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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Kal l a s V egas - J u ly 1 2 th , 1 9 5 4 . V 2 3 -3 -5 Mr. A* B* Qahlan, E ditor, la s Yegae Evening Beviet^Joum al, la s Ye gas. Ilevada. Bear A l: I ara. enclosing herewith copy of le tte r sent to tie Mayor and Qlty Commissioners this date, with reference to the excessive wastage o f water, which has been so noticeable of la te . fhe le tte r is s e lf explanatory and forecasts a very unpleasant condition which is certa in ly'goin g to overtake us i f the present wasteful practice is continued* liters would be no cause for alarm i f the wasters would give even one h a lf the cooperation that is extended by thoughtful residents of the town, for the flow from the spring and w ells is as steady as it ever was. But there is a lim it to everything, even to the amount of water that can be secured from the earth, and judging from the lack 0 “ water over the spillway and the rate at which toe le v e l is dropping in the reservoir, we are now taxing that lim it Anything you can do to a ssis t in placing the seriousness of th is situation before the public w ill be deeply appreciated by me, as w ell as being a benefit to the c i t y i f we can avert th is shortage. Bincorely yours. ' b S a c z I S " Ylc e-President.