receive any applications for projects. He stated that the
Special Condition attached to the last grant approval of the EOB stated that
proposals affecting West Las Vegas should be approved by the Operation
Independence Board. OEO would not state a requirement as to Board processing
of these proposals -- it is an internal question as to whether this Board
refers them first or after EOB approval to Operation I ndep• ndence.
The Speci a 1 Condi ti on states that the Operation Independence Board shou 1 d
approve any West Las Vegas proposals pr-ior to their being submitted to the
Regional Office of Economic Opportunity. This condition was based upon
information secured by OEO, Washington, O.C. staff who were in the Las Vegas
community several months before and were aware that Operation Independence
was in existence and had been functioning as an agency under the Economic
Opportunity Act in proposing projects, and that Operation Independence had
been under development and in operation for several years in the West Las
Vegas area. On this basis, Washington felt that R group of citizens, in
this case Operation Independence, from West Las Vegas should review projects
concerning that area, and therefore imposed the condition. Mr. Van Horn
discussed further that in the event that proposals referred to Operation
Independence were recommended against, withheld, etc., then the Economic
Opportunity Board, if it should be in disagreement with the Operation
Independence action, did have a responsibi I ity for further action.
The Economic Opportunity Board could forward the request, together with the
recorrrnendation of the Operation Independence Board, and the recommendations
of the EOB, to the Office of Economic Opportunity. Also, under the provisions
of the 1a w, if a group of peep I e or an agency have attempted to work through
the funded agency for the i r county ( in th i s case the Economic Opportunity
Board of Clark County) and feel that they have been dealt with unfairly,
such a group or agency may bring this to the attention of the Office of
Economic Opportunity directly. The Chairman called for questions from the
group. Mr. Mankins asked if Operation Independence wou t d be asked to make
recommendations on projects other than those of the \'lest Las Vegas area.
Mr. Van Horn stated that the Special Condition concerned West Las Vegas
only. He further discussed the development of neighborhood councils in the
West Las Vegas area, stating that OEO would hope that such counci Is would
later be developed in other areas of need in Clark County.
that Operation Independence's legality as an agency had been raised by
Father Sha I low, and Father Sha I low had quoted from the Coornunity Action Guide
that "an organization must have been operating (incorporated) before the
passage of the Economic Opportunity Act in August, 1964. 11 Mr. Van Horn
answered that that criterion applies only to an organization acting as a
community action agency, but that there was absolutely no requirement such
as this for a delegate agency, which is the role of Operation Independence .
He further discussed responsibi I ities of a delegate agency, stating that
though it had responsibi J ity for a program or project, it was not the
app 1 i cant agency. The app Ii cant agency is the CAP Board which is the Economic
Opportunity Board of Clark County. He also clarified the meaning of the word
11 sponsor", stating that this refers to an agency such as county government,
city government, or a governing agency legally constituted with broad
responsibi I ities in the area dealing with poverty; that sponsorship comes
into the picture only originally; eg. when the Economic Opportunity Board
itself was sponsored by Cl ark County and was de legated the responsi bi Ii ty
for the county's anti-poverty program by the Clark County Commission.
Further, Mr. Van Horn explained that when there is a community action agency
in existence, projects must always be submitted to OEO through that agency.
Mr. Robert Fahey questioned who controls the funds granted through the Office
of Economic Opportunity . Mr. Van Horn stated that the Economic Opportunity
Board is the reviewing Board which makes determinations as to what projects
should be applied for; after they are submitted to OEO; however, that
office may make changes, even refer to other agencies for funding, etc.
When the project is finally approved by the Office of Economic Opportunity,
it is approved with the Economic Opportunity Board given the responsibi I ity
for it by OEO. The EOB is the agency which OEO holds as having prime
responsibility in program development, competent bookkeeping procedures,
use of funds, etc. Therefore, the Economic Opportunity Board must be certain
that the delegate agency carries out its responsibi I ities competently.
Mr. Fahey asked that if funds were misused by a delegate agency, who would be
responsible. Mr. Van Horn stressed that the Economic Opportunity Board was
held responsible for al I monies granted under the CAP; reiterating that was
why the EOB must be satisfied that the delegate agency is capable of handling
the funds. Mr. Van Horn stated that a delegate agency is usually nonprofit;
however, there are exceptions; eg. youth corps training centers being run
by private industry.
Mr. Fahey stated that to be a nonprofit agency, that agency must have filed
a declaration of nonprofit status with the Internal Revenue Service.
Mr. Van Horn stated that this was based on State Law. He further said that
this is the purpose of the CAP Form 4 which is filed with al I grant applications
in which the attorney attests that the app Ii cant agency is what it is
represented as being.
MR. JAMES ANDERSON'S STATUS AS A BOARD MEMBER: The Chairman reviewed the fact that
Mr. Anderson's status as a Board Member had been questioned for there were
two dissenting votes when the Board was asked for ratification. The Chairman
stated that though there were two dissenting votes, his appointment was ratified
by the majority.
stated, in answer to whether the EOB could function in an "operational 11 capacity,
that from OEO's standpoint, yes they could. He said that CAP programs were
being run by CAP agencies nationwide. Father Sha I low stated that his point in
raising this was that it was Jifficult for this Board to be completely
objective if it is competing with another group who might wish to run a
program. Mr. Van Horn stated that this question was not within OEO's body of
regulations; that this would be a local question. OEO would become concerned
with the situation onty if they were shown that there is a disregard for the
facts and criteria.
Discussion was entered by Mr. Woodruff on self-help organizations in the
United States operating under the Economic Opportunity Act programs.
Mr. Van Horn stated that there were such groups and discussed specific
C()AMENTS BY MR. VAN HORN: Mr. Van Horn commented on the statement made in the minutes
of the meeting of September 29 at which he was present. The statement was
that Dr. Shuck asked to have his statement clarified regarding policy and
budget approval by federal agencies: 11 \.'lhen a Board recorrmended a policy or
a budget which was then subsequently approved by the federal agency, but
then later changed by the federal agency, would this not cause the local
Board to lose staff members and weaken its structure? 11 Mr. Van Horn stated
that OEO had not approved a budget and then changed this budget, nor had OEO
approved a pol icy and then changed that pol icy. He stated that it was a
complete I y new budget that had been under consideration. Discussion f o I lowed
with Board Members stating that OEO had approved the original budget but
1-1hen the same sa 1a ry amount was requested for the Executive Di rector in the
subsequent budget, it was disapproved. Board members further stated that it
had been part of the employment agreement that the salaries of the Executive
Di rector and the Program Coard i nator wou Id be raised to the amounts approved
by the Federal Government after a 3-month period of employment. Mr. Van Horn
stated that if this had been a specific condition of the employment, an
appeal should be made to OEO based on this fact. Mr. Van Horn corrmented on
another statement recorded in the minutes of the October 27 meeting which
stated that Mr. Fahey had said that in conversations with Mr. Van Horn,
11 he (Mr. Van Horn) had tentative I y approved the PAL project." He said
that he felt sure that Mr. Fahey was aware that he does not have the power
to approve anything he had not seen. He further said that he had been
requested to obtain information about co-ops; he had obtained this information
and presented it to PAL, saying that he felt it could, under OEO's regulations,
be approved. Mr. Fahey agreed that the statement he had made was a bad choice
of words.
Mr. Van Horn discussed other areas in the United States where there was
contention, stating that he hoped contention would not grow in Clark County.
He viewed that there were two groups, Operation Independence and PAL, both
concerned with West las Vegas and both purporting to have the same objectives
to help the people. He reviewed the Special Conditions attached to the
approval of the EOB grant that Neighborhood Counci Is be developed. These
Neighborhood Counci Is across the country have provided help to people who felt
they had nowhere to go to be I istened to. The estabt ishment of these Counci Is
wi 11 fol low a democratic process; wi 11 have open meetings; wi J t have its
delegates elected in open meetings; and wi 11 have its delegates sent to the
Economic Opportunity Board for its open meetings. Mr. Van Horn stated he
hoped that a I I can rea Ii ze continua I ly what a I I were here for -- to get a
job done -- and not to preserve the speci fie name of some organization.
The Chairman introduced Mr. Bruce Parks, State Di rector of Economic
Opportunity. Mr. Parks addressed the group stating that the Governor is
vitally interested in seeing that this program is operatt..d successfully,
and that this was his interest too. He said that if there is anything which
the State Department can do to help in this regard, they are avai 1able.
DISCUSSION ON POLITICAL ACTIVITIES: A question from the floor was raised by
Mrs. Robert Fahey who asked if there was any ruling f rom the federal government
regarding the use of OEO monies for political activities. Someone else said
"anything similar to the Hatch Act."
Mr. Van Horn stated there was a provision that OEO monies could not be used
directly for the promotion of partisan politics; however, there were no
restrictions on employees being politically active if the employer was
assured that such activities in no way interferred with the duties and
responsibi fities of the individual's position, and if OEO monies were not
spent for such activities. As to the Hatch Act, which prevents federal
employees from participating in politics, this is not applicable because the
employees of the Economic Opportunity Board and the projects are not federal
employees. They are employees of a citizen's board which is a voluntary
agency, a private nonprofit corporation. Though the major portion of the
funds come from the federal government, the local Board operates at the
corrrounity level and independently within the framework of the provisions of
the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the rreeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M .
EW:s I
Respectful ty submitted,
Elaine Walbroek
Executive Oi rector
TO : Mr . Harvey Dondero
FROM : Elaine Wa [ broek
Chai rman
Prog,am Coord inator
3051 Paradi se Road - Sui te 15
Las V egas, N evada 735-9103
For your i nformat i on there is attached an ana l ysis of the Board Meet ing of
October 29 , 1965 .
cc: Mr. Robert Van Horn
Mr . Dick Ham
Analys1s of Interests of persons attending Spectat Bo~rd meotJng of Economic
Opportunity Go8rd of Clerk Co1.1n'ty a't Rancho High School. Las Veges, Nevsda
7:JO P.I ~., October 29, I P6,
Toto I
Total s
Board Members - 16 Present
12 - 01
1 - Undecided
a, 3/4
7 1/8
7 1/8
Tachnlc11f Adv.l!E!:Y.. CorrrnlttM Momb-Ors: ~ Present
4 • 01 100%
Guests - 64 Present .• JOO!
4e - 01
10 - PAL
8 ... Unknown
Total Present 82
72 1/2
15 1/2
62 01 76,71,
11 PAL 13.3%
9 Unknown 10,0l
82 100%
Q!_ PAL Interest
Earl Brunner * X Prlnclpal - Highland School
Vernon Bunker * X Member - State Legislature
James Anderson X ExecuTlve Secre"tary Nevada Convntsslon
Equal Rlgh"ts of CIT!zens
Karl Marsha 11 * X Farmer - Moapa Va I ley
J. H. Mankins X Director Apprenticeship
Tra In Ing
ErnesT 0. Skagen * X District Director, Nevada
State Wei tare Dept.
Stella Fleming X Director, Clark County
Rel let Administration
Les I le Shuck • X Special AsslsTant - Research
& Proj ect Des lgn CCSO
lyal Burkholder * X Director, Area Zone Clark
County School District
James Snowden * X EOB Member
Ferren W. Bunker X County Agent - Clark County
Exten s I on Serv 1c e
Robert L. Reid X Attorney
Char I es Spann X Director, Youth Opportunity
Ml I ton Weiss * X Treasurer, North las Vegas
J . R. McPherson X Representative of Mayor
Oran Gragson
Father Charles Sha I low - X Director, Community Cathol lc Welfare
Juanita White X Regent, University of Nevada
Harvey Dondero * X Cha I rman; Asst. Supt. CI ark County
School DI strict
David Hoggard * X Attendance Oft I cer
School D i stri ct
Clark County
H. P. Fi tzgeral d X Prlnctpal - Jo Mackey E lernentary
Genev I eve Arensdorf
W. W. Kearns
Geno McCoy
Frank Coleman
Ka I th MocOona Id
Pasquale Urebezzo
Robert Fahey
Ida MacMarcus
Helofs Sayles
Bl 11 Carlos
Harvey Gorren
Lubertha M. Johnson
Joe Nea I
Carmen A, Yanez
Jane Govern
Ellen C. Henderson
Diane J. Mason
Bl 11 Chovlers
WIii lam Briare=
Jan Chavlors
Luci l i e Gee
Dorl s LeRoux
Cherrie Hopkins
G. Hop kl ns
Mona Mason
Nursing Supervisor Clark County
School D i stri ct
TAC - SBOC - Execut Ive FNB
TAC - Director Recreation City
of Las Vegas
Member - EOB
Project Deva loper
Soclal Worker - Cathol lc Welfare
Director, Operation Independence
Titanium Chemical Co.
Planning Bd Member PAL
County Comm I ss I oner
Secretary - Cathol l c Welfare
Secretary- Unemp I oyed Member-
P I ann Ing Bd, PAL
Bookkeeper - Operation Independence
Day Care Center Parent
Day Care Center Parent
Q! PAL Interest_
Mary Carter X Parent
Linda Ward X Day Care Center Emp I oyee
Lucille Bell X TAR Emp I oyee
Ida Mae Crockett X Secretary - TAR
Myrtle Banks X Day Care Center Emp I oyee
Nina Traylor X Day Care Center Parent
Eva Lee Carr X Employee Day Care Center
Pat Fahey X Socl a I Worker - PAl
WI I I le Lee McNeol X Day Care Center Parent
Ethe I M. Gray X Day Care Center Parent
James McNea I X Day Care Center Parent
Davtd Prourel I Un Un Unknown
Dorothy Houston X Day Care Center Teacher
Wol ly E. Webster X Day Care Center Teacher
Hottl e Mitchel I X Day Care Center Emp I oyee
Alvln Scott Day Care Center Employee
Grace McGI othen X Teacher - CCSD
Day Care Center Parent
Rev. M. Clark X TAR
Rhoda Kluge X VISTA
LI nda McMurray X NYC
Bonnie H, Carrol I X Parent
Frank Anderson X Salesman TAR
L. L. McDantel X Dist. ~r. Las Vegas Review Journal
G. Kl tnger Un Un Unknown
Chari es M. Jones Un Un Unknown
Margaret Quinn X Volunteer 01 Housewt fe
Q.l ~ Interest
Dorothy Janes Un Un Unknown
Emory Lockette * X Bureau of Reclamanatlon, Engineer
Robert P. Johnson X Ci ti zen
Glorta Rome X Day Care Center Emp I oyee
Ike Rome X Dealer
011 l o L. Bowle X Day Care Center Emp I oyee
Cynthia K l i nger X 01 Bd. Member - Teacher ccso
Envna Fenton X VISTA
Peggy Wa Iker X Day Care Center Paront
Mar I on Bennett X Pres. NAACP
Pastor Zi on Methodist
Eorl White Jr., X 01 Bd Member Attorney
Velvet Dickson X Day Care Center Parent
WI! l i e E. Banks Un Un Unknown
Jul la Mae Troutman X Citizen
Sarah Ann Kn I ght X 01 Bd. Mel'lber Sel f -Empl oyed
Jesse B. WI I I lams Un Un Unknown
George Bro. Barton X Lay Worker
St. James Cathol Jc Church
lndlcntas Board Members present and voting to fund Operation Independence proposed
Nelghb orhood Services Center as recorded In Minutes of the Board for September
29, 1965.
- Member voTI ng " no"
= Member Absta In Ing
November 12, 1965
TO: Board Members
FROM: Elaine Walbroek
Executi ve Di rector
RE: Board Meeting of November 17, 1965
7:30 P.M.
Rancho High School Library
Enclosed is the Agenda for Wednesday night's meeting and your copy of the
Minutes of the Meeting of October 29, 1965.
We wi I I have in Monday's mai I (which, hopefully, you wi 11 receive Tuesday)
the fol lowing items for your consideration at the Board Meeting:
EW: s I
I. Day Care Services Center· Work Program and Budget (Continuation)
App roved at previous meetings and submitted to the Office of
Economic Opportunity. This is the final narrative form.
2. Migrant Community Services Center Work Program and Budqet
This is not in final form, but fundamentally represents al I
parts that have been discussed since March, 1964.
3. PAL Project for review and referral to Operation Independence
from Catholic Community Welfare
Most Board Members received a copy at the Board Meeting of
October 27, I '::i65.
TO: Boa rd Members
FROM: Harvey Dondero
RE: Novemt-er Monthly Board Meeting
The meeting of th~ . Econom 1 c Opportunity Boa rd, norma I I y scheduled for
the last Wednesday evening of the month, has been advanced to Wednesday evening,
November 17. The regular meeting date is Thanksgiving Eve, and this would work
a hardship on too many of the Board Members.
The scheduling is as fol lows:
Wednesday, November l 7
7,30 P.M.
Rancho High School library
As the By-Laws have been passed, in it was stated that i f a Board Member
misses Three consecutive regular meetings without prior notification, his
membership from the Board wi 11 be terminated. We sincerely hope that al I of
the Board Members wi 11 make an effort to attend this meeting.
The office is aware that material should be out wel I in advance; but
due to a variety of circumstances including two holidays, it has been mechanically
impossible to circularize the agenda and project for Board discussion before
Monday, November 15. The agenda and the migrant services project wi 11 be in
the ma i l on that date, A 11 of the Board has been aware of this project for
it has been under discussion since February, 1965. It involves no new program
concepts that the Board is not already aware of.
cc: Techn i ca I Advisory Committee Members
Other Interested Persons
November 17, 1965
7,30 P.M .
Program Report
Ongoing Projects under OEO Board
Rancho High School library
Las Vegas, Nevada
Day Ca re----------- - ----- - -- - ----------------- - ------ -Lube rth a Johnson
V I ST A-- -----------------------------------------------Lube 1·tha Johnson
NYC Out of School-------------------------------------[):)y le Longhurst
NYC In Schoo I -----------------------------------------Les l i e Shuck
NYC Medi ca I and Menta I Hea I th Component---------------Cby le Longhurst
Admi n i strati on Program Report-------------------------E I =:1 i ne Wa I b reek
Ongoing Projects -- Other
Tit le V - Work Experi ence----------------------------Eva Houston
Title 11-B - Basic Education-------------------------H. P. Fitzgerard
Programs Submitted (Status Report)----------------------Elaine Walbroek
Smal I Business Development Center
Day Care Services Center Continuation
Community Services Center
Lunch Program for West Las Vegas
Project from PAL, Catho Ii c Community We I fare------------Father Charles Sha I low
For action and referral to "Operation
1 ndependence11 PI ann i ng Board
Project for Migrant Corrvnunity Services Program----------Ferren Bunker
Sponsored by University of Nevada,
Cooperative Extension Service (under Title 11 l;
funds for this program not deducted from OEO
financial guideline for county). For action.
'' ~ '
November 17, 1965
4,00 P.M.
PRESENT: Harvey Dondero, Les I le Shuck, Joseph Mankins
SPECIAL CONOITIOO: Discussion was opened by the Chairman on the Special Condition
established by the Off ice of Economic Opportunity that representati
v es be seated on the Board of T rustees from the pov erty areas of
the Mexican-American, Ang los, and Indians outside the West l as
Vegas area and within Clark County . The Executive Director reminded
the Committee that she had been Instructed at the previous meeting
to send letters to NAACP, Spanish-American Society, the Tribal
Counc i I ask J ng that they appoint a person to serve on the Economic
Opportunity Board. She stated that answers had not been received
yet, Fol lowing further discussion, Mr. Mankins suggested that the
Executive Ccmnittee recorrrnend to the Board of Trustees that the
Board accept the recoomendatlons of the names submitted by the
NAACP, the Spanish American Association, the Tribal Council, the
Migrant Committee, and of an Anglo outside the West Las Vegas area,
and that these names when submitted be forwarded to the Governor
for appo I ntment.
EXECUTIVE COM'-llTTEE MEMBERSHIP EXPANSION, The Chairman stated that he had a
letter of resignation from David Hoggard from the Board which created
a vacancy for the pos It I on of Second-VI ce Cha I rman. He announced
that he was appo 1n t Ing Emory Lockette of Bou Ider C 1t y to f 111 th Is
vacancy. The Cha I rman stated further that there were now seven
members on the Corrrnlttee and the By-Laws cal led for 9 to 11 members.
There was Corrrnittee discussion on a procedure to be used in fi 11 ing
the remaining vacancies . According to the By-Laws, procedure would
be for a Nominating Corrrnlttee of 7 members to be elected by the
Board of Directors . The Nominating Corrmittee in turn would make
recorrmendatlons for persons to the Executive Coornlttee. A temporary
chairman for the Nominating Committee should be named with the
understanding that the committee, when It meets, wl 11 name their
own chairman. The Chairman stated that he would ask for election
of a Nominating Corrrnlttee to make nominations for a secretary and
for two members of the Executive Corrrnlttee.
ATIENDANCE OF BOARD MEMBERS: The Executive Comnittee discussed the By-Laws
procedure that "when a member m I ssed three consecutive board meet I ngs
w I thout pr I or not If i cation, he wou Id be term I nated as a board member."
The question was raised as to when this ruling would begin to apply.
The Ccmnittee recoomended that this be brought up for total Board
PROJECT SCREENING COtJMITTEE: There was discussion on a Project Screening
Committee to work with the PAL project. The Committee recommended
that th Is i tern be open for tota I Board discussion; and that the
Chairman make appointments to this conmittee at the Board meeting.
AGENDA FOR EOARO MEETING: There was review and discussion of Items to be
discussed and reports to be given at the Board Meet Ing.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned,
Respectfully submitted,
November 17, t 965
7,30 P.M.
Rancho High School Library
Las Vegas, Nevada
PRESENT: Board Members: Don Hampton, Stella Fleming, Les I ie Shuck, Lyal Burkholder,
Vernon Bunker, Karl Marshall , Bill Briare, Milton Weiss, Ferren
Bunker, Juanita WhiTe, Ernest Skagen, Ted Lawson, Father Charles Sha I low,
~~ } j_ ~s Anderson, James Snowden, Harvey Dondero (Chairman)
Technical Advisory Committee Members: Albert Landsman, L.N. Schoppe,
Gene McCoy, Keith Ma_Jonal
Guests· Charles Wi 11 i ams, Ro b•:irt Fahey, Luci I le Gee, Pat Fahey,
Larry Gee, George Barton, Joe Neal, Oswald Gonzales, Jr., Keith
MacDonal, Douglas Pushard (representing Dr. Ravenholt), Eva Houston,
Leola Armstrong, Lubertha Johnson, Doyle Longhurst
Staff: Elaine ~lalbroek, David Hoggard, Sylvia Leon
MEETING OPENED: The Chairman cal led the meeting to order, stating that there
was not a quorum present; however, more members were expected to
arrive who were attending another meeting,
COf'JMUNITY SERVICES PR(X;RAM FOR MOAPA VALLEY: This program was reviewed by
Ferren Bunker who stated that members had been provided with a copy
of the budget and summary of the program. He said further that
estimates had been received from two companies and based upon these
estimates, the proposed budget was drawn up. There were found to
be certain deficiences in the housing so far as the County was
concerned; however, he said it was his understanding that county
corrvnissioners wi 11 approve the housing dispensation that would have
to be made in order to have the housing units qualify for this program.
The dispensations are necessary because of I imitations of $500 on
each housing units basic cost. He reviewed the program in that it
cat led for 30 such housing units plus corrmunity buildings. With
this housing is a nucleus of community center services to provide
education, welfare, hea lth services, employment, correlation of
school activities, day care center. Land has been located In the
area on Richard Cooper's farm between Overton and Logandale. This
has been agreed to verbally; however, a 5-year lease wi 11 be negotiated.
Health needs have been discussed with the County Health
Department Director and have been incorporated into the plan ; however,
it has now been determined that the health component of this
program wi 11 have to be prepared as a second funded program submitted
directly to the United States Public Health Service. Mr. Bunker
stated that migrant workers have been consulted on the program, and
are highly in favor of It.
Questions were raised by Mr. Lawson regarding size of housing unit,
who the contractors were, etc. He recorrmended that permanent units
be constructed and that union labor be used. Mr. Bunker stated
that the corrmittee agrees with this; however, Washington stated
that units must be portable, and that a basic cost over $500 would
not be accepted. There was discussion on the two companies being
considered for construction of the units (Plydom and LI-Betcha).
Mr. Landsman expressed his hope that LI-Betcha would be given
priority because they were a local firm which had secured an SBA
loan and they would employ 21 additional people in Clark County
1f awarded a contract for this project.
QUOROM PRESENT: At this point, additional Board Members had arrived and the
Chair declared a quorum present.
Continuing discussion on the program, Mr. Briare stated on behalf
of the Board of County Comm i ss i one rs that re I at i ve to the ordinance
variance requested of the Board, it is the feeling of the Clark
County Corrmission Board that If the federal officials on examining
the application wi 11 see fit to approve taci 1 ities, so wi 11 the
County Board. Personally, Mr. Briare stated that some feel that
construction of these facilities will be better than what has been
provided migrants in "the past.
Father Sha I low moved "that the Moapa program be approved for funding
as amended by omitting the hea I th services . This was seconded by
Mr. Skagen. Motion carried.
Mr. Anderson moved that U-Betcha Corp. be used subject to county
approval of their specifications. This was seconded by Mr. Bunker.
Motion carried.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Fol lowing discussion of the minutes of the special
meeting of October 29, Mr. Anderson moved that the minutes of th 1 s
meeting be considered information for the Board rather than minutes
of a formal meeting. Reverend Tigner seconded; Motion carried.
SPECIAL CONDITIONS: The Chairman reviewed the Special Condition attached to
the grant of the Economic Opportunity Board that there be representation
on the Board from the poverty areas inhabited by the Mexican
American, Anglos, and Indians outside the West Las Vegas area and
within Clark County . The Chairman further stated that l etters had
been sent to the NAACP, Moapa Tribal Counci I, and the Spanish
American Society. The Migrant Committee had a lready been asked to
name a representative to sit on the Board . He said that the Executive
Committee recorrmends that when such names are reci eved, that they
be accepted for Board membersh I p. Mr. Anderson moved that the
recorrrnendatlon of the Executive Committee be accepted; this was
seconded by Mr. Lawson. Motion carried. Mr. Fahey asked why PAL
representative was not Invited to serve on the Board , as an NAACP
representative had been
Mrs. Walbroek repeated the conditions imposed by OEO which were:
11 Neighborhood Councils, now In formation by Operation
Opportunities, sha I I , when formed, each se I ect a representative
who shal I serve on the Board of Directors of
Operation Opportunities -- Clark County. Such selection
sha I I be accomp 11 shed by trad it i ona I democratic methods
as described in section S(c) of Part B of the CAP guide.
Prior to the selection of such representatives Operation
Opportunities -- Clark County shal I take such action as
may be appropriate to amend its charter and by laws to
assure that these representatives wl l 1 be seated upon
election by the Neighborhood Councl Is.
"Programs affecting West Las Vegas must be submitted to
the Operation Independence Board for review and approval
prior to submission to OEO."
Mr. Anderson stated certain I y the status of NAACP and PAL was not
ELECTION OF NOMINATING COMMITTEE: The Chairman stated that a Nominating
Committee must be elected by the Board so that they could nominate
persons to the Executive Comm I ttee and for the posit I on of Secretary
as we 11 as in the future screen names for Board membership. Names
submitt-ed·from the floor Were: Ted Lawson, Charles Spann, James
Snowden, James Anderson, Ste t la Fleming, Charles Sha I l ow, Les I ie
Shuck. Mr. Bunker moved that nominations for membership to the
Nominating Convnittee be c losed. Reverend Tigner seconded; motion
carried. Mr. Anderson moved that a unanimous ballot be cast for
e I ect ion of these seven members. Reverend Tigner seconded; motion
carried. The Chairman appointed Mr. Lawson to serve as temporary
chairman until the Corrmittee can meet and elect a permanent chairman.
The Chairman instructed the Nominating Committee to: make nominations
for the office of secretary; make nominations for two members to
serve on the Executive Committee. The Chairman stated that he was
appo J nt Ing Mr. Emory Lockette to f i I l the vacancy of 2nd vice cha i rman
on the Executive Committee.
BOARD MEMBERS ABSEt-;CE AT MEETINGS: The Chairman asked for discussion on the
point that members who miss three consecutive Board meetings would
be terminated as Board Members. Discussion fo I I owed, after which
it was determined that this ru I i ng shou Id begin with the present
meeting. The Executive Director asked what should be done in cases
where te I ephone po I Is a re made for ca 11 to meetings and when at
that time a Board Member states that he cannot be in attendance.
Does this constitute a legitimate excused absence? The Board
suggested that this matter be deferred unti I several more meetings
have passed.
Vista and Day Care Services Center: Lubertha Johnson stated that
Operation Independence is opening a second day care center shortly,
and a third day care center shortly fol lowing that at Jefferson
Recreation Center. There are now seven VI STA Volunteers working
with Operation Independence .
Neighborhood Youth Corps Out-of-School Program: Doy le Longhurst
reported that the fa 11 and winter project was approved November 11 ,
stating that this is a jointly sponsored project by the Economic
Opportunity Board and the CI ark County Schoo I District. The out-of-
Schoo I wi I I service IOO work stations tor seven months at a cost of
$87,000. An educational component for this program is in the process
of being submitted separately.
Physical and Mental health component for NYC: Mr. Longhurst reported
that this program was approved for $5,000 October 4. Physical exams
are presently being given the youth by Dr. Freer at a cost of $3.50
per enrol lee.
Neighborhood Youth Corps In-School Program: Dr. Les I ie Sbuck reported
that this program wi 11 provide work stations for 200 youth at a cost
of $100,000. 125 youngsters are presently placed, and it Is anticipated
that the comp I ete quota w i 11 be f i 11 ed.
Conduct and Administration Grant for the Economic Opportunity Board:
Mrs. Walbroek reported that an earl ier termination date had been
requested of OEO advancing it to February 15. There had been given
a 6 months budget to cover a seven months period due to an OEO error
in estab li sh ing a starting date. Mr. Anderson made a motion that
the same budget as had been originally submitted by the Board be
submitted for the next six months period subject to consideration
and approval of any changes by the Executive Committee. Motion
seconded by Mr. Spann; Motion carried. Mrs . Walbroek further
reported that Mrs . Ada Burbridge has been on the staff serving
as a consu I tant bringing together information, eva I uat Ing and
documenting problems, working out program recorrmendations with the
tndlan people In Clark County to come before this Board for eventual
program Impl ementat ion.
Title V Work Experience Program: Mrs. Eva Houston, Supervisor of
the Title V program for Clark County, stated that this is a demonstrat
ion program which paid the wage earner of the family the necessary
amount to maintain his fami 1y while this wage earner was being
trained in a vocation which wou ld enab le him to better prov ide for
his family. The program now has three ful I time caseworkers and wi 11
have two add It i ona I ; staff is working with agenc I es within the commun
I ty to help applicants; and in addition referrals are being recE!ived
from social welfare agencies and private individuals for services
from Title V. Discussion followed.
Adult Basic Education Program: !n the absence of Mr. Fitzgerald,
Mr. Hoggard reported that seven classes are now ongoing and there
are 91 students enrol led . The program has been received with very
much enthusiasm.
Smal I Business Development Center: Gene McCoy, Chairman of the Board
of the SBDC, reported that this project is in Washington; letters
had been received f rem Mr. A Iv in Meyers, Reg i ona I Di rector of the
SBA, stating that he was recommending approval to OEO and hoping
that when an active funding program was reinstated Clark County would
be among the first to be funded. Mr. At Landsman, member of the
SBOC: Board, discussed an SBA report, that no regular business loans
have been granted tor some time; however, small loans up to $15,000
under the anti-poverty program continue to be processed. Discussion o
fol lowed after which Mr. Anderson moved that Senator Bible be contacted
to intercede and help in promoting the funding of the SBOC. This
motion was seconded by Mr. Skagen and passed. Brief d i scussion
fol lowed on the SBDC project.
Day Care Services Center: Mrs. Walbroek reported that this proposal
has been submitted to the Ott ice of Economic Opportunity and copies
of the work program and budget have been ma i I ed to a 11 Boa r d Members .
Community Services Center: Mrs. Wa I broek reported that this project
is in process.
Lunch Program for West Las Vegas: Mrs. Wa I broek reported that this
project has been submitted; however, no word has been received on
its status as yet.
Kei t h MacDonal suggested that evaluation reports be provided for
projects. Mrs. Walbroek stated that a1 I projects would have evaluations
at their completion. To date there has been only one project
completed, which was the surrmer NYC program.
PROJECT SUBMITTED BY PAL: The Chairman stated that the matter now before the
Board was discussion of the project submitted ty PAL at the October
27 meeting. Father Shat low made a motion that this project be
recommended for funding and submitted to Operation 1 ndependence
for review with the stipulation that it be returned ln a r easonab l e
amount of time. Motion was seconded by Mr. Lawson. No further
action was carried out at this time. Board discussion fol lowed.
Mr. Anderson stated that if there are cont I icts in the PAL project
and what is already been done by Operation Independence, the services
of the Executive Director, Mrs. Walbroek, should be uti I ized,
conf Ii cts should be written out and a project deve l oped that does
not conflict with the Operation Independence project.
Father Sha! low stated that one of the problems seemed to be the
difference of opinion existing in the idea of leadersh i p - - that
PAL has a different concept of self-help than Operation Independence.
In PAL, he stated, they are teaching each other how to think, not
what to think. Through this training, they try to coornunicate their
feeling, ideas to each other -- everyone gets a chance to talk. After
they talk about an idea and arrive at a common interest , they take
it on as a project, and whoever introduced the particular idea becomes
chairman for carrying out that action . Father Shat low stated that
he has opposed Operation Independence because he can ' t see that
peop 1e are gett i ng to he Ip themselves - - ways to sot ve their prob I ems
is being dictated to them. Therefore, Father Sha I low said, he did
not think PAL was in conf I ict with Operation Independence; and that
though there is merit in Operation Independence method , he felt
the r e was merit in PAL ' s too .
There was Board discussion on membership of the PAL Board of Directors
and the Planning Board, with Father Sha I low pointing out that the
Board of Directors was that of Catholic Welfare and the Planning
Board we r e members of PAL. He stated that the P l anning Board was
at I Wests i de people and their authority exceeded that of the Board
of Di rectors in PAL projects. Mr. Anderson questioned which Board
wou l d govern the PAL project. Father Sha! low stated that the Catho l ic
Welfare Board would govern the project as far as funds were concerned.
Mrs. Robert Fahey further explained the PAL PROJECT, stating that
the PAL peop I e have vo I unteered three months of work without pay;
that the goa l s of the project are temprorari ly short-range and ever y
project is designed to be self - sustaining within min i mum of a year.
If this d i d not happen and the project was not carried on then PAL
has failed in their l eadersh i p job. In funding of the project,
i t wou Id be hoped to have a genera I fund something Ii ke tha t of a
bus i ness when salesmen are on commission so that they can measure
mot i vation. They wi I! be asking them to sel I self-help , se l f-organization,
and work to the residents of a low-income poverty area .
There was discussion on intake cards mainta i ned by PAL and information
contained on them. There was discussion on classes , with
Mrs. Fahey stating some are under Adult Education, some wi l I be,
and some at the present time are under the direction of a program
ca I I ed impact .
Mrs . Lubertha Johnson stated to the group that there seemed to be
an imp I icat i on that Operation Independence had done nothing for the
community and that it was on anyone else's project. She said that
there is nothing in the past hi story of Operation Independence that
indicate that they were unfair or would deny anyone the privilege
of working in a community. She requested that the Economic Opportunity
Board fol low through on procedures as established; that Operat i on
Independence have the opportunity to discuss this matter with PAL
and make some type of decision. She referred the group t o the
origina l project design which established Operation Independence
showing i ts goals, and to also consider its performance record
wh i ch had been made with very I imited funds .
Mr. Briare stated that he was in favor of the PAL project ; however,
he asked who was the author of the PAL document. It was es tab I i shed
that Mr. and Mrs. Fahey were co-author:;. Mr. Briare expressed his
hope that some of the wording in the project wou Id be changed .
Mr. Ferren Bunker expressed that there seemed to be evidence of
lack of correlation between the PAL proposal and the Operation
Independence program. He stated that he did not think the Board
would real istical ty approve a program unless there is ind ication it
can be coordinated with other programs within the community. He
said he fe It it to be vi ta I I y important that programs comp I ement
each other; then it would seem such programs would be worthwhile.
Mr. Robert Fahey stated that the Neighborhood Services Center was
a project proposed by Washington people as a solution of problems
in West Las Vegas. He stated that it is PAL I s fee 1 i ng t hat perhaps
this is not the solution; that he did not feel that this project
would work here in Las Vegas; but he stated he did feel that the
project submitted by PAL would work as it has proven so elsewhere.
Mrs. Lubertha Johnson said that the surveys conducted in West
Las Vegas by Operation Independence were a very good sampling of
peep I e on finding out the needs that existed, and that every month
at least 200 people come to the Operation Independence office for
help or a discussion of needs. As a result, Mrs. Johnson stated
the Operation Independence programs have been worked out as a
direct result of involving people in the corrvnunity . She said that
Operation Independence is open to any suggestions or proposa ls but
that she would certainly desire that Operat i on Independence be
given credit for being aware of the same problems that are being
At this time, the Chairman ca 11 ed for a vote on the motion which
was on the floor that t he PAL project be referred to Operation
Independence. The motion was passed by a majority vote.
Mr. Weiss recorrmended that the committee previously estab lished
to study the PAL project be increased by two more members of the
Board 11 to resolve the issue. 11 The Chairman asked Mr. Weiss to
continue serving as Chai rman of this corm, i ttee and appo inted Les I i e
Shuck and Wi 11 iam Briare as the two additional members, stat ing that
its concern was with the PAL proposa I now before t he Board -- to
whether there was dupl lcation or overlapping, etc .
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectful 1y submitted,
December 29, 1965
TO: Boa rd of D i rectors
FROM: EI a i ne Wa I broek
Executi ve Di rector
RE: Notice of Meeting
The Di rector's Meeting of the Economic Opportunity Board w i I I
be held January 12. It was originally set for January 6 ; however, a
cal led School Board meeting on that day wi 11 make it impossible for
the Chairman and severa I of the Board Members to attend.
The meeting wi I l be held:
7,30 P.M.
January 12, 1966 (Wednesday)
Rancho High School Library
Enclosed is a Resolution of the Special Study Corrvnittee on the
P.A.L. proposal . This Resolution and a copy of the P.A.L. project has
been sent to Operation Independence with a letter requesting that they
review the project, as they a re directed to do by the Off ice of Economic
Opportunity's condition of grant, and submit their recommendation on it
at the •next meeting of the Economic Opportunity Board.
Also enclosed are the minutes of the last Board Meeting.
On beha If of your staff, may we wish you a very Happy New Year.
(a) Neighborhood Youth Corps Fal I-Winter Out of School
(b) Smat l Business Devel opment Center Proj ect
( SBDC Boa rd Report)
(c) Community Service Center Project
(Ope r ation Independence administration grant
application and Neighborhood Participation
Proj ect, both of whi ch recei ved approval at
the May, and subsequently the July, board meetings,
have been combined into a single project . Cat led
the Cofl'Jllunity Servi ce Center proj ect, thi s proj ect
has greater program imp I ications.)
Cd) Neighborhood Youth Corps Physical and Mental Health
(e) Mi grant Health Project
(f) Cl ark County School D i stri ct Programs
Cg) Lunch Program for West Las Vegas
Doyle Longhurst
Gene McCoy, Chai rman
Lubertha Johnson
for Operat i on Independence
Elaine Wa l broek
EI a i ne Wa I broek
Or. Les I ie Shuck
EI a i ne Wa I broek
(a) Day Ca r e Serv i ces Center Lubertha JohnSon
(b) VISTA Operation .fndependence
(c) Neighborhood Youth Corps SunYner Program Doyle Longhurst
(d) Title V Work Experience Program Eva Houston, Proj. Dir. for Welf. Adm.
(e) Clark County School District Programs Dr. Les I ie Shuck
(f) Conduct and Administration El aine Wa l broek
(a) Programs for Aging
Cb) Mi grant Day Care Center
(c) Creation of Employment Opportunities
(a) Economic Opportunity Board By-Laws for Board Approval
EI a i ne Wa I broek
EI a i ne Wa J broek
EI a I ne Wa I broek
{b) Economic Opportunity Board Personnel Policies for Staff for Board Approval
(c) Office of Economic Opportunity Conference in San Francisco