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N E L S O N C O N W A Y . C-P A. KE R M I T MOE. C.P.A. C L A R E N C E T. H IB B S C.P.A r Y O R K F U N S T O N c . P A. C o n w a y , M o e , H i b b s a F u n s t o n C E R T IF IE D P U B L IC A C C O U N T A N T S 4 4 0 W E S T HOOVER* STRE ET L A S VEG A S. N E V A D A T E L E P H O N E 7 0 2 0 MEMBERS A M E R IC AN INS T IT UT E OF A C C O U N T A N T S Mr. Franklin T. Hamilton O'Melvany & Myers Attorneys at Law 433 South Spring Street Los Angeles, California Dear Sir: Upon receipt of your letter of May 24, 1954, we reviewed the status of the special rates being charged for air-conditioning and similar equipment, and have discussed the entire matter with the Directors of the Las Vegas Valley Water District. It appears that the Nevada Public Service Commission has approved these rate additions, and that the 1953 accounts now have all been paid, however, due to the controversial nature of such charges; the difficulty as to collections experienced in the past; and particularly in view of the present terms of the contract expressed in the last sentence of section 9(e) as to the assumption of any liabilities, it is our recommendation that the District not accept these accounts as an ^addition to the purchase price. The Board-~ha's' ex— pTes-g-bd 1 its verbaT"concur:rence in our''*views0 As an alternative, it is recommended that the District accept an assignment of these charges for purposes of collection only, said collections to be reported to and transmitted to the sellers every thirty days until liquidated. V ,burs very truly CONwAY, MOE, HIbbS & FUNSTON cc: Mr.’ Thomas A. Campbell President, Las Vegas Valley Water District NC/t