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Transcript of interview with Lomie Heard by Stephen Singer, February 9, 1980






On February 9, 1980, collector Stephen M. Singer interviewed schoolteacher, Lomie Heard (born January 22nd, 1906 in Carlsbad, New Mexico) in her home in Las Vegas, Nevada. This interview covers education over the span of thirty years, and includes an overview on the building of the University of Nevada Las Vegas. Also discussed during this interview: Nellis Air Force Base, jet airplanes at Nellis, military families, and the Nevada Test Site.

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    Heard, Lomie Interview, 1980 February 09. OH-00824. [Transcript.] Oral History Research Center, Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    UNLV University Libraries Lomie Heard 1 An Interview with Lomie Heard An Oral History Conducted by Stephen M. Singer Ralph Roske Oral History Project on Early Las Vegas Special Collections and Archives Oral History Research Center University Libraries University of Nevada, Las Vegas UNLV University Libraries Lomie Heard 2 © Ralph Roske Oral History Project on Early Las Vegas University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2019 UNLV University Libraries Lomie Heard 3 The Oral History Research Center (OHRC) was formally established by the Board of Regents of the University of Nevada System in September 2003 as an entity of the UNLV University Libraries’ Special Collections Division. The OHRC conducts oral interviews with individuals who are selected for their ability to provide first-hand observations on a variety of historical topics in Las Vegas and Southern Nevada. The OHRC is also home to legacy oral history interviews conducted prior to its establishment including many conducted by UNLV History Professor Ralph Roske and his students. This legacy interview transcript received minimal editing, such as the elimination of fragments, false starts, and repetitions in order to enhance the reader's understanding of the material. All measures have been taken to preserve the style and language of the narrator. The interviewee/narrator was not involved in the editing process. UNLV University Libraries Lomie Heard 4 Abstract On February 9, 1980, collector Stephen M. Singer interviewed schoolteacher, Lomie Heard (born January 22nd, 1906 in Carlsbad, New Mexico) in her home in Las Vegas, Nevada. This interview covers education over the span of thirty years, and includes an overview on the building of the University of Nevada Las Vegas. Also discussed during this interview: Nellis Air Force Base, jet airplanes at Nellis, military families, and the Nevada Test Site. UNLV University Libraries Lomie Heard 5 Test. The informant is Lomie Gray Heard. The date, February 9th, 1980. Time: 11 A.M. The place: 2924 Liberty Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada. Collector: Stephen Singer, 1450 East Harmon, Number 212B, Las Vegas, Nevada. Oral Interview: the Past Thirty Years in Education. Okay, Lomie, briefly describe yourself. When and why did you come here? I came here during World War Two. Our, most teacher’s used the opportunity of World War Two to change the schools because there was a demand for teachers. And I had heard of the Las Vegas system from—in Gallant, New Mexico. And sent an application to the superintendent here, and she returned a contract to me without an interview and I immediately signed the contract and sent it back to her. What schooling had you had before that? I was a graduate of the Colorado College of Education in Greely, Colorado. In Greely, Colorado? What influenced you into the teaching profession? All my life I wanted to be a teacher. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. How was the educational system when you moved here? When you very first started, the thirty-three years ago? There were very few schools, one high school, there was: Westside Elementary, North Ninth, Mayfair, John S. Park, Fifth Street, North Las Vegas Number One, North Las Vegas Number Two. Those were the only elementary schools here, in 1944. What grades did you teach when you moved here? Kindergarten. Kindergarten? The whole time? When I first came I taught kindergarten. And then, what grade after that? UNLV University Libraries Lomie Heard 6 I taught first grade and second grade in North Las Vegas. I came here to teach kindergarten a half day in North Las Vegas Number One and Number Two. And due to the enrollment I was soon displaced at North Las Vegas Number Two. When you say North Las Vegas Number One or Two, do you mean—are those certain schools? That’s what the name was? Those were certain schools. The names were changed to Washington and Jefferson in later years. And those schools are—no, there’s no longer a school. Not at all? No. Okay. What were the size of the classes when you came here? Where I taught they were very small. ‘Cause that was an area where there were not too many people in North Las Vegas. And I remember that I had twelve children in my kindergarten. Okay. How about—what was the population? Do you have any idea what the population of Las Vegas was then? About twelve thousand. About twelve thousand. When did you notice the big increase in population? When did all the people come here? It also began immediately. We constantly had new children. Oh really. And it wasn’t but two or three years till we were just overflowing with children, and our classes were large. Do you—do you know of any major changes that have occurred in the educational system since you were here? UNLV University Libraries Lomie Heard 7 Oh yes. When you started? The system then was under one superintendent and it was only the Las Vegas City school system. Ms. Maude Frazier was the superintendent. And later, the school system was changed to the Clark County school system, which—where all county schools were under one superintendent, as they are today. Now with these changes, were there any changes that you were against—from the time of—that you were here? Oh. Not really. Oh, you know, you go along with progress. Uh-huh. And a lot of times we hated to see so many new people coming in. Schools were becoming crowded and there were half day sessions all over town. Are there any changes that you think should be made in today’s education? Or are you pretty happy with it? No. I feel that children—we really need to stick to some of the basics. The children are—we have an entirely different situation today because of the mobility of people. And we’re never going to get away from children needing remedial help, because they move too many places, too—into too many schools and where they can’t finish the school year under one system or even under one teacher. That makes sense. (Laughs) Did the growth of this area in the fifties help or hinder the educational system? I think it definitely helped the system. How’s that? UNLV University Libraries Lomie Heard 8 We began to have more money. Legislature would appropriate more money. We began to be able to do many more things. I see. Was there—what kind of growth happened in the fifties—was it very substantial? I mean did—? Yes. Many new hotels were built. Uh-huh. And every time a hotel was built, more people—there were more people in the schools. More— Did—? More people had jobs. And people came here to work in the hotels. Uh-huh. Is it—? And then Nellis Air Force Base continued to grow. And there wasa large military population. And then there was the atomic testing site, which hired many people out at Indian Springs. That brought many people into the area in the fifties. In the fifties? Mm-hmm. When did Nellis Air Force Base come into existence? Oh. Before World War Two. Uh-huh. There’s much history about that—that you can find because the Las Vegas Gunnery School was put here through the efforts of Bob Griffith, who was president of the Chamber of Commerce at that time. And there was a large number of men stationed out at the Las Vegas Gunnery School. And the base closed for a short time and then was reopened as an Air Force Base in about 1948. So, did you ever teach kids from the Base? UNLV University Libraries Lomie Heard 9 Yes. Before I went out to the Base I taught—they used to bring the children into North Las Vegas schools, from the Base, and we had a few of those children. I see. And you say, “Before I went out there.” Then, what do you mean? When did you go out there? Why did you go out there? Oh. Well, there was first a school on the Base in 1949. But they decided to start a school out there for the military children. Because they knew that the Base was going to grow. And in 1950, I was in school—summer school in Tuscan, Arizona, and the school superintendent, Mr. Walter Johnson, called me and asked me if I would take the teaching principal-ship for the school out at Nellis Air Force Base. At that time, they called it just the Air Force Base. It hadn’t been named Nellis. Now what grade did you teach, then? The first—first year I taught a combination first and second. We only had three teachers. Uh-huh. Kindergarten teacher, a third and fourth grade teacher and a first and second grade teacher. And the other children were bussed into town. With three teachers, that must have put a big influence on kindergarten, too, then. Mm-hmm. (Unintelligible) We taught school in barracks. In barracks, really? We only had old barracks. What was the housing like out on that Base? UNLV University Libraries Lomie Heard 10 The old two story barracks had been converted into apartments for the dependents to live in. And Congress appropriated funds to build houses through the efforts of Senator Pat McCarran. And the first housing area, one of the main streets was named after McCarran. And they built five hundred houses, which were immediately filled with military personnel. So our school grew rapidly. And as it—as the school grew, the Base personnel would open another barracks and convert it into a classroom for us. Until nineteen and fifty-three when—with the federal money, a modern fifteen-room school was built. I see. What inadequacies did the schools have then? We had no libraries in our elementary schools. And the appropriation for libraries was five dollars per school room per year, for library books, when I came here. Boy. And it was through the ingenuity of principals like Mrs. Ruby S. Thomas at John S. Park and with helps of the PTA’s that we had school carnivals and made money to build—to house and build our, and furnish our libraries, probably take a school classroom and buy our library books. What effects did this have on the kids as they grew up? Did it hurt ‘em or—very badly, or did they complain to you a lot? No. The children were, I guess were accustomed to it but they certainly did enjoy libraries when we furnished them for them. And that was the nice thing about the Air Force Base, because the officer’s wives had started the school library before I went there. And we had a barracks room for the library and they bought many, many library books for us. So we soon had a modern library. When did all this change? When did they start getting the libraries? Oh, in the fifties, as more money was appropriated through legislature for the students. UNLV University Libraries Lomie Heard 11 Do you think this was characteristic of all schools in Nevada or just the Las Vegas area? Well, there weren’t too many schools at that time here. The two main systems, were the Reno system and the Las Vegas system. And I just don’t know about the libraries. Though I do think that in some of those other school systems there was more money and they did have—Miss Frazier was an outstanding superintendent but she was conservative. And teachers drew very fine salaries here right through the Depression. How long was Miss Frazier the superintendent? I don’t remember. I think it was from like 1928 to 1946, I believe. But there are records because there—you could get in the library at the university. What did the Nevada Test Site have to do—what—how—what kind of influence did that have in your classroom? Oh, many, many people came here to work at the Test Site, were transferred here from Albuquerque and other towns. And at first the atomic explosions were kind of—were very secret and we never knew exactly when one was going to be detonated. It was—but we would get up early in the morning and go out and sit out on the desert and wait for the explosion. And many times we saw very the bomb was dropped in those days, and it was very interesting. And then there were daytime explosions when I used to take our children from our school and walk out on the playground and watch a complete view of an atomic bomb drop from the very first part until a cloud rose over the sky. How often did this happen? Well, the day—in the day time there were not too many. But we used to have them quite often in the early fifties. UNLV University Libraries Lomie Heard 12 How do you feel about that today—about the people who claim they’re sick from the Test Site and the people who worked out there? Do you—you know, do you think that’s a valid point? It certainly is a possibility because we did not realize the danger of those clouds floating over and when the—at first there was terrible shocks in Las Vegas, which broke out (unintelligible) glass windows and would awaken you in the night and rattle your Venetian blinds and crack walls and homes. But they later learned to not set one off as—if the wind currents were toward Las Vegas. So you’re saying that the clouds blew right over Las Vegas though, with all that radiation and that? No. Not necessarily the cloud but we would receive this shock. Yes. The clouds usually were north of here. So was not much short of an earthquake, is what it was, wasn’t it? Yes. Much to the feeling of an earthquake. Right. Let’s talk about the gaming industry, when that came to Las Vegas. Now did that have any kind of effect on the educational system here, when they introduced gaming? Well. It brought more money to the schools. Uh-huh. Miss Frazier used to say, that she was accused of taking tainted money, but the only thing she felt (unintelligible). (Laughs) So—so even the gaming industry has come that far down to help education too, right? UNLV University Libraries Lomie Heard 13 Right. Hasn’t done anything to hinder it, has it? No. It has not. I see. As—that’s the way I feel and I remember Miss Frazier used to feel the same way. How ‘bout Boulder Dam? Now—you weren’t here when Boulder Dam was built, but do you know how the education was? Had you heard or—how education was when Boulder Dam was being built? What happened during that period? The schools became very crowded. I think that was the first time that schools in Las Vegas had really felt an influx of population. So the main times when the schools crown up was Nellis Air Force Base, and the influx of people from that, and Boulder Dam, then the Nevada Test Site, right? Is there any other time when the schools got crowded? Just the regular growth of Las Vegas, which many people came here due to the good climate. Many military people who were stationed here during the war returned to Las Vegas. And then, of course, each motel that opened brought new people. Now what was the city like when you moved here? How much growth was there then? I mean what existed? There were still homes on Fremont Street, with people living right in their own homes, right on Fremont Street. Boy, and how about Las Vegas Boulevard where the main Strip is now, what was that like? That was called Fifth Street, in those days. Uh-huh. UNLV University Libraries Lomie Heard 14 And the two main streets here were Fremont Street and Fifth Street. And Fifth Street ran on into the Los Angeles Highway, which there were only two hotels on the Strip at that time: The Frontier and the El Rancho. How ‘bout Nellis Air Force Base—how did that grow in the time that you came here? Well, from that reopening of the Base after the war, with just a few people stationed there, and then, there was a growth with many people living on the Base that were connected with the Test Site. And then shortly, during the time of the Test Site the Lake Mead Base was built at Nellis, which was a very secretive place. And it was run by the Marines and the Navy, and it was a Base where the hydrogen and atomic bombs were stored. And we—our enrollment grew because there were so many houses allowed for the Navy and the Marine children, dependents. I see. So the schools got bigger and bigger? Yes. I see. Just within two or three years we had to ask for an appropriation and then have ten more classrooms built on to Nellis School. Who did you go for, for that appropriation? Oh, we went to the Federal government. Uh-huh. Did you have any problem getting it? No. The help, that was—our HUD now. No. We had no problems getting that. See Nellis School was the only school in the state like that. It was run by Clark County. And kept up and the teachers paid but yet the building and the furniture was furnished by the government. I see. That’s very interesting. How—is it that way today, too? Or? No. The government gave the school to Clark County. UNLV University Libraries Lomie Heard 15 So Clark County has to put up all the appropriations then now for the school? Yes. I see. They maintained the school at the time. That was the agreement. When you were in the school then, you were well taken care of, being as how it was a government school, right? No. Our supplies came from the local school district. From Clark County? But the people were—who did many things for us, because they had access to lots of things. For instance, we could borrow a projector when we didn’t have very many in our schools. It was always—we could, we were always able to go over and borrow a projector from someone. And would you? And many films, too. Yes. They had many educational films that we could use. When you came here, what were the main educational centers of Nevada? I mean, cause the population of the state has probably, you know, double, tripled, or even quadrupled since you’ve come here. Where else besides Las Vegas was an educational center in Nevada? Well, the Reno school system, Carson City and Elko, Nevada, always was known to have an excellent school system. And now in Las Vegas today is it—some cities that you hear about have bad school systems does Las Vegas have a good school system? UNLV University Libraries Lomie Heard 16 I consider Las Vegas an excellent school system. Uh-huh. I was here twenty-one years and I retired in 1971. And after that I substituted for six years, and I was in almost every school—elementary school in the area. And there are many fine teachers and many good educational (unintelligible). Did you find substituting harder than being a regular teacher? Yes. Substituting’s hard. (Laughs) People are a little more rambunctious, huh? (Laughs) Now with Nellis Air Force Base, how long were you there? I was there twenty-one years. And what honors did you receive out there from being a teacher? Oh. When I retired the faculty and the parents got out a petition and took it to the school board that the school name would be changed from Nellis Air Force Base to the Lomie Gray Heard Elementary School. And that’s what it is now? That’s what it is today. That’s quite an honor. And also, I received the Air Force plaque, which is a great honor to be presented on a civilian from the Air Force. Boy, that is an honor. Now let’s talk about when you first came here. How old were you when you came here? Well, I was born in 1906 and I came in 1944. Okay. What did—? UNLV University Libraries Lomie Heard 17 That’s thirty-eight, isn’t it? (Laughs) (Unintelligible) What type of buildings were used when you first came here? The building I taught in, in North Las Vegas—Las Vegas Number Two had been built with emergency funds, Federal funds because of the military impact on the district. And they were built of cement block with cement floors, just as—but very few facilities, and in our particular school because there was such a shortage of electric wire, there was no electricity. And if we had a—PTA meeting could not be held in our school because we didn’t have any electricity in the school. And I think that was the only building in town of the schools, there were several school that were built with emergency funds. But that was the—happened to be the only school that, because that electrical wire was just almost impossible to get. It was used for military installations. So that was characteristic of this area. Was it hard to get money for these schools when you first came here? With the tremendous growth it was hard to—because you only vote bonds ever so often. (Tape one ends) How was discipline when you came here? We’ll talk about it first when you came here. Oh, the discipline was excellent in the schools here. How did they discipline the children—when they were bad? Well, each teacher had her own methods. But they didn’t—children were spanked but not necessarily but most of the principles demanded good discipline and stood behind their teachers. And we had no real discipline problems. UNLV University Libraries Lomie Heard 18 I see. How about on the Air Force Base? Were the kids pretty—did they behave well out there? Very well. But I demanded it. Uh-huh. So you were a strict teacher? I feel that children feel secure in good discipline. They know how far they can go and they respect you and they respect their teachers. Do you ever hear from any of the kids that you taught? I still here from children I taught the first year I was there. I know where they are. I hear from them every Christmas. So you must have made a pretty good impression on their lives. And some of them live in the area. Some live in Tucson. Uh-huh. Some live here in Vegas. Now after living here thirty-three years, you retired in Arizona, why did you retire there? I went there because it’s a smaller town and my sister and I built a home together. Uh-huh. So you live with your sister now? Yes. I see. Is there anything about Las Vegas that you don’t like? I never— That you think should be changed? I—the only thing I never liked about Las Vegas was the wind. (Laughs) (Laughs) And there’s nothing much you can do about the wind. (Laughs) UNLV University Libraries Lomie Heard 19 Do about the wind—yes. (Laughs) I— And I do think that the wind blows worst on Nellis Air Force Base than any place in town. (Laughs) (Laughs) Let me get back to—you said the kids got a spanking, now recently in Los Angeles, there, I hear on the news they’re gonna start doing that again. What do you think about that? Well, the pendulum always swings the other way. When we go too far one way, in anything, and education is no exception. Why, the parents are demanding better discipline in the schools now. I think they realize that there are errors and not only—the schools can’t do it. The homes are—have to be more strict with their children. Do you think today’s kids aren’t raised as well? I mean, do you think—do you think that they need—there’s a need for better discipline? It depends. Our mode of life is different. We’re so affluent nowadays that you just can’t compare what has happened before with the way it is. The children today have much to contend with that other children didn’t have to in past generations. We never had to meet the dope problem and all the many problems that our generation now is having to face and sometimes you just wonder how they come out as well as they do. Let me—let me get on another subject. When you taught here did you have anyone in your class—classes that stick out today? Any famous people or anyone who would be in government in the Las Vegas area? Did you ever teach any of those kind of people? Well, most of the children that I taught went other places with the Air Force Base. Uh-huh. They got into the Air Force themselves or? Or went to other bases? Went by their families moving. UNLV University Libraries Lomie Heard 20 Uh-huh. Yes. Was there an adequate amount of supplies when you came here? And today also? Oh. Yes. The schools in Nevada have always had free textbooks and free workbooks, pencils, paper, and almost any supply that a teacher needs. It’s really fantastic. Now— And moving over to Arizona, which, where the school doesn’t even have a thousand children, I talk to the teachers and they cannot believe the things or the services that the Las Vegas schools furnish and the supplies that are available to teachers. Let’s talk about another thing, how about bussing. Now—has there ever been any incidence of bussing in this—in Las Vegas? There was practically no bussing when I came here. All the children used to go home for lunch lived close enough. The children used to be bussed to—the Fifth graders were bussed from North Las Vegas over to the old Fifth Street School, which was the main school and elementary school in those days, that went up through the eighth grade. There were no junior highs when I came here. Each school, as they grew became a kindergarten through eight. And then where’d the kids go after that? The—there was just the one high school here at that time. That was Las Vegas. The old Las Vegas High School. Uh-huh. And how many—how many schools are there now? You’ll have to check with the Clark County School District. ‘Cause they—since I left here they built so many new ones that I just would be afraid to say. UNLV University Libraries Lomie Heard 21 (Unintelligible) Was there any—ever any racial incidents that, in the Las Vegas area, that have happened, that would stick out in your mind? There was a time—but then I was never involved because working on a military base, the children are not segregated and it’s an ideal situation. Because their fathers work together, their homes are side by side, and I never noticed any—we didn’t have a racial problem. We had many nationalities and we had many mixed marriages because the people had lived all over the world. And I used to call them my league of nations. And the children got along beautifully together. But there were incidents but I was never involved in those incidents and I would be afraid to give you historical data because it might be incorrect. Did you live right on the Base when you—? No. I lived in town and drove out. Uh-huh. What sticks out in your mind more from when you came here to when you left, in the educational field and anything else? Well, one thing was the building of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. That was a tremendous influx on the teachers because we could take classes out there during the winter and also during the summer. Now how ‘bout growth. How fast did it grow? The schools grew tremendously. Uh-huh. Through the fifties and sixties. As the town grew so fast it was just unbelievable and so many new schools had to be built. And there was a time when almost every school in Las Vegas had their first two or three, maybe four grades on the half day sessions. UNLV University Libraries Lomie Heard 22 Did—so they had—did, have they ever had split sessions here, where a certain amount go in the morning and a certain amount go in the afternoon? Yes. Those were what we called our half day sessions. Yes. Do they do that now, too? I don’t believe so. Because there are schools that have empty rooms and they bus some children over to another school rather than put children on a half-day session. Do you think half-day sessions are a good idea? Not if it can be helped. Uh-huh. But you can teach the children but they only get the basics, in a half-day session. Because you have to have the children out and gone for another group to come in. Uh-huh. If you don’t mind my asking, how ‘bout your salary when you first came here and then as it progressed did it go up much or was it raised much? The salaries were always good. But salaries consistently were raised through the years. Uh-huh. So— And I think that the salaries here are almost as good as any place in the—any of the southwest states. Maybe places in California have better salary schedules but I know from going over—living over in Arizona over the last two years, that their salaries do not compare with the Las Vegas salaries. Was it the same for a kindergarten teacher as opposed to a twelfth grade teacher? When I came the high school teachers received more money than the elementary teachers. Do you have any reason why? That just seemed to have been a custom. UNLV University Libraries Lomie Heard 23 And when did that change? I think that was in the fifties, that we became—went on to a single salary schedule, as we call it. Uh-huh. So, that then, the kindergarten teacher would make as much as a twelfth grade teacher? Right. As much as a high school teacher. I see. It depended on your educational experience, the way it is today. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Which was as it should be. Right. Right. How ‘bout now? You moved to Arizona. Have you had any kind of teaching experience over there or is that at all retirement? Oh. I tutor children. I’m the only person in the area that tutors. And I tutor children every day. Do you find it any different than it would be here? Or do you find that they’re not as well educated? Or? It’s entirely different. Because those children live in a small town. And I find that their vocabulary is lacking. That they would not be like children on an Air Force Base that had been everywhere and could talk to you about everything. Even though, the parents take trips and go to Phoenix and still I find that the children,their vocabulary is not equivalent to the vocabulary of children here. Mm. Did you find that the kids on the Air Force Base when you taught them, did they want to go into higher education, or did they just pretty much go to high school and then get a job? UNLV University Libraries Lomie Heard 24 Oh. Their parents felt that they needed an education. Whether they all went on to get an education or not. But I—always the father said, I know, I know we have to have an education if we’re going to get anywhere in this world. Was it stressed that you should go to college? Yes. Even when he first came here? That was very important? On the Air Base, yes. Uh-huh. Did—? They just didn’t talk of anything else. It was just a natural thing that they would go to college. Did you find the kids more advanced because they might’ve travelled a lot being in Air Force families or did you find that they were that much better off or better equipped to be taught when—? They were, especially in social studies. Those children always excelled. What—when you retired what was the last grade that you taught, right before you retired? I was teaching the first grade. Uh-huh. The last— And then, you went to substitute teaching and then retired? No. I retired before I substituted. I see. And now you’re tutoring. I see. What kind of work did you do before you came here? Just before I came, I had spent two years in the United States Indian Service, which is under civil service. One year in Arizona and one year in New Mexico. And who—you were teaching Indians, then? UNLV University Libraries Lomie Heard 25 Yes. Uh-huh. All—all Navajo Indian children. Now what influenced you into coming to Las Vegas—from doing that? Well, I really didn’t care for being under civil service. Uh-huh. I didn’t like to work under civil service. So you—? And I decided that during the war was a good time to make a change and that’s when I applied to Las Vegas school system. Did the war have a big effect on Las Vegas, with the Air Force Base there and the Test Site and all? Did—did Las Vegas see a lot of growth because of the war? Yes. I think so. And then, there were all—there was the big Basic Magnesium place, which we call Henderson now, which brought in a lot of people. What did they do there? They worked in this big magnesium plant. Uh-huh. Are there any schools that were here that are closed now or that aren’t in service since when you first came here? Oh yes. As the town grew, the population moved out of the Downtown areas, as they have in all cities. And the two schools in North Las Vegas, North Las Vegas Number One and Two, which were later named Washington, Jefferson, were closed and the buildings were used for other facilities of the school. North Ninth has been closed, with their all—school offices there. Mayfair UNLV University Libraries Lomie Heard 26 School is closed, where there are all school offices. And I think the old Fifth Street School is completely closed and that’s county offices. What—how many people did you teach like—compare when you first came here to when you left? I mean, how much of a difference was that? There were only four grades at that North Las Vegas School when I was there—when I first came here. And there was not a single house, residence between there and Nellis Air Force Base. That was all desert. And then, when you left, what was it like? Well, that’s complete—there is complete homes, with school after school out in that area. Uh-huh. How many pupils did you have in a classroom? Oh. We have tried to keep the classroom small in Nevada. And I don’t think—thirty, around thirty, I think. I just don’t know the last