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    129 M IN U T E S O F A REGULAR M E E T IN G O F THE BOARD O F DIRECTORS O F LAS V E G A S V A L L E Y WATER DISTRICT, HELD AT THE O FFIC E O F THE DISTRICT, 135 SO U TH 4TH STREET, C IT Y O F LAS V E G A S , C O U N T Y O F C LA R K , STATE O F N E V A D A The Board of Directors <f Las Vegas V alle y Water District met in a regular meeting at the office of the District, 135 South 4th Street, Las Vegas, Nevada, at 4:00 o'clock P . M . , Friday, August 10, 1951. The following Directors were present: President Campbell V ice President Butterfield Secy-Treas. Coulthard Bunch Cash man M iller Absent: Underhill, out of town. Also present was Howard F. Clark, Chief Engineer and Manager. M ayor Baker, Commissioner Peccole and Commissioner Jarrett had been invited to be present from the C ity officials, but Mayor Baker alone was pesent. Commissioner W. T. Stanley, of the C ity of North Las Vegas, was also present. The agenda for the meeting was set aside temporarily in order to permit Mayor Baker to present a matter concerning the lands of the Las Vegas Land and Water Company that he anticipated the Directors would take when purchasing the utility property. Mayor Baker stated that he hoped all the lands owned by the Land and Water Company, and presumably connected with the development of water as well as enjoying water rights under the utility system, might be possessed so that the City Commissioners would, at a later date, be enabled to plqn for co-operation with ,the C ity of North Las Vegas in a sewerage problem which would involve some of the lands, as well as for probable new school sites, etc. Should the Water District possess these lands. M ayor Baker felt sure that certain transfers and easements to the C ity could be effected without delays. President Campbell explained to the M ayor that the District contemplated acquiring only a portion of the lands held by the water utility, and instructed the District's Engineer to confer with the M ayor and explain from the map offered as an exhibit in the water rate case recently heard, just which lands were considered water bearing and therefore part and parcel of the utility system. M ayor Baker then mentioned a water ditch which, years ago, carried surplus well water across town and to the so-called "Ranch" owned by the utility. It appeared that difficul­ties arise when the C ity desires to extend streets across said ditch, and the M ayor suggested that any "rights" which this ditch gave the utility should be acquired by the Water District. The minutes of the last meeting, having been circulated in writing to all the Directors, were adopted on motion of Director M iller, seconded by V ice President Butterfield, and unani­mously passed. President Campbell then briefed those present with a resume of the developments with the latest amendments to the Agreement for the delivery of water and the conveyance of certain easements. A draft of the latest agreed upon text had been received in Las Vegas on August 8. At a joint conference in Carson C ity between Commissioner Frank Strong^ John MyeLlet - and A la n Bible several new features had been introducedwhich have only approval in principle as yet from the bond attorneys of the District, according to the reproduction of a recorded long distance conversation played back for the benefit of the Directors present. M r. Hamilton considered that additional burdens had been placed upon the District, and therefore, as bond counsel, he advised a delay in approval until the changes were better understood by the Directors. August 10, 1951 V