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May 16, 1924. Mr, F. H .; Knickerbocker, - Gen’ l . M gr., Los Angeles & S a lt Lake R ailro ad Co,, Los Angeles, C a lifo r n ia . Dear S i r : * Acknowledging re c e ip t o f your l e t t e r o f the 15th, in re feren ce to fu rn itu re and fix t u r e s n ecessary f o r the contemplated ad d itio n to the rooming house. I quote below my message to you o f th is morning: "Your w ire K-14. P le a se hold form 30 f o r a few days * Have not received the f lo o r or room plans from the engineering o f f i c e . As soon as can w i l l send you a very clo se estim ate f o r fu rn itu re and f ix t u r e s " . I t w i l l be im possible f o r me to name the q u a n titie s o f fu rn itu re n ecessary u n t il I know from the plans the number o f rooms, e tc ., to be fu rn ish ed . I would be very glad , indeed, to have the purchasing department o f the riailroad company handle th is matter, i f same could be done at a ctu al cost, but in the past few years we have been purchasing a l l o f our m a te ria l d ire c t, thereby saving the ten percent su p ervision which is attached to the o r ig in a l cost, should i t be handled through the purchasing department. I w i l l make an e f f o r t to be in Los Angeles one day the fo re p art o f the week, and look up p ric e s p e rso n a lly on the needed fu rn itu re and fix t u r e s , and advise you at that time. Yours very tru ly , V ic e -P re sid e n t & Agent