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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, February 17, 1954 to September 21, 1955, lvc000009-394


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    SKATING RINK STANDARD STATION STANDARD STATION STANDARD STATION STANDARD STATION STANDARD STATION STANDARD STATION HUNTRIDGE DRUG STORE LA PLAYA SEA FOOD GROTTO STATE BUILDING TINA'S CAFE LITTLE CASINO ALPINE VILLAGE A. B. C. GARAGE BLUEBIRD CAFE BUSY BEE CAFE CENTRAL FIRE STATION CIRCUS ROOM CLARK DAIRY DON & BOB'S DOWNTOWN CIVIC & SOCIAL CLUB EL PATIO HOTEL FLEETLINES INC. FRANKLIN MOTEL GALENS LIQUOR STORE IDLE HOUR POOL HALL HUNTRIDGE LIQUOR JONES BOYS SERVICE JONES BROS. KELLY'S SHELL SERVICE LINCOLN MERCURY LUCKY MOTEL LUCKY STRIKE CLUB MAC DONALD HOTEL MAIN STREET LAUNDROMAT MUSICIAN'S UNION HALL NINTH STREET SUPER SERVICE PHIL'S LIQUOR STORE SEVEN-UP BOTTLING CO. SILVER STATE SERVICE SKILLET CAFE SOUTHERN NEVADA DISPOSAL SERVICE SOUTHERN NEVADA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL TASTY PASTRY TELL 'N TOTE UNION HOTEL U. S. O. AUSTIN DRUG STEWART'S MARKET FOODLAND WHITE CROSS DRUG #2 WHITE CROSS DRUG CO. #1 CLIFF'S 5TH STREET MARKET K & K STORE DOLLAR MARKET SAL SAGEV GIFT SHOP GEORGE'S RICHFIELD SERVICE Sutton Vending " " " !T " " " " " " " Vegas Vendors " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " K. S. Austin S. Grant Stewart Vegas Food Co. Aurelia Scheer Aulelia Scheer G. C. Luzier Elise K. Kell Milton Mason Leah G. Ludwig George Tuggle Helldorado Village 1650 North Main 201 North Main 431 E. Fremont 301 South 5th 14th & Fremont 1201 E. Charleston 1310 E. Charleston 227 North 5th East Bonanza 1312 D North F 110 North 1st 903 North 5th 721 South Main 211 North 3rd 105 North 1st 320 North 2nd 523 Fremont 1000 North Main 900 South 5th 126½ North 1st 115 North 2nd 1500 South A 1028 Fremont 1216 South Main 19 Ogden 1320 E. Charleston 815 North Main 2240 Fremont 125 South 5th 2000 South 5th 1111 Fremont 117 Fremont 208 North 5th 1201 South Main 1611 Fremont 9th & Fremont 521 Carson 307 W. Charleston 1426 South 5th 1519 South Main 1215 North A 1800 W. Charleston 2226 E. Charleston 1002 South 4th 227 South Main 213 North 3rd 821 South 5th 2021 Stewart 1500 Fremont 32 Fremont 201 Fremont 729 South 5th 225 North 2nd 433 North Main 3 Fremont 15th & Fremont Motion seconded by Commissioner Jarrett and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Jarrett, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Commissioner Jarrett moved that R. E. Thornton, amputee, be granted permission to peddle pencils on the streets for ninety days. Motion seconded by Commissioner Sharp and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Jarrett, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Commissioner Whipple moved that the following applications for renewal of taxi licenses be approved: BLUE CAB COMPANY BOULDER CAB CO. CHECKER CAB CO. NORTH LAS VEGAS TAXI UNION CAB CO. WESTERN CAB CO. TANNER MOTOR TOURS LUCKY CAB CO. GREYLINE CAB CO. YELLOW CAB CO. 631½ South 5th 722 North Main 2050 E. Charleston North Las Vegas 631 South 5th 109 W. Adams 200 North 2nd 200 North 2nd 200 North 2nd 115 South Main 10 taxis 6 taxis 2 taxis 2 taxis 5 taxis 3 taxis 5 limousines 16 U-Drives 11 Busses 32 taxis 1 taxi 19 taxis Motion seconded by Commissioner Bunker and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Jarrett, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. 1-19-55 SOLICITOR PERMIT R. E. Thornton