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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 reading, yen are reeding pressure, end certainly through a V-l/2 inch outlet with a pressure of ten pounds, yen'll get a flee, and If yen increase it to 15 pounds, yen'll get mere flow* Q* it the tine yen aade that test, yen had no way of knowing the draft on the entire system. A. Absolutely none. Q. four testimony is based entirely upon what yon found at that one location. A. Wot at one. Wa later checked at Fifth and Fremont, as explained previously, with the required flew of h750 gallons, and we showed 2350 gallons • Q. X appreciate that. A. We made tests pretty well over tom, flow tests. Q. Tour testimony Is based entirely upon all of these tests that yon testified to this morning. A. That's right. Q. At a time when the power was off! A. That's right, but as X brought out this morning, there's always a chance that the local Fewer Company can kill those lines without telling the Water Company about it, and they have dene it. Q. That's a matter that pertains to the operation of the system rather than the adequacy of the water supply, isn't it? A« Very definitely the operation, yes, hut we are concerned with an available supply of water regardless of the weak link in man power or operation or anything else. We are concerned with an available water supply for fighting fires, if we get a major conflagration, which is entirely possible.