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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Linden Equipment Corporation Exclusive Importer of MOTOCART for North and South America 1119 SOUTH ROBERTSON BOULEVARD LOS ANGELES 35, CALIFORNIA Cable Address: LINDEQU1P CRestvIew 4*6237 November 10, 1958 Mr. Al. Freeman Freeman Company The Sands Hotel Las Vegas, Nevada Dear |gfej Freeman: ThaM^B for your letter of November 7 and it appears as though no one itmlsnds to honor the prize that ray wife won approximately three years ago. As you know by ray original letter of October 31, we certainly would have taken advantage of this offer before now but, I believe you can well understand that sometimes business just does not permit a person to leave. I would very ranch appreciate it if perhaps you would personally talk to the Manager of the Dunes as I think it would carry more weight due to the fact that you originally set up the prize with the Dunes. As you also know by my letter of October 31, we did contact the Dunes through'their local reservation office in Beverly Hills and through that office sent them a photostatic copy of your letter to ny wife. They replied that the Manager of the Dunes said that the Sands no longer own the Dunes and therefore, the Sands should take care of it. This, in ray estimation, is ^passing the buck1* and if there is anything that you personally can do about it, it would be extremely appreciated by ray wife and me. Kindest regards, Very truly yours HEHLtsf