Application for the Las Vegas Land and Water Company to appropriate the water from a new well on the Las Vegas Ranch. Original Collection: Union Pacific Railroad Collection 97-19
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hln000523. Union Pacific Railroad Collection, 1828-1995. MS-00397. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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APPLICATION FOR PERMIT Serial No. TO APPROPRIATE THE PUBLIC WATERS OF THE STATE OF NEVADA Date of first receipt and filing in State Engineer's office___ Returned to applicant for correction__ Corrected application filed_____ The nn^r^gn^ Las Vegas Land and Water Company Name of applicant nf Las Vegas____County of_______Clark State of_Nevada________^ hereby make_application for permission to appropriate the public waters of the State of Nevada, as hereinafter stated. (If applicant is a corporation, give date and place of Incorporated May 2, 1905 - Nevada.____ 1. The source of the proposed appropriation in Las Vegas /alley__ Name of stream, !ahe, or other source artesian basin or subterranean channel__ 2. The amount of water applied for is one-tenth (0.1) Rennnd-fRRt. One-second-foot equals 40 miners' inches 3. The water to be used for domestic and stock watering_ Irrigation, power, mining, manufacturing, domestic, or other use 4. The water is to be diverted from its source at the following point: S. 45^w. 250 feet from Northeast corner of Southeast Quarter of "Secf 27, TT 20* S*.R53^'Ef M?D.B.& ^.'^Clark County^^vadal IF THE WATER IS TO BE USED FOE IRRIGATION, SUPPLY THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: (a) Number of acres to be irrigated is?_??__ (b) Description of land to be irrigated- Describe by legal subdivision, or if on unsurveyed land it should be so stated and a description provided in accordance with special instruction from the State Engineer when application is returned for correction. (c) Use will begin about_and end about_, of each year. Month Month IF WATER IS TO BE USED FOR POWER, MINING, STOCK WATERING, OR OTHER USE, SUPPLY THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: (d) Power to be developed is___horsepower. (e) W^ir. tn m^t.^ SW^Sec. 26, T. 20 S., R. 61 E., M.D.B.& M. (f) Point of return of water to stream_R?* ^ returned. (g) State number and kinds of animals to be watered ^00 head cattle and horses, 100 head swine, 103 head sheep. (h) Use will begin about ^R*_and end about , of each year. Month Month fil Remarks Applicant intends hereby to acquire rights to the use of the water"existing in the artesian basiiTor^ubter r aneah channel above mentioned and not me rely t o theuse of^ewater flowing from the well hereinafter mentioned. " INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANTS Application should be made out in detail on the form prescribed by the State Engineer. Applications should be typewritten or ailed out with ink. An amplication is not a permit to appropriate water until after its approval by the State Engineer. Upon approval (of any ap?lica ion a?OM' of the original application with such approval or rejection endowed thereon, will be returned to the applicant. The twms of the permit will show on the endorsement, and be a guide for the applicant. The following rules should be complied with in making application: _ . _ r/itder OttesMom JVo /?Where the source of the water desired is from more than one stream, lake, spring or other body of water, senate aLlicati^ns must bfmade out for each source; provided, however, that when the numerous sources have their confluence a^v^h^^n^ oHi^r^n o^lp^cat^n will serve to appropriate the water by giving the name of the mam stream at the point of Aversion The application should state the name of the stream, including its tributaries. Statu^ pro'v^t^ fhis^ unt"haU noj ^ceed t'h'ree acre fe^tr annumln carried on for the six to 43 560 cubic feet, or the amount of water necessary to cover an acre of ground one foot deep.) . . , , ? rMei- OMPsfion 3?Ordinarily only one use of water can be named in each application. If domestic purposes is included. rrn^pr OiypsMnm ,Vn .i-The point of diversion is one of vital importance in the application, as upon the location of the point ot ,! i version deiXndl the Question of interference with prior rights. The point of diversion must be stated as being within the forty-acre ega subjiv 'ion? orfiHn unseed l^d^ it must be tied by the course and distance to the Rarest corner of a legal ^bdivisi^ if S corner is within six miles. If no corner is found within six miles, the point of diversion should be tied to some definite and fixed monument or object. ., .. ,. Except under special conditions, there shall be accepted only one point of diversion m each application, for the reason that an entire strain could be covered by one application if more than one point of diversion were permitted to be "^edm each Ming. In Hs^wh<^e the diversions, if there be more than one. are on the same forty-acre tract, and are required to economically handle the water, the application for more than one point of diversion will be considered. ^ ^ !7M,7f-i' OMrsMoA raJ?The total number of acres of land should be stated with reasonable accuracy. The quantity of water allowed in the awUcaMon. indorsed tSe^ by the State Engineer, is determined by the number of acres to be irrigated as well as the amount of unappropriated water in the stream. . .. . .. IMer Question ^ J?There should be given a description of the land to be irrigated by ^dy^ions In ^e e^nt mat the land proposed to be irrigated is unsurveyed, then give the approximate location of such land, together with the township and range wherein such land is situated. Uttde- Question fcj?Give the time when the use of water for irrigation purposes will begin, and also when it will end. !7nde?- Qttesfiom W?If the application is for power purposes, give the theoretical horsepower to be developed, and the vertical head under which the power is to be developed. Pmder QttesMoH re;?If application for power or stock watering purposes, give a description of the location of the proposed works, by legal subdivisions, or tie by course and distance to a section corner, as required m answer to Question 4 above. Uwder Question (7J?Where water applied for is to be returned to the stream, give a description of the proposed point of return, as described in answer to Question 4 above. Under QMesttott fpj?State number and kinds of animals to be watered at place of use. Under Question W?Give time when use of water for stock watering purposes will begin and when it will end. Under Description o/ Proposed TVorRs?Under description of proposed works, state by what means the water is to be diverted from the ptream whether by dams, ditches, pipe lines or other conduit. Give the size of such ditches, pipe lines, etc.. and the proposed gi^detLtJaehwiii ha^ from the point of diversion. to enable this office to determine the capacity of each. The size of the ditch should be consistent with the amount of water applied for under Question No. 2. If the water is to be stored in a reservoir, give its location with reference to the legal subdivision or subdivisions. If the reservoir is to be o^ated on Snsu, ve?ed lands, the rules and regulations of the Department of the Interior sh<yld be fo owed precise^ Such rules and regulations are embodied in a pamphlet furnished by the Department of the Interior, called "Regu^tions Concerning Right of Way Ov<S- Public Lands and Reservations for Canals. Ditches, and Reservoirs/' approved by the Secretly of the Interior, ?une 6, 1908 The maps and field notes of such reservoir should conform strictly with these regulations and a copy Hied with the office of the State Engineer. _ , . .. Applications for permit to store water shall conform with the above rules, except that the description of the lands t?beirrigated shall not be required. If. however, the description of the lands is known and can be listed, the number of acres and location should be given. The application shall bear the signature of the applicant, his agent or attorney. FEES The following fees shall be collected by the State Engineer in advance, and shall be accounted for and paid by him into the General Fund of the State Treasury, on or before the 10th day of each month; provided, however, that the fees named in subdivision (c) of this list shall not apply to permits for underground waters: (a) For examining and filing an application for permit to appropriate water, twenty dollars ($20), which shall include the cost of publication, which publication fee is hereby fixed at twelve dollars and fifty cents ($12.50). (b) For examining and filing an application for permit to change the point of diversion, manner of use, or place of use, twenty-five dollars ($25), which shall include the cost of permit should the same issue thereunder, and the cost of publication of such application. (c) For issuing and recording a permit to appropriate water for irrigation purposes, ten cents per acre for each acre to be irrigated, up to and including one hundred acres; and Ave cents for each acre in excess of one hundred acres, up to and including one thousand acres; and three cents for each acre in excess of one thousand acres. (d) For issuing and recording permit for power purposes, five cents for each theoretical horsepower to be developed; and for issuing final certificate under permit for power purposes, twenty-five cents for each theoretical horsepower to be developed up to and including one hundred horsepower; and twenty cents for each horsepower in excess of one hundred horsepower up to and including one thousand horsepower; and fifteen cents for each horsepower in excess ff one thousand. (e) For issuing and recording permit to store water. twenty-Hve dollars ($25), and for issuing final certificate under permit to store water, five cents for each acre foot of water stored up to and including one thousand acre feet; and three cents for each acre foot in excess of one thousand. (f) For issuing and recording permit to appropriate water for any other purpose, $10 for each second foot of water applied for. or fraction thereof. (g) For filing secondary permit under reservoir permit, $5; for approving and recording permit under reservoir permit, $5. (h) For filing proof of commencement of work, $1. (i) For filing proof of completion of work, under any permit, $1. (j) For filing any protest, affidavit, or any other water right instrument or paper, $1. (k) For making copy of any document recorded or filed in his office, $1 for the first hundred words, and 20 cents for each additional one hundred words or fraction thereof; where the amount exceeds $5, then only the actual cost in excess of that amount shall be charged. (1) For certifying to copies of documents, records or maps, $1 for each certificate. (m) For blue print copy of any drawing or map, 15 cents per square foot. (n) For such other work as may be required of his office, actual cost of the work. No instrument will be received for filing in the State Engineer's office unless the fee for recording the same, as above provided, shall accompany such instrument. In cases where no fee accompanies the instrument tendered for filing, such instrument shall be returned t.o the sender forthwith. Where copies of any instrument of record in the ofHce of the State Engineer is desired, a sufficient amount to cover the approximate cost of the same must be forwarded with the application for such copies. When such copies are prepared, any surplus over and above the statutory cost for copying such instrument or instruments shall be leturned to the party requesting such copies. Remittances should be made by draft or postal or express money order payable to the order of the State Engineer, Carson City. Nevada. Where personal checks are sent, certification by the bank upon which they are drawn is required. Foreign checks, in addition to certification, must include the exchange charge of the local bank. The State Engineer reserves the right to hold all applications, accompanied by uncertified checks for filing fees, without filing. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORKS i^tTTflU nuld artesian basin by means of an artesian State manner in which water is to be diverted, whether by dam or other works, whether through pipes, ditches, Humes, or other conduits. If water _well drilled at the point of diversion to a depth of 3B3 ft., and cased is to be stored in reservoirs, it shouid be so stated and the location of the reservoir should be given with reference to the iegal subdivisions. _from top to depth of R7Q ft.-jacith 7 Inch casing; also cased at top __with 10 inch casing to depth of 41 ft. and cemented in and control _valves on easing; th^nc^ by m^anx nf 3 Innh pipe line to plaaa-Af-Use. 5. Estimated cost of works_$800.00___ 6. Estimated time required to construct works_Completed._ 7. Remarks Water is piped from wall to dwelling houses on Ms Vegas Ranch, thTf* for honnahnia purposes and irrigation of lawns and shrubs: _and is also piped to corrals and pans and used to water stock of all _KindH and in connection with dairy.---- pany __Las Vegas land and liter Com/, Applicant. By-???? Vice President Compared____ This sheet inspected- Engineer. OF STATE ENGINEER This is to certify that I have examined the foregoing application, and do hereby grant the same, subject to the following limitations and conditions: The amount of water to be appropriated shall be limited to the amount which can be applied to beneficial use, and not to exceed______ cubic feet per second. Actual construction work shall begin on or before__ Proof of commencement of work shall be filed before__ Work must be prosecuted with reasonable diligence and be completed on or before_?-??? Proof of completion of work shall be filed before_ Application of water to beneficial use shall be made on or before_ __. Proof of the application of water to beneficial use must be filed with State Engineer on or before _________ WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL this_day State Engineer. Appiication for Permit to Appropriate Water STATE OF NEVADA ENGINEER'S OFFICE tiled............................................................................... Applicant P. O. Address. Form lb 2000-3-5-36