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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, February 1989



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    2751 Emerson Ave.. LV. NV 89121 733-6292 Sanford D. Akselrad, Rabbi Kenneth J. Schnitzer, President Sandra Cohen, School Principal February 1989 ? Shevat - Adari 5749 Schedule Of Services^ Friday, February 3 8 P.M. Services conducted by Rabbi Oneg sponsored by Natalie Shaw in honor of daughter, Robin's birthday Friday, February 10 8 P.M. Services conducted by Leo Wilner Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Friday, February 17 Services conducted by Rabbi Participating by ORT Members Oneg sponsored by ORT Friday, February 24 4th/5th Grade Shabbat Dinner Services 8 P.M. 6:30 P.M. 8 P.M. Rabbi?s Message. ?The Miracles Around Us? Recently I was speaking before a group of young children. We were talking about some of the early stories in the Bible. As we discussed some of these stories and their meaning, the subject of miracles came up. One of the children asked me what a miracle was. I thought for a moment about all of the possible answers I could give: Miracles are acts of faith when faith seems impossible. Miracles are God's voice even when we don't hear. They are God's loving hand, even when we don't feel His touch. Miracles are God's breath giving us and all creatures life, to live, to love and to create. Miracles are God's footprints upon the face of this earth whether seen or unseen; felt or unobserved. Miracles are the many insignificant acts, and the very significant acts made by every creature upon the face of this earth. But even as I thought about all of these possible poetic answers I knew deep down that for a child these answers kwould not necessarily suffice, or even answer the question asked. I therefore responded (quite Jewishly of course) by answering the question with a question: "What do you think a miracle is?? The child looked at me and responded with an answer better than any I could have given: "Rabbi, I am a miracle." "Oh?" I replied. "What do you mean?" "I'm not quite sure," said the child, "but I know it's true, because my parents have told me over and over again, 'Honey, you're our little miracle!' " Thank God for miracles, for seen or unseen, they are indeed all around us... B'shalom, Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi Welcome New Members Debra Ganz / Kieth Lawrence Dr. David & Pamela Daitch Chris & Lisa Lang Stanley & Jessica Dreyfuss Scott & Barbara OberSAUDI ARMS SALE PROPOSAL EXPECTED ??Israel Homecoming? In spite of assurances that sales of advanced American arms to Saudi Arabia would not occur until Saudi Arabia join?ed the peace process, the Bush Administration is now con?sidering a major arms sale to Saudi Arabia. Press reports sug?gest that the sale may include over 100 F-18 fighter aircrafts which are among the most sophisticated fighters in the U.S. arsenal. These planes could seriously jeopardaze Israel?s security. Although the actual size and scope of the sale is not yet known, it is imperative that elected officials now receive our message of opposition to any sale. Saudi Arabia has not advanced the peace process. They still maintain a state of war with Israel by refusing to recognize Israel's right to exist, bankrolling the PLO, and continuing the Arab boycott. In addition, at a time when the U.S. has opened formal diplomatic relations with the PLO, the U.S. should not take any action which might be interpreted as weakening support for our strongest ally in the Middle East - Israel. On the other hand, strong congressional opposition to the proposed sale would send a clear message of ongoing U.S. support of Israel's right to exist. Please write Senator Richard Bryan and Senator Harry Reid at U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C. 20510 and Representative Bar?bara Vucanovich and Representative James Bilbray at U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C. 20515 There will be an "Israel Homecoming" Saturday, Februar^^ 4th, 4:00 to 7:00 p.m? sponsored by ARZA. Returnees frori^^ any and all Israel trips, missions, tours and programs are most welcome. RSVP: (213) 653-9962 (UAHC Office) Christine Findlay. 15th REGIONAL BIENNIAL CONVENTION The Pacific Southwest Council of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations will hold its 15th Regional Biennial Convention at the Newport Beach Marriott Hotel in Newport Beach on February 10, 11, 12, 1989. Congregation Ner Tamid will be represented by 12 members, led by Rabbi Sanford Akselrad and President Ken?neth Schnitzer. Eileen Koliins will conduct a seminar on "Congregation-Staff Relations III: A Primer on Conflict Resolu?tion" and Ken Schnitzer will conduct a seminar on ?Board Recruitment and Development". Rabbi Akselrad will conduct the Saturday morning services. The Biennial is expected to be a dynamic and enriching ex?perience, and we look forward to their report upon their return. Jewis Community Lecture Series REBBETZIN ESTHER JUNGREiS is the second speaker on the 7th Annual Jewish Community Lecture Series of Las Vegas, Sunday, February 26th, at 7:30 p.m. Congregation Ner Tamid is this year's facility host. Community-spirited individuals, organizations and four congregations bring the four evenings to the general public at no charge. Rebbetzin Jungreis - wife of Rabbi Theodore Jungreis of North Windmere, New York Synagogue - is a dramatic, com?pelling speaker and TV personality and columnist. Her weekly cable talk show is broadcast coast-to-coast and in nine foreign countries. For the past twenty years she has been writing a weekly column for the Jewish Press, the world's largest Anglo-Jewish weekly. Born in Hungary, a descendant of rabbis and scholars, she arrived in the United States at the age of twelve, a survivor of Bergen-Belsen. In 1973, because of her passionate commitment to Judaism and her determination that there was a Jewish ?spiritual holocaust" in the United States, she founded the "Hineni, Here 1 Am" movement, calling the young particularly to return to their traditions and heritage. Described as a tiny, tense, powerful revivalist, her message concentrates on com?batting assimilation, cults, intermarriage, family breakdown and Jewish alienation. The movement has led to the establishment of the Hineni| Heritage Center whose intensive, personalized programs go' out to Jews in the United States and many countries in the world. Her topic in Las Vegas is "THE JOY OF JUDAISM?. You are encouraged to bring your junior high school and older children to hear this magnetic personality.Religious School Wish List A Tree For A Tree? What?s a KUTL? Kutz vs the National Teen Camp of the Reform Movement The camp, located in Warwick, New York offers a "college campus" style program solely for high school age teens from across North America. Creative, quality programs are offered in theatre, visual arts, Jewish studies, dance, Temple youth leadership and programming, music, songleading, Hebrew and much more. The beautiful camp setting, complete with recrea?tion facilities, is just one hour from New York. Spaces are available for all sessions and programs. For an unforgettable, meaningful summer of fuiv contact the Temple office or ^txCamp. UAH^B^ Fifth Avenue, New York. NY A 002. . 1 Our heartfelt thanks to Marlene & Irvin Sherman for an electric stove. We know it will be put to much good use. We truly appreciate the generosity of those who help our wishes come true. 1. Tape recorders (new or used) 2. Electric typewriter 3. Film strip projector 4. Camcorder 5. Desk top copier 6. Office desk and chair 7. 35mm camera NTTY The New Year has brought many changes to NTTY. Lisa Kollins has been appointed our new secretary, and Liza Blau has become our new editor. On January 20th NTTY held a creative service on "The Jewish Family" at the temple. Conclave planning is under way - hold the date, April 13-16. We will be working under the Youth Committee to find hous?ing for this event. Our month will conclude with a Golf-a- thon. There are always new and exciting things happening at NTTY! Sandy Cohen Religious School Principal ticTprtnglna?"Ration Ner Tamid is par- tiona. Fund in tonor S? ?IT ifa Tree for a Tree" ThIh:r-ge that We want our ^udents to receive is clear. he recent burning of the trees in Israel is both an ecological crime and a crime of political sabotage. The youngest children are learning about the value and im?portance of planting trees, bushes and flowers by studying what our world would be like without the "gifts" from our plantings. The older children are being taught that Israel is her plantings. They are studying the "before" and "after" ef?fects of the agricultural technology brought to the desert by the people of Israel. And, finally, our oldest students are learning about the sabotage of the trees, the criminal effort of Israel's enemies to burn the forests of the land, its orchards and halt the growth of the State, as well as destroy the very land itself. In honor of Tu b'Shevat 1989/5749, all of the children in the school will join together to plant a new tree m the Religious School courtyard.PURIM CARNIVAL Mark your calendars for our first Religious School function on Sunday, March 19th from 4 to 8 p.m. On this date we'll be holding our First Annual Purim Carnival. This will be full of fun, games, food and prizes. , TOT SHABBAT February 25 at 10:30 a.m. marks the Third Tot Shab- bat sponsored by Sisterhood. Tot Shabbat is an informal Shabbat morning experience for children 2-6 years of age and their siblings. Over the course of the last two pro?grams over 75 children have participated in this program. The theme of the next Tot Shabbat will be "preparing for Shabbat." A light lunch will be served. If you would like to come to this Tot Shabbat or need any further information, please fill out this form and return it to the Temple office or call 733-6292. Reserva?tions are required. I--------------------------------------------------------------------------1 I Yes, we would like to know more about the Tbt I | Shabbat and other programs: Name:___________________________________ , RELIGIOUS SCHOOL NEWS Sing Unto God A New Song ... and Congregation Ner Tamid is doing just thatl! Under the direction of Rochelle David, a professional choir director with the Clark County School System, the Youth Choir has begun its first rehearsals. The Youth Choir is twenty-one voices strong, with students ranging from 3rd to 7th grades. Rehearsals are every Sunday, following regular religious school. Their debut performance will be on Friday, February 24th, when they will lead the Congregation in prayer and sing at Sabbath Services. Much help is needed to make this a huge success. Please call Debbie Stone at 876-6218. ?Tell and Kvell? Congratulations to ANDY GRATZ who has been student of the month at Del H. Robison Jr. High School since September by receiving a perfect report card of all "A?s for academics and ?E?s for citizenship. He was given a pizza luncheon and ice cream party plus a gameroom pass for the term. He was interviewed and accepted as a member of the HONOR SOCIE?TY and was inducted on January 26th. Nice going Andy! Keep up the good work. If you have something special to ?kvell" about regar?ding a member of the Temple family, please send the information to the temple office, attention of Shirley Gellin, by the 10th of each month. Address:_________________________ Phone:.__________________________ ________We are planning on attending February 25th Children's Names_____________________ I ________We are unable to attend. I____________________________________________________IaDDrer-n?'?n Mah Jon99 Players! It's that time again! We H&ii|pjfl| Weinstp3 6 T?Ur orders for new cards through Florence tinn fr^in'^Ihe more cards ordered, the higher the dona- I||%w39 carric m m the Mah Jongg League to us. To order the new faffipjap Channel aT6 Send Checkt0 Florence Weinstein' 4255 Soiith en. Drive, Apt. 93. Las Veoas. Nevada 89119 ----J>arkin9 Lot Sale wail, As the year ends and the new year begins, wants to remind everyone that the temple needs a LQt Sale, your useable discards for its 4th Annual Park'n.g8g con- The 1989 sale will be held Sunday, April 2?^ce or they gregants may bring articles to the temple 0 ^gde may notify the office and arrangements wi ^ sorti to pick up large items. Volunteers are nee a^e to price, display and sell. Please call if YoU donate a few hours of assistance. Claude Rosenthal C||l Ways & Means Vice President you know of someone who is ill or in the and would appreciate a visit from the a oi, please notify the office. The Tbmple is now scheduling Bar Mitzvah dates for 1990. AH those who are to be Bar Mitzvahed during 1990, please call the Rabbi to schedule your date as soon as possible. ntasssmnmaiSISTERHOOD NEWS Don't wait, mark the date, February 18th, don't hesitate. Sisterhood's Third Annual Progressive Mystery Dinner. Be sure to call the Temple Office, 733-6292, and make your reservations. The Co-Chairladies for this fun-filled social event are Lois Doctors and Sandy Ewan. This year's dinner promises to be the best yet. Don't be left out. Sisterhood?s own cookbook is on sale in our lovely Gift Shop. At only $7.00, it makes a perfect hostess gift for Passover, anniversaries, birthdays or any occasion. Support our Sisterhood, buy a cookbook. Keep Thursday, March 9th open. At 7:30 p.m. Rabbi Akselrad will present a program on Intermarriage entitled "Mixed Marriages - Mixed Messages". A video tape entitled "When Love Meets Tradition" will be shown at that time. What is Sisterhood? Sisterhood is the organization of the women of the Congregation who band together for fellowship and friendship, for programs to benefit the com?munity, for social activities, for study, and, above all, for the growth of the individual so that each woman may find an op?portunity to fulfill her potential as a person and as a Jewess. Sisterhood provides the arena for the individual to expand and grow in a Jewish atmosphere. Do you have an upcoming simcha or a special day of remem?brance? Share your day with us and let us help you honor that special person or date by sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat. Call the Temple office and speak to Rita. Mary Fox Sisterhood President Sisterhood to Sponsor Book Review On February 9th at 10:30 a.m. the Sisterhood will host a book review by Rabbi Akselrad in the Ner Tamid library. Following the book review the Sisterhood will hold its regular business meeting and a light lunch at noon. Rabbi Akselrad has chosen the book "When Bad Things Happen to Good People? by Rabbi Harold Kushner. A national bestseller for the past few years, this book has inspired millions of readers throughout the world. Rabbi Akselrad noted, ?I have chosen this book because so many of us wonder why there is evil in the world. We ask ourselves, ?Why is my loved one sick? Why are these horrendous things happening? What have 1 done wrong?' This book helps to provide an answer to this timeless question of evil.? We know that you will not want to miss this book review. The book is available in any local bookstore. In addition our gift shop will have a few copies on hand for sale as well. The book review is free and open to the general com?munity. The cost of the light lunch is $3.50. RSVP's to Rita at 733-6292 are requested no later than February 7. The Sisterhood Connection Here are some names and some telephone numbers to keep han?dy- For the gift shop please call these ladies listed when you are planing to purchase something at our gift shop. Make an ap?pointment with them, to be sure they will be there when you are. Phyllis Mark 871-9672 Barbara Rosen 454-5060 Our telephone committe will gladly assist the needs to "get the word out". Please call these ladies and ask them to help. Dorothy Herman 732-9576 Trudy Schneider 798-8148 Florence Weinstein 732-8773 It is always nice to send a Sisterhood tribute. Please call these ladies and they will assist you in that area. Bernice May 871-9155 Audrey Mishalow 458-7303 We always need your help for Friday night services, including the oneg. If you feel you can give that helping hand, please call . . . Sophie Pisetsky 362-6588 or the Temple 733-6292 We always need ideas for fundraisers and would appreciate any ideas you might have. Please call . . . Hortense Alper 732-1311 Dyane Kohnen 870-2204 If you have any questions about your donor credit please call Julie Ross 361-8370 10% Discount Invitations are wonderful for all occasions. Bar Mitzvahs, weddings, etc. are being sold now by Sisterhood. Please call . . Marilyn Glovinsky 870-9790 We always need new members and we also need you to at?tract them. When you find an interested party please call. . . Debbie Stone 876-6218 If you need a computer flyer please call . . . Maxine Gratz 438-7512 I hope this is helpful to you and needless to say if there is anything l can do for you, feel free to call me. Mary Fox 456-4452 Men?s Club/Brotherhood In the past few months, many of the men have expressed an interest in forming a Brotherhood. In keeping with the National Association of Temple Brother?hoods, Art Shreck has agreed to assume the task of revitalizing the Temple Men?s Club. If you are interested, please leave your name at the temple office. Traditionally Temple Brotherhoods exert a strong in?fluence as a vital arm of the Temple. With the Rabbi's guidance, we hope to organize a group of men devoted and dedicated to serving the needs of the Synagogue. Can we count on your support?Sisterhood Tributes To Kim Sedway In Memory of Father From Sisterhood To Dr. Steven Kollins For a Speedy Recovery From Sidney & Bernice May DTI & Don Eisner Sig & Dyanne Kohnen To the Doctors Family In Memory of Father From Florence Weinstein Lill & Don Eisner Sidney & Bernice May Sig & Dyanne Kohnen Sisterhood Mary & Jerry Fox Sandi & Roger Ewan Audrey & Joel Mishalow Bernie & Barbara Kaufman To Sophie Pisetsky For a Speedy Recovery From Don & Lill Eisner Dick & Barbara Rosen To Bernice & Sidney May Congratulations on Birth of Grandson, Bryant Kealey From Don & Lill Eisner To Dr. Stanley & Georgia Ames Congratulations on Their New Home From Don & Lill Eisner To Mr. & Mrs. A. Gottlieb Condolences on Loss of Son From Ida Aberman To Rabbi & Joni Akselrad Condolences on Loss of Brother-in-Law From Sisterhood Audrey & Joel Mishalow Nina & Darin Tiep Mr. & Mrs. M.Krauss Condolences on Loss of Father From Sisterhood you to attend a very special event we are planning for the Spring. This will be an exciting event with awards to honor special volunteers and will be open to everyone who wishes to honor our people who have earned their donor credit. The following is only a partial list of how you may earn donor credit. More suggestions will be forthcoming and all suggestions are welcome. 1. Volunteer your time. We need your help at Sisterhood func?tions or Oneg Shabbats and you will earn a donor credit of $4 an hour for work preparing an event or $5 an hour for work the day of the event. 2. Your cash donation to Sisterhood because you want to. 3. 25% of the protlt Sisterhood makes on your admission to our events will be donor creait - you come to our events and get donor credit. 4. If you cook, bake or donate food for Sisterhood functions, or to be frozen and used for Onegs, the cost of the ingredients will be added to your donor credit. 5. Tributes - Cost a minimum of $4 each and all but $1 goes toward your donor credit. Call Bernice May at 871-9155 or Audrey Mishalow art 458-7307 for tributes. 6. Sell ads for the Sisterhood Calendar. You will receive the full amount in donor credit if the ad is a new one, and half if it is a repeat. This can be a major source of easily earned donor credit. 7. Donate a nice gift that can be used for a raffle or doorprize at a Sisterhood function. You will earn credit for the amount of the cost of the item. 8. Host a brunch, luncheon, or evening in your home playing cards, Mah Jongg, Trivia, or have a guest speaker, etc. Earn donor credit with the profit you make for Sisterhood. REMEMBER: The object of making your donor credit is to con?tribute your time or anything of value that will help earn money for Sisterhood. We have a form which will be mailed to you to help you keep track of donor credit. Bring or mail the form to the Temple in care of Julie Ross, or call Julie at 361-8370 with your totals. We hope to see all Sisterhood members at our Spring Events! To Andy Gratz Congratulations on making the Honor Society From Mommy & DaddyOn January 23rd we held our first Choir meeting for the purpose of meeting our new choir leader, Hallee Wash. We look forward to a productive year and know that the members of our choir will put forth their utmost effort to continue to progress in better and better performances. WOMEN?S AMERICAN ORT TO SPONSOR ORT SABBATH February 17th has been designated as ORT Sabbath at Con?gregation Ner Tamid. On this Friday evening, at services led by Rabbi Akselrad, several members will participate, and ORT will sponsor the Oneg Shabbat at that time. ORT (Organiza?tion for Rehabilitation through Training) has brought dignity and relevance to vocational education. It reinforces the socio?economic fabric of Israeli society and combats anti-Semitism at home and abroad. It supports the struggle for human rights everywhere and mobilizes communities in support of democratic principles and pluralism in society. MEAL & A SHPIEL BOWLING Our next session is scheduled for Saturday, March 4th at 10:00 a.m. Don't forget to mark your calendars accordingly. If you have never attended one, you're in for a treat. Those that have participated in one or more sessions don't need any encouragement. The members of Congregation Ner Tamid are bowling with the members of Las Vegas Lodge *11 Knights of Pythias at the Gold Coast Lanes, 10:00 a.m. on Sundays. Both men and women are invited. For more information call Jerry Cohen at 363-4669 or Rita Moses at the Temple office. KUGEL by Lillian Singer EDIE?S NOODLE KUGEL WITH FRUIT 16 oz. large noodles 8 oz. cream cheese 1 pt. sour cream 2 sticks of margarine 6 eggs 1 tablespoon vanilla 1 cup of sugar 8 oz. cottage cheese Separate eggs, beat egg whites till stiff, cook noodles and drain with cold water. Beat yokes and everything together, then mix noodles and fold in egg whites. Bake for 25 minutes in 325? oven. 1 lb. broad noodles, cooked and drained 1 pt. sour cream 1 lb. cottage cheese 6 eggs, beaten 1/2 lb. margarine, melted in pan (or 1 packet of butter buds, liquid) sugar to taste - Vz cup or more 1 lb. can of fruit cocktail, drained In separate bowl mix: 2 cups corn flakes 1/4 cup sugar 4 tablespoons cinnamon 4 tablespoons butter Add to top of Kugel and bake another 25 minutes. Serve and eat! Melt margarine in 11"X14" pan while heating oven. Cook noodles. Meanwhile beat eggs, add other ingredients, noodles and melted margarine. Mix gently and thoroughly. Pour into pan. Sprinkle top with corn flake crumbs, then cin- namon/sugar. Bake at 375? for 1 hour.GOLDEN CHAI NEWS iDear Seniors: It?s that time again to say "hello" to all our members and wish all of you a happy and healthy New Year to you and yours. The Centel Singers entertained our seniors on January 19th and on February 2nd Rabbi Akselrad will install our officers and board members. It will be lovely, so please be therel We will have pictures taken of this event. On February 16th our Rabbi will entertain us with "What Makes a Jew Laugh?" This should be very funny so don't miss this event. I want to say thank you on behalf of myself and our officers for having the faith in us to keep Golden Chai Seniors the organization that it has become. Surely we are the talk of Las Vegas seniors. Please keep up the fine work and we will do the same for another year. Thank you, DOROTHY HERMAN 732-9576 FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS Dr. Stanley Ames 3rd Julie Ross 20th Sara Anderson 3rd Peter Schomaker 28th Howard Bock 11th Art Schreck 18th Karen Borgelt 20th Scott Schreiber 1st Aaron Bossak 21st Dr. Norton Shapiro 12th Sharon Cohen 17th Natalie Shaw 21st Joan Dunn 22nd Carol Siegel 14th Eric Fenster 18th Dr. Roger Simon 28th Helen Ginsberg 17th Ben Sprague 19th Edie Glasser 21st Ronald Stein 12th Gail Godorov 20th Andrew Stein 28th Bent Gorosch 4th Joan Stein 12th LaVerne Hirsh 14th John Wanderer 20th Debbie Horton 27th Jessica Cioffi 10th Gregory Kamer 14th Barbara Fenster 16th Norman Kaufman 8th Tara Howe 10th Lisa Fein 7th Matt Stone 12th Emily Miller 13th Henry Minsey 23rd Alan Molasky 18th John Moran 5th Our sincere apologies for having Brad Nelson 19th missed Allison Schnitzer?s birth- Dr. Stephen Newmark 24th day in January. Hope it was a Barbra Ober 18th happy one!TEMPLE TRIBUTES TEMPLE CONTRIBUTIONS To Rabbi & Joni Akselrad In Memory of Brother-in-Law, Craig Smith From Linda & Ken Schnitzer Val & Phyllis Lewis Irene Gold Gil & Natalie Shaw Gary, Noreen & Adam Sternberg Shirley & Art Gellin To Mary & A1 Gottlieb Condolences on Loss of Son, Paul From Mike & Ether Shack Merle Effron CHOIR FUND To Malcolm Doctors & Family In Memory of Father, Solomon Doctors From Sam & Hortense Alper Moe & Helen Ginsberg To Rabbi & Joni Akselrad In Loving Memory of Craig Smith From Sam & Hortense Alper PRAYER BOOK FUND To Malcolm & Lois Doctors & Family In Loving Memory of Father, Solomon Doctors From Sheila & Norm Kaufman Noreen, Gary & Adam Sternberg Art & Shirley Gellin Dr. Marvin & Marilyn Glovinsky Cal & Phyllis Lewis Natalie & Art Berger Harvey & Fran Sanoff To Gloria Freedman In Loving Memory of Mother Rivka Keshner From Edith & Harold Glasser To Malcolm Doctors & Family In Loving Memory of Father, Solomon Doctors From George & Sharlene Flushman Linda & Ken Schnitzer Cal & Phyllis Lewis David & Juanita Wasserman To Sophie Pisetsky For a Speedy Recovery From Moe & Helen Ginsberg Harvey & Fran Sanoff Shirley & Art Gellin Noreen, Gary & Adam Sternberg To Dr. Steven Kollins For a Speedy Recovery From Harvey & Fran Sanoff In Memory of Beloved Brother, Melvin Sanoff From Harvey & Fran Sanoff To Rabbi & Joni Akselrad In Memory of Brother-in-Law, Craig Smith From the Doctors Family Cal & Phyllis Lewis RABBI?S DISCRETIONARY FUND From Mr. & Mrs. Hy Bergman From Shirley Kravitz LIBRARY BOOK DONATED IN MEMORY OF SOLOMON DOCTORS BY THE KOLLINS FAMILY.Dear Friends: To all of our extended family at Congregation Ner Tamid, thank you for your heartfelt support, warmth, and love during these past few weeks. The loss that our family felt at the passing of our father and husband was somewhat eased by each and everyone of you. We can not adequately put into words our appreciation, but suffice it to say, we were truly overwhelmed. The Doctors Family Thank you for all the flowers, cards and good wishes. Looking forward to seeing you all soon. Luv ya! Sophie Chesed (Kindness) Committee Chesed (Kindness) is the essence of Congregation life. A committee has been organized to help our families in their time of need, when the loss of a loved one occurs. Jeanne Schomaker and Phyllis Lewis have been kind enough to chair this committee. Every member of the congregation is a member of this committee. More details in the next bulletin. Business Control Company of Nevada, Inc. Phyllis J. Fredkin, President (702) 737-6900 3900 Paradise Road Suite 209 (Citibank Park) Las Vegas, Nevada 89109 INCOME TAX Individual & Corporate Full Service Accounting Since 1963 Fmiiilinii ? Hi?) - ? Seta * Don Eisner Regional Manager PIPE & SUPPLY 3033 South Vaftey View las Vegas. Nevada 09102 (702) 876 0775 / 076 0100 MARKET ADVERTISING COVERAGE INC PRINTING. ADVERTISING DISTRIBUTION AND MAILING 4301 S. Valley View Suite "10 Las Vegas. NV 89103 (702)368 2121 STEVE FORTGANG, THE #1 BAR MITZVAH BAND for 15 Years in Miami, Florida, is relocating in Las Vegas. He is accepting Bar & Bat Mitzvah dates for the fall of 1989. I FOR INFO CALL (30S) 823-7765 116401 Stonehaven Road ? Miami Lakes. Florida 33014 your ?PRlbE it ore Officially Licensed by UNLV 1220 E. Harmon Ave., Suite A-1 Las Vegas, Nevada 89119 Steven N. Lang (702) 735-4444 Steve has offered a Special Discount to Temple Members <|(OUR qBflVEKPUKS 3421 East Tropicana Avenue Suite D ? Pecos Center Las Vegas, Nevada 89121-7396 Linda Schnitxar Ken Schnitzer Owner (702) 456-4080 /instate ,vsr?, ''OR SHEL SBARRA Senior Account Agent (D. I. & Pecos, Cinemax 8 Plaza) 3025 East Desert Inn Road, #19 Las Vegas, NV 89121-3812 Bus. 794-3600 ? Claims 456-2200 MARVIN Weddings Bar Mitzvahs Portraits Publicity 877-; 2337,4 State Contractor # C1-15912 Pi re Protection G-46 | SPRING VALLEY PLUMBING, INC. 4300 North Pecoe Road, No -28 Us Vegas. Nevada 89115 JEFFERY HEIT (702) 644-1220 POSTAL NSJANT PRESS The -Wfjie-U-Wait' Printers! saylptp-itr QUALITY PRINTING AND COPYING XEROX COPIES 8V4 X 11 /SO? mla OPEN 7:30 AM TO 5:30 PM MONDAY - FRIDAY 850 S. Rancho Drive ? 870-7158 MoneyWorld Realtors? 3025 E. Desert Inn. #120 Las Vegas, NV 89121 (702) 369-8744 Home: 456-5672 Pager: 381-7002 JANIS ROUNDS G.R.I. REALTOR* R0L RAUSCHER PIERCE REFSNES, INC. Member New York Stock Exchange. Inc. C A. ?Cal" Lewis Reudem Manager 1900 E. Flamingo ? Suite 170 ? Las Vegas. NV 89119 ? (702) 369-0909r 5749 1989 FEBRUARY shevat adar I 1 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY JANUARY S U T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 *j 26 SHEVAT 2 27 SHEVAT SISTERHOOD BOARD MEETING 9:45 AM GOLDEN CHAI 12:00 PM ^ 28 SHEVAT SHABBAT SERVICES 8:00 PM ^ ? y| 29 SHEVAT Mlshpatlm r** 30 SHEVAT 1 ADAR I -y 2 ADAR 1 Q 3 ADAR 1 4 ADAR I ^ Q 5 ADAR1 SHABBAT SERVICES 8:00 P? ^ n ^ ^ 6 ADAR1 SUBREGIONAL AJU UAHC Ufel Tarumah RELIGIOUS SCHOOL POSH CHODESH ROSH CHODESH TEMPLE BOARD MEETING 7:30 PM TEEN IMPACT 7:00 PM SISTERHOOD BOOK REVIEW 10:30 AM LIGHT LUNCH 12 NOON -I2 7adar' RELIGIOUS SCHOOL LINCOLN?S BIRTHDAY 8 ADAR I -j 9 ADAR 1 CONFIRMATION CLASS 7-8:30 PM "15 10 ADAR1 U 11 ADAR I 16 GOLDEN CHAI 12:00 PM "?J 12 ADAR 1 SHABBAT SERVICE 8:00 PM a a 0RT Jt SABBATH jin "18 13 ADAR1 SISTERHOOD 3RD ANNUAL ill PROGRESSIVE DINNER Tatzavah 19 14 ADAR1 NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL PRESIDENTS DAY 20 i5adari OFFICE CLOSED WASHINGTON?S BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED 16 ADAR 1 CONFIRMATION CLASS 7-8:30 PM 22 17 ADAR I 28 18 ADAR 1 24 19 ADAR 1 SHABBAT SERVICES 8:00 PM 4TH / 5TH GRADE SHABBAT fjf\ DINNER JJU 25 20 ADAR1 TOT SHABBAT 10:00 AM JT1 Kl Tlaa 20 21ADAR1 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL JEWISH LECTURE SERIES 7 30 PM V 2j 22A?AR 1 28 23adari CONFIRMATION CLASS 7-8:30 PM MARCH 8 M T W T Ft 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 29 30 31^^ TEmple Board Kenneth Schnitzer President Malcolm Doctors V.P. Administrative Noreen Sternberg V.P. Membership Claude Rosenthal V.P. Ways and Means Eileen Kollins V.P. Religious Activities Marilyn Glovinsky V.P. Education Debra Schreck Secretary Gerald Gordon Treasurer Joan Dunn Trustee Moe Ginsberg Thistee Hortense Alper Trustee Rona Mendelson Trustee Sheryl Kogan TYustee Darin Tiep Trustee Cal Lewis Thistee Dyane Kohnen Trustee Fran Sanoff Ttustee Mary Fox Sisterhood Dorothy Herman Golden Chai Sharon Dunn NTTY President Dr. David Wasserman Past President Dr. Steve Kollins Past President Michael Cherry Past President Leo A. Wilner Advisor Art Gellin Publicitv Sisterhood Board Mary Fox President Hortense Alper V.P. Ways and Means Dyane Kohnen V.P. Programming Debbie Stone V.P. Membership Maxine Gratz . Corresponding Secretary Kathleen Schaefer Recording Secretary Phyllis Lewis Treasurer Lois Doctors Historian Julie Ross Donor Bernice May Tributes Audrey Mischalow TYibutes Sophie Pisetsky Oneo Shahhat Phyllis Mark Gift Shop Barbara Rosen Gift Shnn Ccp$re$atiep Ner Tanjid ran *u rfrip ___________The Raform Synagogua of La* Vaga* Afflllatad with tha Union of American Habraw Congragatlon 2761 Emerson Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89121 733-6292 Non Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Las Vegas, Nevada Permit No. 682