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The Bulletin from Temple Beth Sholom, February 2002



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    TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM February 2002 Purim. begins the evevuMj of February 2S INSIDE THIS ISSUE Temple Beth Sholom THE BULLETIN Shevat-Adar 5762 Vol. 2, No. 2 February Events 2 From the President Cantor's Message 3 Under the Dome 4 Education Department Preschool News 5 Women's League Men's Club 6 Membership Corner 7 Donations 8 Advertisements 10 Calendar of Events Schedule of Services 16 Temple Beth Sholom is a Conservative Congregation Affiliated with The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism A Message from the Rabbi Expressing Our Solidarity With Israel The last couple of months have been a trying time in my life. Israel has been very much on my mind lately. Why? Well, because I often think about what the world would look like if Israel didn't exist. A world without Israel would not only mean a darker, less spiritual, less illuminated world; a world without Israel would also signify the triumph of evil over goodness, the triumph of deception over history, but above all the triumph of violence and hate over the human spirit. Israel is and should always remain one of the cornerstones of our moral foundation as Jews and as human be-ings. Israel is much more than a country on a map, a piece of earth between the sea and the desert. Israel is us, Israel is you and me, my children and yours. Israel is our past, present and future. Israel is now, Israel is today! Throughout its history as a State, Israel has seemed fragile to us from a distance many, many times. No matter what our perception might be, Israel has always been strong, and we need it to remain strong. It is not only up to the soldiers who defend our Holy Land to keep it from danger. It is not only up to God to keep Israel and our people safe. It is also up to us! So what can we do? The time has come for us to contribute to Israel in a very different way than we are used to. In the following lines I will not ask you for money, or for thoughts or prayers. I would like to ask you to join me in a mission of solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Israel. Let us show them that we care, that even though geographically we are far apart, we are truly very near to them when they need us the most. I want to make sure that years from now, when my children ask me what did I do for Israel when it needed me the most, I am able to answer that I traveled to Israel bearing a message of solidarity to show that I care?that I placed my feet upon the land, thus showing that actions speak much louder than words! Temple Beth Sholom is organizing a solidarity mission to Israel. Our original date of departure was February 26; for the time being, our mission has been postponed until the situation in Israel stabilizes. This mission is being organized solely by Temple Beth Sholom through the Masorti Travel Bureau. It is open to members of the community at large and will not join up with any other missions. This will be a unique mission. Our purpose is to see Israel from a different perspective; that is, through the eyes of the Masorti/Conservative movement in Israel. Details on cost and itinerary will be avail-able soon. Thank you for understanding our need to postpone the trip; I am sure we will be able to resume our plans in the near future. Sincerely, Rabbi Felipe Goodman February Events Purim to be Celebrated with Fun and Flair at Temple Beth Sholom This year Purim falls on Monday, February 25, and Tuesday, February 26. Temple Beth Sholom will again celebrate this festive holiday with flair and fun for all ages. On Monday night, at 6 p.m., a full, traditional Megil-lah reading will be held in the Chapel. At 6:45 p.m., "The Megillah's Greatest Hits"?a service geared to-wards children and their families?will be held in the Sanctuary. A second traditional Megillah reading will take place on Tuesday morning, at the 7:30 a.m. service. The congregation is also offering a special Mishloach Manot program, in which congregants may send holi-day goodies to other members of the Temple. All members should have received a mailing about the program. These forms are due back at the Temple by February 4. If you did not receive a form and would like to participate in the Mishloach Manot program, please call Mary Ann in the Temple office immediately to join the fun! ?IN Nominations Being Sought for Board of Directors A Nominating Committee has been appointed to nominate candidates for director, to be voted on at the general membership meeting to be held this May. If any member wishes to be considered to be nominated as a director, he or she must notify the Nominating Committee prior to Feb. 22. Members may contact the Nominating Committee by sending a letter or e-mail to the attention of "Chair, Nominating Committee," at the Temple office. To be nominated, a person must have been a mem-ber in good standing since last July, unrelated to any appointed director, and not a member of the board of any other synagogue in Clark County. He or she will also have to give the Nominating Committee a short resume of their qualifications. The Nominating Committee will submit its nominees to the Board in March. Individuals not nominated may seek nomination by petition, provided that their petition is signed by 10 members in good standing and is sub-mitted within two weeks after notification that they were not nominated by the Nominating Committee. Sha'arei Binah Series Concludes with Presentations by Rabbi Mayer Rabinowitz Rabbi Mayer E. Rabinowitz, librarian of the Jewish Theological Seminary and associate professor of Tal-mud, will speak at Beth Sholom on Saturday, February 9, and Sunday, February 10. At 9 a.m. Shabbat morn-ing services he will discuss "The role of Jewish Law in Conservative Judaism," and on Sunday morning, after 9 a.m. minyan and a light breakfast at 9:30, his presen-tation will be on "The Treasures of the JTS Library." Rabbi Rabinowitz is also chairman of the Joint Bet Din of the Conservative movement, dealing with mat-ters of marriage and divorce. He received his B.A., B.H.L. and M.A. from Yeshiva University. He later earned his M.H.L., rabbinic ordina-tion and Ph.D. from JTS. He is the author of several critical editions of medie-val halachic works and the editor-translator of Jewish Law in the State of Israel. His paper, On the Ordination of Women?An Advocate's Halakhic Response, was published in Judaism Magazine, and appears in The Ordination of Women as Rabbis: Studies and Re-sponsa. Other articles have ap-| peared in Conservative Judaism, Reconstructionist Magazine and I Sinai. He has written numerous responsa for the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards and has lectured widely on issues con-cerning Jewish law and the Con-servative movement. The recipi-ent of several awards and grants, including a National Defense For-1 eign Language Fellowship and Memorial Foundation grant, Rabbi Rabinowitz was also a fellow of the Herbert Lahman Institute for Talmudic Ethics. This presentation is part of the TBS Sha'arei Binah Series, made possible by a contribution from Ron and Jackie Turshinsky, in memory of their parents, Samuel and Carlyn Turshinsky, and Abe and Sarah Turchen. Rabbi Rabinowitz 2 Feb. 2002 From t h e President/Cantor's Message From the President Sandy Mallin Build it and they will come... Temple Beth Sholom is an example of how true these words are. We are in our new building less than two years and are pleased and proud to an-nounce that we are expanding the Joseph and Fanny Goldberg School Building. By next fall we will have six additional classrooms and two offices. Three of those classrooms are specially designed to use as a multipurpose room. There is now a new op-portunity for dedicating classrooms in honor of or in memory of a loved one. We will have plans ready for display in the coming month. It is hard to believe that the Board year is winding down; it seems like we just began. We have ap-pointed a nominating committee for the 2002-2003 Board of Directors. This committee will be working hard to ensure the Temple's vision and future. Our executive director search is progressing well. We will bring two qualified candidates to TBS for in-terview weekends in February. Congratulations to Rabbi Goodman on his appoint-ment to the prestigious JTS Chancellor's Rabbinic Cabinet. We are so proud of him and of the honor he brings to our synagogue. I hope you all enjoyed the Jewish Film Festival and that you're planning to attend the upcoming Craig Taubman concert. We are a busy, busy congregation, and I trust you will enjoy these programs as much as I. ? ? ? ? A Message from the Cantor Daniel Friedman When we speak of music and its connection with prayer, one is immediately reminded of the time when the holy Temple in Jerusalem was standing. Accord-ing to the Torah and historians, instead of having set times for prayer, people brought an offering, and mu-sic was played as an important part of the Temple's service. We have direct evidence of this in the psalms of King David. The tribe of Levi was in charge of the music, and when an offering was being served, the Levites would sing and play music. There are many reasons for playing music in the Temple but, in particular, three reasons come to mind. The most rational that comes to mind is that just as music is played in the courtyard of a king?in order to enhance the ambiance and splendor of the court?so should music be played in the courtyard of the King of Kings, Melech HaOlam. We can find support for this in Rambam's book, The Guide to the Perplexed. Rambam writes that, in God's Temple, music was played to add to the gran-deur of the experience. On the spiritual level, music has the ability to awaken us and soften our hearts so we can do Teshuvah, to return to the Temple. This idea was offered by Rabbi Shem Tov Ben Yoseph Ibn Falaquera in his writing, Safer Hamavakesh, and by Rabbi Moshe Yichiel Elimelech of Levertov in his writ- Feb. 2002 ing, Safer Shemirat Hada'at. On a mystical level, it is common knowledge that music and song can serve as a conduit for elevation of our spirit. All of us can recall a time when we have not felt particularly happy and we put on some music to help soothe our souls. According to the Chinuch, in biblical times, music was played to assist the Kohein in his intention. Music and song had to ac-company the offering in order for there to be an ele-vation from the physical (the sacrifice) to the spiritual (God) level. Since the destruction of the "Great Temple," we have the development of the "small temples" or syna-gogues. The local temple or synagogue became a place to congregate and make spiritual connections (offerings) to God. Instead of physical offerings, we pray, and to assist prayer (offerings), as in old times, we use music and song. Song and music has the capacity to clear the mind, and empty it of extraneous thoughts during prayer. This is what we are in search of, a spiritual connec-tion to God through the elevation of our collective spirits. This is what I hope to achieve as we explore more traditional ways of reaching out to you through music and song in our prayer services. I look forward to seeing you at Temple. ? ? i i > 3 Under The Dome A Group of Friends?Extend your Temple family-make new friends?join a Chavurah group! For those who have reached the age of 55, we have singles' and couples' groups; each group plans their own activi-ties? movies, plays, dinners, trips and social action work within the Jewish community. A new group is forming for singles between the ages of 21 and 35. I f you want to make new friends and expand your so-cial life, join our Chavurah. For information about Temple Beth Sholom Chavurot, contact Lou Bouchet at 255-4150. Women's League Schedule?Wednesday, Feb. 20, 11:30 a.m.-l:30 p.m.: Women's League Purim Meeting titled "Ha-Ha Hamantaschen," a presentation on the travel of the Hamantasch throughout Jewish history as it goes from one community to another. Light lunch will be served. Mark your calendars: April 21, 9:30 a.m.-l:30 p.m.: "Judaism, Modernism and Femi-nism," a five-part seminar for Women only. A Few Tickets Remain?Craig 'N Co., featuring award-winning entertainer Craig Taubman, will per-form at TBS on Sunday, February 10, at 3 p.m.. The event is being cosponsored by TBS, Congregation Ner Tamid and the JCC of Southern Nevada. The family concert will feature music from Taubman's popular disk Friday Night Live and his many award-winning children's albums. Taubman's music has become stan-dard at Jewish camps, synagogue services and Jewish schools. He also enjoys a career in television and film composing. Tickets are currently available through the Temple office. Junior Congregation Forming?We will hold Junior Congregation once a month for children in grades 4-6, from 9:45 to 11:30 a.m., in the Steinberg Chapel. All children in those age groups are welcome to attend. The educational service will be based on creative prayer exercises, discussion of the Torah reading, explanation of rituals and much more. While children attend Junior Congregation, parents are invited to pray with the congregation in the Main Sanctuary. The f i r s t session will be held on February 23. Kol HaShabbat Services?After the success of our f i r s t musical Shabbat last month, we proudly an-nounce a second one to be held on Saturday, February 16. Please be there at 9 a.m. Remember that many of the wonderful melodies and nigunim we are using are sung at the beginning of the service. Men's Club Raffle?The Federation of Men's Clubs Western Region is holding its annual raffle. To pur-chase tickets, contact any Men's Club member. For those selling tickets, filled out stubs and donations must be returned to the Temple office or turned over to a Men's Club officer by March 1. Congratulations?Rabbi Goodman was appointed by Dr. Ismar Shorsch (chancellor of The Jewish Theo-logical Seminary of America) to his Rabbinic Cabinet. The Chancellor's Rabbinic Cabinet at JTS is made up of 40 of the most important and visionary rabbis in the Conservative Movement. Rabbi Goodman is one of the youngest rabbis ever to be appointed for this very special honor. B "Under the Dome" is an ongoing column of general information. Read "Under the Dome" to find out the latest tidbits about people and events at Temple Beth Sholom. Feb. 2002 Education Department/Preschool News Religious School News?Tu B'Shevat Program a Success; Kadima Chapter Forms On Sunday, January 27, the Religious School students and their families celebrated Tu B'Shevat. We had a wonderful speaker from Jew-ish National Fund who taught us about the water situation in Israel and showed us a movie of Tu B'Shevat and tree-planting in Israel. Our students sang Tu B'Shevat songs, to the delight of their parents, and we all planted trees and bushes around the Temple. This year, the trees were dedicated to the children of our Religious School families, and another tree was planted in their honor in Israel. Each family was presented with a certificate from the Jewish National Fund. We would like to thank Rabbi Goodman, our Religious School and the Chevra Kadisha for funding the trees in Israel. Another event we held on that same Sunday was the kickoff to our Kadima Youth Movement. Nineteen children ages 9-12 years old ate pizza, played games and had tons of fun. The children also decided on the activities they would like to hold for their next gatherings. We want to wish them the best for participating and being the future building blocks of our congregation. News from the Sandra & Stanley Mallin Early Childhood Center What an enjoyable January here at the Pre-school. We all had a relaxing Winter Break and are happy to be back. We celebrated Tu B'Shevat with a wonderful seder; thank you again to Rabbi Goodman and Cantor Friedman for all of their help. Registration for the 2002-2003 school year will begin on February 4 for those who are currently enrolled in the preschool. Those who are new to the school will be able to register beginning on the 19th of the month. If you are interested in touring the preschool or being put on the mailing list for information regarding our fall session, please con-tact us soon. On March 1, registration begins for our Summer camp. The first day of Summer Camp will be June 24. Our annual Passover Seder is scheduled for March. This promises to be another fun-filled ad-venture. April 14th is our third annual Children's Fashion Show Fundraiser. It benefits both the Relgious School and Preschool children. Our theme this year is "Red, White and Blue in 2002," featuring a spectacular fashion show, great food, photo ops and lots of raffles and silent auction items. If you would like to participate in this event, or would like more information, please call the preschool office at 804-1333, ext. 201. Dorothy Rice Books Available The Temple has a limited number of copies of Dorothy Rice's book, Las Ve-gas with Love, available for purchase in the office. Last fall, Rice spoke at Beth Sholom and displayed samples of her artwork. The book is a collection featuring more than 250 of Rice's watercolor ren-derings of the city's hotels, casinos, and movers and shakers?including por-traits of several members of our congregation. All paintings in the book are in lush, vibrant color?a perfect addition to your bookshelf or coffee table. Rice captures the essence of our glittering city with her signature style. While supplies last, the Temple is offering the book at a cost of $50?nearly half off the cover price of $80. To purchase a copy, stop in the Temple office, or phone 804-1333. B Feb. 2002 Women's League/Men's Club The Women's League of Temple Beth Sholom Blanche Meisel There is a new book out by Rabbi Michael Greenbaum, a vice chancellor of the Jewish Theologi-cal Seminary, entitled Louis Finkelstein: The Conser-vative Movement. The subtitle is Conflict and Growth. It was the subtitle that really caught my attention. First thought to my mind was: Beth Sholom, Las Vegas, what else? Second thought: Probably every congrega-tion in the world. Third thought: Many conflict and do not grow. End of thoughts. At Temple Beth Sholom, Las Vegas, we use our adversity to foster our growth. How lucky we are! Our congregation, like most, has many "arms" that function toward the good of the whole. Like the various arms of the Conservative Movement?the Rabbinical Assembly, the United Synagogue, the Women's League for Conservative Judaism and the Federation of Men's Clubs?each "arm" may work differently and convey different philosophical approaches. However, all the diverse parts then blend together to make a stronger, broader-based Conservative Movement. I believe that, like the Conservative Movement, our con-gregation is growing in depth, and we can credit our diverse "arms" for helping to make that happen. The Women's League has increased its member-ship 75 percent over the last few years, and our activi-ties and programs have grown in numbers and deep-ened in content. Our goal is to generate a knowledge-able and vibrant Jewish lifestyle for our members and to service and support our Temple and its programs. We are beginning to reach out to the Las Vegas Jew-ish community and to all Israel. So what if we don't all think alike? We use those threads of varied viewpoints to create an organization that is growing and achiev-ing. Of course, we are proud. We hope you are too. 1 1 Men's Club Irwin Goldberg and Jerry Katz On January 16, Beth Sholom Men's Club elections were held, and we were honored to be elected co-presidents. We believe that with our combined strengths, we can offer programming ideas that will benefit the entire membership. The following are just a few of our goals: ? Provide a full spectrum and variety of Men's Club activities for members of all ages and interests; ? Encourage participation and involvement in what our organization does; % Support the ideals and programs of our dynamic congregation; \ Expand the scope of the Men's Club to meet family and community needs; ? Increase the interest in joining Men's Club through active programming. As co-presidents we will together begin the process to develop our organization to a level that we can all be proud of and one that encourages men of all ages to participate. Male issues in family and religious matters do not just begin once you become age 55 or when you retire and are trying to find something to do with your time. Important issues in life begin the day you become a man, and our Men's Club wants to support you in those things that are meaningful to all of us. You need to let our officers and committee chairs know what you want and what kind of programming Men's Club needs to consider to gain your interest. Our other newly elected officers are: Vice President Roger Meyers, Secretary Irv Herman, Treasurer Dr. Gary Markewich. Committee chairs are: Ritual, Murray Leitner; Major Fund Raising, Irwing Goldberg; Parlia-mentarian and By-Laws, Bob Dubin; Yom HaShoah Program, Dr. Michael Breyer; Caring, Stan Garber; Synagogue Support, David Carroll; Ushering, Larry Brown; Chevra Kadisha, Irwin Goldberg; Publicity, Marc Frye. We are seeking volunteers to chair the fol-lowing committees: Athletics, Educational/Social, Ways & Means, Membership, Community Relations. General membership meetings are held the third Wednesday of every month. You're encouraged to at-tend as a guest and try us out before you decide to join and pay your $36 annual membership dues. Meeting times are published in the weekly Temple handout, in the monthly Bulletin and by postcard to active mem-bers. Please tell your son/s, father, grandfather/s, uncle/s, cousin/s and friends who are Temple Beth Sholom members about Men's Club and encourage them to join us in meeting the needs and objectives of our con-gregation. Men interested in joining the Men's Club or those in-terested in taking on a leadership role are encouraged to contact either of us for more information. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to help lead our Men's Club to new heights. 6 Feb. 2002 Membership Corner Membership Corner Watch for new and exciting programs from the membership committee. We have inno-vative ideas that we believe will be a lot of fun and a great way to meet new members and old ones. Keep your eye on the Mem-bership Corner to find out about upcoming events and where your membership can take you. Coming soon is a fun membership pro-gram based on a dozen Biblical offspring and a popular television series. More details next month! In the meantime, we will introduce you to two new features in the Bulletin?a new member profile and list of new Temple mem-bers. Barbara Lukasiewicz, Suriva Fischer, Membership Co-Chairs TBS Preschool "Lion" Alex Norwood NEW MEMBER PROFILE The Bromley-Norwood Family Fran Brom-ley- Norwood and her son, Alex Nor-wood, be-came mem-bers of TBS five months ago when they relo-cated from Long Island, N.Y. Fran is married to Ian Norwood. Alex is a full-time "Lion" in the preschool and can often be found on the bimah with Cantor Friedman on Shabbat. Fran and Ian have made several new friends while becoming involved in many committees and activities within the preschool and Temple. As new members, the Norwoods look forward to meeting lots of new peo-ple and creating lasting friendships. Join us in welcoming these new members... (New memberships from 9/1/01 to 1/25/02) Sheila & James Abrahamsson Aisha Bahar Teri & David Bereskin Dolores & Gerald Cherson Gerri Clifton Staci Columbo Elizabeth & Jeffrey Cowan Marci Dvorak Miles Fine Deborah & Richie Gelman Diane & Stanley Goldfarb Roslyn & Tobiah Goldman Laura & Bruce Green Joanna & Victor Grigoriev Carol & Harold Herzlich Joel Hoffman & Ruth Miller Ronny Hoffman & Catherine Forster Jacqueline & Sheldon Horwich Sharon & Alan Kanter Sidney Kaplan llene & Phillip Kohen Larry Kohen Gary Kott Patricia Kowalski Diane & Frederic Magid Steven Mandel & Svetlana McGarry Hope Makransky Deborah & John Miner Barbara Molasky Ian Norwood & Francine Bromley-Norwood Polina & Steven Olshansky Rebecca Phillips Janice & Clifford Plotkin Eleanor & Leonard Rosenstein Naomi & Brett Sauerland Allyce & Stanley Schwartzbart liana & David Shapiro Ruth & William Smith Robert Starr Jann & James Trueworthy Debbie & Mitchell Warner Connie & Mark Wayne Nicole & Alan Weissman Clinton West & Leah Canon-West Steven Wolfson & Jacalyn Glass Po Vjou IcnffW 5OYMfint wkv faijht W inttrtite^ in joining tke Te-tnjtlt ~B>ctk Sfurbtnffrtniltj? Titbit lit the Tttnjtle. office 1vwW it> Wt Cfi-n 5cm( tkcfn. inpmnfrtim- fib out the. Ttfnjflc fi,nt( fi.ll the. Wtm^trj-n I j>rpjrfi,fv.s Wt offer. B Feb. 2002 Tributes...Donations f r om our Hearts BUILDING FUND Refuah Shleimah to: Lillian Kronberg Lil & Kenny Glicken EDUCATION FUND In honor of: Birth of Mr. & Mrs. Ed Seltzer's grand-son, Jacob Tyler Nina & Les Boshes In memory of: Alberto Polikar Louise & Jerry Appenzeller Nina & Les Boshes Barbara, Howard & Jay Kenig Barbara & Jeffrey Richardson Marcy & Steve Saxe and Family Dr. Joan Silverstein and Family Jackie & Ron Turshinsky GENERAL FUND In honor of: Gloria's Birthday Gloria's and Irv's Aliyot Gloria & Irv Bransky Zadick's Aliyah Sally & Zadick Eshkenazi Gilbert Yarchever's Bar Mitzvah Dorothy Nathan Robert Scully's new business venture Mr. & Mrs. Michael Malin's new home Ellen Scully In appreciation of: TBS Services Morris Berman General Donation: Leslie Blint Carol & Jeff Zucker Refuah Shleimah to: Fred Glick Jackie & Ron Turshinsky Carol Lubritz Joel & Esther Saltzman Mona Silverman Marcy & Jack Simon PRAYERBOOK FUND In Honor of: Harold Gastwith's 90th Birthday PRESCHOOL FUND Kimberly & Andrew Cohen RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND In memory of: David Erlich Gladyce & Martin Erlich Sheldon Raphael Rose Raphael In honor of: David Loban's 75th Birthday & Aliyah Eleanor Wilchens Dylan Joshua Speidel's bris Bob Dubin & Shelley Weinberg YAHRZEIT/MEMORIAL FUND Fannie Berger Natalie & Arthur Berger Herman Berns Celia Rubin Rivaka Blatt, Meyer Block, Rae Chaplin Shirley & Sidney Chaplin John Celata Lilyan K. Celata Marion Devore Lee & Ed Devore Irv Finkelstein Mildred Lassoff Arthur Fox Brooke & Jeffrey Eiseman Rose Frank Milton Frank Jack I. Friedman Sally Rita Venger Scott Ganon Nina & Les Boshes Elmer P. Gentry Viola L. Goldstein Sylvia Gersten Gerry Fischer Fannie Gertz Morris Gertz Esther Molly Gewercer, mother Sam Gewercer Abraham Goldberg Edye & Irwin Goldberg Hermenia Gottlieb Sheldon Gottlieb Elias R. Grey, Gilbert Miles Grey Dorothea & Ronald Grey James Vincent Grippo Roslyn Smolen Frances Harvey Marlene & Maury Jones Nicolette A. Horky Marcy J. Horky Benjamin Horowitz Bess Sala Jean Tauber Kamen Barbara, Howard & Jay Kenig Harry Kirk, Herbert Kirk Sam Kirk and Family Harry Kolber Ethel Byowitz Elaine Kretchmer Roberta & Larry Brown and Evan & Brandon May Kulwin Albert A. Kulwin Shike Levine, Frances Jones Harvey, Dr. Joseph Jones, Benjamin Jones Esther Jones Frankenstein Dr. Ronald Lieberfarb Sally & Zadick Eskenazi Dennis Mack Judy & Ronald Mack Bess Mallin Stanley Mallin Giovanni Manca R.G. Manca Mary Meisner Karen Reisman V. Miller Anita Moll Max Milstein Eileen & George Brookman Lee Sol Mintz Dr. & Mrs. Alan Mintz Harry Moll Anita Moll Ida Ostrov Lauren Frumes Our Parents Ella & Ludwig Bauer 8 Feb. 2002 Tributes?Donations from our Hearts/Taubman Concert/Z'hava Group YAHRZEIT DONATIONS, CONT'D Ellen Peskin Ethel Byowitz Minnie Radbel Eve & Sidney Marco Anne & Nathan Robinson Marcy Samoiloff Alexander Salton Adele Baratz & Charles Salton Jacob Schmier Paul Schmier Jennie Schulman Debbie Lederer Max Schwartzer Sylvia & Howard Schwartzer Leonard Shafer Evelyn Shafer ^ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ATTENTION WOMEN'S LEAGUE MEMBERS Are you looking to make new friends with interests like yours? A group of Women's League members who prefer evening meetings have formed a group called Z t o Upcoming events: Feb. 21: Learn how to make delicious hamantaschen with a twist?don't miss it. To be held at the home of liana Shapiro. March 21: Have fun with new recipes for Passover desserts. Also to be held at liana Shapiro's house. April 28: Join us at Suriva Fischer's house for the movie Keeping the Faith, followed by a discussion. May 23: Start your reading now and get ready to reivew the Faye Kellerman book, Ritual Bath. This murder mystery is set at a mikveh; we will learn more about the mikveh after our dicussion. The book will be available for purchase at our Judaica shop. June 20: Who has your secret sister been? All will be revealed at the Temple on this date. To attend these events, contact any of the following: liana Shapiro?655-6241 Suriva Fischer?656-5451 Audrey Merkin?341-8623 or Sheryl Honig?255-1801 or Esther Rachel Shaikin, Julius Shaikin Elliot Shaikin Edward I. Shapiro, Barry Taper Dorothy Nathan Max Showel Sam Showel Dora Singer Ellen Singer Jose Sol Adela & David Staretz Barney Sotnick Carol Sotnick Roxanne Victorson, Edward Victorson Fred Victorson Philip Zelkowitz Barbara & Jeff Richardson 5n ttiA co*vtimut?j. out Iviea, vie Jcnovl {Jvete. i& a time pyi aCe/uj/tKuuj.: a time, ta ceidbiate the mileaZanea., Jo maw&el tfie arul mowvn. ilk depa/tatiana.. TD?. t&anic. you jo* a c ^ a o W ^ i ^ i f v g . tfve&e t i m e A tlvuxujii yowi canVuimtionA. to Sample. Jun3&. Bringing to Ufa t(ko Joy and Spirit of Judaism Jewish music superstar Craig Taubman and his five-piece band will perform a family concert of award-winning Jewish music for all ages, on Sunday, February 10, at 3 p.m., *at* T*e*mp*le* B* e*th* S*h*olo*m*, *10* 7*00* *Ha*ve*n*wo*od* Ln*.* Some tickets remain for this outstanding eventl General Admission: $25 adults/$15 children; Reserved Seating: $36 adults/$18 children; Preferred Seating: $50 adults & children. Call 804-1333, ext. 133, to purchase. Thii event is being sponsored by Tempi* Beth Sholom Congregation Ner Tamid The Jewish Community Center of Southern Nevada B Feb. 2002 Advertisements I I I I Looking to buy or sell I i f real estate in Nevada? Let a Temple Beth Sholom member assist youl Louis Levin REALTOR, Executive Sales Associate Century 21 Distinctive 3481 E. Sunset Rd, /100 Las Vegas, NV 89120 Business (702) 736-4400 Cell (702) 217-7709 Toll Free 1-800-739-7770 Buying or selling. I will contribute a por-tion of my commission to Temple Beth Sholom upon successful close of escrow. I I I I I I m m m m m m ?I / * Poetry <By Ifie (Pro's Candlelightings ? Toasts Poems for all occasions Sharon Burstoin 702-243-2357 ATTENTION ALL Party Planners...Retail Store Owners...Realtors Home Maintenance & Repair Companies...Attorneys Financial Planners...Physicians...Travel Agents...and More A business card ad in the TBS Bulletin is a great value! For under $10 per month, your ad could reach over 600 temple families. Call 804-1333 for more information. PAID FOR BY QUI5E.NBERRY FOR COMMISSION UISENBERRY MEMBER OF T E M P L E BETH SHOLOM b e t t e r c h o i c e f o r ( _ J a r k ( b o u n t y . COUNTY C O M M I S S I ON D i s t r i c t F P.O. Box 26666 Las Vegas, NV 89126-6666 Phone: 702-242-5707 ? Fax: 702-341-5418 email: Feb. Advertisements Gerald L. Gersten 702-562-1100 First Vice President - Investments 800-966-3146 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY A member of citigroufST SALOMON SMITH BARNEY INC. 1645 Village Center, Circle #80 Las Vegas. NV 89134 FAX 702-562-1111 Member of Temple Beth Sholom Ulrn only the bet do... 10*-. OF? INVITATIONS INVITATIONS Bridal Accessories and Calligraphy by Scriptations Bar. Inviuuons ? Skull Caps ? Favors Balloon Dccor ? Theme Panics Vlea.Mr call for ar. appoimrr.em with Karcr. <chorc 702.257.7-400 2600 Test Sahara. SIB. 103 ? .Mcr^-Ffi U-6, Su. 11-5.- Sunday by .vppccumcni Feb. 2002 11 Allen Zatkoff Custom Painting & Wallpaper